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Foreign bill INQUIRY- FBI

106. FOReign bill balancing register- FBBR
107. Foreign bill advice printing- FBADVP
108. HOW to delete/modify outward clearing in verified status – open a new zone in MCLZOH other than outward
clearing zone. Then TROFSETS- transfer the entry from outward zone to new zone. Delete/ modify entry in new
109. Verify outward clearing entries- OCTM
110. VERIFY inward clg. Entries- ICTM
111. TO check whether all instruments entered in zone are verified—IOCLS
112. WROng chebk series issued to account, how to destroy, reissue new series- CHBM then CHBMAU
113. Inventory management- ISIA
114. STOP cheque payment- SPP then SPPAU
115. TO transfer inventory from one operator to another- IMC
116. Employee file maintenance or users’ functions management- EFM
117. Role profile management- RPM
118. Disable user- PAPW
119. ACC. Ledger inquiry- ACLI
120. ACCOUNT maintenance/ modification – ACM
121. View the joint holders for an account- JTHOLDER
122. Passbook printing- PBP; NEWPBP
124. Mass posting/ verification- TV
125. Intersol transaction report- ISTR
126. Previous day transaction verification- PTV
127. Post proxy transaction- PPT
128. Abnormal transaction inqiry- ATI
129. Financial transactions report- FTR
130. RATE list query (gold coins rates)- RTHQRY
131. CUStomer unutilized limit inquiry- CULI
132. Exceptions report- EXCPRPT
133. Report of matured od/fd acc.- ODFDREP
134. Loan overdue position inqiry- LAOPI
135. Loan repayment schedule report- LARSH
136. Pending instalments list- PLIST
137. Loan overdue reports- LOANODUE
138. Overdue foreign bills- ODFB
139. LOAN sanction limit review- LAROR
140. Change in sanction limit- CHLMT
141. Non submitted stock statement- STKSTMT
142. Loan account master report- LAMP
143. Assets Classification report- ASSCR
144. ABMR- Report of Accounts Below Min Balance
145. Shroff cash report- SCWRPTA
146. CALendar table maintenance/TO Mark holiday – CTM
147. Branch inquiry- BRTI
148. Bank inquiry- BKTI
149. Loan account general inquiry- LAGI
150. Loan amount disbursement- LAMOD
151. DEBIT cum ATM card request- ADCREQ
152. Verify debit catd/atm request – ADCMOD
153. NEFT verification-NEFT then option V
154. RTGS verification- HRTGS
155. VERIFICATIONN of JET clearing- JETCL; verify TICKET no.; jcs generation- J; report generation- R

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