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AAW Games Presents

September '19

(Order #20184370)
September '19

Product Identity: The following

items are hereby identified as
Product Identity, as defined in
the Open Game License version The Dead Oasis  3
1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not
Open Content: All trademarks, An adventure for four to six characters
registered trademarks, proper of 2nd level by Thilo Graf
names (characters, deities,
etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, Cleansing Cultus Reanimus   5
locations, characters, artwork,
and trade dress. (Elements that An adventure for three to five characters
have previously been designated level 2nd – 3rd by Stephen Yeardley
as Open Game Content or are
in the public domain are not Brush with Death at the Baevonian Stronghold 9
included in this declaration.) A hold-the-fort siege adventure for four to six
Open Content: Except for characters of 8th – 10th level by Jonathan G. Nelson
material designated as Product
Identity (see above), the game Umbravania: The Tower of Count Tolwynn  11
mechanics of this AAW Games
LLC game product are Open An adventure for three to four characters of
Game Content, as defined 9th – 11th level by Justin Andrew Mason
in the Open Game License
version 1.0a Section 1(d). No Long Forgotten, but Never Gone  15
portion of this work other
than the material designated A hard adventure for three to five characters
as Open Game Content may of 11th – 13th level by Stephen Yeardley
be reproduced in any form
without written permission.

Publisher Layout
Jonathan G. Nelson Thomas Baumbach

Cartography Editing
Jonathan G Nelson Justin Andrew Mason Jonathan G. Nelson
PO Box #92 | Snoqualmie, WA 98065 and Thilo Graf
© 2019 AAW Games Mates Laurentiu

(Order #20184370)
• Mini-Dungeon Monthly #8
An adventure for four to six characters of 2nd level by Thilo Graf

S ituated halfway between

the Wayward Inn and the
Grekian ruins of Lake Chonia, a
1. Ancient Guardians
Four humanoid figures made
from dried earth stand silent vigil.
caravanserai once offered respite
They once were the mud golem
for weary travelers. Chonians
guardians of the complex, but the
made use of two magic items, a dryness has rendered them inert. As
decanter of endless water, and a soon as water is spilled or the first
fan of clear air, to ensure reliable saving throw against dehydration
rains, both gifts by a tribal spirit is failed, the golems animate to
in exchange for a monthly human hunt down intruders. Until they
sacrifice of an evil soul. When the animate, they can be sundered with
Chonians unwittingly executed a a single blow, collapsing into dust.
demonologist, a bound wind demon
was explosively unleashed: The 2. Grand Hall
howling wind loosened the decanter
The eleven columns feature relief
and fused the demon with the fan, embossing of supplicants having
creating a deadly field of aridity. their thirst slaked from various
A tunnel leads from the cellar of a containers. The faces of the
wind-scoured ruin below the silt supplicants have been replaced by
soil. The party enters from the blank, crystalline spheres – actually
southwest; air dry, like breathing dormant arcamags. Spilling water
sand paper. The northeast tunnel makes them use their action to drink.
leads to the underworld.
Supernatural Aridity. Make sure 3. Dried Vortex
your players are healthy and that A churning vortex of water was
temperatures aren’t too high. Provide once fed by a decanter of endless
a beverage (water is recommended) water set into the ceiling. The
to each player – this is the only magics of this room dispersed the
beverage they may drink while waters throughout the oasis above,
exploring the dungeon. When an while draining excess water. A 30
adventurer suffers from dehydration, feet deep funnel (DC 10 Strength
the player can instead drink half (Athletics) to climb) of dried mud
the container, negating the effect. remains, with a chrysalis of silver-
Start a timer when the party enters thread (500 gp) gleaming below.
the complex. Call for a DC 10 The chrysalis contains a lou carcolh
Constitution saving throw every in hibernation, which awakens if
20 minutes if the character does not disturbed. Its chrysalis also hides
drink one day’s worth of liquid. On the decanter. The decanter is broken
a failed saving throw, the character and can be repaired (see Area 4).
gains a level of exhaustion from
dehydration. On a successful saving
throw, the DC of future saving throws
against dehydration increases by 1.

(Order #20184370) The Dead Oasis • 3

4. Locked Shrine armor. One holds the blessed key
to Area 4. Offering a dry dead one
This room is magically locked, and
day’s worth of water (or the GM
may only be opened with the blessed
half of the beverage) releases it from
key (see Area 6). Flanked by six
its agony. Releasing the dry dead
pillars, a statue of an upright wolf
teaches the call a roggenwolf ritual.
gazes upon an altar containing the
demonologist’s husk, now a dry dead Fan of Clear Air
(see Area 6). The altar features runes
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires
to call a roggenwolf. Upon completion,
the statue animates as a roggenwolf
and offers to repair fan and decanter,
but only for one sacrifice per month, This gorgeous fan weighs 1 pound.
reinstating Chonian practices. You can use an action to speak one
of two command words:
5. Tainted Air Vortex “Clear” clears any gas within a 10-foot-
radius sphere.
Atop a howling chasm, a contraption “Disperse” disperses up to 5 gallons
holds a glowing fan of clear air
of liquid in a 1-mile radius.
fused with a howling wind demon:
the source of the supernatural
aridity. The fan channels elemental
air, and was used to disperse the
decanter’s water atop the oasis. The
demon is restrained and begs the
party to retrieve the decanter
(Area 3) so it can transfer
its essence to that item and
escape. Complying with
the demon’s demands
will make any water
the decanter produces
diseased, but end the aridity
and award a rare magic item.

6. The Final Rest

The four acolytes that
once maintained the
caravanserai and their
two elite guards ran here when
the sacrifice unleashed the demon,
only to be slain by the aridity. The
trauma of their death reanimated
them as dry dead – skeletal undead
(use blood zombie statistics, but
they drain any liquid) in ancient

• Mini-Dungeon Monthly #8
An adventure for three to five characters level 2nd – 3rd by Stephen Yeardley

T he party is asked to probe a

suspected cultist hideout by a
town official. This adventure has
1. Entrance Hall
Entering. The entrance is locked
two encounters. In theory, the party (DC 13 Dexterity (thieves’ tools)
deals with the hard encounter on unlocks; door: 20 Hit Points,
entering, rests up, and then faces damage threshold 5. If this door
the medium encounter on leaving, is left unlocked, the second
cleansing the regional cult activities door (the standard door for the
while revealing a spy alongside complex) locks, unlocking if the
clues for further adventures. entrance is locked again or it
is dealt with (DC 13 Dexterity
Entries are the foe’s location. (thieves’ tools) unlocks; door: 25
When fighting together, Hit Points, damage threshold 5.
skeletons aid acolytes.
Leaving. One or two cultists are here.
A trap door reveals a
tunnel to this hallway. 2. Communication Statues
Here are opponents for The three statues are homunculi,
various parties: one linked to the half-ogre, one to
the spy, one to a mystery person.
In unison they chant,
Party Entering “Welcome believers!”
Number of Entering. The exits
Lvl H-O OZ A Sp
characters unlock when a donation
3 3rd #5 #5 - - is placed in a hollow
collection stand (left
3 3rd #5 #5 - -
takes food; right
4 3rd #5 #5 NC - accepts flasks of liquids;
4 3rd #5 #5 NC - center receives coins;
accepted value is 1 sp).
5 2nd #5 #5 NC #4
Items are collected
5 2nd #5 #5 NC #4 at midnight, so the

C C C C Sk Sk Sk Sk A A A
#1 #2 - - #2 #3 - - #4 #3 -
#1 #2 - - #2 #3 NC - #4 - -
#1 #2 NC #1 #2 #3 NC #5 #4 - -
#1 #2 NC #1 #2 #3 NC - #4 #3 -
#1 #2 NC #1 #2 #3 NC #5 #4 #3 -
#1 #2 NC - #2 #3 NC #5 #4 #3 #4

half-ogre (H-O); ogre zombie (OZ); acolyte (A);

spy (Sp); skeleton (Sk); cultist (C)

(Order #20184370) Cleansing Cultus Reanimus • 5

• Mini-Dungeon Monthly #8
collection stands may or may not be Leaving. A skeleton may attack,
empty. The half-ogre and spy each or cultist and a skeleton may
possess a key that unlocks all doors. lure the lead adventurer into
an ambush at a ‘T’ junction.
Leaving. One cultist and one
skeleton stand guard here.
5. Ritual Chamber
3. Cleansing Pool Sealed by dark magics, it is impossible
to enter this chamber without
Hooks on the pillars hold cult garb.
either a donation (or unlocking the
The voluminous robes bestow
door), walking through the pool, or
disadvantage on attack rolls to non-
donning a cult robe. Without having
believers. Seven pillars have robes;
done either, a character simply can’t
three have general clothing belonging
walk inside, as if held back by an
to the half-ogre, the acolyte, and
invisible compulsion. The elaborate
the spy. The brackish, gray water
symbol reanimates cult victims as
has the same color as the stone, and
either zombies or skeletons. One
smells of stagnation and rot. Walking
homunculus in Area 2 is linked to
through it grants evil creatures
the mystery character who visits
advantage on their next three attack
occasionally to create ghouls. The
rolls, but only once per night.
braziers emit necrotic energies in
Entering. Wet footprints, distinct a 10-foot radius, dealing 7 (2d6)
in size and shape, belong to the necrotic damage on a failed DC 10
spy, whether encountered or not. Constitution saving throw, or half
as much on a successful one. Only
Leaving. One skeleton is here,
good characters are affected. The
possibly with an acolyte.
half-ogre uses a wand of animate
dead to control the skeletons,
4. Rest Chamber as does the spy if present.
Six large chests, each containing:
Entering. The half-ogre is
a bed roll; a small lockable coffer
here with the ogre zombie.
with key; two books on the cult (one
its rituals, one its history); a prayer Leaving. A skeleton may disturb
cushion. One also holds information the party as it breaks camp.
on the spy and mystery leader.
Entering. If present, the spy is
found recovering the information.
Leaving. One or two acolytes
are here, searching the chests.

North Corridors (NC)

Entering. If present, the acolyte
circles behind the party before it
reaches Area 5. It re-enters the
cleansing pool (Area 3), gaining
its benefit, before doing so.

(Order #20184370) Cleansing Cultus Reanimus • 7

• Mini-Dungeon Monthly #8
A hold-the-fort siege adventure for four to six characters of 8th – 10th level by Jonathan G. Nelson

T he Baevonians are a heavily-

armed and armored people
who crave law and order to such an
ten zombies, 2d4+2 shadows,
7 = 2d6+4 ghouls, 8 = 1d2+1
revenants, 9 = three mummies
extent they’ve struck vile alliances + three wights, 10 = two ghasts,
to further their own dominance in two ghouls, two poltergeists,
former Chonia. Baevonians are the two shadows, one skeleton, one
last line of defense from the undead specter, two will-o-wisps, two
hordes streaming from Valindar. zombies, 11 = ten will-o-wisps, 12
= one wraith, three specters, three
The characters enter the Baevonian
shadows, three will-o-wisps.
stronghold just before it comes
under siege, with undead forces Baevonian Stronghold
surging up the exterior walls
This stronghold is the first of many
and gaining entry through
protecting the Baevonian Pass and
windows, arrow slits, and any
former Chonia. Those stationed
other means they can find.
here are less concerned with the
Undead Onslaught. There is a offensive in Chonia and more
steady stream of undead, surging focused on holding this stronghold.
through every opening of the
stronghold. Attacks typically 1. Pillars of Triumph
come from the direction of a Forty crawling claws slip through
wall or the main gates but as the crack under the gates, scatter,
the undead stream into the then head straight for Area 6.
structure, characters could They have been commanded to kill
be ambushed anywhere. Captain Heighbron, the highest-
If a character moves 20 feet, ranking soldier in this stronghold.
enters a room, or spends more 56 skeletons, 25 zombies, and two
than 1d4 minutes doing anything, bone nagas wait outside while
roll a random encounter (even some of the skeletons repetitively
during combat). After 2d4+10 and methodically slam a battering
random encounter rolls, the ram built of fused human skulls
siege has ended but more undead into the front gates. After 2d20+20
gather in the distance. Will minutes (real-world/set timer), the
there be another onslaught? gates will come down and these
How will the party prepare? forces, plus 4d10+40 skeletons
will surge into the stronghold.
Random encounters (1d12): 1 =
ten ghouls + four ghasts, 2 = ten
skeletons per round for 1d4+1
2. Fountain of Life
rounds, 3 = four ghouls, four ghasts, This fountain has been blessed
2 minotaur skeletons, 4 = 1d2+1 by the priests of the Axiomatic
wraiths, 5 = twenty skeletons + General to not only heal those
twenty zombies, 6 = ten skeletons, who are injured, but to imbue

(Order #20184370) Brush with Death at the Baevonian Stronghold • 9

combatants with the strength the statue transforms into a
(STR +2 for duration of siege) to stone golem to help protect the
stave off any enemies invading Baevonians and the fortress.
this place. Drinking this magic
water as an action acts as a potion 5. West Barracks
of healing, but only when drunk Home to 25 Baevonian
directly from the fountain. soldiers, these men and women
immediately stream out to
3. Guardian Statue: L aw the main gates to protect the
This statue of the famous war hero stronghold. (LN, guards)
Grektharian represents law (and
enforcement) for the Baevonians. 6. East Barracks
If the main gates are breached, Same as Area 5. Captain
the statue transforms into an Heighbron (LN, city watch
armory golem to help protect the captain) will emerge from this
Baevonians and the fortress. room if and when any big baddies
enter the fortress or if his forces
4. Guardian Statue: Order cannot hold the onslaught of
This is a statue of Ciomtian, a lesser undead. If the characters
famous judge, and represents fight well, he offers them official
order for the Baevonians. If positions within the Baevonian
the main gates are breached, army, if they refuse, he discretely
offers roguish adventurers the
chance to be Baevonian spies.

An adventure for three to four characters of 9th – 11th level by Justin Andrew Mason

T he vampire lord, Count

Tolwynn and his three
daughters have been wreaking
acid damage each round they are
in this area. A bless spell or holy
water will negate the damage.
havoc across the realm of
Umbravania. It’s time to infiltrate 4. Maidens of Bone
Tolwynn’s tower and put an end The floor here is covered with a
to their scourge once and for all. glowing pentagram; the source
The tower is actually the entrance of the permeating evil in floors
to the count’s demiplane, which below. It is treated as a 6th-level
can only be accessed by traversing spell (DC 16) for the purpose of
the spiral staircase. Any attempt dispel magic check. Two feminine
to scale the tower reveals an statues tower over the stairwell,
empty and long-abandoned site. made entirely of bones. Blood seeps
from the eye sockets of the skulls
1. Fair Warning and pours into basins beneath. If
the pentagram is dispelled, the
Upon entering the tower, three
statues disassemble into eight
braziers ignite into flame revealing
clacking skeletons per statue.
the spiral staircase leading up.
The count’s disembodied voice Note: This floor (Areas 4 - 11) is
speaks, “I am Tolwynn the the count’s personal demiplane.
dreaded, the damned, lord of Teleportation does not work
darkness, and render of souls. here, and good characters have
Flee now or forfeit yours.” disadvantage on attack rolls
(50%) or saving throws (50%)
2. Evil’s Sting while inside the plane. Reroll
As the stairs continue upward which applies every minute.
a sense of foreboding evil
permeates the air. Good- 5. Pillars of Shadow
aligned creatures feel a stinging The columns in this room appear
sensation across their skin. A to be made of pure shadow, but
DC 20 Intelligence (Religion) the darkness peels from the stone
identifies the phenomenon and shafts to reveal 25 shadows.
means to counter it (Area 3).
6. Hall of Memories
3. Evil’s Bite This library contains literature that
The stinging sensation grows into spans over 1,000 years. Six wraiths
a painful burn, until the skin of hide within the bookshelves and
good-aligned creatures actually attack if any book is disturbed.
begins to sizzle and steam. Good-
aligned creatures take 10 (4d4)

(Order #20184370) Umbravania: The Tower of Count Tolwynn • 11

(Order12 • Mini-Dungeon Monthly #8
7. Sleeping Sisters 10. False Vault
The sarcophagi each contain a The lock upon this door can be
daughter of the count: Adrianna, picked with a DC 25 Dexterity
Sabetha, and Ehlowynn (vampire) (thieves’ tools) check. Inside
There is a 50% chance that the sarcophagus awaits a
each will awaken if disturbed. monarch skeleton. Around its
neck hangs the key to Area 8.
Ehlowynn is only here, if she wasn’t
slain in “The Queen of Nevermore.”
11. The Hall of Reflections
8. Treasure Vault Nine large mirrors are mounted
on the walls of this room. Count
The door can be unlocked with
Tolwynn’s reflection appears in
the key found in Area 10, or
all of them. They all step out of
with a DC 25 Dexterity (thieves’
the mirrors. One is the count. The
tools) check. Two chests contain
other eight are magic reflections
treasure; however, the center
(10 hp; cause half damage, rounded
contains a wraith that attacks
down). When a reflection is killed, it
when disturbed. Treasure:
reappears and emerges undamaged
50,000 gp worth of figurines,
in its mirror after 1d4 rounds.
and six random magic items.
If a mirror is destroyed (5 hp),
9. No Place for the Living then its reflection is killed, and the
mirror explodes, its glass shards
Blood Dart flying out in a 50-foot
Magical trap cone. Those caught
by the shards
Two rounds after entering the must succeed on
room, each of the six, fanged a DC 10+1d4
columns fires a razor-sharp Dexterity saving
drop of blood that unerringly throw, or take 10
hits a character in the room. (4d4) slashing
Each column can fire every 5 damage, or half
minutes and targets a different as much on a
character. A target must succeed on successful one.
a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, These shards
or take 18 (4d8) necrotic damage, pass through
or half as much on a successful one. the reflections
For each failed saving throw, the without harming
count learns a secret of the target. them. If Tolwynn
A DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) is killed, all of his
check notices the trap, and reflections shatter.
bless or throwing holy water
on a column disables it.
The room houses two
vampire spawn gorging
on a corpse.

(Order #20184370) Umbravania: The Tower of Count Tolwynn • 13

(Order14 • Mini-Dungeon Monthly #8
A hard adventure for three to five characters of 11th – 13th level by Stephen Yeardley

T his adventure has two

encounters, one hard and one
medium. Theoretically, the party
absorption onto it momentarily
fractured the shield, freeing the
prisoner. The rod absorbs 5 levels
overcomes the hard encounter on of energy in this process. All
entering, rests up, and then faces areas are hemispheres. A DC 20
the medium encounter on leaving. Intelligence (Investigation)
check investigating a bubble
Chasing Pernego, a renegade mage,
unveils how it was breached.
the party discovers he plans to free
and recruit a number of potential
accomplices from a long-forgotten 1. Unstable Approach
prison. This makes collecting the The remains of a yellow diamond
bounty on him–much larger if elemental gem are scattered at
returned alive–harder, although the start of this passage. The
a potential ally is also here. earth elemental dug the tunnels
to the other cellblocks and
The opponents the party breeched Area 3 before fleeing.
faces include: If the party struggles to overcome
Entering. Pernego; incubus; Pernego, it returns to help.
wraith; vampire spawn; night Entering. Three summoned
hag; barbed devil; steam mephit steam mephits make use of an
(3); swarm of blink bats (a unstable ceiling. Fighting them
common swarm of bats with the causes enough vibration to require
blink dog teleport ability); everyone in the 25-foot-diameter
Leaving. Dreygur the section before the entrance to
Revenant; flameskull; knight (4) Area 2 to succeed on a DC
17 Dexterity saving throw,
Items carried by Pernego: Oil taking 27 (5d10) bludgeoning
of etherealness (6); portable hole; damage on a failed save, or half
ring of X-ray vision; ring of the as much on a successful one.
ram; rod of absorption (30 levels
stored when all bubbles fractured) Leaving. A knight attacks
the first person it sees leaving
Potential ally: Kermode here with its crossbow before
the Werebear retreating westwards. It is visible
Most cells are reversed ethereal to the one in Area 3. If the party
bubbles. Creatures able to access leaves this way, the knights
the Ethereal Plane are held in from Area 6 track them down.
an endless loop from and back Dreygur and the flameskull
to the cell. Pernego found that do the same if they survive.
placing an extra-dimensional
space (like a portable hole) on 2. Cellblock One
the bubble and then pouring oil Northeast: Stasis Forcecage
of etherealness along a rod of

(Order #20184370) Long Forgotten, but Never Gone • 15

Entering. Kermode, a Leaving. There is an 80% chance
werebear held in stasis, is Dreygur and the flameskull, if
visible in this forcecage. A DC 18 it escaped, is encountered here.
Intelligence (Arcana) check
notes that casting any divination 5. Comfortable Ethereal Bubble
spell using a 5th-level spell slot Entering. This cell held an
or higher while touching the incubus. The space around
ground revives her. If released, the bubble is well-appointed,
she fights alongside the party. and the demon is still here. This
Southwest: Ethereal Bubble is the safest place to rest.
Entering. A night hag is Leaving. There is a 20% chance
now free of the bubble, but its Dreygur and the flameskull, if
weakened membrane is still it escaped, is encountered here.
dangerous. The hag tries to push
someone into the ethereal bubble, 6. Ritual Chamber
from which the usual escape East: Hellish Gaol
method escape is required.
Entering. Pernego has just
Leaving. Dreygur’s flameskull finished freeing a barbed devil.
attacks twice from 30 feet high, He is agreeing a contract for
before flying to Area 4 or 5. its help as the party enters.
3. Vampiric Bottle Cell West: Pillar Square
Entering. After being paid in This is an empty solid forcecage,
leather sacks of blood (that coat but with signs of recent use.
the floor of the bottle cell) the Leaving. Two knights are here,
vampire spawn waits on the watching the way in or attacking
ceiling above the entrance. It drops anyone trying to escape. If the party
on anyone who leans over the cell, leaves this way, the knights from
attempting to drag anyone hit to Areas 1 and 3 track
cell’s bottom 30 feet below with them down, as do
a contested Strength check. Dreygur and the
Leaving. A knight hides here, flameskull.
visible to the one in Area 1.

4. Invisible Lead Chamber

Entering. The green outer
ring is invisible lead, 3 feet
thick. Previously solid, it
is now cracked sufficiently
for the wraith within to
pass back and forth without
ending its turn inside an object.

(Order16 • Mini-Dungeon Monthly #8

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or subtracted from this License except as described by the License 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
Content distributed using this License. necessary to make it enforceable.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
Open Game License v 1.0a, © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; .
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty- System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the
free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins,
the Open Game Content. Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce
R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient Mini-Dungeon Monthly ©2019, AAW Games.
rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. End of License

(Order #20184370)
(Order #20184370)
(Order #20184370)

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