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Cause and effect essay

1. What is a cause and effect essay?
- The most important type of essay:
+ discusses the causes and /or effects or/and solutions
+ explains the causes and /or effects or/and solutions in a logical, scientific,
convincing way.
2. Structure
- Introduce the topic and state the writer’s opinion of the topic:
1) Only causes/ only effects (and solutions)
2) Both causes and effects
3) Causes, effects and solutions
Body paragraphs:
3 patterns:
1) Chỉ nhân hoặc quả (và giải pháp) (học thuật)
Cách tiếp cận
Body 1: Cause 1/effect 1.
Body 2: Cause 2/effect 2.
Body 3: Cause 3/effect 3.
Nếu có giải pháp
Body 4: Solution 1
Body 5: Solution 2
Body 6: Solution 3
2) Both causes and effects
3) Causes, effects and solutions (học thuật)
Cách 1:
Body 1: cause 1
Body 2: Cause 2
Body 3: Cause 3
Body 4: effect 1.
Body 5: effect 2.
Body 6: effect 3.
Nếu có giải pháp
Body 7: Solution 1
Body 8: Solution 2
Body 9: Solution 3
Cách 2: (đi thi)
Body 1: all causes
Body 2: all effects
Body 3: all solutions
Cách 3: (khó viết vì dễ trùng lặp về nhân quả)
Body 1: cause 1 and effect 1 and solution 1
Body 2: cause 2 and effect 2 and solution 2
Body 1: cause 3 and effect 3 and solution 2
Concluding paragraph:
+ restate the thesis statement + final comment
+ summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs + comment
+ restate the thesis statement + summarize the main points discussed in the
body paragraphs + final comment (the most ideal)
Câu mẫu chủ đề: chỉ nói nhân:
- There are several/some/a few/many reasons for/ causes of sth/doing sth
such as A, B and C.
- There are both superficial and deep /visible and invisible reasons for/
causes of sth/doing sth such as A, B and C.
- There are three main/chief/key reasons for/ causes of sth/doing sth;
namely, A, B and C.
- A is caused by (+/-) /created by (+)/brought about by (+/-) A1, A2 and
- A stems from/derives from/results from / has its sources from/has its
origins from/roots in / originates in A1, A2 and A3.
- This essay will analyze and disccuss three main causes of sth/doing sth
in terms of A, B and C.
Câu mẫu chủ đề: chỉ nói quả:
- There are several/some/a few/many effects (+/-) /
consequences/afermaths (-) / outcomes /outputs (+) of sth/doing sth such as
A, B and C.
- There are both visible and invisible /short-term and long-term for/
effects (+/-) / consequences/afermaths (-) / outcomes /outputs (+) of
sth/doing sth such as A, B and C.
- There are three main/chief/key / effects (+/-) / consequences/afermaths
(-) / outcomes /outputs (+) of sth/doing sth; namely, A, B and C.
- A causes (+/-) /creates/ generates (+)/bring about by (+/-)/ results in (+/-)
A1, A2 and A3.
- This essay will analyze and disccuss three main / effects (+/-) /
consequences/afermaths (-) / outcomes /outputs (+) of sth/doing sth in
terms of A, B and C.
- This essay will analyze and disccuss three main short term and long-
term / visible and invisible effects (+/-) / consequences/afermaths (-) /
outcomes /outputs (+) of sth/doing sth in terms of A, B and C.
- Câu chủ đề của cả nhân và quả (giải pháp)
- This essay will portray/depict/ map out/point out/reveal/uncap/
uncover/unseal/ unveil three main causes and effects of sth/doing sth
- This essay will portray/depict/ map out/point out/reveal/uncap/
uncover/unseal/ unveil three main causes and effects of sth/doing sth as well as
map out/propose/suggest/chart out some feasible, inclusive and synchronous
solutions to this issue./ feasible, inclusive and synchronous remedies for this issue/
therapies for this issue./ measures/actions to resolve/tackle/iron out/figure out/
address/ settle/ weather this issue.
Mở bài
It is a common knowledge/commonly known/ proclaimed/ stated
that there is no smoke without fire (nhân)/ for every action, there is a
reaction/people reap what they sow (nhân quả/quả). This saying is
persuasively/convincingly illustrated/ proven /testified/ clarified/ justified by
the fact that /stands a testament on the fact that S stems from/derives from/has
its sources from sb/sth (nhân) affects sth/sb (quả). Therefore, / Hence, / Thus,
this essay will portray/depict/ analyze some key causes (and effects of doing
sth). Neu co giai phap thi viet them cau nay nua: as well as/and map
out/chart out several feasible (khả thi), inclusive (bao trùm) and
synchronized (đồng bộ) /synchronous solutions to/ remedies for this issue.
First of all, it goes without saying that there are some chief reasons
for doing sth. The first source of the issue lies in sth/doing sth/the fact that
SV. Indeed, SV (CM). Another key cause of sth/doing sth is that SV.
Inevitably/Apparently, SV. (CM). S results from sth. For example, SV.
Furthermore, there are a few effects/consequences / outcomes/ …
of doing sth. To begin with, S results in/causes sth. CM. For instance, / For
example, SV (CM: kể chuyện dựa trên kinh nghiệm bản thân hoặc người
khác; lấy dữ liệu thống kê khoa học hoặc KQ NCKH nhưng phải có trích
nguồn và ví dụ điển hình từ các phương tiện truyên thông đại chúng). Another
significant outcome (+)/consequence (-) of this matter is sth/doing sth/that
SV. There is little doubt that SV (CM). Last but not least, S is a pivotal result
(+)/aftermath (-) of sth. Take A as a typical example. SV (CM).
- (Neu co giai phap thi viet them doan nay)
It is often claimed/argued/insisted/maintained/ held that for every
problem/an issue/ a question, there is at least one solution to/therapy
for/remedy for it. Hence, this part of the essay will chart out some feasible,
inclusive (bao trùm) and synchronized remedies for this issue. The first part
and parcel quan trọng action to be taken into serious account is enhancing the
role of education and mass media. Self-evidently, education is one of the most
effective means to raise people’s awareness and sound a knead bell to curb
(rung hồi chuông báo tử) the issue. Moreover, stringent law and law
implementation are of necessity in addressing this hot-buttoned problem. CM.
Besides, adult’s examples can be another critical therapy for this situation.
CM. Finally, healthy playgrounds should also be created so that the youth can
self-forge their physical and mental well-being SK.
In a nutshell/ In brief/ in conclusion/in short/ in a word/ all in all, I
pen down by stating that there are three main reasons for doing sth / there are
three main effects of doing sth /both causes and effects of doing sth. Thus, the
questions posed here are how to maximize/exert/harness/exploit its strengths
and minimize/mitigate/reduce its weaknesses as well as apply the
aforementioned feasible, comprehensive and synchronized solutions to this
issue for a better future.
2. Discuss 2 sides of a medal: What are the advantages/disadvantages and
disadvantages/advantages of …
1. Neu co nhieu loi ich hon bat loi:
It is a common knowledge that there are two sides of a medal: the rough and the smooth
ones. Hence, there is no exception to the rule of doing sth. In my opinion, there are more
merits than demerits of doing sth.
To begin with, this part of this essay depicts the disadvantages of sth/doing sth. It can be
clearly seen that S V (bat loi 1). Another pivotal minus to note is sth/doing sth/ that SV.
Indeed, SV (CM). The final drawback of sth is sth/doing sth. Apparently, SV (CM). In
short, S bears several shortcomings.
However, there do seem to have more advantages than disadvantages of doing sth.
First, it can also be envisioned that S also bears its own benefits in doing sth. First of all,
S bring(s) about sth. Besides, S V. Moreover, SV. The last critical merit lies in sth/doing
sth/ that SV. Take B as a typical example, SV. CM.
In a nutshell, as aforementioned, I reconfirm that the pluses of doing sth
overwhelm its minuses. Therefore, the questions posed here are how to minimize its
downsides and maximize its upsides for a better future.
2. Neu co nhieu bat loi hon loi ich:
It is a common knowledge/commonly known/It goes without saying/ It is
often claimed/reckoned/proclaimed that there are two sides of a medal: the
rough and the smooth ones. Hence, there is no exception to the rule of doing
sth. In my opinion/to the best of my knowledge/as far as I am
concerned/aware/I know/believe/In my belief, From my point of view, there
are more demerits/merits than merits/demerits of doing sth.
To begin with, as for the disadvantages of sth/doing sth,/this part of this essay
depicts the advantages of sth/doing sth. It can be clearly seen that S V (loi ich
1). Another pivotal benefit/upside/upturn/plus/good side/positive
point/strength/fruit to note is sth/doing sth/ that SV. Indeed, SV (CM). The
final plus of sth is sth/doing sth. Apparently, SV (CM). In short, S bears
several good points.
However, there do seem to have more disadvantages than advantages of doing
sth. First, it can also be envisioned that S also bears its own
k-ness in doing sth. Moreover/Furthermore/In addition, S causes sth. Besides,
S V. Moreover, SV. The last critical demerit lies in sth/doing sth/ that SV.
Take B as a typical example, SV. CM.
In a nutshell, as aforementioned, I reconfirm that the minuses of doing sth
overwhelm/outnumber/outweigh/outstrip/dominate its pluses. Therefore, the
questions posed here are how to minimize/mitigate its downsides and
maximize/bring sth into full play/harness its upsides for a better future
3. Compare two diagrams or maps để lựa chọn xem bản đồ hoặc vị trí
nào phù hợp cho một dự án xây dựng siêu thị hoặc nhà hàng, bệnh viện,
v.v. Hoặc mô tả 1 bản đồ nhưng có 2 vị trí (S1) và (S2)
The two diagram(s)/map(s) unseal/depict/ decipher/ reveal/
illustarte/uncap/decode/ portray sth (1) / NP (viết lại đề bài giữ nguyên
ý) (2)/ tách ra làm hai câu khác nhau viết theo đề bài. the
changes/development/revolution/evolution in infrastructure (cơ sở hạ tầng)
and demography/tourists (dân số học) ở đâu between 1900 and 1935, between
the years/decades: 1900 and 1935./…. nếu chỉ một cơ sở cụ thể: bệnh viện,
trường học, nhà hàng, khách sạn thì ta viết về sự thay đổi về trang thiết bị:
facilities/amenities and capacity
The two diagram(s)/map(s) unseal/depict/ decipher/ reveal/
illustarte/uncap/decode/ portray sth (1) / NP (viết lại đề bài giữ nguyên
ý) the two proposals for sth
First of all, it can be envisioned that the first map/diagram bears the
following features. Mô tả hết đặc điểm của bản đồ 1 dựa trên tất cả các
thành tố, chú ý đến các hướng: Đông, Tây, Nam, Bắc, Đông Nam, Tây
Bắc, Tây Nam, Đông Bắc, …. Chú ý đến việc sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ.
Furthermore, when the second map/diagram is taken into serious
consideration, it can also be clearly seen that there are many similar and
different traits/features in comparison with the first one. Mô tả hết đặc
điểm của bản đồ 2 dựa trên tất cả các thành tố, chú ý đến các hướng:
Đông, Tây, Nam, Bắc, Đông Nam, Tây Bắc, Tây Nam, Đông Bắc, ….
nhưng trong sự đối chiếu và so sánh với bản đồ 1. Sử dụng các từ nối
như: giống: like sth, Likewise, / similarly,/ In the same way,/ SV, v.v.
khác: in contrast, unlike sth, on the contrary, however, nevertheless,
nonetheless, SV. Chú ý đến việc sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ.
In vicinity to sth
In one’s backyard
In a bird’s throw
Share the neighbouring line with/the border with
Be a neighbour with/to
In a nutshell, after having the resemblances and discrepancies between
the two maps/diagrams/ locations/venues analyzed and put the two
plans/projects on a scale, it can be concluded that the second/first (tùy thuộc
vào nhận xét của mình, nhưng thường là số 2) location is a better choice to
build sth (siêu thị, nhà hàng) for its convenience and feasibility.
4. Compare two digrams or maps khi có sự phát triển giữa 2 thời điểm
khác nhau
The two diagram(s)/map(s) unseal/depict/ decipher/ reveal/decode/
decipher/ uncap/ unveil/ unseal sth (1) / NP ví dụ như: the development in
sth between them. (viết lại đề bài giữ nguyên ý) (2)/ tách ra làm hai câu
khác nhau viết theo đề bài.
First of all, it can be envisioned that the first map/diagram bears the
following features. Mô tả hết đặc điểm của bản đồ 1 dựa trên tất cả các
thành tố, chú ý đến các hướng: Đông, Tây, Nam, Bắc, Đông Nam, Tây
Bắc, Tây Nam, Đông Bắc, …. Chú ý đến việc sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ.
Furthermore, when the second map/diagram is taken into serious
consideration, it can also be clearly seen that there are many changes in
comparison with the first one. Mô tả hết đặc điểm của bản đồ 2 dựa trên
tất cả các thành tố, chú ý đến các hướng: Đông, Tây, Nam, Bắc, Đông
Nam, Tây Bắc, Tây Nam, Đông Bắc, …. nhưng trong sự đối chiếu và so
sánh với bản đồ 1. Sử dụng các từ nối như: giống: like sth, Likewise, /
similarly,/ In the same way,/ SV, v.v. khác: in contrast, unlike sth, on the
contrary, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, SV. Chú ý đến việc sử dụng
mệnh đề quan hệ và các cấu trúc sau:
- A is/ will be replaced by/renewed by B: thay mới
- A is converted/ changed/altered/modified/ turned/ developed/
transformed into B: chuyển đổi thành
- B is given way for A; nhường chỗ cho
- B is added to A. được thêm vào
- A is cut short/shortened: cắt ngắn
- A is demolished/knocked down (dỡ bỏ).
- A is flattened: san phẳng
- A, which used to be/was once/would be, now is B.: đã từng là, còn bây
- A is narrowed down by a half/ a third/ two thirds/ a quarter/ three
quarters/ one fifth, v.v.: thu hẹp
- A is lengthened….kéo dài
- A is straightened…. làm phẳng
- A is expanded/ widened/broadened/ enlarged/developed…..mở rộng
- A is made into B.
- A disappears/vanishes.
- A come into beings/ existence/ emerge/ appear
- The existing/inherent A has a new face
- B is erected/ built/ constructed in the venue/location of A. được xây
In a nutshell, after having the resemblances and discrepancies between
the two maps/diagrams/ locations/venues analyzed and their features put on a
scale, it can be concluded that the the second map seems to be a new
version of the first one in terms of demography and premises/
infrastructure/ amenities.

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