Finacle Book For Bank Auditors-2

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To change education loan from simple rate of interest to compound rate of interest- EDUEMI
2. Cheque already paid in system can be marked as unpaid by- UCS
3. To inquire account number on the basis of cheque number and sol id – INQACHQ
4. Mutual fund transfer transaction- MFTM
5. Request for duplicate pin for debit card- DPINREQ ; ATMCRA
6. Change account manager of customer- CAMC
7. Krishi card maintenance- KCM
8. Scheme wise distribution of deposit under fixed deposit- SDD
9. To print SI covering letter to customer- SICL
10. What if analysis of account liability- WIALL
11. To change the service outlet of an employee- CSE ; CCS
12. TO give TRACKING NO. to remitter at the time of remittance- XOOM
13. File transfer protocol- FTP
14. To recover charges from account for duplicate passbook, duplicate demand draft – GCHRG
15. Option code for enquiry on the exception raised by system- K
16. Inquiry can be made on account opened between two dates by using- GDET
17. House loan under simple rate of interest can be opened by- TLSHL
18. Inward clearing can be uploaded by- Pcunix (SERVICE BRANCH)
19. for receipt of DIRECT taxes- OLTAS (online tax accounting system) combine the custids of customers – CCA
21. Apply for duplicate password OF user- IBSRPOST
22. Interest rate modification- INTTM
23. Generation of interest rate advice- INTADV
24. To print the voucher- VCHR
25. Credit card application- CCAPPL
26. Relaxation of inter-sol charges- ISOCR
27. Ledger print out of office accounts-ACLPOA
28. TO change the GL subhead code- TACBSH
29. TO unlock the user id- SAC
30. To restrict certain users to restrict certain accounts- AACM
31. TO attach teller duties to a user- GECM
32. To change your password on your own- PWMNT
33. Any kind of financial transaction (transfer, receipt, payment) - TM
34. Details (deep) of account balance- ACCBAL
35. TO reverse the proxy transaction – SPTM
36. Interest run for an a/c- ACINT
37. Inquire into the exceptional transactions- TEI
38. VERification of the exceptional transactions- TEA
39. Inquiry for MINIMum work class required to post and approve a transaction- EXCDM
40. TO reverse a transaction – HCRT
41. Print the transaction advice (to send to customer about bank induced charges)- ADVC
42. Option to inquire if a transaction is balanced or not- L
43. Cancellation of DD/PSI- DDC
44. Payment of dd- CDDMP
45. Payment of PSI–TM
46. Account balance of particular cust id- CUSTBALP
47. To know the total deposit for a customer- ACMP
48. Interest certificate- INTCERT
49. To view the standing instructions for a customer id- SII
50. Opening, suspending, releasing, regularizing the outward clearing zone(be extremely careful)- MCLZOH then O,
S, R, G respectively each function after one day gap.
51. Reversal of wrongly debited ATM payment- ATMREV
52. TO check if a DD is printed or not? – DDPALL

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