Quiz-Basics of Communication

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SZABIST Business and Technical English Writing Instructor: Najmus-Sahar Siddiqi

Name: Reg.no: Class: Date:

QUIZ - Basics of Communication-2.5 marks

1-The content of the communication is called________.

a) a message b) noise c) media richness d) jargon

2-To covert a message into group of words, symbols, gestures or sounds that present idea or concept is
called ____________.
a) encoding b) feedback c) media richness d) noise

3-Noise is not a problem at which stage of the communication process? 

a) source b) receiver c) decoding d) noise is a problem at all stages

4-Which of the following is an example of non-verbal communication media? 

a) time b) bulletin board c) space d) A&C

5-Any communication that conveys a message consisting of words is called _________.

a) verbal communication
b) oral communication
c) written communication
d) non-verbal communication

6-A certain look or glance is an example of _____________.

a) verbal communication
b) written communication
c) oral communication
d) non-verbal communication

7-Manuals and policy statements are referred to as: 

a) upward communication
b) horizontal communication
c) downward communication
d) none of the above

8-Suggestions for improvements from an employee in the accounting department is an example of: 
a) upward communication
b) horizontal communication
c) downward communication
d) the grapevine

9-According to the linear model of communication, at any given point in time a person is sending a message and
receiving a message.

a) True b) False

10-We receive and respond to messages from another person at the same time that she or he is receiving and
responding to us is an example of the _____________ model.

a) Transactional b) interactive c) linear

SZABIST Business and Technical English Writing Instructor: Najmus-Sahar Siddiqi

Name: Reg.no: Class: Date:

QUIZ - Basics of Communication- 2.5 marks

1-______________ is the process by which the receiver interprets the symbols used by the source of the message by
converting them into concepts and ideas. 
a) decoding b) listing c) encoding d) none of the above

2-To covert a message into group of words, symbols, gestures or sounds that present idea or concept is
called ____________.
b) encoding b) feedback c) media richness d) noise

3-We receive and respond to messages from another person at the same time that she or he is receiving and responding
to us is an example of the _____________ model.

a) Transactional b) interactive c) linear

4-Noise is not a problem at which stage of the communication process? 

b) source b) receiver c) decoding d) noise is a problem at all stages

5-Which of the following is an example of non-verbal communication media? 

b) time b) bulletin board c) space d) A&C

6-Any communication that conveys a message consisting of words is called _________.

e) verbal communication
f) oral communication
g) written communication
h) non-verbal communication

7-A certain look or glance is an example of _____________.

e) verbal communication
f) written communication
g) oral communication
h) non-verbal communication

8-An informal and unstructured communication channel that cuts across formal channels of communication is called: 
a) upward communication
b) horizontal communication
c) downward communication
d) the grapevine

9-Suggestions for improvements from an employee in the accounting department is an example of: 
e) upward communication
f) horizontal communication
g) downward communication
h) the grapevine

10-According to the linear model of communication, at any given point in time a person is sending a message and
receiving a message.

a) True b) False
SZABIST Business and Technical English Writing Instructor: Najmus-Sahar Siddiqi

Name: Reg.no: Class: Date:

QUIZ - Basics of Communication-2.5 marks

1-According to the linear model of communication, at any given point in time a person is sending a message and
receiving a message.
a) True b) False

2-The content of the communication is called________.

b) a message b) noise c) media richness d) jargon

3-Which of the following is an example of non-verbal communication media? 

a) time b) bulletin board c) space d) A&C

4-Noise is not a problem at which stage of the communication process? 

c) source b) receiver c) decoding d) noise is a problem at all stages

5-To covert a message into group of words, symbols, gestures or sounds that present idea or concept is
called ____________.
a) encoding b) feedback c) media richness d) noise

6-Any communication that conveys a message consisting of words is called _________.

i) verbal communication
j) oral communication
k) written communication
l) non-verbal communication

7-A certain look or glance is an example of _____________.

i) verbal communication
j) written communication
k) oral communication
l) non-verbal communication

8-Manuals and policy statements are referred to as: 

e) upward communication
f) horizontal communication
g) downward communication
h) none of the above

9-When the accounting manager communicates to the purchasing manager the dollars available for purchases in the
current month, this is an example of: 
a) upward communication
b) horizontal communication
c) downward communication
d) the grapevine

10-We receive and respond to messages from another person at the same time that she or he is receiving and
responding to us is an example of the _____________ model.

a) Transactional b) interactive c) linear

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