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Aesignment - 1 Cohaf i ae Waiting Technical (ositing ? Merion objectives of =| rocamumication bed im techvircal o4 occupational Fields. ={Tr 2 om ‘olegzol past of ecrmniced _corerrrmmicedtion, per_coziting sernings and omfesence paper cnsiting , atticle Cosi ing enziting kya speech expert technical lerliies, tecltniad “deremnends @ lin specific Fields uch as compilers, medicine deLonantics clectonitS, Zobatics, Simomee amd rnaskebing eke, are all forms of derhmical waiting = [Teclmico) waiting evicomnpastes the largest subfield im_techmical) gv er) foynmunic ction. = lObjective of dechmnical unsibing: lo = {To a = |To pverte @-{To_give mosldonsat tothe Suboad inerle DeO\ uit Communica @ | i ease derision ~ roalkinng I t i 1k of-ale ~ an ~rnake soquests and give ines ar ozclens ms cvtth ee ee =|To_give_torrteteness to Aye sales amd Segulotions Ho be Fa Noused = [To decummemt mfoemution fos fufate use le validadle the ploms and decisions = {Foa__seceiving feed back b 0 Hi nd = (ASHAPURA)| cae f i Technical waiting Ropal eco Teclmical_tziting __ Crem eaah warring | a | oh : omay bade moat “on in i nmesste only These messages 36 offitionk ands ofvcaion cl. C a Comte moly be benaginortive he tonto) is al pages facut ond stevight foscocurd =| fellow, irrfosrned ahve Follows a fosmnal amd _appenach syle ond approach Mostly, the foamats have a Sored stale U - [There is no sel flo oa [follows a set potiewn The paitern of the infos mation flow of imfoarmation is Conweyed alto sequleted as pes dhe need . Tt} e partial cmd This impartial ond > Subjective. chjeclive in noruhe. Uses simple longuage ted \seo specialized techmnicer) YW. The 9écph% Flow cl d_ other an does net involve __ganphs, Plows cis 08 derhoniceu! jve__Vo, ° Se ol. pesson Me 25, Lihetantions are frequently used Generally ees 3°" pedson [Ts sed for informing Land persmading, Ropal eco nan = |General cositing need not | Techmicel conitiny has to aan hensive. com] 1 | he tormpéechensiv be let eto mumesous| Should tnclude all the wala paclabons mecessaxy information -|Be io wattton foe Jemexol | It i meant fo% a audience {-ngecitic audience S| 3)\lapaite the usage asad mens ensilyng sheorbegies of eclamnt cout unitiog l|lse of Techmictrt coattin =[Technical coaiting deals Gith 0 pasticulon sribjeck. the Subjec) of Terhmial writing Combe: Tangible: The subjec} of lechmi wf wating can be onaible he. something That_dum be seed aa douched . = [fox ecramele, tne mamma wl may explain horn to @_locsemble the pieces at am _elevigonic gadged ci pislant “Techendint wiling oma) explain semetning thet to idl - {Tt nmgiy ae steps seequiiaed Jo complete’ lan _oHiclal process - Ki CS - ex of techni iting fel * emma + Reposits + «Newsletters + |Mernos + Lolteee : on Ronde SIMajox wWeiting Hheclegies : ={Thike one some writing strategies That cam mma the wailing tmpaessivE = {The aim of -w4iting ig trong age She _andionce ___lim o dens amd tonsistew = [Boppy uneidingy is alaseya cont fualng. Nem ecu edeuttyy eel Chad oeGamniz ed waiting is_desitabk. = |The following dips“ cum be followed lo male the audiemre fread emose of what ha btem _waAtlom: a CIDA cence of digection : The opening parngé.oph ef the eaite-up is like a +eavel Hinnek cus Tt chould dell the ender whet fol Vows cmd coed the objective of the wwA\tinng i CIA caphivating opening : The audience may rot be dadoena Heal imbene Ste in Aetulinng She emtine evn ihe up. 7 -|A_copbivating opening Senves the cause of ateccting the Qudienee fe dhe centemb a -|The opening Shou ‘nbaigue the rece te Setad “mame. iii Sinresity 1 Technic “eoriting should exhibit sincentt = {Tt chor Convey the imfakmation without ski giles os, begin biased Civy |Semse__of Hane: Another imeoetamt arden is ime - Technical swoniting is void cmly fit is done on__dime . - |The nepozts, finonciedl Sterlernents ners ledters (ASHAPURA) Ropal eco | ' bacchuxes, manuals eb, should be available ot Ahe__acheduledd dime» Cvi|Claxiby Clos io dhe holkenork ef omy — technic ongtins The fabaemulion shoul be deat amd should not covfuse the audiemce : Nothing iggitetes amese Tham am wntleag vision, @ pexception 64 declous prtion Cvi\dudes : when a piere of toniting is backed by y OT. ople, ibs p&e; The _zelevomt quotes Cam be ned dizect\y cnd should be underxatemdable Wi) a Forks amd fisunes: A termbination of farks amd lelertisdice cnagles ~ better facts thet (om taste the audience, whem paovides alongside Somme Stakicstic gunnes good effect pee cam be made firtner moee ebfective by ¢ om inivea therm cil illusbeorbions cviil) Vocab wlor + Pecrclice technical: corttinn Gzammnda kills requiaed foe techyical -anniting Should be tested cmd comiolenty world up om. ‘ Trnpiove the voto ulaty Cix) deep it Simple: The key to _etorlive coseidiny ig to Kero ib Simple, Technical enaiting in dele of beimo pelated 0 ¢ gpecific gubjert Should be simple in osm § tind Ropal eco eleuchuke he cimplex it io, the mage Compachendible | became Mention ony hare mbjerlives of Technical —oziting jenith examples i) Te psovide eas —od oF gami2ed infos ion! Cease a nized infodceneri om, elimimartes iS = tyr i o imfogmation thereby leading effective Same tind 4250 wh ce weg aod seaeae cy) 8 slo 1 Isio ecti Vf only tb oa alt are ee thot the “ingtilute, business 0% ovat alee iS PRone to. Techical oattirg cm help nm mn iv decision by providing cleats dod meri information neck Corn Kelp gain Gen, insight ito Ae _contemposee rake} —_teinditions ay To -eodivale the empoyges amd A0ige theia -mosale: =|noanle is am indongible furlo, aepacsemting a sun of aualties suth as deleemimedion, confidence ee Wwe: tb 05,0.) \o ks inn oat wowa king _avith him TL enhances “the level ot co-opetntion among dhe collengues Which in dain sesulls ino healthy woagle enuronment ‘ Teclmicul writing tn foam of “memes and app2€ tiation \etieas Plays a Role hene. Ropal eco 5) How will Techni cal Washing be helpful te yoru in puctession in fuluse? ! eclrnlcab —enaiting he tomayns ye Howeves, + thon With Tre advarn One tng othicln The _carnplest’et ies oh 5 ase Nikely te imreease in wa thegg crx0 Still sizuga ling with the uncertainty Yned the Sulune held’ hoa agai - This paolestion has coirlnesse d sapid changes fa orn paint te online documentation In the las ow years. No i o! deormmains, the pRefession cmight be up do% other changes inn the furl e Io Jom suse is dhorh beclomniceal kositing 15 Oy eV0H — Cheng ing profession im_peaducts” amd declnoleg tes ep poving wis fox moxe _derumentertion ! Gre &. ALS! Th this Scenario custtin the Chumges fy BL Tr a6 SE the yee of documents based om © changing — tin. e. a_techmicul waiter has to enshemtiy woak ow his erployshility kills de et tacp frto _lucsadtive osunities thed coil emerge im_the up torming (ASHAPUF Ropal eco a Corie the imngoz tance of Note Taleling amd Nake —|Making —o| Tmpositinte of Note Taking : (ii) ati Civ (i) [Taking roles helps yor. focus oma concentrate im class o& thile listening to a speakes om Yelevidion 04 af a_tontoence ’ hall. © Toking motes helps you prepaxe doa ests amd examnmetions. They ane valuoble clues te elud information tne Heacher om openker ‘thinks amd ane the key © poivtts in _vrrlexSkincling a _subjeck Messy Yrey Wnelp you aunndesstavnd Ane comple. coments o& elements at the Subject cshich, otheuwise yey _mmay not be able ty umlersiamd Sometimes ever Ey acading — banks | Trnposxtamce ob Note Moleing : Note snaking helps yoru obsegve Gnd Ke cond the cy i icauciat amd fine, ospects of a drt o% 0 phenomenon. 9 Gi) i ise ‘Z (ib Wumhon Leon close quo. 4 Note emoking helps you figaxe oul the cumoles thy oto though}, idea ox a situntion . Civo [Tt heles qpu Aeca\| nd seetophure the itinbemerhy lof _am observed phenomenon cmd ea pts the Dome Wl Yer ovo nds => 1) thot are the thece stages of efficient class motes] Explain. “Taving good notes ig a dner-atage process in eahicl Ler Ropal eco ci Ca) there are _ certain hig ps ghoul de _befoxe _gshng to Ae class, dusinng afjes uso. Given _belowo axe the thaece aleges of_mote taking : | Ke. dake motes Chefoze class) Reviews the motes feom the Previous class oA session befoxe you go te the —neccl clu oo. This will help you seermembor chat was covered and alto help u_umMderstond news —_tnfoArmorti om Blimparted by the teacher 02 apeorker . (Th tne teaches has asked you tn ead comething before Coming fo the class, complete al) the assigned eeadings befexe coming to the clas. CO[Bsing all roby taking “ mabericdy such as pen penci | toriting hom, and pape, ewith vou . Cid [Take motes Cdusing class) Ca)|Keep your atlemtion focused on whet the teaches is Uy 4 . @llisten B4 ‘signal staterenie thot ail Felt you Mok whet Yous. enchex is about do Sat}. Gnd is inmpoAtemt to wa rte im _Yuuuk__ enotes = [Examples of Signal stelemments are ‘The most Impostowt paint." “Rermember thet.."1 and ‘ One ot the eaoet important aspects of... -|Be sute to imchite im yous les the _imfosrmertion Snat the tecrches depents a—eosites on he bourd Chyjooaite quickly ss Shot su cam _imclude abt - the iemporton} mfosmation im your sles, Do this by using abbsevinded forms of tuetdS amd exc pReSIONG, Goncund Ropal eco Cit Rewail motes ( often cles) ra Beenie ‘Yoruse oles to make Averm _to-mplede. by Cham ing “abbreviated ewoads into hole _cooads., Symbols “inte _usoads, nid shoslemed Sembences inte longer Gerben 25. Ch) Make yous spntes oxnode acrusore by Cn to Biy con pestion ‘ co) Ww tm he class. Cod |Cherk eit ober students to ese Nrot You have not watered’ omy tmgordemt ‘onfosernetion ® 3) [Difenentiore beleneen Note Taking amd Note Making. => Nate taking Note - Making - |The art oz pooress of Reviewing townerting -amnd aletng motes» Lsmthesing Ideas Sao d } Hecluxes Gh Meadliing = |Bgin jos Maleinns sy Howards the _skilts Billa bn study Dy sludying : = Only Jetting dorm paivths + |'Hel te eac Tavolve no_sia‘ht poin y alow with fnata.peotaon its. — 08° tomection oth each other = ves less, Cho mpes ae Enoiex ts change The Reqthi xed! mnles mode _ =lToking pois fom one |Tnyolve the faking of Royal eo _soukce_om a dime points fom differed SOURCES = {Less 2% 0 ined _im making ete 15 “Teaveliea the ate is to Met the croal\e\an of the Hoke notes |folnis . inoits muad be tyr a __uotry thot ‘helps etruden1> ty mleStond the topic delated better k Foimts me metes coene Making moles Qk often ly senetle ty Pull fare, Point Shoat “foam, Paoress must ven by Sous (es ate token Tmvolve the peoress of summarizing clk the Sinig why the imnfoemoartior’ eaithin oimts Ghudied. : Taking _vetes only gives din 2 Maleineg motes _ should be Gsnapura) oun 1+ PY { io et h @_levhote topic aphied its main hey = e \S win, ve he _s| as \t Won clie of specific GHi\\_im tormplesc _dosem suljeck. = | Note! a ces.| Con oe Yomd=smade cam be | smnself, toh coated since the time by amd = made 04 in ofeubled Can be limited. | rempnter—Ayped —fosem. Ropal eco 4h iohed are the tips fox cranking efficlent class motes! C1) Take enow ln iene fon dalingy doco netes TH coil | | beth saver ime amd inenefise selention late, orn, ib n oP 21a UL Motes. Gib Note everyting ‘het 15 Selated fo Ale aarthos's 7 adsumenit: Remember, imPoslant pair's carne im ‘ndled uclosy and tomcluddi: 7 Civ) Niccaimmimate fucks fom oprnims, amd quotertions Peo sum Mere . Konvustng” dais difference sail hele You _peepane york -mole “caxefully aml you coil be able tp _2eview Your nists Joter * eoith ronfidemce Cv) Appsaise yoru enoted tine next oly ard do it again afew days late, This is a Mane efficlomt stot 2) of s,elaiming the material. 5) Pewaibe the list of methods of prepasing notes and_exploin omy two _of ib. ana} “net ins 0" ehficiently . These oe 09 fellows : + [The raogenell_mnedhod + The _tenomormiziny method The_putlining rnethed ~The _sembence method + [The ‘mapping method 3 [The Cognel\ Method opal eco The Comme\|_ ame pacviles systema bic foseomat fae condensing netes without labohicuss %@to ny Atte matting the motes in the Main spate of Nhe page, use dhe left-hand space to lorble each idea amd detail with key toond . MeAhod 3 Datu seules on yous Paper nit «fe amd a habh ® \otn nani on the left leaving G_ Six -inch’ akea onthe sight ty reake motes, =(Dusinny classé, take don infemetion in the a LO. = {When the imghiructton aneves do a new poivtt, skip a Fees lines. =|APen Yne clues, tomplete pheases ond sentenres + ous auch as possible . - |For evi igaficomt bit of inemealion, waite a tuo im Ye “left amatiean O_ATo Review, cove notes _toith a Card, leaving the Cues eocPosed ib Say the cue out loudlas then gay as muth es yor cam of the matériat “wadetmentn “the cued. hen” {hen you ave dene so, move the ard amd - See if hat you Said matrhes with what is cagitten ‘you cum soy ib, This meons You know ih Advantages © q Thi “oagenized amd Systematic which- helps tn |Acroncling “ond _seviewing — notes Ropal eco conepts and ideas . [T+ 15 c_.sinnpl Fiast listen and then cogite your points in an ompaniced potern used on space ihden tion, Pla jor pointy fusthest to dhe lef Tndemt each of the ore peecific paints to) Cw| 1 .fy5 I =} |The Outlining Method = d mi is usu he__best -method Foe im-fos mative kin Vecluxes cmd teat. -lTm tnt ascend the inh ama jon _ewhich is -most eee each om Gg Specifi oup of fucks ae ted with spaces ta dhe Alain -|The 28 lationship between the different parts is castied out vecigh indentetion + |Method : the aig ht Levela” of impnetanre eusill be indicated by the distamc Paom the Te ok point. A_tommon system tonsists of headings that use Roman mrumesols, leters of the alphubet, eae steuctuse could he as fellows: T. Fiast main topic Ca) Sah - topic _1. Detail 9. Detail Geuseura) Cb) Sub - topic Royal eco fe 1 Ciy cid IL._Serond main topic (ay Suh opie a Honevek, this Saat of otenctuze has limietons en _Ahe_comrtion Pann Gince it's diffinull to go back and insert moze _tnfosrmerion, eb Th is a well-osganized system if_used Aig ily o Vimireg _helpg in Acwondicng coment aswell as Lo ing Gelationship armnev\9 various points . Cain Tutening amnagin points, into questions helps keep he heview p2orees easy ci) cy) Disaduunta ‘This method Sequiaes maze Yhought into the “subject cenatte, bu tne mote taker PA accusabe oxgaviizadtion. Tt bos some conab4nints as it lends limited teview foe leaning dnd question teotvon because it “is very brief. Foa deteils one has to look at the i Sor This System commnot be ped if the -leclute ic washed thou Ropal eco 1) => Go| is smemo) wate | ne in detail with am epcamele A_-memo, Shoat fog -memoandurm is usually. a Small piece of usgirtlen imfosmnerion vsed inn. business envigenments foe imttroffice commumication Tis cofe purpose ig te give imsbaactions of Sesve aS a xermink of evens actions o4 dorisions The _paimary notive behind vneme wgiting ts te dpcadrast tnfoamotion tn a large gaoup of People. A few othte cays in which memos aye A sed age: Ciy{To setoumt on event oz piece of imfosmeation Ci} To send a reminder (Vii To pass px ci&culate tendoammation iv)|To highligh Cv)|To keep on official -npraad of aray thing = [Staucluse of a Memo ~ |The ctauclate ot a memo is the samme Os thet of A rnerno epost. j -|\_-merno too hag same componentis Such asthe \eter head of the oAgomicotion: A conlsalized tay) fre_desiamation of the semdex amd the .2ecipiemt of tre “memo; the dates Aefstonce viumbers subject Vines ne body of tne memo} the name amd designation of the dendek, ete. =|Siyle of a memo = [Since amemo {ig 0 9iere of imtty-offire commmmication, lits st j i conversational at times, (@SHAPURA) Ropal eco Tn_fart, as segards the shyle of memos, the Lelationiship between the sender omd the xeciplent ot the were, the ethos of the tompana, Cmd the frviton ment of the: azgunieation decide “its fecrluses . In some oftanizations, a fiermel slyle is enpected in _otheys, am” infosrmetl -oryle i chal is dasizeale . Boe eeefessipnels dantt there memog im a tone t and tye cahich ie detached, chjective, dmd ofPirial, tohile come others wogife in am tnfamal cmad Conversational Nye. Conile cositing a meme thexpfone ewe aneecl do choose the tule Haat Suits ous puspese ond defines owt elatiowthip eth dhe seciplewt the coy tye otal Trere fore coe Carn easily come acess a memo the lis ngitien am. intiemale Fr iemdby , ond uncut Slyle, whens use _mery aldo disrover ca _-memo that is watdten im an” intimate, amaintaing a detached and meen of fact tone Tn Ome case, since ene of dhe desizable tauifs ofa meno 1s ibs _infosrmality we need most dteti-+ a meme disPla ying tne _ga ry degree of famality as we beraimlats eshile casitineg a farmed pepeat, a s.05ear0h paper, An essay, 0% a “teclmicedl pacpesal. Gomegelly , a memo {5 _eanitten inom inh gmal anne ond the bre adepled i “mote o% less lomusational and ghosm of femalthies onile ol eeuf ing _Q_menng beak in mind he tips Gi ver below: ci mit _sarmble, Since a memo is_gensealty a shot Gnapura) en piece _of Comm nicaion cagitivg a ere that ums into 0 i Ly Ciated Ropal eco ci) cid cw) Cv) frmounce jou’ pus pose ipnmed iatyby Nethi Unney 9 —[xeadess none than hauing te Abad Ynasrigh limes ant __pokagszaphs ond den foming fo _gtips colt -lthe teal intent of the- mnemne. Be sure nat ‘yor fowe nm poind be make and Slate Mo colth Cleary Stick tb wmaking ome point in a shosd mene Ca\\__fo4 ortienn aoaite spo rmemnes Using the stam asec! ser genetolly used fox the pus pose a] 9) ye What ake- cieculars 9 faphiv tts categories with an Sranag le : i bai io C ic ion e ed tn o& ganization . Cig culated both cyithin and ovwhside am od gamizection la_cigeulog 15 “usgiller tn peomele a meus product, to wtoaemn policy heldess cf _-moyernensts inn the iowtance > field, ts pa shodeheldens of > nnerket teends 0% snake matters of generxo! interest known to Seurrol persons, : wy Tenforrmnative Ciacubers 7 These Carulors ake cnsitten ‘im the stule of business ledhans, =e! consist of om inbeochurioa y oP ay eh ration a Od 50. ath ac als the ees is thal LO, vv AN N- GsHaPuRA) => |Public Ciecrulorss Ropal eco ——=fblic Gatulss ate _coxitien ami cifealale!—naialy— public bodies ASseciations, And indtihidions = iaculors “conten the mesadtters of general public intexest, auoasenese, ond cwelfane buch tigculacs ake cel rot ovly to 0 close, select joup of persons tad also te olh gzoups of madividuals avd societies hed would Vike to kmow ~ frome ahout Pre activities of such a society Foe goccrmple, eshen fhe Woman's Commissioy! et a FY lecrunrls cords G ledte, to all it. Glete bodies amd also 12 athe Tmtermational Commision of Woman lomd to other Soci! bodies on uma sights __fnteuest, 1 becomes a public _chactrles ‘ S|Ciacuens of farmershipe amd Companies -|The cizculaks of pasine.ship am{_tompanies have l UsinesS 1 ceculows. The _dithseremco ia hed these letiens Sem) ont by P>_lpushnesships 0% companies Conlain infeermation oma particulars cet are of Speritic Imbegest to hal basines. in i slofficial tieculars = |Qut of all the various types of cieculurs we ose most likely do tose officiel cinculors nose Freque -lmiiitial ciacubaxs contain inhemotion sent nut the head of Seniog members of a depanfmemt + dhe embéhs of other Seevant clepant rents = Cohen _wathen as aq ish: 9 office piere of commenaniention, am offirval cia cole Geusouna) Ropal eco e_—_ lappemks Jo be Sumilas 40 am iniley- office rmernodomdurn = Mat ose have discugsed easier = However, loin smevnes anne till ha be pase J imi nate el) Sevdet amd’ we vrmbet of steile imvolved im \ ' Tn_a_situation oshexe Ane mumbe, 6d interacting eople consists of one send “and pve sxecipient, the estion of waiting ao cigculey, does not agice. ~ [fox excimple, if the peoduction manages as to~ Qoptice the general arog of_his Lhes a ym|_a ood paxticulas plank, helche has “b Agata: enone amd not O Cigculay ‘ lo Waite o shot note on" agenda = As the _coprersione to ary successful emeédingy in an okgamication, cn effective: omeeting agenda provides latamcluse cmd focus amd cleanly © indindes the purpose of dhe meeting =|The _agemneloy SeLUAS as the Sead map fox ihe é) Lmeeting ~ |A_eell~ wetashiucted and thought: al agence = an indispensahly valuable ool 4 achieving Ane dis Lee mee Hing Keeults In 0 xeosonoble arneumt of thre -|f gaat meting agenda abooys eeeves as a guide to “the pniticipangs, “thas amaking the —meclirng "rn04e efficient amd productive. = [Am agenda: ip a ist of tne topics you exif |_ ada gess to get to that objective, cith @ dime . limit to lee you om: As.ceole =| fox ocample, if you ake ensiting agemdo ~ rs dhe enn apa eo Foudh meeting, coal Phi suggested elas: hd Confirmation of the nin ofthe Lasf meeting 49 Review the status he quarter's ged. goal 43 Appointment of a “mewn Sales momeyes and ts imee nn Reporting end ZoVieoInY the gongein Conatenction. clog site “ele Mainly ‘nere axe feo pasts: 4. Heowles 2. Body ~ list of ews Header: : The_heodes is poticudauly useful if the participawts Lelong tn vations g4oups | o&gerni rations, 02 if the agenda quill be made public Secord . ender, Should inelude fine ze towing: + Nawre of dhe _ofegantzation + Qeoup meeting” agenda _-+ tawdig crac! erring iB + Locati jon © tome Body L the’ body of dhe agenda Vists* the actual business do be _beomsatled duing the mephing When possible, use attion woads “such as appeve, diacuss, Adopt, develop, Assign, ronceptualice, brainstosem Laeview cmd armoumce $0 a5 to let the participants know what is expected of - them. imat each ikem io Suge eeted Aone, buf "isn agate the time alloted cil depend om the cnuluke of issue! agenda dem being discussed: Gsuarura) oma Ropal eco 1 1 ' Al\ocate a xeasonable and “eclistte cmeunt of ime __to_each Ogendo_- Jask, - This_keeps the ceeding focused, helos id te prereed on_iime, Ond ensures “lie emoch tonduct of the emeehinng. * Place imposlant tasks oat the meeting beginning o She _agende. Tt is go because it the beginning of the -meeding. omoxgy levels ake higher amd _pourticipo nt o40 Mocucod . a [Adopt a_steict Policy of met discussing om Jogte val lisled on the “agond ds Designate © presontet fo each agomda asic.’ Wette a shozt mote om Advettiowng ! isi i o L i I do | ps te iY 0 action upon products, ies, 0% soruices 1 Th imcludes the -mame cf a peodact ox Setvire and t guyg@tS ax de News that product of sevice & could benefit the consumes. Efteciive Advertising |p am tadgemely im poatarit aspect of genebbiting “bu Ines for compen. Ob __ eth e3 Citi) ctv) tv) There axe ceverol seasons fo% advertising 5 Some of kshich ane foas follows * faeasing tne _sales of the Product] setvice ty Chi |Comermn icortinng a cer in the ewisting product Line Tobtoduction of a yeu” gecduct of vice ‘Tnexeasing the marke value of Phe Ropal eco = [Paint _advertioing deo cAihes eduertising tn 9 _p&lntedd rmedivm, such G9 A mnewspapes, rnugazine, ude jokmal, pace ghlet billboard, of hhoakding ___ = [BN boards: . odeuctures \ocatect lic_pleces kohich disp. alee isemests to passing pedesizains. lad mehr iets. =|Mest__ often, they ate lorafed em main ‘ends vith a —____|\¢ mount _of passing -mstoa aml pedesIrian traffic: however, tnt Com tbe Pluced in any location = enitn a > [hu lee u on mi it vehicles and in_Slohions in _shepping nals of office brildings and inn Sterclitwns . a ____=[These “age doumed as pyphysicul / mudoos odvaitising _ $) Weide a showt rele on Minster . — |Minutes are the trsitten procesdings of dre business -|Since the -rnimuteseuill sete cis am official second of hat tock glare dusing the meeting you arn lhe yer accusete in eositing therm ~|Th etic Uy by the seckelaby of a ew med _gzoup o& aagam rection . Howevel, cot Grmes amy _othet snemnbes attending she mee dng go be sequized to deaft the minutes, Tn ony Case” the minutes of a meedin og _inslide tye hnoin points of the dipcussion held and the decisions deken —|Ad__ Armes, minutes ate cositten tn the preschibed of the oxgarnication crnd aye Seger. ed ag an _irmpoetamt eeroacl im the osepanicaton —IMimates thus, abe Oo coaitten e0tokd of Commitee Gennwurd) Ropal eco ' npeting times, attendance, “topics tovered, discussion _ i oved pa all ‘the iemposelereit decisions Haleern amd _melheds and motions Adopted . ~ |The minutes of a_-meehing foaen the basig of utube actions and decisions elated _do_-mattes discussed, such as premoHon of staff defegmimning the in pert ve, procedural changes imfacase inthe © lmembership fee, etc - Here a a 2 (&snaPuRA) Boral eco d\|eite difference helween eepond sand ap seposal. = opo: ‘ Repasat = |TE is coritlen to someone UziHen Jo Someone _twith tho meals to sot out_a authority te know dhe eee i couses of tne prcblewn buses problem 0% sends amd Possibly jake a Je" 10° \ phodactivity im various an Menifiss a ond pera hou dinis Tedaittewn 4o_identify a rt ; ; and aeromnmend action ____ med com best be met. tho _esill lead to a olution foszrmal in edule TE involves toot fox the Tk coly hnigh\ig kts the execution of pacposed. idea . eokons based onthe mierpzetertion. of date and rmnake £e Commendations. T+ is asain to Someone Wl di Noenelit the cae in_so™m? Th is coat em to people ie OK Oy. Oo adfect outcome two I deals with fujate also Ti deals ith “ome event opal eco “ it is otk sot fowrth hy lorcusred in the past Bienced paotessionals nae ane less Icoomgces of failure ey > Ci) Bese eet tnpaclanes end ape a pal Pur pore oho The _olim of “the proposal is tom a Ics eoxbe something veut Requiges Q_ good etasad ing teckmical Imnanledge and olill ne is called a technical _prapesal cid A_hucimess proposal is_o ‘ecuanert Anof You “Subnet che ysl _comeurny of cenol hes _ ins prise paposing a Ww} In buciness, Comanexte, 0% wel ugha These preposa) help te appanis® amd trmptove the existing Products and services to nee!" the = chomging derncmas of marked. Secale these ‘che _ teemed as sales raapall ul peaduct o& Servite of 0 com puny tA (Cohem ore intend to undettake a systematic Keacasch col ARE ReQuieed do subynrt a peraposcel outhnt ing _ paondly the basis -of the proposed seseasth, its Scope significance lemrtetions etc. Sur pacpo als alec tathade a aefescmte to =the le conducting the os (ASHAPURA) Ropal eco Aendemnic_in nadute md cosiHem entth: scierHific objectivity, Guth paopescils Abe _lsnmern as seaseaith Purchase sevires o% pasducts fo4 comobaucting fs badger, Providing parking fariia, eke a a p08 i d ake se Ceived . =|Tm_such_a_sterasio, we are left compeling with OM other biddens, that _nticed *he sppoacum thy and Aesponded.. ~|Tn this. case, a propasel that Finably gets picked hap dorm the matesive lel mast only hos bo paovide. the mest effertiue “golution Ode the > a 2h aie = mest. luczative teal butt ou! in claims fag the “hd ‘han other compet ={Tn comparison, unsolicited —pacposcle are mnoee demanding ond seomine geeater ‘eegyination om _the part nf the hidden = [Tn om unsolicited peporal— a nemainvited propesal, use might have am wea the a pauduct of servic thed koe] be of benefit da a pasdicudee Qs ganication __=|we gilmmit 0 _pesposa) to thot pwrticulor eugerricetion— Ropal eco iP Suggesting ow we Gm provide gorme Sekyire." Of Sloe A product in es cheungo fox funding of some other ronsideration fIm_ this (ase, we do mek lamow if dhe cormpurny is pom to out PReposal of met. These is even ‘possibility thal the rrmpany rey met like mut propesal deg Tn d\ni uation, a Person moy cubed o propose lon his / hex oton _dnirbicitive, : Here your proposal has te onuinte the cliewl thar mot only Ib the ¢avice / pxedurt pelortially valuuble to them, bud you and yous fompuny ake Reliotble amd stelle. Explain tne _slauclte of ape proposal with On pee 03 10 & US Tn case of Solicited pacposals, the staucdume is” eel I a by the pe-Son 0% the comptimy asking 2_ib. i s “aie oe different pueposes ond fos ‘different oAgamieations, there is ms single met thot. Gute alleen in) wy ce Ac ofdinng tothe Aequigment and the nature of -the passa you have +o _cheose the elements to _be mneluded in the umsolicided proposals Ropal eco — [The thaee main pasts of o fozmal full length eacpesal ake a5 follows, + . beefalo + Main bed *Supplementasy pasts Proll Marin boda Su polemenbas, Tita page Tutecdaction rppendiac : o \ H io owe cone 1 ee Table of rovtevts section : 8] (ost__estimate Conclusion 4) ICogite = shoat snake en Technical Descaiptin. aT eel Aepnsd henaune it defines Per and Jon PROCESSES « =fioscably, tie Hchical —desaigion dudes a [Connpler Wem a& topic latte a Components» clemners fovrteiimed within the: whole whether — dm shite pAoress,, 04 concept an example one sonia Wt beak dovon something as_complex aS a buynam body ints tts various Itermponents, such a5 complea as a huma fod into its various rormponents ciaculerkrsy, Amd —__[tligestive systems, ard muscles, organs, “amd issues . ~lMis panes helps 7 manage dhe over che laming a arnoumt of detai( imberent im compler daske Such oS the desceipton of the body. He Mefines, destalbes, and lllnsfaakes the value (ASHAPURA)| Se Ropal eco Deis simply breaking down latge amounts of ng j information “kato -moae supa eahle chunks. Tp _omamy Cases the division process fentirtue $ hvecrug by remy levels OF dedait; fo4 example, one cempenent of” the digestive system ~might be the { —_|etemoth, eabicln is Ausrthes divided jxtte valves amd Isecaplive Poses amd ode, moze mime elements. lechich snake up thet _particoufas, oxgeén. he process of classification geoups Bimilak Hems in_ogden te pul therm info dome category Aclevorret He the _ descaiphive oe i The gonercul guide| ime foe waitin hice oe Kescaaptions is” to -gemencfe lekalions of naming Ht eftminng dessibing. “ ayel —iLusheating The jechmical desziplion usually endo uit o descaiplion of ome complete cycle ct operation a the thing og pactess @ lon the basis of function a4 lorcrtion om “mater taf GS) |Woxide Ane guidelines for, costing gead deacaiptions Oxganiccdion— i tb [Oveeto. Bing sa bakel —ovauieia thal naval the object's | (a) overcult feameworls Arrangement nz shape, arnd Ci Ch) pukpose of function. Poa i dhe object inte pasts amd descaibe ec a) in igh deta:| to use, make, of daacs ti amd (tb) im_o way hot _seveads its acle ond its selation fo _cthor pants. | Cad Oegani iption. Ropal eco cid a ¢ (oa) spabiad) oader 04 ~ Ch) paioat deh, 0% oO onolegicel Osd er : = |Contemt Cid [Specifics = |Tnchide_tatleven, specific Keatises ~\0. b kegaecourel i peoanedlags ood : ® cis eartihe saith o rthings, sre Pemailics, : Clit) Ionteask. Griteosh pa Perties gnith tne pop erties cl -othis fo seven! thets significance = |Slaucture Cio |Formet. _Clanify Yous teach _eoi+h = |Tleads. Tdentily “topic with cleat nested _Secdion hearings. = |licts, Theme _selated fecrinyes cnidth “indenting amid makke : = Siewes, Trlegscrle figutes Omd deo ssid abe |s” ond gelesen ces Ct WVerbal Cues. Couide your terelers reader's expectations orth? = |Pato\lelim, Vse parallel toads ‘ard htases fa posal Wea — fol ¢ i ® doscaiplion Aits Toseiies stapura) Ss Ropal eco

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