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In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Practical Research 2

Presented by

Bala, Mikiel Dave

Catayas , Kent Russel

Columnas, Eric Nathan

Delos Reyes , Donrey Lance

Gardoce, John Rey

Lipasan, Christian Jade

Palacio, Nefertini


Christie Angel Alensub Practical

Research 2

November 2021


This chapter presents an introduction, which consists of Background of the study,

Statement of the Problem , Objectives, Hypothesis, Theoretical Framework, Conceptual

Framework, Significance of the Study, Scope and Delimitations of the Study, Definition

of terms.


In recent years, organic acid environmental stain remover represented by citric

acid has become a research hotspot because it does not contain toxic and harmful

substances and is environment-friendly. Citric acid (CA) is a kind of tricarboxylic acid

compound that exists in lemon, citrus, pineapple and other fruits that is widely used in

medicine, chemical industry, cosmetics, etc. Citric acid is mainly extracted from natural

plants. There are two main methods of industrial production, synthetic method

and natural process . Stains are notoriously difficult to remove. Pre-treating the stain or

applying a bleach solution suitable for the type of stain directly on the stained area

before washing the garments is the best way to prevent putting your machine through a

long cycle and putting pressure on the other items (Dhanke P., 2018).

Appropriate technological conditions and stain removal effects will be explored

for the researchers to provide reference for the development of new substitute raw

materials to reduce production cost and promote the green cycle development of local

tropical fruit industry.

Background of the Study

Pineapple is a perennial fruit-bearing tropical plant that is well known throughout

the world. Pineapple normally thrives in a cold climate with cold temperatures and

weather. This is widely available in the Philippines, notably in Bukidnon, and can be

purchased at a grocery store or a market. The fruit can reach a height of 1-1.5 meters,

with 30 additional through-shaped and pointed fruits that can reach a length of 30-100

centimeters and are surrounded by a thick stalk (Szalay J., 2019).

Bleach is a diluted chemical that is sold for domestic usage. It is made up of

water and sodium hypochlorite. It is commonly sold with sodium hypochlorite

concentrations ranging from 3 to 9 percent for usage in the home and many workplaces.

Bleach has disinfectant properties, which means it can kill most germs, fungi, and

viruses. It's also used to whiten things and remove stains in fabric and other items.

Bleach is also corrosive, which means it can irritate or burn the skin or eyes. When

mixed with other chemicals or cleaners, it can produce toxic gases which can damage

the lungs. And that is why when working with this product it is always recommended to

use caution and attention (CCOHS, 2018).

Pineapple byproducts such as peels can pollute the environment if not utilized.

Recently, there have been investigations/studies on how to utilize these wastes, and

people who cannot afford commercialized stain remover use vinegar as substitute. The

use of pineapple peel extract might be an optimal raw material to make alternative

ecofriendly liquid bleach.

In this study, pineapple peel will be extracted to be used as a key ingredient in

creating a stain remover solution. This solution will then be tested to study its effectivity

on different kinds of cloth material.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to determine the effectiveness of pineapple (Ananas comusus)

peel extract as liquid bleach.

1. Which type of cloth works best for removing pineapple peel stains?

a. Cotton (7ml) (7g)

b. Polyester (7ml) (7g)

c. Denim (10ml) (9g)

2. . What is the effectivity rate of the pineapple peel bleach to remove the blood stains on


Objectives of the Study

The objective of this research is to produce a reference and guidelines proving the use

of pineapple peel extract as a raw material in creating environment-friendly liquid bleach.

Those guidelines include:

1. Develop an organic cleaning product as a replacement for chemical cleaners.

2. To test the effectiveness of the product


Ho: The pineapple peel extract cannot effectively remove heavy stains and does not

have the potential to be used as a raw material for liquid bleach.

Theoretical Framework

Stains are one of the major problems of people nowadays. No matter how hard we try to

protect our clothes, we still cannot stop stains from developing. This is why people use

synthetic stain removers to remove the stubborn stains on their clothes. A stain is

discoloration that can be clearly distinguished from the surface, material, or medium it is

found upon. These are caused by either chemical or physical interaction of two dissimilar

materials (Buelo et. Al, 2019).

There are many dangerous chemicals in our surroundings most of them can be found

inside our homes. Almost every stain removers like commercialized chlorine otherwise

called chlorox and many other harmful chemicals (Gupta et.Al, 2018) that is the reason

why the researchers decided to focus to this investigatory project on creating an eco-

friendly cleaning solution. The problem of the modern world is that we have created far

too much hazardous chemical since it does the daily chores, like removing stains on

clothes unknowing that this can harm the ozone layer.

This study will be conducted to extract the fruit peel which can be used in making an

alternative stain remover. The researchers identified the fruit to be used in the study by

researching the pH scale value in which the fruit belongs to 6 which mean the fruit is

acidic and have chemical components which are acidic and oxalic acid that are the

primary components for removing stains.

Conceptual Framework
To clearly see the process and flow of relationship among the variables being
considered in this study, the following schematic diagram is presented below.

Figure 1

The Effectiveness of Pineapple (Ananas Comusus) Peels Extract as Liquid Bleach

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Fruit peel extract from Effectivity in removing cloth stains

Pine apple ( Ananas Comusus ( blood Stains)

Pineapple peels extract liquid bleach


Cotton Polyester Denim

Figure 1 shows the researchers’ own model illustrating the variables that specify the

problem and the general process of the study. The independent variable is the fruit peel

extract from pineapple, as this is the variable manipulated or changed by the

researchers. While the dependent variable is its effectivity towards removing the stains

on cloth as this is the variable being measure or tested by the researchers in the

experiment. The variables mentioned will then used to produce a solution that could
remove cloth stains and be tested in the different types of cloth sample to obtain a

hypothesis that would explain the outcome of the study.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this experiment will benefit the community as it uses pineapple

peel which is just left as waste and to determine its effectivity on removing stains. This

will also be beneficial for environmental practices as well as encouraging organic

products, which will reduce chemical dependency. Users' safety is considered in making

this an alternative cleaning product. Furthermore, it will emphasize the need of utilizing

organic products, thereby raising shoppers’ knowledge of the importance of using safe


Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study focuses on the utilization pineapple peel in producing liquid bleach. It

encompasses the procedures of making use of something that is thrown and considered

as a waste material. The aspect looked into is its effectiveness on removing blood stains

on a specific type of cloth. This research will be conducted on the school year 2021-2022

at Andres Bonifacio College, Dipolog City,Zamboanga del Norte.

It delimits that the study only attempts to prove the effectiveness of pineapple peel

extract to remove stains and to determine its potential to be used as a raw material in

creating stain removing products.

Definitions of Terms


Alternative- defined as a choice limited to one of two or more

possibilities, as of things, propositions or course of

Byproducts- are somethings which is produced during the

manufacture or processing of another product.

Solution- a means of solving a problem or dealing with a

difficult situation


Alternative- a substitute to a product material using organic


Byproducts- a secondary outcome that is considered as a waste

Solution- a liquid mixture obtained after mixing the raw material

to a solution



According to the study of Advincula & Monderondo (2018), which aimed to

determine and compare the effects of calamansi, pineapple, and bilimbi extracts as
bleaching agents against kitchen stains such as used oil, soy sauce, and chocolate and
to produce three bleaching agents with different kind of fruit extracts. It showed that
calamansi, pineapple and bilimbi extracts were succesive in removing the stains. The
study was conducted to find out which fruit extract could effectively remove the stain in
degree of whiteness among the other extracts. The materials and tools used in the
experiment were the extracts of calamansi, pineapple, and bilimbi,used oil, soy sauce,
chocolate,dropper for the measurement of extract per (ml),and nine clean white cloth.
The processes undertaken in obtaining the result were gathering of materials, cleaning
the fruits, peeling the fruits, extraction, putting the amount of the three alternative
bleaches to three stains. From the data gathered, it can be concluded that there is a
significant difference between calamansi, pineapple and bilimbi extracts in terms of the
degree of whiteness of results, time and convenience of application, and amount of
extracts needed to remove the stain; 2) there is a significant difference between the
effect of calamansi extracts to that of pineapple extracts when used as bleaching agents
against kitchen stains, 3) there is a significant difference between the effect of
calamanasi and bilimbi extracts when used as bleaching agents against kitchen stains;
and 4) there is a significant difference between the effect of pineapple and bilimbi
extracts when used as bleaching agents against kitchen stains.

The effect of pineapple (Ananas comosus) peel extract (with and without salt) on
clothes soiled with grease, ink, hair color, deodorant, mud, and rust is being investigated
in this study. The white cotton cloth measured 8" X 9" in size.The 0.01 g stain was
splattered in the center of the fabric (except for the deodorant where 4 strokes were
applied). The stained fabrics were allowed to air dry for 10 hours before being treated
with 5 grams of Clorox and pineapple extract (with and without salt) for 10 to 20
minutes.The scope of the study was limited to visual observation. The ranking test was
used to measure the degree of stain removal preference. The results showed that stain
removal is dependent on the possibility of a specific stain reacting with the chemical
compostition of the anti-stain solutions utilized. The three solutions listed above had a
considerable stain-removal impact.Clorox, which is readily available, was used as the
control. The majority of the stains mentioned were reduced by this method. However,
depending on the stain, the degree of reduction varies. Pineapple waste extract (acid)
and salt (sodium chloride) were effective against rust, mud, and deodorant.The effect of
the fabric whitening was not noticeable from the three stain removal solutions due to the
spread of smears contributed by different stains in the fabrics (Aldesimo et al.,2018).

This study generally aimed to determine the effectiveness of kamias, star fruit,
and karamay fruit extracts in removing stains. Previous studies revealed the
effectiveness of Kamias as a stain remover, while, this study compared the effectiveness
of different fruit extracts as a stain remover and the potential utilization of other fruit
extracts from trees that are locally available. We determined the cost of making stain
remover using kamias, karamay, and star fruit extracts, the ability of these fruit extracts
as a stain remover in terms of the degree of strain reduction and whitening of the cloth,
and ultimately, the significant difference between the various treatments. Results
revealed that the use of star fruit extract was the cheapest among the four treatments
while the highest cost was incurred using Karamay extract. There was a significant
difference observed between treatments. Bleach was the most effective in removing the
stains and whitening the fabric, followed by the kamias extract. In terms of removing
stains, whitening the cloth, and availability in the neighborhood, the extract was found to
have the best results. We, therefore, recommended the use of kamias extract as an
alternative organic stain remover for fabrics and be used by the households. Being
derived from natural fruit extract and contain no dangerous chemicals, the product is
safe for human use and environment-friendly (Jurish et. al, 2021)

According to Sonja Koukel (2012) Acids are used to remove mineral deposits,
rust stains, and hard water deposits. They can remove discoloration from some metals,
such as aluminum, brass, bronze, and copper. Some acids are effective both in cleaning
and disinfecting surfaces.Acids range from very mild to very strong. Consumers must
take care when choosing and using acids for cleaning. Acid-based disinfectant cleaners
are very irritating to your eyes and skin and will burn your throat. When using toilet
cleaners, it’s a good idea to wear latex dishwashing gloves to help protect your skin and
safety goggles to help protect your eyes from splashes. This section provides an
overview of types of cleaning products that contain acids as well as best use practices.
As always, read the manufacturer’s directions before using on any surface. Refer to
Table 1 for examples of acids in household cleaners.

A new acrylonitrile grafted cellulosic adsorbent is made from bleached banana

pulp in this study. Alkali was used to hydrolyze banana peels, which were then bleached
with sodium chlorate (NaClO3). Fenton's reagent (Fe+/H2O2) was used as an initiator
for grafting co-polymerization of acrylonitrile onto the bleached pulp. Mn(II) was removed
from aqueous solution using an acrylonitrile grafted cellulosic adsorbent. Mn(II)
adsorption onto grafted banana peels was found to be 94% effective. The Langmuir
isotherm model fits the adsorption equilibrium well. Grafted banana peels (GBPs) can be
employed as an excellent adsorbent for Mn(II) removal from aqueous solution and
industrial waste water due to their high efficiency and low cost (Ali, Ashraf. 2017).



Moshanas, Shaw(2015) emphasized the effects of abscission agents on

composition and flavor of cold-pressed orange peel oil. Flavor alterations in essential
peel oils from Hamlin, Pineapple, and Valencia oranges treated with abscission agents
were compared to oils from untreated oranges. The researchers looked at oranges that
were barely developed and those that were fully mature. A trained taste panel evaluated
each peel oil after it was introduced to a sample of high-quality "evaporator pumpout"
with no other flavoring fraction. Typically, the panel identified differences between oils
from treated and control fruit and favored the control oils over the treated oils. The oils'
seventeen most common volatile constituents were separated and identified.
Quantitative variations in oil composition were seen in the barely-mature fruit, indicating
that the abscission agents had accelerated maturation processes; however, there were
no significant quantitative alterations in the well-mature fruit oil. The oils from the treated
and control oranges were identical in quality.

Peracetic acid is a powerful oxidant that can be used to bleach cotton instead of
traditional chemicals. The chemistry of its consumption and the efficiency of the
bleaching process were investigated in order to produce optimal circumstances for its
use, resulting in a high degree of whiteness and good water absorption without damage
to the fabric. Temperature and beginning pH were studied, as well as the influence of the
alkali used to regulate the pH: magnesium carbonate used the most peracetic acid and
did it the fastest, whereas sodium hydroxide consumed it the slowest. Although the
differences were not significant, the bleaching effect was greatest with sodium carbonate
and least with sodium hydroxide. The fabric was only slightly damaged in each case.
The optimal conditions for peracetic acid bleaching were determined to be 60°C and an
initial pH of 7, with either sodium carbonate or magnesium carbonate present (Križman
et. Al, 2006) .


The palm tree is one of the most common and essential trees in tropical
countries. The date palm is a common fruit in many parts of the world. It is a plentiful,
readily available, and effective substance that may be utilized as an adsorbent to remove
various contaminants from aqueous solutions. The role of date palm as adsorbents in
the removal of undesired chemicals such as acid and basic dyes, heavy metals, and
phenolic compounds is discussed in this article. In recent years, a number of research
on the adsorption properties of various low-cost adsorbents, such as agricultural waste
and activated carbons derived from agricultural waste, have been published. Date palm-
based adsorbents have been found to be the most promising for eliminating undesirable
contaminants in studies. There is no previous review that gives researchers an overview
of the adsorption capacities of date palm-based adsorbents utilized for adsorption of
various contaminants. The recent literature indicating the utility of date palm biomass-
based adsorbents in the adsorption of various contaminants is presented in this review
(Ahmad et. Al, 2011).

For more than a century, hydrogen peroxide solutions have been used as an
industrial bleach for a variety of wood, paper, textile, and leather items, as well as for
hair whitening. Hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate solutions have been widely
utilized as antiseptics and disinfectants to remove pus from purulent wounds since the
same time. Hydrogen peroxide solutions have been effectively used for whitening fish
and other seafood for less than this time period. However, the combination of hydrogen
peroxide and sodium bicarbonate was not used as a bleaching cleaner for surfaces
tainted with blood and/or pus stains until the early twenty-first century. In the last 20
years, Russia was the first to suggest the use of hydrogen peroxide solution in
combination with sodium bicarbonate as a universal bleaching and dissolving medical
cleanser. During these years, pharmacology discovered a new class of drugs: bleaching
and dissolving blood stains, as well as a mound of thick pus. It has been demonstrated
that local application of various combinations of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and
warm water causes the dense biological masses to dissolve and discolor in a safe and
timely manner. It has been demonstrated that organic contaminants are purified,
bleached, and removed through hyperthermal softening, cavitation loosening, alkaline
saponification, and dissolution, as well as oxidative discoloration of pigments. It is
proposed that the biomedical alkaline bleaching cleaners created as part of the Arsenal
be used to research and develop new effective and safe ceramic bleaches for everyday
use (Aleksandr 2020).
Definitions of Terms


Alternative- defined as a choice limited to one of two or

more possibilities, as of things, propositions or course of

Byproducts- are somethings which is produced during the

manufacture or processing of another product.

Solution- a means of solving a problem or dealing with a

difficult situation


Alternative- a substitute to a product material using organic


Byproducts- a secondary outcome that is considered as a waste

Solution- a liquid mixture obtained after mixing the raw material

to a solution

Buelo, A. & Ghassemi, Annahita & Vorwerk, Linda & Hooper, W. & Nathoo, S.. (2019).
Clinical Study to Determine the Stain Removal Effectiveness of a New Dentifrice
Formulation. Journal of Clinical Dentistry. 27. 80-83.

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Gupta, Navindu & Khoiyangbam, R & Jain, Niveta. (2018). ENVIRONMENTAL



Advincula J., Monderondo K..(2018). Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of

Calamansi, Pineapple, and Bilimbi Extracts as Bleaching Agent against Kitchen Stains

Aldesimo A., Ansay M., Cabantog W.. (2018). USE OF PINEAPPLE PEELS AS

Jurish Pauleen Hitalia, Yca Justerine Bringuelo, Ivan Henry Jordan, Edward Martinez,
Remo Leba Jr., Anamarie G. Vadez, Hassanal Abusama, Alan Paculanan . Alternative
stain remover; Averrhoa bilimbi; Averrhoa carambola; Phyllanthus acidus; Commercial
bleach; Natural bleach; Sultan Kudarat State University; Philippines
Sonja Koukel. Selection and Use of Home Cleaning Products. College of Agricultural,
Consumer and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University

Ali, Ashraf. (2017). Title: Removal of Mn(II) from water using chemically modified banana
peels as efficient adsorbent Removal of Mn(II) from water using chemically modified
banana peels as efficient adsorbent. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and
Management. 7. 57-63. 10.1016/j.enmm.2016.12.004.

Manuel G. Moshanas, Philip E. Shaw(2015) Effects of Abscission Agents on

Composition and Flavor of Cold-Pressed Orange Peel Oil

Križman, Pavla & Kovač, Franci & Tavčer, Petra. (2006). Bleaching of cotton fabric with

peracetic acid in the presence of different activators. Coloration Technology. 121. 304 -

309. 10.1111/j.1478-4408.2005.tb00373.x.

Ahmad, Tanweer & Danish, Mohammed & Rafatullah, Mohd & Ghazali, Arniza &

Sulaiman, Othman & Hashim, Rokiah & Ibrahim, Mohamad. (2011). The use of date

palm as a potential adsorbent for wastewater treatment: A review. Environmental

science and pollution research international. 19. 1464-84. 10.1007/s11356-011-0709-8.

Urakov, Aleksandr. (2020). Creation of "necessary" mixtures of baking soda, hydrogen

peroxide and warm water as a strategy for modernization. Epitoanyag - Journal of

Silicate Based and Composite Materials. 72. 30-35. 10.14382/epitoanyag-jsbcm.2020.6.

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