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ESSAY: In your own words, answer the following questions completely. Do not copy your answers from

1. What is behaviorism? Explain its basic principles.

 Behaviorism refers to a psychological approach to learn the behavior of humans and
animals from the environment; it emphasizes the role of environmental factors in
influencing behavior, to the near exclusion of innate or inherited factors. It is observable
to individual response to the group or species to its environment. An example is when
the mother practice the baby to the word “mam-mam” if he/she wants to drink water
and once the baby hear it he will easily response to this word. Behaviorism occurs
through interaction with the environment and we learned how to response to the
stimuli that shapes us. This emphasizes of our behavior is we learned through
conditioning and reinforcement (Having a rewards or punishment).

2. Discuss the primary laws of learning?

 There are three primary laws of learning the Law of Effect (Positive and Negative
Reinforcement), Law of Exercise, and Law of Readiness.

Law of effect - The law of effect states that the connection between a stimulus and
response is strengthened when the consequence is the positive (Reward) and the
connection between the stimulus and the response is weakened when the consequence
is negative. An example is “If you study and then get a good grade on a test, you will be
more likely to study for the next exam”.

Law of Exercise - This tells us that the more an S-R (Stimulus-Response) bond is the
practiced the stronger it will become. “Practice makes perfect” seem to be associated
with this. An example is “In applying this to motor learning, the more often a given
movement is repeated, the more firmly established it becomes”.

Law of Readiness - This states that the more readiness the learner has to respond to the
stimulus, the stronger, will be the bond between them. When a person is ready to
respond to a stimulus and is not made to respond, it becomes annoying to the person.
For example, your friends was planned to have an outing to the place you wish to visit
but suddenly the weather is bad. You feel frustrated because you are ready to respond
to the stimulus but were prevented from doing so.

3. What is the role of effective motivation in learning?

 The role of effective motivation in learning is to feels the excitement of attending a
class; has the initiative to carry out classroom activities without being pushed by
someone else; views classroom tasks and activities as an instrumental things to help
him/her grow; has goals to achieve; has the perseverance to accomplish assigned tasks;
and withdraws satisfaction from short goals. Rewards or punishment will play a
significant role in the development of motivated students – it can be used as tools in
developing their love for learning.

4. What are the different factors that shape motivation? Explain each factor.
 Here are the different factors that shape motivation:
Parent – because they are the one who raised you and support you until you become a
better person. As a future professional you will return the favour to them by doing
something that they will be proud of.
Teacher- because they are the second parents. It is my gratitude to them that they had
helped me grow and enhance my knowledge and skills.
Rewards – For me it can be used as motivation in developing love for learning.
Personal experiences – Of course personal experiences taught you in developing your
personal instinct. Making a lot of mistakes can help you to choose a good decision.
Personal interest- Interest will help you motivate yourself. Because you have the urge to
do the things that you love even though it is hard to get or to earn.
Self-esteem – By thinking about yourself and asking questions to yourself related to your
life you will start seeing changes in you. You will find motivation after you see every little
change you do for yourself.

5. Share at least five lessons you have learned in facilitating learner-centred teaching.

 First thing I have learned in facilitating learner-centred teaching is having a big role for
students they will become the motivator at all times and also Learner centered is the
perspective that couples a focus on individual learners- their heredity, experience,
perspectives, backgrounds, talents, interests, capacities, and needs – with a focus on
learning- the best available knowledge about learning and how it occurs and about
teaching practices that are most effective in promoting the highest levels of motivation,
learning and achievements for all learners. Secondly is how I motivate the students
through intrinsic and extrinsic motivation this topic was very interested for me because I
don’t have enough knowledge on how to motivate the learners in the future. In addition
I learned the differences between behaviorism and behaviorist which can help me to
manage my students. I realize that facilitating learner properly will improve my skills as a
teacher. And the last that I have learned in answering the modules is managing time.

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