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Political system of GB.

This country occupies the British Isles in the Atlantic Ocean; this is the
largest archipelago of Europe. It is named GB after the name of the largest
archipelago island. Officially GB is named The United Kingdom of GB and
Northern Ireland. The Kingdom structure includes four historical areas: England,
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is possible to say that they are 4
independent countries with particular culture and traditions.
Speaking about the political system of GB it is necessary to tell that the
building of Parliament is well-known all over the world, it is not only a historical
architectural monument, but also it is an original image of the British democracy.
GB is a parliamentary monarchy. It means that the state is headed with the
constitutional monarchy led by the queen and the legislative body is the parliament
consisting of 2 chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The
government is headed by a prime-minister
There are 3 main political parties in GB: the Labor, the Conservative and the
Liberal parties. There’s no written constitution in GB only precedents and
traditions. The Labor party is the ruling party and Gordon Brown is the prime-
minister nowadays.
The queen performs certain important acts of government on the advice of
her ministers. The Queen formally summons and dissolves Parliament, and opens
each new session with a speech setting out the Government’s broad programmer.
She also gives formal assent to laws passed by Parliament.
The House of Commons consist of 635 elected members of Parliament.
They are elected either at a general election or at a by-election held when a seat
falls vacant. The Government is formed by the political party which can command
majority support in the House of Commons. Their leader is the Prime Minister,
who chooses a number of ministers, which is collectively responsible for al
Government decisions.
The House of Lords is made up of hereditary and life peers, including the
low lords and the Lords Spiritual. The House is presided over by the Lord
Chancellor who is head of the judiciary in England and Wales.
Legislative measures are introduced into Parliament as Bills, which
considered both by the House of Commons and by the House of Lords.
Local government is carried out by democratically elected councils which
deal with planning and housing, education, personal social services and many

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