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Pathways RW Level 3
Teacher Guide

Uploaded by CuongNguyen on Dec 07, 2021

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Language for Writing WRITING TASK (page 144)
Students write two more sentences about the EXPLORING WRITTEN ENGLISH WRITING TASK
information in the graph in exercise B. A (Note: Students only need to pay attention to the A Brainstorming A Answers will vary. Possible answer:
• Have students complete the activity individually. underlined phrase. The figure numbers were created Read the Goal box aloud so students are familiar with the Topic: People should eat insects instead of meat
Ask them to write about information that wasn’t for the exercise.) writing task before brainstorming. The aim of the essay is or fish.
in exercise B, or to present the same information to write a persuasive argument about a topic of choice.
a. 1 Reasons: insects have more protein; insects
differently. The brainstorming task focuses on choosing a topic,
• Have students form pairs to compare answers. b. 5 cause less waste; insects are cheaper to farm and
as well as listing reasons to support the argument and use fewer resources
• Check answers as a class. c. 4 possible counterarguments. Finally, students are asked
d. 3 to search online for relevant visual data to use in their Infographic: insects as protein source
Writing Skill: Writing a Persuasive Essay Answers will vary. Possible answer:
e. 2 essays. B
The Writing Skill box introduces how to write a persuasive Have students work individually to brainstorm and
LANGUAGE FOR WRITING • Introductory Paragraph
essay. The writer’s main argument should be presented write notes.
in the thesis statement, and each body paragraph should B 1. four times Thesis Statement: Eating insects instead of meat
• Have them work in pairs to share ideas and give each and fish is better because it is less wasteful while
focus on a supporting reason. The thesis statement states 2. more than
other feedback. being equally nutritious.
the writer’s position on a specific part of the topic. For 3. twice • Allow them time to go online to find visual data related
the body paragraphs, details—including visual data— Body Paragraphs
4. a third to their topic.
help make a persuasive argument sound more credible. Reason 1: less wasteful
5. less than B
Planning Details: four-fifths of a cricket’s body can be used
Writing Skill C Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Students select the best arguments for their position and as food; half or less of fish, a chicken, or a cow is
Students choose the better topic for a persuasive essay 1. Women and men both spen d approximately two complete the outline for their essays. used
out of two choices. Encourage students to refer to the hours on social media on a typical weekend. • Allow students to do some additional research online
information in the Writing Skill box to help them. Reason 2: packed with nutrition
2. Men spend less than an hour reading during the if necessary. If possible, have students print out the
• Have students work individually to complete the Details: high in protein, low in fat; good source of
weekend. infographic they found and include it in their essays.
activity. vitamins and minerals
Tell them to write down the source information for
• Have students form pairs to compare their answers. Ask WRITING SKILL Concluding Paragraph
each infographic they use.
them to share their reasons for choosing each topic. D 1. a; 2. b; 3. b • Allow students time to complete their outlines Summary Statement: In addition to being less
• Check answers as a class. Elicit reasons why one topic is E 1. b individually. Provide assistance as needed. wasteful than regular meat sources, insects are
better than the other. very nutritious and are available all over the world.
2. a, d C
First Draft
Writing Skill 3. a, b, d, e (Explanation: c is too general; f is not
Have students write a first draft of their essays based on
Students are asked to identify the best supporting details relevant)
their outline. REVISING PRACTICE (page 145)
for a persuasive essay. Note that the topic of eating • Remind students to include the source(s) of the
insects is used for the Revising Practice exercise later on. The Revising Practice box contains an exercise that
infographic(s) they used in their essay.
• Have students work in pairs to complete the activity. demonstrates several ways students can improve their
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit reasons for the answers. first drafts.
Provide assistance as needed. Refrain from error
correction at this point.
• Allow students time to analyze the draft and complete
the exercise. Note that this essay is based on the same
topic as exercise E in the Exploring Written English
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to identify each
change and explain how it makes the revised draft
stronger (Sentence a is a final thought, b is a topic
sentence, and c is a supporting detail that describes the
visual data).


Global ChallenGes 7
• Have students study the picture, title, and caption. Elicit
the meaning of sea level (the level/height of the sea’s
Environmental Science surface).
• Discuss the photo as a class. What is this picture making
ACADEMIC SKILLS a prediction about?
READING Understanding appositives • Discuss the two questions as a class. For question 1,
WRITING Writing an opinion essay ask students to think about cities that they know are
situated near the sea, and how those places would be
GRAMMAR Using adjective clauses
affected by a significant rise in sea level. For question
CRITICAL THINKING Inferring attitude 2, encourage students to consider what they have
studied in other units in this book when discussing
answers (for example, population rise, overuse of
resources for food shipment, etc.).
This unit focuses on how human activity is causing • Discuss the title of the unit: Global Challenges. What
climate change at a rapid rate, as well as the efforts of kind of challenges do students think the title refers
some people to ensure that we have a more sustainable to? Elicit ideas. (The challenges covered in this unit
future. Students learn about the devastating effects of are mainly to do with the environment and natural
climate change and the steps that can be taken to slow resources.)
these effects down.
• READING 1: Actor turned activist Leonardo DiCaprio ANSWER KEY
introduces his new documentary on climate change,
Before the Flood.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
• VIDEO: One man’s efforts in recording weather data in
the snowy mountains of Colorado has helped scientists 1. Risin gsea levels may flood towns and cities built at
understand more about global warming. or close to sea level. Many homes and habitats may
be lost.
• READING 2: Eight specific steps toward creating a
2. Due to rising temperatures from the effects of
more sustainable planet are outlined and explained.
climate change, Arctic sea ice is melting, which is
Students draw upon what they have read and watched contributing to rising sea levels.
to write an opinion essay about how best to create a
more sustainable future. The unit prepares them for the
writing task by introducing vocabulary for talking about 5

climate change, as well as how to recognize appositives. EXPLORE THE THEME (pages 148–149)
It also teaches adjective clauses and introduces the
components of an opinion essay. Finally, it takes students The opening spread contains a map of GDP levels
through the steps of brainstorming and planning, and worldwide. Activities that drive economic growth usually
shows them how to revise and edit their essays. consume natural resources. As more countries strive for
greater economic growth, it may lead to an increased
MI N S consumption of our natural resources.

THINK AND DISCUSS (page 147) • Allow time for students to study the spread and answer
the questions individually.
The image (a composite photo) shows the Statue • Check answers as a class. As the class discuss, revisit the
of Liberty, an iconic symbol of the United States, Think and Discuss questions about rising sea levels. Is
submerged halfway in water. The image shows what there a connection between GDP growth and rising sea
could happen if all the world’s ice were to melt. The title levels?
and questions help prepare students for the subject • Elicit sample sentences from students for each blue
matter covered in the unit. word.


ANSWER KEY This section is adapted from the article Seven Things
to Know About Climate Change, which appeared in
PREPARING TO READ National Geographic. Clips of DiCaprio’s documentary
A 1. vanish can be viewed online on various video platforms such as
2. crucial YouTube.
3. practical Online search terms: Before the Flood, Seven Things to Know
About Climate Change
4. generate
5. exceptional
6. focus on 6
0 S
7. shrink (pages 154–155)
B Answers will vary. Possible answers: A Understanding Main Ideas
1. On e crucial problem in my hometown is that the
population is shrinking. Because so many young Students are asked to choose the answer that best
people are moving to urban areas, many small summarizes the interview with DiCaprio.
towns in the countryside are starting to vanish.
• Have students work individually to complete the
2. My country needs to make small towns more • Check answers as a class. Discuss where students found
appealing for people to live in. One practical the answers.
solution is to generate job opportunities by
bringing more businesses to the countryside. B Understanding Main Ideas
C Answers will vary. Possible answers: Students are asked to complete the sentences about
1. I think the most important environmental issue the main ideas of the section Seven Facts about Climate
we face today is rising sea levels. Change.
2. More stories, news reports, and videos about • Have students work in pairs to complete the activity.
the problem may help educate people. Also, • Check answers as a class. Discuss where students found
celebrities can help persuade people to take the answers.
action. C Understanding Details
D Answers will vary. Correct answer: DiCaprio talks
Students are asked to identify each piece of information
about his efforts to raise awareness of climate
as true, false, or not given. The statements all relate to the
change—making a film to educate people. He
section Seven Facts about Climate Change.
also shares his thoughts on why people should • Have students work individually to complete the
take the problem seriously and what they can do
about it. • Check answers as a class. Discuss where students found
the answers.
2.03 Have students read the passage individually, or
D Interpreting Visual Information
play the audio and have students read along.
This exercise requires students to look at the information
OVERVIEW OF THE READING in the five graphs in the reading passage.
• Have students work individually or in pairs to complete
The passage is an excerpt from an interview with actor
the activity. Point out that two descriptions are extra.
and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio. DiCaprio
• Discuss answers as a class. Which graph is the easiest to
introduces his new movie, Before the Flood, which took
understand? Why?
him on a journey around the world to learn about
climate change. DiCaprio, who speaks to scientists and E Critical Thinking: Inferring Attitude
world leaders in the film, shares what he feels needs
The Critical Thinking box explains how to infer an author
to be done to tackle this problem head on: he says
or speaker’s attitude by paying attention to adjectives
governments must get involved. In addition to the
and modals used. For this exercise, students should refer
interview, the passage also contains information about
to Paragraphs D–F and look for expressions that DiCaprio
climate change and the effects it is having on our planet.
• Allow students time to reread Paragraphs D–F.


Understanding Appositives Video
Students complete the sentences with the correct
• Have students work individually to complete the 4
exercise. (pages 157–158)
• Have them form pairs to compare their answers.
• Check answers as a class. Overview of the Video
The video features a man named billy barr (Note that he
Applying spells his first and last name with a lowercase “b”). barr lives
Students are asked to find two sentences with on his own in a cabin in the snowy mountains of Colorado.
appositives in the Explore the Theme section. While at first glance he may seem to have a quiet life, he
• Have students work in pairs to complete the exercise. is actually contributing in a very important way to science.
• Check answers as a class. Every day for the last 40 years, barr has measured the levels
of snow in his area and carefully recorded this information.
ANSWER KEY His data has allowed scientists to analyze the specific
effects of climate change over this period of time in his
DEVELOPING READING SKILLS part of Colorado. According to barr’s observations, there
A 1. Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio likes to have been changes in the amount of snowfall as well as
say that he makes his living in made-up worlds. how quickly snow melts.
2. DiCaprio became a climate activist after a Online search terms: Gothic Colorado, billy barr, Rocky
1998 meeting with former U.S. Vice President Mountain Biological Laboratory
Al Gore, …
3. For the film we interviewed inspiring figures …
like Sunita Narain, a tremendous voice in India BEFORE VIEWING
who’s calling for her country to be part of a A
global solution.
Students are asked to predict the topic of the video.
4. Events such as El Niño—a climate cycle in the
• Have students study the title, photo, and caption and
Pacific Ocean—also affect global temperatures.
predict what they may see in the video.
B 1. b • Discuss as a class.
2. a
3. d Learning About the Topic
4. c The paragraph prepares students for the video by
providing them background information about the area
C 1. …Gross Domestic Product (GDP)—the amount of
that billy barr lives in. Students then answer questions
goods, services produced in one year…
about the information in the paragraph.
2. …consumption, the using up of resources. • Have students read the paragraph individually.
• Have them work in pairs to answer the questions.
• Have a class discussion. Ask students why they think
billy barr chooses to live in a remote place.
Vocabulary in Context
This exercise introduces students to some of the key
words used in the video. Students use context to deduce
the meaning of the words.
• Have students work on the exercise individually.
• Have them form pairs to check answers.
• Discuss as a class. Elicit example sentences for each


Understanding Problems and Solutions ANSWER KEY
Writing B
Using Restrictive Adjective Clauses
Students practice writing restrictive adjective clauses.
Students search the sections for s upporting details in UNDERSTANDING THE READING
the form of examples. Note that there is more than one
• Quickly review what a restrictive adjective clause is. Go
A 1. motivating 5. using OVERVIEW over the example given in the student book as a class.
answer in some cases as multiple examples are given.
2. making 6. regulating In this section, students learn how to write an opinion • Have students complete the activity individually.
• Have students work in pairs.
• Allow them time to look at the reading and find 3. using 7. increasing essay. The lesson starts by teaching restrictive and • Have students form pairs to compare answers.
examples. 4. investing 8. reducing nonrestrictive adjective clauses, and then introduces the • Check answers as a class.
• Check answers as a class. Discuss where students found B Answers will vary. Possible answers: structure of an opinion essay. In the Writing Task, students C Using Nonrestrictive Adjective Clauses
the relevant information. apply these lessons by writing and revising an opinion
1. a community in Senegal uses solar ovens Students practice writing nonrestrictive adjective clauses.
essay about one way we can achieve environmental
C Interpreting Visual Information that don’t require wood for cooking / public • Explain that this time students have to combine the
sustainability. Students begin with a brainstorming
transportation reduces traffic congestion and sentences to add nonessential information.
Students use the infographic in the reading passage to exercise before selecting the best ideas and organizing
improves air quality • Check answers as a class. Check that students have
answer the questions. them in an outline. Students then draft their essays,
• Allow students time to work individually. 2. animal waste causes water pollution / risk of improve their drafts, and correct common mistakes used commas in the correct places.
• Check answers as a class. Discuss where in the dangerous diseases spreading in cities related to the use of adjective clauses.
infographic students found the relevant information. 3. cutting down on landfill waste / creating ANSWER KEY
alternative energy
4. causes water pollution / destroys animal habitats
Students first find and underline the words in the passage. (pages 165–167) A 2 (Explanation: The underlined clause is non-
5. renewable energy industry / wind industry / solar
Then they use context to deduce the meaning of the essential because it can be removed without
power industry
words. Lastly, they write definitions in their own words. A Noticing affecting the main focus of the sentence.)
• Have students work in pairs to locate the words in the 6. Brazil / India / Nigeria
Students decide which sentence contains information LANGUAGE FOR WRITING
passage and deduce their meaning. C 1. a 4. United States that can be left out without affecting its meaning. This
Check answers as a class. Tell students that the B 1. Farms that are close to the city centers increase

2. 3 5. China exercise is to be done before going over the information
definitions can be worded differently as long as they the risk of dangerous diseases—such as avian
3. China, United States in the Language for Writing box.
express the main meaning of the word. flu—spreading.
D Answers will vary. Possible answers: • Have students complete the task individually before
discussing in pairs. 2. The Thai government placed a high tax on
E Understanding Appositives 1. tax break : something the government does that • Check answers as a class. Elicit or explain why the poultry farms that were within 100 kilometers of
Students practice the reading skill introduced earlier in this reduces the amount of taxes people or businesses Bangkok.
information is essential or nonessential (extra) in each
unit. need to pay 3. Sun and wind power are two energy sources that
sentence (e.g., In sentence 1, if the underlined part
• Have students work in pairs to look back at the reading 2. harvesting: using / gathering / collecting is removed, we don’t know what kind of leaders the are renewable.
and find examples of appositives. 3. market share: the percentage sales that a business sentence is referring to. The information is incomplete.) C 1. Bee f production, which requires a lot of water,
• Check answers as a class. For each paragraph, have has out of the total sales of a product contributes to climate change.
a volunteer read the sentence that contains the Language for Writing: Using Adjective Clauses
4. jointly: together / in collaboration with 2. The city of Curitiba, which has an efficient bus
noun and its appositive. Ask students what k ind of The Language for Writing box introduces restrictive
E Paragraph F: One method is via the use of system, has very little traffic congestion.
information the appositives add. and nonrestrictive adjective clauses, also known as
photovoltaic cells (PVs), cells that convert solar 3. Leonardo DiCaprio, who is a UN Messenger of
relative clauses. Remind students that they learned
Critical Thinking: Evaluating energy to electricity. Peace, has produced a documentary on climate
about appositives earlier in the unit. Like appositives,
Students evaluate the steps mentioned in the reading Paragraph I: Logging—the cutting down of change.
adjective clauses also help describe or explain a noun
and share their opinion on the ones they think are most trees—has several negative effects on the better. Adjective clauses give either essential information
crucial. environment. (restrictive clauses) or nonessential (nonrestrictive
• Have students work in groups of three or four. F Answers will vary. Possible answers: clauses). Restrictive clauses give specific information
• Ask them to share which steps they think are the most Cleaner Power; Lower Emissions; Safer Production that helps readers understand the noun. Nonrestrictive
important, and why. clauses add information that is not important in
• If time permits, discuss as a class. I think lowering carbon emissions would help
a lot as carbon emissions are one of the major understanding the meaning of the noun, and can
causes of global warming. be removed without changing the meaning of the
Ideas for … EXPANSION sentence. Go over each type of adjective clause and
Have students work in groups. Which of the eight explain how the information is essential or extra. Also
steps can people do on a personal level, and which highlight how commas are used differently.
ones require the cooperation of governments and
businesses? For those actions that can be done on
a personal level, ask students about the kinds of
changes people would need to make to their lifestyles.
76 UNIT 7

0 M NS
Writing Skill: Writing an Opinion Essay 6
WRITING TASK (page 168) Revised Draft
The Writing Skill box introduces how to write an opinion
WRITING TASK Students should apply the revision techniques used
essay. Explain that for an opinion essay, it is OK if the A Brainstorming A Answers will vary. Possible answers: in the Revising Practice box to their own drafts, where
thesis statement contains a first-person reference
Read the Goal box aloud so students are familiar with the applicable.
because they are sharing their personal opinion. Point Individuals: go vegetarian, use LED lightbulbs,
writing task before brainstorming. The aim is to think of
• Explain to students that they will be using the
out that in most other essay types, the thesis statement invest in socially responsible businesses
different ways a government, a business, or an individual questions as a guide for checking and improving
usually doesn’t include “I” or “my.” Also explain that the Businesses: use renewable energy sources,
can help create a sustainable future. their drafts.
body paragraphs should each state a reason for the increase “green” jobs
Explain that students should use a chart for their
• As a class, go over the questions carefully to make sure
opinion expressed in the thesis statement, as well as •

brainstorming. Tell students that they can look back at Governments: set goals to lower carbon students understand them.
supporting details to explain the reasons.
the unit to get ideas. emissions, give tax breaks to “green” businesses, • Allow students time to revise their essays.
D Analyzing reward sustainable communities
• Allow them time to note their ideas individually first.
Students are asked to read a sample outline for an • Then have students share and discuss their ideas with B Answers will vary. Possible answer:
opinion essay and answer questions about it. a partner. Get partners to give additional ideas or offer Hook/Background Information: people are
• Allow students time to look at the questions before feedback. using more of Earth’s resources than nature can The Editing Practice box trains students to spot and
reading the outline. replenish, e.g. fresh water correct common errors related to adjective clauses,
Have students work on the exercise individually. Planning especially the use of commas and relative pronouns. As

Thesis Statement: In my opinion, becoming
Have them form pairs to check their answers. Students choose one idea from their brainstorming notes a class, go over the information in the box carefully to

a vegetarian is the best way to preserve our
Discuss as a class. Elicit the answer to each question, and complete the outline for their essays. make sure students understand what to look out for.

resources and slow down global warming
going over how the writer is able to express and • Explain that students can use information from the • Allow students time to complete the exercise
because it saves water and cuts down on carbon
support the opinion in the outline. Do students think reading passages and video to support their opinions. individually.
this is going to be a well-supported essay? Tell students If there is time, allow students to do some additional • Check answers as a class by asking students to read
Topic Sentence 1: One reason that vegetarianism their corrected sentences aloud and explain the errors.
that they can use this outline as a reference for their online research.
is a good way to reduce our use of resources is
own outlines in the Writing Task. (Note that the Revising • Allow students time to complete their outlines
that it saves large amounts of water.
Practice provides an example of a complete essay individually. Provide assistance as needed. ANSWER KEY

based on this outline.) Details: 1kg of beef = 16,000L; 1kg of corn = 833L
Summary Statement: Not eating meat is a good
ANSWER KEY Have students write a first draft of their essays based on way to ensure a sustainable future because it uses 1. a. Paragraph B
their outline. less water, and it also reduces greenhouse gas b. Paragraph D
• Remind students to use adjective clauses where emissions. c. Paragraph C
D 1. reducin g the problem of climate change (See suitable. Final Thought: becoming a vegetarian keeps 2. d. second blank in Paragraph A
Thesis Statement.) • Allow students time to complete the task individually. both the planet and people healthy
2. The writer says that vegetarianism saves resources Provide assistance as needed. Refrain from error e. first blank in Paragraph A
and slows climate change. (See Thesis Statement.) correction at this point. f. Sentence to cross out: Producing biofuels from corn
3. Vegetarianism saves water and cut s down on REVISING PRACTICE (page 169) and other plants also uses large amounts of water.
carbon emissions. (See Topic Sentences.) The Revising Practice box contains an exercise that EDITING PRACTICE
4. First reason: statistics about meat production demonstrates several ways students can improve their 1. Vegetar ianism, which means not eating meat, is one
versus plant production first drafts. way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Second reason: an explanation of how meat • Allow students time to analyze the draft and complete
2. CFLs, which are popular in countries like Japan, use
production leads to a lot more greenhouse gas the exercise. Note that this essay is based on the
75 percent less energy than traditional lightbulbs.
emissions outline used in exercise D on page 167.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to identify each 3. Logging that is done without regulation causes
change and explain how it makes the revised draft many types of environmental harm.
stronger. 4. Costa Rica, which already generates 80 percent of its
energy through renewable sources, has promised to
have zero net carbon emissions by 2030.
5. DiCaprio, wh o is the founder of the Leonardo
DiCaprio Foundation, is working to make people
aware of the effects of climate change.
6. DiCaprio made a film that gave people a sense of


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Medical innovations 8


Health / Medicine
The photo shows a picture of a drone delivering medical
supplies to a clinic in Virginia, U.S.A. Drones can help
deliver medical supplies to remote or hard-to-access
READING Understanding passive sentences places, and may be a way to provide medical care for
WRITING Evaluating information online people in those areas. The title and questions help
GRAMMAR Introduction to quoting and citing prepare students for the subject matter covered in the
sources unit.
• Have students study the picture, title, and caption. Elicit
CRITICAL THINKING Inferring purpose
the meaning of innovation as well as other forms and
their meanings (innovate, innovator).
UNIT OVERVIEW • Discuss the photo as a class. What does the picture
show? Who might benefit from this technology?
This unit focuses on medical innovators and innovations
• Discuss the two questions as a class. For question 1,
in both ancient and modern times. From reading about
get students to think about recent medical treatments
a 12th-century pioneer and his definitive medical text,
that are unlikely to have been around 100 years ago.
to exploring how modern-day medical practitioners are
For question 2, ask s tudents to make predictions based
using technology to improve healthcare, students learn
on what they hope will be improved in medicine and
about different people who have contributed to the
medical care. Do they have ideas about how these
medical field. The continual advancements in medical
improvements may happen?
technology are allowing people to live healthier and
longer lives today.
• READING 1: The knowledge and inventions of
12th-century medical pioneer Al-Zahrawi are still THINK AND DISCUSS

influencing how surgeons operate on patients today. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
• VIDEO: An engineer uses cell phone technology to 1. Hospi tals have become more sterile. / Pain
help diagnose and monitor global epidemics like treatment has become more effective. / Vaccines
malaria. have eradicated some diseases.
• READING 2: Some exciting breakthroughs are 2. Medical care will become cheaper and more
happening in the fields of regenerative medicine and universally accessible. / Cancer will be cured. / The
nanotechnology. common cold will be cured. / Technology will help
prevent disease before it happens.
Students draw on what they have read and watched
to write a research-based essay about an innovation
in medicine, science, or technology. The unit prepares
them for the writing task by introducing vocabulary for
talking about innovations, as well as how to identify and
understand the passive voice. Students are then taught
how to evaluate online information during the research
process, and how to cite sources when using direct
quotations. Finally, the unit takes students through the
steps of brainstorming and planning, and shows them
how to revise and edit their essays.


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