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Influence of Job Satisfaction on Job Performance

By: Ketra
King Summer 2 Term
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This integrated article review will discuss and analyze articles related to the relationship

between job satisfaction and employee’s job performance. Job satisfaction is often defined as a

positive feeling about a job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics (Robbins, Judge,

2017 p. 37). Job satisfaction can also be defined as negative feelings toward one’s job. Job

satisfaction is a complex concept and difficult to measure because each factor has a different

level of importance for each employee. This review will also analyze both the positive effects,

organizational commitment, and the negative effects, employee turnover intention, that job

satisfaction can have. My personal experiences in my current organizations led to further

research on this topic. The unmet components that were important to me decreased my job

satisfaction effecting my behaviors and performance, but the interesting part was that those

unmet factors were a breaking point for me but not for others. After our in class discussion on

increasing job satisfaction this was proven to me. Most of my classmates mentioned different

ways to increase job satisfaction and those may have been more important to them. I am now

able to understand both the positive and negative impacts that job satisfaction can have on job


The article, “Job Satisfaction, Organizational Stress and Employee Performance”, states

that employees attitude to his job will at the long run determine performance which is the degree

of accomplishment of the tasks that make up and employee’s job. This article focuses on the

examination of job satisfaction, organizational stress, and the effects on employee performance.

Job satisfaction is defined as the various attitudes people hold towards their job; which is

formally defines as individuals’ positive or negative attitude towards their job (Mofoluwake and

Oluremi, 2013). This article lists 5 major components of job satisfaction which are attitudes

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toward the work group, working conditions, attitude towards the company, monetary benefits,

and attitude towards management. I’ve experienced that of these five major components the level

of importance for each varies from person to person. ‘The personal relationship between the boss

and the employee also affects job satisfaction’ (Mofoluwake and Oluremi, 2013, p.76). This

statement was true in my case and the attitude towards management is near the top of my list.

The study tested the two following hypotheses, job satisfaction will increase employee

performance at work and there is a significant relationship between organizational stress and

employee performance. Hypothesis one was tested using Pearson moment correlation coefficient

statistical analysis, and the study revealed a significant relationship between job satisfaction and

employee performance. Hypothesis two was tested similarly and the results revealed that there is

also a significant relationship between organizational stress and employee performance. The

results from the second test imply that there is a negative relationship between organizational

stress and employee performance; ‘as organizational stress increases employee performance

decreases’ (Mofoluwak and Oluremi, 2013, p.79). The article concluded that the performance of

an employee is determined by how satisfied the individual is with the job, and the extent in

which they are stressed in the organization. Lastly, the article offered recommendations like

increasing skill development training or creating a conducive work environment to completely

satisfy employees and influence behavior positively.

I chose the next article, “Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction” written by

Raluca Rusu because my understanding of organizational commitment was incorrect, and this

article analyzes the relationship between organizational commitments and job satisfaction. I

initially assumed that organizational commitment was an attitude that was directly influenced by

job satisfaction, but that’s not correct. The article states that, ‘In reality a number of theories

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show that although the organizational commitment and the work satisfaction are two concepts

that correlate with each other, they are distinct constructs’ (Rusu, 2013, p. 52). The differences

between the two concepts are that the organizational commitment refers to the emotional and

functional attachment to the organization and job satisfaction refers to the extent to which people

are satisfied or dissatisfied with their work (Rusu, 2013, p. 52). Meaning that an employee can be

emotionally attached to the company and committed to the company while experiencing job


However, the correlation between commitment and job satisfaction is said to vary with

the nature of work, seniority, the department’s culture, interpersonal relations, and absenteeism.

These factors, personal or organizational, all have a different effect on organizational

commitment. Organizational commitment is defined in the textbook as the degree to which an

employee identifies with an organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the

organization (Robbins, Judge, 2017 p. 37). It also states that an employee can be willing to

make sacrifices for the organization if they are committed enough even if they aren’t satisfied.

These employees are said to identify with the goals and values of the organization and are

willing to display effort on behalf of the organization. This made me question if this concept

works the other way, an employee can lack organizational commitment, but be highly satisfied

with their work. In my opinion, that may be possible, but if better opportunities arise then

employees will not feel obligated to stay. In conclusion, job satisfaction does not have a direct

influence on organizational commitment, but the result from the article suggest that there is a

correlation between the two.

Unlike organizational commitment, employee turnover is directly impacted by job

satisfaction. The textbook states that the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover is

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stronger than between satisfaction and absenteeism (Robbins, Judge, 2017 p. 45). It is said that

job dissatisfaction is more likely to translate into turnover when other employment opportunities

are plentiful (Robbins, Judge, 2017 p.45). The textbook also states that ‘a pattern of lowered job

satisfaction is the best predictor of intent to leave’, which is why I selected the article, “Job

satisfaction and turnover intent among hospital social workers in the United States, Social Work

in Health Care”. This article discusses the gaps and contradiction about predictors of job

satisfaction and turnover intent. Turnover intent is a strong predictor of actual turnover and

employee turnover is both expensive and harmful to the company (Pugh, 2016). The findings

from the article include social workers reporting high job satisfaction and low turnover

intentions, proving the inverse relationship between the two. This topic was chosen because I’ve

personally experienced turnover intention, and it was directly related to job dissatisfaction. ‘Job

satisfaction is inversely related to turnover intention and that organizational culture moderates

the magnitude of this relationship’ (Medina, 2012).

This review has been very informative about the impacts that job satisfaction on

employee job performance. Job satisfaction plays a very important role in motivating employees

to perform better, because they have to be satisfied with their salary that should be

commensurate with their work input, enjoy the working environment and also have a good

relationship with their co-workers and employers (Mofoluwake and Oluremi, 2013, p.81). After

researching the influence job satisfaction has on organizational commitment I discovered that

there isn’t a direct relationship between the two. An employee can be unsatisfied with their work,

but be committed to the organization and willing to display effort on behalf of the organization.

Employee turnover is directly influenced by job satisfaction unlike organizational commitment.

Results from studies have proven that there is an inverse relationship between job satisfaction

and employee turnover

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intention and actual turnover. If job satisfaction is high then employee turnover intentions are

low, and vice versa. Overall, job satisfaction strongly influences employee performance. When

employees are satisfied with their assigned task then they are willing to work hard, exceed

expectations, and stay within their current organization.

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P., A. M., & H., A. O. (2013). Job Satisfaction, Organizational Stress and Employee
Performance: A Study of NAPIMS. IFE Psychologia, 21(2), 75-82.
Stiintific, 18(1), 52-55.
Pugh, G. L. (2016). Job satisfaction and turnover intent among hospital social workers in the
United States. Social Work In Health Care, 55(7), 485-502.
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2018). Essentials of Organizational Behavior (Fourteenth ed.).
Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

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