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Chris and Alsion Weston Case Analysis

Chris Weston and Alison Weston were a ambitious couple, in drive to

make their new business successful they choose a path which made
them land in prison for 20 and 18 months respectively.

Chris had started a new position at a venture where he was

responsible to fill positions in an understaffed organization which
had shaky moral grounds.In the initial days itself chris found that the
job was asking more for him then he expected it to, it was burning
him out. The organization’s attitude was a “Get it done” attitude
which influenced Chris to earn some extra bucks and also to gice his
wife an opportunity to start a business venture which he might join
to at later stage If it works out.t Organization’s attitude influenced
Chris to work with his wife and open a venture of Staffing Resources
in her maiden name. The couple came across the term “Conflict of
interest” but never acted as they thought themselves to be different
individuals in the society. As the time went on the couple started
providing staffing services to the company as there was no policy in
the company mentioning that family members cannot be contracted.
Gradually the couple started billing the company for more hours
than they had actually worked for. They did not find it wrong as Chris
felt that he was looked over by the organization for many
promotions and was also given tasks above his job role. Alison also
did not find it wrong as she was helping Chris with other tasks for the
organization as well other than staffing. The couple found
themselves on a slippery road later. Chris got a chance to quit when
there were changes made in the management. Chris took the
opportunity as he wanted to make this go away and had quit the job.

Case relevance with Ethics

In this case the decision making process can be termed as Business
decisions versus ethics. The Weston’s viewed the creation of staffing
company as a chance to gain profit for their family and they took the
business decision path rather than taking the path that is aligned
with Ethics hence ethical implication of the decisions were not
considered. Chris though that creating a business that helps the
organization with not hamper the “Conflict of Interest” . However
the decision took by the westons to move forward with the decision
of starting Staffing resources began with ill conceived goals. Many of
this ill conceived goals obscured his moral agency by displacing the
responsibility of his actions on the authority. Chris and Alison kept
their business going knowing that it was unethical though they knew
when they started the venture that it was unethical but on the road
ahead they started to fit in and the fact was ignored that it was
unethical and it hampered conflict of interest. Weston’s started
thinking it was true utilitarianism, the greatest good for the greatest
number. However the first signs of moral disengagements were
found here, they started justifying their actions with the reason that
they are working for greater good. The signs of moral
disengagements continued when Chris started blaming other
employees who were also taking the help of family members to
complete the work for the organization. It was highly unethical to bill
the company for more than what they had provided service for.

LEARNINGS that can be took from this case

• The progressively unethical decision making

• Highly situational decision making
• Moral disengagements
• Conflict of Interestc

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