Marxist Approaches by Amisha

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naoha hasad Page No.

Manxist approacon

Ihe mmD VEhMLMt kou uMdLDeMOLnC

hBtory o tao uwDHLl_TE SaLw

h puHcipation of Lwide gech'on
Denple umAL Hhe docAshp
the Znda Wation0L Conou
Lohiu hhe begiaming 2 h iIndian
NaHonaL MOverient is váuously
tracLd,0 mafor CDn&eniu being
the Concfolunahon ok he Revolto
1957 as the uuE couuchive
MDVEmemt , THe movemMnt 2as
Qwe IR maL ADDe On0 Nahanal
ciataCLLH LMdIL HnL leocLnBhip
OF Mohamda8 kauamchand Cu0zialhi.
Tne Tndian aHOnaL MOveMent
hasbeLn Studied widely fom MOny
diRHLYt PesspELhires The NatlolallttE
h In0TOn peDple _uhithu erMLugLd
QnoBtLngheneo Q8 a sLLSLLE
cguDing iwaL NO3 annong
péopi abotit he es&entia lly
ekpldttahiit chaxacer Ok Colonialsm.
One oE Hhe MMIxtsE ntrpreucr
Such as
C t h Tndion Natio
Page Nc
i o Q raphy O

MOMxish Peiapocties
MaHrm Noho
Eonly wrka
The6uba lHHmdthoo
oA Raadical

Marxianand Notionalsm

-work of Stu died SDcfethe &

nphasi's eo n the iodias o

pLDCLuC Hom anddescaibe}_yarious

his touical epochg n esmS Of Ls
Majo COubtadichon8 based On
khe ALatiam oR DDcluch on
Call ihL clcu COMbra dirthan2.
The MaHxi'sk believedhat
histosuy LpLLLMLdhon he
tuudgle Betvweemthe haves
AM.d hauts MOtS LAa3 taking-
Shape MAX ana Engeis
Lduelopmint C acial

7hey did n0t_pf much emphoas


LOhtich POpoS eg"to unie_people

ACHD&2 ClaiA ulSIbns nd
MaHxishn identEeod he Mation
Os 80cdoecDnDAic ontaucion
tine Lral itnahich

he captaliat ecoMomie SsSEm

CLasÍCAL MaHASS haMe unanimously
CAaIÄLd that nahonaliann ` a
a30Cated Ltn

Marxist Histoziqrophy oF Indion Notionali

Eatly hbtks :
MaHyist ubtoams _wOMks
RanPalmu Dutt Omc A.R
Desau aLAuD mJt lmpartar
pLDmi'nmt hltuuaasuein bh_
yOxest KchoGL.
Page No.

The wiuitngs ak the COMIMMthonak

MaHxist kchboL_aMalyslal h e
lcAAChaMaLt_ lal Indian
MAtio4al MDreMuatn_rmi
Of thi _economic liutlohmnk C
m ColDnfal DLuDd. fuch ai
LLS O Mclustnal Lopitolu_and

Accordng_ to this icholOHship, the

BogLOs lialMahip o thi AAunt
OLght o Bhobe_Hie moehMnt
Ln8Luit thu uutLHIBR

Rafm Palrue_Dutt uwnte India

Todaybook C1949).He dikcribed
both cletruchiand Reguneratue
Dtt dAid_ haE If a8 10t
the clcl Cemseudhe Qnd afo
AOCLS and cl thanned PiulosB
The Pikstphose_Of the NaHOnist
MD emilnt, 1DuEE dguALANaL
LpLL&eMTiLd Dy_the big bou gLDÍSTe,
he pmgLiKo elemihK dmov
bouk geOisie_and the well t-do
intete etval elemunts
Page No.

lhe_decDNc_phase_DeLa.ceding the
FIL&T Jalorla hNau he Libn
tated pelty bowrgeOLe Made
LtS_LLLLeMCe_gnd akpirahns el_
The thLd Dhase Ktaued ofte thufiist
LAOALLAL LCLL hen th Indan
2mALsBothpeosanty and the.
MalLtrial UÝDLKIng closAjolneo
fhi OLMLnt. he Rouioeos
duuing_this_Phases callecd oAA HhA
NoH-Coopenatuon mDEnUnt
Thus nitt_Shoumed that hYDughuu
the Nahianal MDVE OF Its
dual Natuu
First Cooperotg lith
Pmper'alum_ agalhs fho auna co
Second The LeadHLHip Ha

Anothe r impottant _wOIk_inthis

Eradihm waA the Soctal_Batlcround
CFIndan_National'sm, fiLst
publghed in 19u by AR DeSaf.
Desa ad'scuussed £ve pevelopmentcue
phade he Tndian NahoMal
hehHZE pha8e akmayked by
MaiLOwBocal bese OF moclAn
Nestes n educafd inteligensia.
The SecDno phOve wa Mosiki d
by thAUNding fhe Indian
Naltional CongLLI in1&85, and thi
phase Spanned tll L.905.
This phase Sau he emug
Ence ch or
Indhaneduca middle clay
AmcL nUIchOnt, claA.
Th thid phade fden tifed by 2ai
betwecn l905 and 1/8 wal a
peuib cE miltancy and inclusion
OE he Louwe- nioldL cia .
Theouith phdse tom 19/8 till the
emo o thi vlLitL Brcobedieg Movt.
in 13y _was a
peiod of qreat
expansron lunding to the mclusion
Othe Indiop_edse
The phase Lna 1934 to 1931,
wa majkLol by LDLInG
dsenchantmtnt with e qadhon
dualogy LaPthih thi
the e of thi LDNgAL, And
dDo¢i alist group
insiclu kh Baity
ThusDUEE and jedai weLhi bnosE
fnp wnhal_LalOrk On the
Conventonal MaHxit histoigro pha
ok tniindion ntitnal
Page No.
Date U

The_Con£ntiaL Mauxist hstotlograbhy
OfHhe Nattonal_ movenimt o
India, lhch olot c
by Sorme hua
bDuLaMsLike SN MUKKetjee
Suiit Soukay_and BIPi Chandko
SNMukheTee atgued Ehat Tndan
Nationalshn _wod a CEmpLAS DIDCUA
Lwlth mulhple_layens_anonaLantngs
n CaMnot be undLusLn od y a
Lductionkt Closs analyusk.HE
pointed Qut hu impouanci DE
SUmt SaHkas, Qnothe4_MaxiSE who
` CHTHcal of Dutt S para dlom
d'scussedabove Fnmed IE aX a
Simplishic NeHaiOn 0 MaHxfan,Clads
Qjoproach in ig book The
SwacliahMoveent m_ engal 1903
-1906 (973) aHk aBhoLie d
a that-
cliaLLla8 distinction bethween
the uD phase8 ` diHult to
Establish, and was le.auly
MOn-e X`Rnt_Qt_he LaclunhLp leveL,
SaHkeL lso ShoLwecd hat he Indtcn
NCtionalit luadlus LartL unolLHional
Page No.

oiidm ma

Leannid cloksz athuH aam

Oroamiintellachials 7hese
trhdti°Onal ntellnctials_dLADLe2
MOt hauing tL bouLgeois KOLa02
barko4OUnl peHDHalPt, helbe ol
push the CaBtalat dyelop'haLd
BDan ChanolAO aduancsd C KlghHs
dILnt CEiQuL oE Hhe Conenti5nat
Mxist_interdHLtaLbns, basiCcll
g7en_by RP DuEE ana AR DeAai
He: HBLe_NaHo nalm and
in mDdiAm India Book 919, ColOnialkm
Chandra cr Czedhe nQnOL
LwCy M Which_the abbnaiLt
an instr umlhtallkE KenSY
huy follbatd fhe hat
o khu CapitalLILS-

he Suba1tem School as
Radicat Marxist Intrtprebtior
he Sybalteun Khoot ak
ABLDE0gtaphy Indiaaa
wS a LOre radical
Rtrand spibbs_he idlec
Of Antoni o_GT0mci and
in_thebIoacl Let dalnaical
Page No.

The ubaLttHL Afchoa cioinned iat

the tdly_cA Tndian aatfonalfsna
Os dDn hY_nASt hfstotfagraphi. s
lncludfngtihi mabibnal`E Qmd
Hhe nanxlst
This&thool alad poinked oLLt the pwblebal
it focusing mnily LaÄK_
as ashOngl analsan
hHaed the lmpaltani af DHhLr.



Most EwMis C the sactal asnd
DoltttcL otMd, the intr pretationu
_the Zndian Naiaral maienLr
"AH als o naf_withaUA COnHutatios.
Tn thi's_ LweSthidfead he
tiugle c lndia ndih befng
a p I o l aSocle ty, and
MD veMÉ usafuMcLd By
Octal ClLiLL_And SOnDm'c
COnttrtS 1D Matiun hhlch Shand
Page No

OF theMDILe MLnt they lutU aCtie

-in, no historf ograpA:cal Qtkmpt
bo paiht acOmpleke n al
niuOal pfcHLHe Hhe mattonas
moe unA ls ever cDMplL Eely
UCCLARUL. For a nuanciod
uncdlisama Png o am eAMMt
ke intypla o LaHCLLS Pomg
ripále and LLSÍSEanci ,
Ond backqround
dLPLemcs n_ pan& and
At he aSanm~ tne wOIkLng
wh fch
ODmeto be kdwn_ as Hae Indian
Nattonol mOVe NUnt

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