Pollution: Air Pollution Water Pollution Land Pollution Noise Pollution

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Air Pollution

Water Pollution

Land Pollution

Noise Pollution
Air Pollution
-Air pollution is a mixture of solid
particles and gases in the air.

- Car emissions, chemicals from

factories, dust, pollen and mold spores
may be suspended as particles.

-Air pollution can also cause headaches,

dizziness, and nausea.

-Air pollution can also cause long-term

damage to people's nerves, brain,
kidneys, liver, and other organs.
Water Pollution
-Water pollution is any change in the
physical, chemical or biological
properties of water that will have a
detrimental consequence on any living

-Contamination of water bodies happens

both naturally and by human activity.

-Contaminated water can harbor bacteria,

such as those responsible for diarrhea,
cholera, dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis A,
and polio.

Air pollution Water pollution

-Reduce the number of trips you take in your car. -Dispose of Toxic Chemicals Properly

-Reduce or eliminate fireplace and wood stove -Shop with Water Pollution in Mind
-Do Not Pour Fat and Grease Down the Drain: ...
-Avoid burning leaves, trash, and other materials.
-Use Phosphate-Free Detergent and Dish Cleaner
- Avoid using gas-powered lawn and garden
-Cut Down on Meat Consumption
-Dispose of Medical Waste Properly
-Riding a bike or walking instead of driving.
-Eat More Organic Food:
Land Pollution
- Land pollution refers to the deterioration
of the earth's land surfaces, at and below
ground level.

- The cause is the accumulation of solid

and liquid waste materials that
contaminate groundwater and soil.

-The higher the permeability of the soil, the

more likely that land pollution will occur.

-Soil erosion and deforestation caused by

soil and land pollution lead to landslides
and mudslides.
Noise pollution
-Noise pollution is generally defined as
regular exposure to elevated sound levels
that may lead to adverse effects in
humans or other living organisms.

-Noise pollution is considered to be any

unwanted or disturbing sound that affects
the health and well-being of humans and
other organisms.

-Exposure to loud noise can also cause

high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep
disturbances, and stress.

-These health problems can affect all age

groups, especially children.

Land Pollution Noise Pollution

-Make people aware of the concept of -Turn off Appliances at Home and offices.
Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.
-Shut the Door when using noisy Machines.
-Reusing materials help to reduce the
requirement of harvesting resources. -Use Earplugs.

-Reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers -Lower the volume.

in agricultural activities.
-Stay away from Noisy area.
-Reduce the use of non-biodegradable
-Go Green by planting trees.
Thank You

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