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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree
in English Language Education

Paula Alexandrita Darmawan
Student Number: 101214074






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree
in English Language Education

Paula Alexandrita Darmawan
Student Number: 101214074






“Only a generation of readers will spawn a generation of writers.”

(Steven Spielberg)

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use

to change the world.”
(Nelson Mandela)

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

(Mae West)

I dedicate this thesis to my beloved family.

-You are the best of my life-



I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work
or parts of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as
a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 5 February 2015

The Writer

Paula Alexandrita Darmawan





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:
Nama : Paula Alexandrita Darmawan
Nomor Mahasiswa : 101214074
Dengan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan
Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:
beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan
kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan,
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Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta
Pada tanggal: 23 Januari 2015

Yang menyatakan

Paula Alexandrita Darmawan



Darmawan, Paula Alexandrita. (2015). An Analysis on the Language Features of

the Commercial Videos of Kopiko Advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines.
Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma

The local products of Indonesia have been gaining attention in the global
market. Kopiko as one of the most successful products from Indonesia has reached
various foreign countries. This proves that Indonesia’s local products have big
potential in the international world. The success of Kopiko in the global market is
a result of its products’ excellent quality and its marketing and promotion strategy
that includes advertising. The English used in the advertisements are essential to
attract the consumers, therefore the language features of Kopiko advertisements
are analyzed in this research to find the significance of the local background.
This research aimed to analyze the language features of Kopiko
advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines since both countries used English
in most of their commercials. There were two research problems: (1) What are the
language features of Kopiko advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines? (2)
What are the similarities and differences of language features between Kopiko
advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines?
The research applied content analysis which was conducted quantitatively
and qualitatively to find accurate and credible results. The research subjects were
the transcripts of 13 Kopiko advertisements broadcasted in Indonesia and the
Philippines. The categorization and analysis of language features were based on
Carter’s et al. (2001) theory and supported by Halliday’s (2004) related theory.
After the language features were identified and analyzed, they were compared to
find any significance similarities or differences between Indonesia and the
Philippines. The analysis also included Kotler’s and Armstrong’s theory of
purposes of advertising to determine the types of the advertisements, and Arens’
(2006) theory of elements of advertisement. Those related theories were essential
to analyze the use of the language features in Kopiko advertisements.
Based on the data analysis, the language features of Kopiko advertisements
were various although there were some major features that dominated the
language style and some features that were not used or rarely used. The use of
those language features were influenced by the purpose of the advertising and the
elements put in the advertisements. In addition, the findings also showed that
there was no significant difference between Kopiko advertisements in Indonesia
and the Philippines since they mostly used similar features. This research could be
used by students and advertisers to enrich their knowledge and skills in English
and for teachers or lecturers to use it as a material for teaching English.

Keywords: language features, advertisements, Kopiko



Darmawan, Paula Alexandrita. (2015). An Analysis on the Language Features of

the Commercial Videos of Kopiko Advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines.
Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata

Produk-produk lokal Indonesia telah mulai menarik perhatian pasar global.

Kopiko sebagai salah satu produk lokal yang sukses dari Indonesia telah
mencapai berbagai negara asing. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa produk lokal
Indonesia memiliki potensi besar di dunia international. Kesuksesan Kopiko di
pasar global merupakan hasil dari produk yang berkualitas baik dan strategi
pemasaran serta publikasi yaitu periklanan. Bahasa Inggris yang dipakai dalam
iklan Kopiko berperan dalam menarik perhatian konsumen, karena itu penelitian
ini menganalisa ciri bahasa iklan Kopiko untuk menemukan pentingnya latar
belakang lokal.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa ciri bahasa dari iklan Kopiko di
Indonesia dan Filipina karena kedua negara tersebut menggunakan Bahasa
Inggris paling banyak dalam iklan mereka. Ada dua rumusan masalah, yaitu: (1)
Apa saja fitur bahasa yang terdapat dalam iklan Kopiko di Indonesia dan Filipina?
(2) Apa saja persamaan dan perbedaan fitur bahasa antara iklan Kopiko di
Indonesia dan Filipina?
Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis konten yang dilaksanakan secara
kuantitatif dan kualitatif untuk mendapatkan hasil yang akurat dan kredibel.
Subjek pernelitian ini adalah 13 iklan Kopiko yang ditayangkan di Indonesia dan
Filipina. Pengelompokkan dan analisa fitur bahasa dilakukan berdasarkan teori
dari Carter (2001) dan didukung dengan teori dari Halliday (2004). Setelah
diidentifikasi dan dianalisa, fitur bahasa iklan Kopiko di Indonesia dan Filipina
dibandingkan untuk menemukan persamaan dan perbedaan diantara keduanya.
Proses analisa juga menggunakan teori Kotler dan Armstrong (2012) tentang
tujuan iklan untuk mengetahui jenis iklan Kopiko yang digunakan, dan teori Arens
(2006) tentang unsur-unsur iklan. Teori-teori tersebut penting untuk menganalisa
penggunaan fitur bahasa iklan Kopiko.
Berdasarkan analisa data, fitur bahasa dalam iklan Kopiko sangatlah
bervariasi meskipun ada beberapa fitur yang mendominasi gaya bahasa dan
beberapa fitur lainnya yang jarang atau tidak digunakan. Penggunaan fitur
bahasa juga dipengaruhi oleh tujuan dari iklan tersebut dan elemen yang
terdapat di dalamnya. Hasil analisa juga tidak menemukan adanya perbedaan
yang menonjol antara iklan Kopiko di Indonesia dan Filipina karena fitur bahasa
yang digunakan mirip. Penelitian ini dapat digunakan oleh pelajar dan pembuat
iklan untuk menambah pengetahuan dan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris, serta untuk
para guru atau dosen yang dapat menggunakannya sebagai bahan pengajaran
Bahasa Inggris.

Kata kunci: language features, advertisements, Kopiko



I know that I would not be able to finish this work without the help of many
people around me, so I would like to use this opportunity to thank them.
First and foremost, I greatly express my gratitude to my Lord who made this
happened. I always believe that He knows what is best for me and shows me my
way in this life. I also believe that everything that did not happen accordingly to
my plan was not entirely because of Him, but because I was not entirely into Him.
Regardless of my feeling and thought of Him, He always watches out for me, and
for that I cannot even find the most beautiful words to thank Him.
Then, I would like to deeply thank my great sponsor, V. Triprihatmini,
S.Pd., M.Hum., M.A., who patiently accompanied and supported me during the
process of this work. Her guidance, with questions and suggestions, had led me to
finally complete this thesis. I greatly thank her for giving her time to read my
drafts and give comments that helped me a lot.
My special gratitude goes to my wonderful parents, Adrianus Darmawan
and Dula Honesty, and my amazing sister, Caroline Safira Darmawan. I admire,
adore, and respect them in my life. Without their endless nagging and cheering I
would not be encouraged to finish this. They gave me motivation to look forward
to what is ahead of me and to do my best.
I also thank my academic advisor, Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D., for his
guidance through my academic years in PBI. He was such a good person and
advisor who took good care of his students. I am also thankful for all the help and
support I got from PBI family during my study, the lecturers who had been nice
and critical, the staffs who had been challenging and helpful, and all friends who
had shared their moments with me.
I am also grateful for my good friends who had been with me in this journey,
Arnis, Rini, Gaby, Besty, and Riska. They were not tired to remind me of my
responsibilities and to check on my behavior. I also thank all the people who had
helped me, my proofreader Galuh, PBI class B, KKN group 26, SPD team, PPL


partners, members of play performance ‘Delusion’, classmates, seniors, juniors,

and the staffs of Sanata Dharma University.
Finally I thank all the people whose names I cannot mention one by one.
Whether I know them well or not, whether I did good or not good things to them,
or they did to me, I am grateful for every person and situation that comes by in my
life, especially during this process. May God bless them all.

Paula Alexandrita Darmawan



TITLE PAGE ...................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL PAGES .......................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION PAGE ........................................................................................ iv
STATEMENT OF WORKS’S ORIGINALITY ................................................. v
PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI .................................................... vi
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... vii
ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... xi
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xiv
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ xv
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... xvi

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1

A. Research Background ........................................................ 1
B. Problem Formulation ......................................................... 3
C. Problem Limitation ............................................................ 4
D. Research Objectives .......................................................... 4
E. Research Benefits .............................................................. 5
F. Definition of Terms ............................................................ 6

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ................................... 8

A. Theoretical Descriptions .................................................... 8
1. Advertising and Advertisement ................................... 8
a. Elements of Advertisement .................................. 10
b. Language of Advertisement ................................. 13
2. Language Features ...................................................... 15
a. Lexical Cohesion ................................................. 15


b. Grammatical Cohesion ......................................... 17

c. Information Structure ........................................... 20
B. Review of Related Studies ................................................. 25
C. Theoretical Framework ..................................................... 26

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................... 28

A. Research Method ............................................................... 28
B. Research Setting ................................................................ 29
C. Research Subjects .............................................................. 29
D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ...................... 31
E. Data Analysis Technique ................................................... 33
F. Research Procedure ............................................................ 34


A. The Language Features of Kopiko Advertisements in
Indonesia and the Philippines ............................................ 35
1. Lexical Cohesion of Kopiko Advertisements in
Indonesia and the Philippines ..................................... 36
2. Grammatical Cohesion of Kopiko Advertisements in
Indonesia and the Philippines...................................... 39
3. Information Structure of Kopiko advertisements in
Indonesia and the Philippines ..................................... 47
B. The Similarities and Differences between Kopiko
Advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines ............. 52
C. Other Findings ................................................................... 56
1. Types of Kopiko Advertisements in Indonesia and the
Philippines .................................................................. 56
2. Elements of Kopiko Advertisements in Indonesia and the
Philippines .................................................................. 58



A. Conclusions ...................................................................... 60
B. Recommendations ............................................................ 62

REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 65
APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 68



Table Page
3.1 The Kopiko Advertisements ........................................................................ 30
3.2 The (Language Features) of Kopiko Advertisements .................................. 31
3.3 The Checklist of Active and Passive Voice in Kopiko Advertisements ....... 32
4.1 The Similarities and Differences between Kopiko Advertisements in
Indonesia and the Philippines ...................................................................... 52



Figure Page
4.1 The Lexical Cohesion of Kopiko Advertisements ....................................... 36
4.2 The Grammatical Cohesion of Kopiko Advertisements .............................. 40
4.3 The Information Structure of Kopiko advertisements ................................. 47



Appendix Page
A. The Transcripts of Kopiko advertisements ................................................... 68
B. The Data Analysis of Kopiko Advertisements .............................................. 73




This chapter discusses the background of the research, problem formulation,

problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and definition of terms.

A. Research Background

Indonesia has many local products that have been successfully accepted in

the international world. Indonesian local products such as traditional food,

traditional herbs, traditional cloth and accessories, and also electronic tools have

big potential to reach the global market. Some local products that have reached

such success are Indomie instant noodle, Tolak Angin, and Batik with various

brands. One of the most successful Indonesian products that has reached the

global market is Kopiko.

Kopiko is the Indonesian brand of coffee-flavored candy from manufacturer

PT. Mayora Indah. Kopiko has been the first candy in Indonesia with the strong

flavor of coffee from the original coffee beans in Java Island. It is also widely

known that Kopiko Candy is stated as the original first coffee candy in the world.

Now Kopiko is available in more than 45 countries around the world and branded

as the most popular coffee candy. Furthermore, following the success of its candy

products, Kopiko has been adding its product to producing instant coffee drinks

too. The coffee products also receive high acceptance as they have many variants

that engage the consumers. This phenomenon shows that Indonesia indeed has big


potential in their local products which can be developed to reach the global market

and internationally acknowledged. In addition, Kopiko has reached this success

not only by its phenomenal products but also by showing the identity of its

country, Indonesia.

One of the strategies to reach this success is through the marketing and

promotion strategies. Advertising or advertisement is one of the important

marketing strategies that can help to reach the global goal. Kopiko now has

several versions of advertisement running through various countries with English

version as the most popular one, besides the Indonesian version that runs in

Indonesia. The most common form of Kopiko advertisement is the commercial

videos promoted through television and internet media. This advertisement form

is more popular nowadays because people can easily access those media.

Moreover, there are certain strategies in this advertising form that advertisers use

to gain people’s attention in order to attract and persuade them to buy the


As stated in the official website of Kopiko manufacturer,,

Kopiko has reached many countries to advertise its products through commercial

videos. It is interesting to analyze these strategies further especially the use of

language that is related to certain local characteristics as the background issue.

Most commercial videos of advertisements are composed of elements such as

music, motion pictures, dialogues (utterances), and flashing texts. In relation to

the language used in Kopiko advertisements, this research focuses on the

utterances or texts presented in the commercial videos of Kopiko products to be


analyzed deeper. Considering the fact that there are various Kopiko advertisements

in various countries, this research focuses on the commercials that run in

Indonesia and the Philippines. The two countries have various commercials of

various Kopiko products that are broadcasted in television, and they use English in

most of their Kopiko advertisements. Although the advertisements might include

the native language of Indonesia and the Philippines, this research focuses on the

English utterances. Native condition of Indonesia and the Philippines are not

considered appropriate to compare and contrast the two countries’ use of English

in Kopiko advertisements.

The analysis of language features of Kopiko advertisements and its result

can be beneficial to enrich the linguistic knowledge of advertisement, especially

that it is a part of people’s daily life. This kind of language use in society has the

power of influencing people’s attitude, idea, thought, opinion, and action. The fact

that it greatly influences people has even made the education system to include

advertisement as one of the materials in language learning. This proves that the

language features of advertisement indeed play an important role to the society,

and this research can help in contributing more insight about it.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the research, two problems are formulated as


1. What are the language features of Kopiko advertisements in Indonesia and the


2. What are the similarities and differences between Kopiko advertisement in

Indonesia and the Philippines?

C. Problem Limitation

This research is limited to the linguistic features found in the English texts

of Kopiko advertisements. Although there are other aspects in broadcast

advertisements such as pictures and music, this research focuses on the language

style of the utterances spoken based on the script. Therefore, linguistic aspects

such as lexical and grammatical features are the main research problems. The data

source is limited to commercial videos of Kopiko advertisements, in which

English is the major language, that are broadcasted in Indonesia and the

Philippines. The native language, such as Bahasa Indonesia and Tagalog, that

appear in the advertisements are ignored and not included.

D. Research Objectives

Based on the problem formulation stated previously, this research aims to

solve those two problems. This research aims to:

1. identify the language features of Kopiko advertisements in Indonesia and the

Philippines, and

2. analyze the language features of Kopiko advertisements in Indonesia and the

Philippines to find their similarities and differences.


E. Research Benefits

The research is expected to have several benefits for several parties.

1. The Benefits for Students

Students can understand more about the language of advertisement based on

the analysis of language features here. Since advertisement is included as reading

and writing material in English subject in schools, the results of this research can

enrich students’ knowledge. They might be able to use the knowledge directly as a

real practice in English.

2. The Benefits for Educators

Advertisement is one of the teaching topic for English subject in schools.

The results of this research might be useful for English teachers or tutors as

teaching materials in classrooms. The analysis of language features can be used as

additional material to teach about advertisement topic in reading or writing skills.

3. The Benefits for the English Language Education Study Program

This research can be used as a reference for the lecturers and students of

English Language Education Study Program. Lecturers can use the analysis of

language features of advertisement in this research as a supporting material for

advertisement subject. Students can also enrich their knowledge of the language

used in advertisement.

4. The Benefits for Future Researchers

The result of this research might also be useful for other researchers who

have similar interest in this topic. The findings of this research can be used as

references for doing further analysis of this topic to explore other related findings.

5. The Benefits for Advertising Companies

The topic of this research is suitable for other parties such as advertising

companies, especially for those who specializes in similar products. The result of

this research can be used as a reference in making or producing good

advertisements. Thus, it will be beneficial for the advertising companies.

F. Definition of Terms

There are some important terms in this research that might have various

meaning and need to be defined specifically to avoid any misinterpretation that

might occur.

1. Language Features

Language features are the elements of any kind of communication either in

written or spoken form. In this research, the language features in the transcribed

texts of Kopiko advertisement are analyzed. Language features can have many

variations and categories which depend on the subject of analysis and its context.

For this research, the language features proposed by Carter, Goddard, Reah,

Sanger, & Bowring (2001) is applied for the analysis, which includes lexical

cohesion, grammatical cohesion, and information structure.

2. Advertising and Advertisement

Advertising can be considered as a common term, but in this research the

word has an important role as the main topic to be discussed. Moreover, there are

various definitions of advertising so that the researcher decided to choose one

definition that conveys the closest meaning to the context of this research.

According to Arens (2002) as quoted by Fiser (2007), “advertising is a paid form

of communicating a message by the use of various media. It is persuasive,

informative, and designed to influence purchasing behavior or thought patterns”

(p. 8). While advertising is the term for a process or an activity of communication,

it cannot be separated from the term advertisement, which is the main subject of

this research. According to Cook (2001) as quoted by Kaur, Arumugam, and

Yunus (2013), “advertisement inform, persuade, remind, influence, and perhaps

change opinions, emotions, and attitudes” (p. 61). Advertisement has become one

of the major tools in marketing industry that can achieve its certain purposes

based on the needs of the marketer or the advertiser.

3. Kopiko

Kopiko is a brand of coffee candy product from Indonesia which is

originally made from Indonesian coffee beans. The official website of Kopiko’s

manufacturer, (2014), claims that Kopiko candy is “the world’s

number one coffee candy, made from the finest selected coffee beans and blended

in a special way, that gives the enjoyment of the real coffee without having to

brew it”. This statement is also similarly stated by the official website of Kopiko

distributor and importer in UK and USA. Besides the candy products, Kopiko also

produces instant coffee drinks with various flavors, which also become popular

following the success of its predecessor product. Kopiko that is being referred in

this research is the label or name for all its products, either the candy product or

the instant coffee product.




In this chapter, the researcher presents the theories related to the topic and

how those theories will be synthesized to build a theoretical framework for the

ground of this research in order to answer the research questions.

A. Theoretical Descriptions

There are two research questions in this research that need to be answered

to reach a scientific result and conclusion. In order to answer those questions, the

researcher finds theories and related studies that are relevant to this research.

Theories and studies such as advertising, language of advertisement, elements of

advertisement, and language features will be able to support this research.

1. Advertising and Advertisement

Advertising and advertisement are the two terms related to what is

considered as an activity and a product that have the purpose of informing or

persuading people to a certain idea, thought, commodity, or service. Advertising is

the act and process of presenting a specific idea, thought, or product toward

society with the purpose of persuading people into accepting the idea or product

or service. Arens (2006) supports this definition of advertising by stating that

"advertising is a paid form of communicating a message by the use of various

media” (p. 7). While advertisements, according to Goddard (1998), are “forms of

of discourse which make a powerful contribution to how we construct our


identities” (p. 3). It is a statement that advertisement is indeed the form of

communication which helps people to connect to each other in society.

The main message communicated through advertising can be either

informative or persuasive. Both informative and persuasive advertising are similar

in the purpose of influencing consumers to accept the idea concept brought by the

advertisers through advertisement. The difference between informative and

persuasive advertising lies on the intentional presentation of the advertisement.

According to Kotler and Armstrong (2012), there are actually three primary

purposes of advertising, namely to inform, to persuade, and to remind (p. 437).

Informative advertising focuses on introducing new idea or concept or image of

the product being presented. Persuasive advertising focuses more on encouraging

and convincing consumers to choose the product over other competitors, which

means making them switch brand loyalty. Reminder advertising should be able to

maintain the consumers’ loyalty after succeeding in introducing and persuading

them. There are many media that are used to accommodate the purpose of

advertising, such as printed media: newspaper, magazines, tabloids, poster,

brochure, and non-printed media: television, radio, and internet. All of those

media have their own positive and negative points that should be considered in

advertising. According to Kotler and Armstrong (2012), television and magazine

have been the two majors of the advertising media for a long time (p. 447) since

they can maintain to engage the most targeted consumers compared to the other

media. Television can support the necessity of gaining consumers’ attention with

audio and visual aspect as the main attraction, therefore the audience can get the


message of the advertisement clearly. People tend to catch text or speech with

music and motion pictures easier than just printed text with visual layout and

cover. Cook (2006) supports this idea in a statement as follows:

The drift away from language towards music and pictures is paralleled by a
preference within the language of television ads for the sub-modes of song
and speech over writing. Both tendencies reflect a general preference for
orality; sound and vision are the vehicles of face-to-face interaction, while in
writing we neither see nor hear our interlocutor (p. 59).

On the other hand, magazine is not fast on attracting consumers’ attention, but it is

more affordable than television media. Yet, television can gain more consumers’

attention by its audio visual factor but it needs higher cost and more complicated

production process.

a. Elements of Advertisement

Arens (2006) says that the primary concept of advertisement in electronic

media such as radio and television is the same as in other media (p. 417), which

includes attracting audience’s attention and interest, ensuring the credibility, and

encouraging audience’s desire to act as a direct response (p. 424). Attention,

interest, and credibility can be seen in the copywriting of the commercial video’s

script, then the elements such as headline, body copy, and slogan can be applied in

television commercials too.

1) Headline

Arens (2006) states that headlines are words that attract attention and will

appear first (p. 417). Moreover, headlines also serve other purposes such as

engaging the readers, explaining the visual, leading the reader to the main

message in body copy, and presenting the selling message (p. 417). In order to


serve the purpose of drawing audience’s attention, headlines mostly appear

attractively, for example in a commercial video it is in the form of question or

strong statement. This is an attractive technique, especially if there is no visual as

the main attraction, as also stated by Foster (2001) that "whatever the type of

publication or report, the headline must encapsulate the main points of the text in

an interesting and eye-catching way" (p. 57). Although there is any visual, picture,

or illustration as the main attraction, the headline has to be able to give additional

explanation or description. A good and effective headline does not only draw

attention but also maintains that attraction to linger solely on the whole

advertisement. One final aspect of headline which is also important is the selling

message. If the headline cannot sell the product, then it fails to fulfill the basic

purpose of advertisement. So, a headline has to be attractive, explaining, and to

the point.

Headlines have several types based on the advertising strategy. These

variations according to Arens (2006) are benefit headline, information headline,

provocative headline, question headline, and command headline (p. 420). Benefit

headline contains simple statements of the product's important benefit, not the

features. Information headline announces believable news or promises

information. Provocative headline provokes audience’s curiosity by stimulating

questions and thoughts. Question headline encourages audience to follow the

whole text and to search the answer in the body copy, so the question must not be

easy or predictable. Command headline orders the audience to do something.



2) Body copy

Body copy is the complete idea or point or message of the advertisement. It

covers the features, benefits, and utility of the product. Body copies in commercial

videos cannot be ignored as easily as in printed advertisements because they are

more attractive and engaging. In most commercial videos, the dialogue or the

monologue is usually the body copy, yet the challenge of writing a body copy is to

make it simple and interesting without reducing the important information or

message. According to Arens (2006), there are five characteristics of language that

must be included in writing an effective body copy: the use of vivid language, the

use of personal nouns, the use of contractions, the use of present tense and active

voice, and the use of as few punctuation as possible (p. 422). Moreover, the use of

this language style in a body copy is described simpler by Weilbacher (1984) as


The good copy writer uses accessible language, but he uses language that is
colorful and likable, language that neatly catches a contemporary meaning,
and that reflects that point in its evolution that most of its audience will
understand at once and thoroughly enjoy (p. 93).

Besides several characteristics of body copy language, Arens (2006) also

proposes six types of body copy that can be chosen in copywriting (p. 422).

Straight-sell copy directly explains what the headline has stated with factual

presentation. This copy describes the features of the product clearly and

straight-forwardly. Institutional copy is used to promote a philosophy of an

organization rather than selling products. This is to show the organization’s

credibility. Narrative copy is used to write advertisement body copy in a

story-telling style. Usually the story is ended with the product or service being the


solution of the problem existed in the story. Dialogue/monologue copy is similar

to narrative copy in using story to sell products, but it has more evidence because

the characters’ words are more believable. Picture-caption copy relies mostly on

the pictures or illustration. So, the idea is like a graphic story that sells product

through its pictures with some words to it. Device copy is used to grab attention

that can be memorable, and the devices are figures of speech such as puns,

alliteration, and rhymes, or humor.

3) Slogan

Slogan is the familiar statement that is commonly regarded to particular

advertisements. Arens (2006) states that slogan has the purpose of providing

continuity to a series of advertisements in a campaign and reducing an advertising

message strategy to a brief, repeatable, and memorable statement (p. 424).

b. Language of Advertisement

The language of advertisement is unique in its own way which is shown

through its distinctive language style. Most copywriters of advertisement will use

specific language features to attract audience and persuade them to buy or use the

product or service. Weilbacher (1984) states that a copy writer is better to use

accessible language for advertisement in an interesting and attractive way, yet

meaningful so that readers can easily catch the point (p. 13). There are various

techniques and styles to make a good advertisement text or script that contains

meaningful message with a unique attraction so that it can engage the consumers.

Cook (2006) gives several styles for memorable and attractive advertisement; “use

fictions, word-play, compressed story-telling, stylized acting, cartoons, puns and



rhythm” (p. 3). Those kinds of art strategies can help making good advertisement

which is enjoyable and memorable with a meaningful message.

However, advertisement is not only a media for commercial benefit, as

stated by Goddard (1998) that advertisement can deliver the idea of the texts

which have the purpose to represent the image of an individual, group, or

organization (p. 10). By presenting a certain image, advertisement serves the

advertising’s objective to introduce and inform the targeted consumers to its idea.

The language used in advertising and advertisement indirectly affects the success

of this purpose, yet it depends on the interpretation of the consumers. Cook (2006)

says that advertising has the possibility to affect society either for good or bad (p.

2). It is related to the language that is used in the advertisement, whether it is

positive or negative. Packard (2007) explains this issue by a statement and an


Words in advertisement have such influence toward its readers because they
carry not only one simple meaning. What was intended positively by the
advertisers could be negatively understood by the readers. For example: the
product ‘instant coffee’ is meant as effective, quick, economical, and time
saving by the ad makers. Unfortunately, the consumers could interpret is as
lazy, low quality, and taste bad (p. 141).

The words or expressions in an advertisement can be either extremely great

that it becomes a huge success, or extremely bad that it receives negative response

from public. This shows that a matter of language in advertising and

advertisement should not be taken for granted because it has significant impact on

the advertisement itself.



2. Language Features

Advertisement text for commercial video can be considered both spoken

and written form. An advertisement in the form of video is usually based on a

monologue or a dialogue script which is written first before the recording. There

are language features of such text that have certain characteristics to be analyzed

in advertisement. Carter et al. (2001) explain that there are three characteristics or

features in texts, which are lexical cohesion, grammatical cohesion, and

information structure (p. 112). Similar features are also proposed by Halliday and

Matthiessen (2004) but in different structures. They use the term cohesion as the

process of each feature relationship. Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) state that

there are four cohesion in a text, namely conjunction, reference, substitution and

ellipsis, and lexical organization (p. 533). Conjunction, reference, substitution and

ellipsis are parts of grammatical cohesion according to Carter et al., while lexical

organization is separated as another feature called lexical cohesion. Furthermore,

Carter et al. (2001) add information structure as the third feature in recognizing

meaning in text, while Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) propose theme and

information in different understanding.

a. Lexical Cohesion

Carter et al. (2001) say that lexical cohesion is basically the vocabulary

choice in a whole text that should be concluded in an analysis to understand the

text (p. 115). The term cohesion can be defined as a relationship between certain

elements that merge together as a unit. In this context, lexical cohesion means the

relationship between words (p. 115). According to Halliday and Hasan (1976),


there are two types of lexical cohesion, namely reiteration and collocation. On the

other hand, Halliday and Mathiessen (2004) also propose a more recent

description of lexical cohesion, that contains various relation patterns such as

elaboration, extension, and enhancement (p. 571). Both theories include similar

forms of each type of lexical cohesion. Reiteration includes repetition, synonymy,

hyponymy, and meronymy, where repetition, synonymy, and hyponymy has

elaborating pattern, and meronymy has extending pattern. Collocation is unique

because it is the only type of cohesion that has enhancing pattern.

1) Repetition

Repetition is when the same word or lexeme is repeated in a sentence or

clause or in a whole text. The most direct repetition is when the exact same word

is repeated. An example is “I just grabbed my coffee from that coffee shop.”.

There is an occurrence where the word ‘coffee’ is repeated in one sentence. A

repetition of the same word but in different forms can occurs too. Words such as

swim, swimming, swimmer are actually the same item with the basic word is

‘swim’. Although they are different in forms, basically they have similar concept

of the meaning.

2) Synonymy

Synonymy is when a different word or lexeme appears close to a word or

lexeme which has similar or same meaning. A simple example is “The ghost

house was so scary. You have to see the ghosts, they were terrifying.”. The word

‘scary’ and ‘terrifying’ have similar meaning although they are not in the same



3) Hyponymy

Hyponymy is a word or lexeme that appears close to a word or lexeme that

has the same category. All words are categorized into certain groups in which the

words have same or similar characteristics. For example, rose, jasmine, lily are

kinds of flower. They have certain characteristics that make them classified as a


4) Meronymy

Meronymy is a word or lexeme that is considered as a part of other word or

lexeme. For example, a house has parts that cannot be separated such as living

room, dining room, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, garage, and so on. Without

those parts, it is not complete to call it a ‘house’ because those parts are its


5) Collocation

Collocation has different pattern compared to the other lexical cohesion. It

is the relation of some words that usually occur together, even sometimes as a

phrase. An example is the word more and than, which are usually used together in

comparative sentences. It occurs because of the existence of the other word.

b. Grammatical Cohesion

Grammatical cohesion deals with the relationship in sentence level where

grammar rules and patterns exist. There are three elements of this cohesion,

namely reference, conjunction, and substitution and ellipsis.

1) Reference

Reference is a part of the language feature which completes the structure of



sentences. Carter et al. (2001) explain reference clearly that its main point is to

rationalize the text so that it is logically accepted by readers. Reference has the

logical relation that connects word to word in a sentence (p. 126). There are

various types of reference that are used as cohesion within clauses, sentences and

texts. Personal reference is what is being referred to and identified in the text,

either as a subject or an object. It also can be be in the form of personal pronouns

such as he, she, they, you, we, it; or possessives such as her, him, their, your, our,

its; or specified nouns such as coffee, a candy, the drink, and so on.

Demonstrative reference is the pointer of what is being referred to in the text.

Examples of demonstrative reference are the words this, that, these, those, here,

there, and the. Demonstrative reference can relate one clause to another clause

and also one sentence to another sentence. Sometimes this reference is needed so

that the text does not seem awkward to read or listen. Comparative reference is

the link used in a text to state a similar, equal, or different quality of something

being referred to. Reference words such as the same, such, as, likewise, are used

to express similar quality. While to express different quality, reference words such

as more, less, better, can be used.

2) Conjunction

Conjunction is a familiar term in linguistic study, and in this research it

means the link between words, phrases, and clauses that connect them. There are

various types of conjunction proposed by several theories, but this research adopts

Carter’s et al. (2001) opinion, who propose five types of conjunction for discourse

text (p. 146). The first type is additive conjunction, for example expressions such


as and, furthermore, or, in other words. These conjunctions are the connectors to

what follows after the first statement was expressed. They give additions as

alternative information in the text or speech. The second is adversative

conjunction, which shows opposite meanings between the phrases or clauses it is

relating in the text or speech. Examples for this type of conjunction are but, yet,

however, and on the contrary. The third type is causal conjunction. Causal

conjunctions show one idea or event that follows the other ideas or events as an

effect. The examples of this type are so, then, consequently, as a result, and other

similar expressions. The fourth type is temporal conjunction, which shows the

timing of an idea or event that happens after another. Expressions such as then,

one day, finally, up to now, are the examples of this conjunction. The fifth type of

conjunction is continuative conjunction. This conjunction encourages the readers

or listeners to continue following the ideas or events stated by the writer or

speaker. Expressions such as well, now, of course, surely, can be used for this type

of conjunction.

3) Substitution and Ellipsis

Grammatical cohesion also features two other essential elements in

language recognition of texts. Substitution and ellipsis are two related features in

grammatical cohesion.

Substitution can be defined as a language device in a text, in which some

words or phrases of a sentence or an utterance might be replaced by certain

expressions. Carter et al. (2001) say that substitution has a significant purpose to

avoid repetition as it can be used to replace long phrases with shorter and more


functional word (p. 141). An example of substitution can be seen in this utterance:

‘White Coffee? It’s so yesterday’, where white coffee is substituted by it so that

there is no repetition that will be awkward to be heard in a daily expression like

that. Substitution can also be in the form of replacing noun words with nominal

words, for example: ‘The red velvet cakes look delicious. I want one of those

please’. The noun phrase red velvet cakes is replaced by those since it is clear for

both the speaker and the listener that the subject of the utterance is the ‘red velvet


Ellipsis is the omission of some elements in a language structure. In the

context of sentence, it means omitting words that do not give significant change in

the meaning. Carter et al. (2001) define ellipsis as “omission of words

unnecessary in everyday discourse” (p. 197). Ellipsis occurs mostly in daily

conversation such as when talking to friends and family or in public places where

everyone have understood the unspoken rules of the speaking style there. An

example is when people say ‘Two espressos’ instead of ‘I would like two cups of

espresso please.’, as usually occurs in a coffee shop. It makes an impression that

the sentences are incomplete yet show closer and stronger relationship between or

among the speakers.

c. Information Structure

A text certainly carries information as its main message for a certain

purpose. Information structure is the presentation of delivering the message

intended by the writer through the text. This feature focuses on the text-context

relationship, especially by also looking at the genre of the text. Carter et al. (2001)


state that “different texts follow different rules which dictates to a certain extent

the shape of the text produced” (p. 146). It means that language practices have

different genres one to another that distinguish their characteristics apart from

others, therefore the information structure is also different based on the type of the

text. In spoken texts like conversation or speech, it could also depends on the

context or situation in which the speaker is in. Finegan (2004) notes that

information structure can be seen by how speakers using various ways of creating

sentences (p. 261). Context indeed plays an important role for speakers or writers

to deliver their message through spoken or written texts. There are several things

to consider in distinguishing the genres of discourse texts and speeches such as

sentence functions, verbs, and theme.

1) Sentence Functions

There are four main forms of sentences based on their functions in a text.

The first form is question sentence, which has the function of asking information

directly. There are several different examples of question sentences:

‘What are you eating?’

‘Is that a cupcake?’

‘It is delicious, isn’t it?’

The first example is a question that asks for information, which the answer will be

a certain object or topic. The second example is a simple yes-no question to

confirm the state of the object being referred to. The third example is also asking

for confirmation with a slightly different sentence structure which is called

question tag, a type of question that is actually rather rhetorical.



The second form of sentence is statement, which is for explaining or

describing information. This form is generally used in daily conversation and

writing, for examples: ‘I read linguistic books everyday.’, ‘The shop is closed at

night.’, and ‘There are penguins at the zoo now.’. More than one kind of

information can be delivered in one sentence of statement. The third is imperative

or command sentence, which is used to command information or action.

Imperative sentences do not need to be exclamative because the main function is

to ask others to do something, for examples: ‘Buy this now.’, ‘Try this new recipe.’,

‘Get those papers please.’. As seen in those examples, there is no need to put a

subject at the beginning of the sentence or put an exclamation mark at the end of

the sentence. Exclamation mark can be used in the last form of sentence,

exclamation, which its function is expressing emotion directly. Some examples of

this sentence function are: ‘First in Indonesia!’, ‘New flavor!’, and ‘Perfect!’.

Based on those examples, a single word and a simple phrase can be a meaningful

sentence since it carries the emotion expressed by the speaker or writer.

2) Verbs

Beside the functions of sentences, another element to understand the

information structure of a text or speech is by looking at the verbs used in its

sentences. Tense and voice are used in analyzing the verbs in sentences because

they depend on the genre of the text and they give significant meaning of the

information they carry. According to Carter et al. (2001), “tense refers to the way

verbs are used to signal time”, which means that the verb of a sentence can show a

past, present, or future information. Some examples to see the difference among


the three main tenses are as follows:

‘One Direction performed a spectacular stage last night.’

‘One Direction performs in front of thousands of fans.’

‘One Direction is performing their latest single this weekend.’

The first sentence shows an information that an action has been done, seen by the

use of ‘-ed’ form for the verb. The second sentence indicates that the information

is in present tense. The last sentence indicates that the information is about an

upcoming action that is expected to definitely happen in the near future.

Voice is the way a verb deliver the information, either in active or passive

sentence structure. An information delivered in active voice can be changed into

passive voice, with the same essence of the meaning. Yet, there are several certain

verbs that cannot be conversed into passive voice, such as cry, rain, walk, which

are called intransitive verbs. Here are some examples of active and passive voice:

‘He watched a movie.’ (active voice, past tense)

‘A movie was watched by him.’ (passive voice, past tense)

‘The tickets are sold out.’ (passive voice, present tense)

‘They sell out the tickets.’ (active voice, present tense)

‘She runs away from home.’ (active voice, present tense, intransitive verb)

The first and second example show how the difference and conversion of active

and passive voice. Both active and passive voice sentences from each example

have the same information, the difference between them is that the form of the

sentence structure brings different perspectives or points of view. While in active

form the object is following after the verb, in passive form the object is moved in


front of the sentence, then followed by the verb which is added by a ‘to be’. On

the other hand, the third example shows a type of sentence with intransitive verb

that cannot be conversed into passive voice. Some passive forms omit the original

subject of the active form because they make the sentence shorter and more

effective to use.

3) Theme

Theme is also a part of the information structure to understand a text. What

is meant by theme is the main idea of the information of a text or speech. Theme

can be analyzed by looking at the links between clauses or sentences that usually

exist at the beginning and at the end of a sentence. The links have similar function

as conjunction but they are connecting the context of the text, not just a part of

sentence structure. Carter et al. (2001) explain the work of theme in a text clearly

as follows:

Theme refers to the first part of a sentence, which is where the subject matter
of the sentence is usually laid out for the reader. It covers all the material
before the main verb. When sentences are woven tightly together, the end of
one sentence (called the ‘focus’) can become the theme of the next. But
themes have to have some continuity across sentences, otherwise a text that
looks tightly knit can make complete nonsense (p. 152).

An example that can describe the use and work of theme in a text is presented as


‘A driver delivered a package to your room this afternoon. The package

seems big and heavy, and on the top of it is the gift card from your sender. I

think it’s one of your admirers.’

The expression ‘on the top of it’ connects the main information of the sentence

which are ‘the package’ and ‘the gift card’.



B. Review of Related Studies

There are several studies that are related to the topic of this research. Those

studies are similar in some ways to this research, and the researcher finds them

helpful to support this research. The first related study is “Stylistic Analysis of the

Magazine Advertisement: Atkins Chocolate Chip Granola Bar”, written by Min Li

(2009). The study aims to analyze the language style of specified advertisements

based on the linguistic description, textual analysis, and contextual analysis

aspects (p. 63). Some parts of the three aspects used in the particular study are

similar to this research, therefore they are used as references that help the

researcher understands the concept of language features and text and context.

The second related study is “An Analysis on the Language Style of

Utterances in Magnum Advertisements”, written by Permatasari (2014). The

related study focuses on analyzing the language style of Magnum advertisements

and the power relation they have based on the language features such as lexical

features and syntactical features. Those two features are used as the ground in

categorizing and conducting the data analysis. It is a reference for this research,

which uses three categories of language features based on different theories.

While Permatasari uses Grey’s theory of language style of advertisement, this

research uses Carter’s et al. and Halliday’s theory of language features of

discourse, which are applied to advertisement. The particular study’s subject is

similar to this research, the commercial videos that are transcribed for the data

analysis. While the Magnum advertisements are taken from international

television commercials that use English as the main language of its native, Kopiko


advertisements are taken from Indonesia and the Philippines, where the

commercials use English as either the main language or second language. The

research procedure of the study by Permatasari is used as a reference for this

research since it has similar data and categories for the analysis process.

C. Theoretical Framework

After reviewing the theories and related studies, the researcher will use

them to help answering the research questions. The theories and reviews of related

studies about language features are used to answer the first research question

which is what the language features of the Kopiko advertisements are. This

research question focuses on finding the language style, structure, pattern, and

format of the text of the advertisement. There are three language features of text

that are considered to be relevant to support this question and can be related

directly to reviews of the language of advertisement and the elements of

advertisement. Therefore, the theories and reviews of related studies about

elements of advertisement are also used to support the answer more accurately. As

stated in previous section, there are three specific elements in advertisement

according to Arens (2006) that can be used to identify the language features of

advertisement. The two reviews are combined to help answering the first research

questions. Therefore, the answers to this research question will not be out of the

scope of limitation.

The second research question is about the distinctive language features of

Kopiko advertisements between Indonesia and the Philippines. The purpose of this


research question is to analyze the similarities and differences of the language

features that are identified in each advertisement from Indonesia and the

Philippines. The findings of similar and different features between the two

versions of Kopiko advertisements are also related to the same theories and studies

that are used for the first research question. For the first question, those theories

and related studies are used to discover the surface or first layer of this research

which is the linguistics aspect of advertisement. Then, for the second question,

those theories and related studies are used to do deeper analysis to find whether

there is any significant influence based on country background that show how

the English is used in Kopiko advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines.




This chapter presents a rationale for the methods of research and analysis.

The researcher describes the methods of research and analysis, outlines the

procedure in gathering and analyzing the data, and reveals the boundaries of the

research. This chapter comprises the research method, research setting, research

subjects, instrument and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and

research procedure.

A. Research Method

This research focuses on the language features of advertisements, therefore

content analysis method will be used to conduct this research. Ary, Jacobs, and

Sorensen (2010), define content analysis as a research method that is used to

identify certain features of written or visual materials such as textbooks,

newspapers, speeches, advertisements, and other kinds of documents (p. 457).

This research will identify the particular linguistic features of the English that is

used in commercial videos of Kopiko advertisements in Indonesia and the


Content analysis deals with the language practice in society such as

advertisements and focuses on its characteristics which have special meaning and

specific purpose. By using this method, the researcher will be able to reach the

objectives of this research, namely to identify the specific features of Kopiko



advertisements' language and to analyze them to find their distinctive

characteristics that show the purposes of the advertisements and the similarities

and differences between Indonesia version and the Philippines version. This is

also supported by Krippendorff (2004), who states that “content analysis provides

new insights, increases a researcher’s understanding of particular phenomena, or

inform practical actions” (p. 18). Since content analysis is conducted to analyze

and identify the meaning behind specific characteristics of a material or

document, it serves the purpose of this research which deals with language and its

practice in social life. Content analysis focuses on the text being analyzed as a

whole, which means its structure, its meaning, its relationship among each

elements, and also its context. This research methodology is appropriately used

for this research considering the research problems, the research objectives, and

the primary data.

B. Research Setting

The research was conducted from October 2014 to November 2014 for the

data gathering. The data gathering included collecting the commercial videos

needed as the primary data of Kopiko products’ advertisements. Then the data

analysis was conducted from November 2014 to December 2014.

C. Research Subjects

The subjects of this research will be the transcripts of the commercial

videos of Kopiko advertisements taken from the internet and television. The


researcher focuses on two popular products from Kopiko brand which are candy

and instant coffee drink. Those products are most well-known in society all

around the world in which countries have Kopiko products distributed there. The

advertisements are taken from several versions of Kopiko commercial videos that

are broadcasted through television and internet media. There are Indonesia

version and the Philippines version of Kopiko advertisements which all have

English utterances and texts as the main language used in the advertisements.

Some of the advertisements use full English as the language, while several others

mix English with the country’s native language. The advertisements are chosen

based on the presence of utterances and the majority use of English, therefore the

presence of native language in several advertisements is ignored since the main

focus of this research is the English utterances and texts.

There are 13 commercial videos of Kopiko advertisement in Indonesia and

the Philippines that are taken as primary data in this research. Table 3.1 shows the

data of the advertisements for the research.

Tabel 3.1 The Kopiko Advertisements

Video Country
Kopiko 78o long version Indonesia
Kopiko White Mocha Indonesia
Kopiko Brown Coffee Indonesia
Kopiko 78o short version 1 Indonesia
Kopiko 78o short version 2 Indonesia
Kopiko Candy Indonesia
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape The Philippines
Kopiko Brown Coffee The Philippines


Kopiko Cafe Blanca The Philippines

Kopiko LA Coffee The Philippines
Kopiko Brown Coffee The Philippines
Kopiko Astig 3in1 The Philippines
Kopiko Coffee The Philippines

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

The instruments of this research are the primary data, which are the

commercial videos of Kopiko advertisements from Indonesia and the Philippines;

observation sheets that are categorized based on the categories of language

features to analyze the data; and the researcher as the doer of the observation and

analysis. The examples of the observation sheets are presented in table 3.2 and

table 3.3.

Table 3.2 The Language Features of Kopiko Advertisement

Video Language Feature X

Kopiko 78o long version (Indonesia)
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia)
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia)
Kopiko 78o short version 1 (Indonesia)
Kopiko 78o short version 2 (Indonesia)
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia)
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the Philippines)
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines)
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines)
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines)
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines)
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines)
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines)


Table 3.3 The Checklist of Active and Passive Voice in Kopiko Advertisement

Video Active Voice Passive Voice

Kopiko 78o long version (Indonesia)
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia)
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia)
Kopiko 78o short version 1 (Indonesia)
Kopiko 78o short version 2 (Indonesia)
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia)
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the Philippines)
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines)
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines)
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines)
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines)
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines)
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines)

This research uses content analysis method and deals with documents

namely Kopiko advertisements as the primary data. Therefore the technique of

collecting the primary data is an important procedure. The advertisements are

taken from several versions of Kopiko commercial videos broadcasted in

Indonesia and the Philippines, which are advertising two main products, namely

coffee candy and instant coffee drink. The commercial videos are collected from and chosen based on the use of English as the major language.

After that, the videos are transcribed into written texts in the form of dialogue or

monologue, which can be seen in Appendix A. There are few native languages

that are spoken in several versions of the advertisements, but they are not

analyzed in this study. The native language are not transcribed since this research

focuses on the English being used in the videos. After all the primary data needed

for this research are transcribed, they are put for categorization and analysis.


E. Data Analysis Technique

This research, which uses content analysis as the methodology, will employ

qualitative and quantitative data. The data analysis technique is a combination of

both types. Krippendorff (2004) states that quantitative data (numbers) is needed

in content analysis but not a definite criteria, while qualitative data (verbal) is the

text itself and the basic measurement for the research findings (p.87). The

qualitative data are the categories of language features, while the quantitative data

are the frequency of appearance of each features in all advertisements that will be

presented in percentage numbers. This research categorizes the primary data,

namely the transcripts of Kopiko advertisements, into groups that have various

characteristics of language features as stated in the previous chapter. This

categorization is conducted to help the researcher analyze the data, especially to

find the unique features of the language in Kopiko advertisements. The categories

that are used for this identification are the language features based on lexical

cohesion, grammatical cohesion, and information structure. The researcher

identifies the language features in each advertisement that are compatible with

the characteristics of each category. After the features found in the advertisement

language are identified and put in their categories, they are analyzed further to

find the similarities and differences that distinguish the English versions of

Indonesia and the Philippines. After identifying and analyzing the language

features of the advertisements, the researcher uses the reviews of related theories

and studies to conduct further analysis. The reviews will support the research

findings to answer the research questions.



F. Research Procedure

This section summarizes the procedure of this research. First, the

researcher finds the issue of the research topic and formulates the problems. This

step includes finding the topic which is an analysis on the language features of

Kopiko advertisements and formulating the two research questions. Second, the

researcher works on the library study to find the theories and studies related to

this research. Third, the researcher decides the methodology for conducting this

research which is content analysis that includes both qualitative and quantitative

data. Fourth, the researcher collects the sources of the primary data which are

several versions of Kopiko commercial videos that are broadcasted in Indonesia

and the Philippines. Fifth, the researcher transcribes the utterances from the

commercial videos into written texts as the primary data. Sixth, the researcher

classifies the primary data into three categories to identify the language features

of the advertisements. Seventh, the researcher begins to analyze the categorized

primary data to find the answers to the research questions. Eighth, the researcher

uses the reviews of related theories and studies to support the data analysis in

order to answer the research questions. Finally, the research findings and the

conclusions of the analysis are presented in descriptive data.




This chapter discusses the research findings that have been analyzed based

on the research methodology to answer the research questions. This chapter is

divided in three parts. The first part discusses the language features of the

primary data, Kopiko advertisements. The second part discusses the distinctive

features of Kopiko advertisements between Indonesia and the Philippines to see

their similarities and differences. The third part discusses other findings of the

analysis that are related to the previous findings.

A. The Language Features of Kopiko Advertisements in Indonesia and the


The analysis of the language features of Kopiko advertisements was based

on the theory from Carter et al. (2001) and Halliday and Matthiessen (2004)

about the language features of texts in discourse context. Since advertisement is a

form of discourse, especially that in this research the advertisement was taken

from commercial videos, those features can be used to analyze the language of

Kopiko advertisements in the perspective of text and related context. This is

appropriate considering the fact that the advertisements are from different

countries which use English as the main language. There are three features to

analyze in this research, namely the lexical cohesion, the grammatical cohesion,

and the information structure.



1. Lexical Cohesion of Kopiko Advertisements in Indonesia and the


Lexical cohesion, according to Halliday and Matthiessen (2004), contains

five types of lexical relation: repetition, synonymy, hyponymy, meronymy, and

collocation (p. 572). Based on the data analysis as seen in Appendix B, figure 4.1

showed the frequency of lexical cohesion that appeared in Kopiko advertisements

in both Indonesia and the Philippines.

Figure 4.1 The Lexical Cohesion of Kopiko Advertisements in Indonesia

and the Philippines

The chart showed that repetition was the most used type of lexical relation

in Kopiko advertisements, both in Indonesia and the Philippines version. On the

other hand, none of the 13 selected Kopiko advertisements used meronymy. Some

of the selected advertisements used collocation as a variation of lexical cohesion

in the script for the commercial videos of Kopiko.



a) Repetition

Most of the Kopiko advertisements used repetition to emphasize their

product’s names. Therefore they kept mentioning the Kopiko product they were

advertising. This kind of repetition was seen in 8 Kopiko commercial videos; four

of them were from the Indonesia version and the other four were from the

Philippines version. The Kopiko advertisements that used repetition were

“Kopiko 78o”, “Kopiko Brown Coffee”, “Kopiko White Mocca”, “Kopiko LA

Coffee”, “Kopiko Astig 3inOne”, and “Kopiko”. Besides repeating the name of

the product, most of the advertisements also repeated several important words or

expressions that elevated the product’s unique and strong characteristics. In the

Indonesia’s advertisement of Kopiko 78oC, which was a bottled coffee drink

product, the term 78o was repeated four times at the beginning and then repeated

again in the middle and at the end of the commercial video. It meant that ‘78o’

was indeed an essential factor of the product. In Indonesia’s Kopiko White Mocca

commercial video, the intriguing question “Kopiko white, but mocha?” was

repeated directly twice to attract the audience before explaining the main message

of the product advertisement. In the Philippines’ advertisement of Kopiko LA

Coffee, the expression “worry-free coffee” was mentioned twice in the

commercial video to emphasize that the product was good for the stomach. The

commercial video of the Philippines’ Kopiko Cafe Blanca advertisement also

emphasized its product’s excellence by repeating the word ‘creamy’ and the

phrase ‘tempting aroma’. The two utterances showed that Kopiko Cafe Blanca

was favored mostly because of its creamer flavor and nice aroma.


b) Synonymy

There were 2 out of 13 selected Kopiko advertisements that used synonymy

in their commercial videos. One was found in the Indonesia version of Kopiko

Brown Coffee advertisement, in which the word delicious and tasty existed in

different sentences. Both delicious and tasty were used to describe extreme

pleasure of experiencing great flavor. The other synonym was found in the

Philippines advertisement of Kopiko Cafe Blanca, where the word creamy and

smooth were used to describe the nice texture of the coffee.

c) Hyponymy

In the commercial video of Indonesia’s Kopiko White Mocca

advertisement, the term white coffee, mocha, and white mocha were the

hyponyms of coffee. As explained by Halliday and Matthiessen (2004), hyponym

is a type of its hypernym, that is considered to be included in the same category

(p. 570). Coffee has various kinds, and white coffee and mocha have been well

known as two kinds of coffee. White mocha was a new kind of coffee here, which

was introduced first in Indonesia by Kopiko, so it was also included in the coffee

category. Moreover, the three terms, along with the term coffee, can be

considered the hyponyms of drink. Another hyponymy was found in the

commercial video of the Philippines’ Kopiko Brown Coffee advertisement. The

term sugar and creamer were co-hyponyms of ingredient, yet in the Kopiko

advertisement context they were related to the term coffee as its complements.

d) Meronymy

The Kopiko commercial videos from both Indonesia and the Philippines did


not use any kind of meronymy. Meronymy is used to mention something as a part

of another thing. There was no occurrence of meronymy in Kopiko


e) Collocation

This last type of lexical cohesion was found in several commercial videos

of Kopiko advertisement, and the most used was the term coffee beans. The term

coffee bean was used rather than coffee seed or coffee grain. The use of this term

was appropriate for Kopiko advertisements since Kopiko dealt with coffee-related

products. Coffee was also associated with the term sugar and creamer. As seen in

the Indonesia version of Kopiko Brown Coffee advertisement, the word sugar

was closely attached to the word sweet in the same sentence. People

automatically associated the two words together. In the Philippines’

advertisement of Kopiko Cafe Blanca, the word coffee and creamer were found in

one sentence since they complemented each other. Several other terms were

bound as definite pairs. The term low acid was used in Indonesia advertisement

of Kopiko White Mocca and the term first class was found in Indonesia’s

advertisement of Kopiko Candy. These two terms were used as a single term that

was defined as one together instead of separately.

2. Grammatical Cohesion of Kopiko Advertisements in Indonesia and the


Grammatical cohesion in the advertisement context includes reference,

conjunction, and substitution and ellipsis according to Carter et al (2001).

Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) also consider the three features as parts of


language cohesion in texts. Based on the data analysis as seen in Appendix B,

figure 4.2 showed how the grammatical cohesion features appeared in Kopiko

advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines.

Figure 4.2 The Grammatical Cohesion of Kopiko Advertisement in Indonesia

and the Philippines

The quantitative data of the features of grammatical cohesion shown in the

chart above stated that personal reference was the most used feature with its

92,30% of appearance in Kopiko advertisement. Conjunction was rarely used in

Kopiko advertisement since there were four of them appeared in less than 30% of

the commercial videos.

a) Reference

There are three types of reference in this research that all of which were

found in Kopiko advertisements. They were personal reference, demonstrative

reference, and comparative reference.



1) Personal Reference

Personal reference was the most used reference in Kopiko advertisements.

The use of personal reference could not be ignored in advertisement since it could

be the main point of the advertisement, namely the name of the product. All

Kopiko advertisements except for the Indonesia’s version of Kopiko Candy

advertisement, used this reference in their commercial videos’ text. Besides

mentioning the product name, the videos also used it, you, and I to address the

subject being referred to. The use of you and I specifically made the audience feel

respected and important because they were directly addressed by the advertiser.

2) Demonstrative Reference

There were only a part of the selected Kopiko advertisements that used

demonstrative reference. There was one Indonesia’s Kopiko advertisement which

used that in the commercial video of Kopiko Brown Coffee. Six Philippines’

Kopiko advertisements used this, that, and the as a reference to the products they

were advertising in their commercial videos. This kind of reference emphasized

the product and its advantages that were being promoted. This was also seen in

the Philippines’ commercial video of Kopiko advertisement, where demonstrative

reference was used as the main language feature to engage the audience:

This isn’t about some ordinary coffee.

The cup that gives you the confidence to start the day.

It’s the cup that opens your eyes.

The cup that gives you real inspiration.

That’s what this is about.



The use of the, this, and that in the text above gave strong theme and mood about

the advertisement and the product itself. The way the advertisement did not

directly point out the product at the beginning but slowly build the information

about a ‘coffee’ first, made the use of the demonstrative references became more

palpable and necessary since they contributed to build the whole mood and


3) Comparative Reference

Comparative reference was the least seen reference in the Kopiko

advertisements. There were five Kopiko commercial videos that used this

reference, four of them were found in the Indonesia’s Kopiko advertisements

while the other one was from the Philippines’. Two of the four Indonesia’s

Kopiko advertisements had the same use of comparative reference since they

were advertising the same product but in different versions: Kopiko 78o. The

reference they used in expression ‘Perfect latte like never before’ was the term

‘like never before’. In another different version of Kopiko 78o, the shortest

version, the word best was used to show a superlative quality for their product.

Advertisement of Kopiko Candy also used a superlative phrase first class to show

that the candy is the best product of its specialty. The Philippines’ Kopiko Cafe

Blanca advertisement used the comparative reference more to emphasize its

product’s outstanding qualities. Comparative reference indeed gave the

impression of strong quality that the product has and gave a vibe that it was

superior among other similar products. This reference was applied and fitted

perfectly to some of Kopiko advertisements.



b) Conjunction

Based on figure 4.2, Kopiko advertisements also used conjunctions in their

commercial videos, although not all of the five types that have been mentioned


1) Additive Conjunction

Most of the Kopiko advertisements used and as the additive conjunction in

their texts or scripts. In fact, nine Kopiko commercial videos used this

conjunction, three of them were from Indonesia’s Kopiko advertisement while the

other six were from the Philippines’. A sentence from Indonesia’s Kopiko 78o

commercial video was ‘Taste it and you will love it.’ was a clear evidence of the

use of this conjunction as a connector between two clauses. Another use of and

was to connect two simple words, as seen in the Philippines’ version of Kopiko

Brown Coffee: “Creaminess and sweetness’. Several Kopiko advertisements

applied and at the beginning of a sentence in their texts, for example in

Indonesia’s short version of Kopiko 78o: ‘And caramelized milk.’ and in the

Philippines’ Kopiko Coffee: ‘And never, ever let you give up.’. This application

of conjunction and was for fragmented text or script that usually used incomplete

sentences as the main attraction, which in advertisement case worked.

2) Adversative Conjunction

This type of conjunction was found in one Kopiko advertisement, namely

Kopiko White Mocca. The opening expression ‘Kopiko white, but mocha?’ was

where the conjunction but was used. Clearly this conjunction was used to negate

the meaning between the two phrases it was attached to: it was either white coffee


or mocha flavored coffee. The lack of use of adversative conjunction in Kopiko

advertisement was an evidence that this conjunction gave a more negative mood

than positive to the advertisement itself. The word but usually meant there was a

weakness hidden in strength, and in this case that could be the Kopiko product

being advertised, so advertisers tended to avoid the use of this conjunction.

3) Causal Conjunction

This conjunction was also rarely used in the commercial videos of Kopiko

advertisement. There was one commercial video that used causal conjunction, as

seen in the Philippines’ Kopiko Cafe Blanca text, ‘So, what is blanca?’. The

conjunction so was used to relate the previous sentence to the next sentence. In

this advertisement case, the conjunction was relating the information about

Kopiko Cafe Blanca that was previously stated and then asking about it again for

confirmation and reinstatement.

4) Temporal Conjunction

This type of conjunction emphasizes the time adverbial that relates one

clause or phrase to move to the other clause or phrase in the next time span.

Based on the data of Kopiko advertisements from the commercial videos

broadcasted in Indonesia and the Philippines, there were three advertisements that

used temporal conjunction. The three commercial videos used temporal

conjunction now to emphasize the importance of the statement they were

referring to. As seen in Indonesia’s Kopiko White Mocca video, ‘White coffee?

It’s so yesterday. Now it’s Kopiko White Mocca.’, the conjunction now was used

to give strong statement that Kopiko White Mocca was the new trending coffee


nowadays and that a simple white coffee was not popular anymore. The

Philippines’ Kopiko LA Coffee also gave the similar impression as seen in its

video: ‘Now enjoy coffee without worrying about an upset stomach.’. The

conjunction now in that sentence made the impression that Kopiko LA Coffee

was the first coffee that did not harm the stomach.

5) Continuative Conjunction

This conjunction was not found in the Kopiko advertisements from both

Indonesia and the Philippines. Based on the transcribed data, continuative

conjunctions such as well, surely, now, were not included in the advertisement

texts. This finding might be related to the fact that advertisement texts were

precise with short but to the point sentences. Continuative conjunction is seen in

most other kinds of texts that describe or explain things, therefore it is rarely

found in advertisement texts which do not need such conjunction.

c) Substitution and Ellipsis

These two features of grammatical cohesion were used in Kopiko

advertisements as seen in the data shown in figure 4.2. Substitution and ellipsis

are indeed two important features in language.

1) Substitution

The use of substitution was rarely seen in the commercial videos of Kopiko

advertisement. As explained by Carter et al. (2001) and Halliday and Matthiessen

(2004), substitution was used to avoid redundancy in a text or conversation.

Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) say that the most known form of substitution

uses so, do, one(s), and no or none, but Carter et al. (2001) also say that


substitution can be in form of a single word or a shorter and simpler phrase

replacing longer phrase or clause (p. 197). The five forms of substitution were not

found in all transcripts of Kopiko advertisement from both Indonesia and the

Philippines version, but the use of a shorter sequence of words is commonly seen

in them. Most of the product names mentioned in the video were replaced by it or

thing. An example was seen in Indonesia’s version of Kopiko Brown Coffee

advertisement, the noun phrase Kopiko Brown Coffee was replaced with coffee

mix in the next sentence, and that phrase was replaced again with the word it. The

Philippines’ version of Kopiko Brown Coffee showed that the product name,

Kopiko Brown Coffee, was substituted by the word thing.

2) Ellipsis

The omission of unnecessary words in a phrase, clause, or sentence, were

found in most of Kopiko advertisements. There were ten commercial videos that

used ellipsis to either simplify the text or make an illusion to be closer toward

audience. Most ellipses that were found in the Kopiko advertisements were

omitting the subject or the verb of the sentences, and most of them were in the

form of passive voice. The omission of it is in most passive sentences were used

for making the text simpler and more effective and attractive. Short phrases such

as ‘Unbelievable’, ‘Perfectly blended’, ‘Full of taste’, and ‘So smooth’ were not

only effectively delivering the main message but also attracting the audience’s

attention right away.



3. Information Structure of Kopiko Advertisements in Indonesia and the


As one of the language features discussed here, information structure is

essential in advertisement text because it is what makes the message clear for the

audience. This feature shows how the advertisers want the information to be

delivered. It could be through the sentence functions, the verbs, and also the

theme. Based on the qualitative data analysis as seen in Appendix B, figure 4.3

showed the features of information structure in Kopiko advertisements in both

Indonesia and the Philippines.

Figure 4.3 The Information Structure of Kopiko Advertisements in Indonesia

and the Philippines

Based on the quantitative analysis, Kopiko advertisements in Indonesia and

the Philippines used various information structure. All of the advertisements used

statement in their texts, and most of them also used the present tense and active



a) Sentence functions

Based on figure 4.3, sentences such as question, statement, command, and

exclamation were found in the Kopiko advertisements.

1) Question

There were four Kopiko advertisements that used question sentences, three

of them were from the Indonesia’s Kopiko commercial videos and one was from

the Philippines. The shortest question was ”78o?” from the Kopiko 78o video,

both the long and short version. A simple question without complete structure

such as ”White coffee?” was also used to represent the daily life conversation in

Kopiko White Mocca video. The purpose of using those questions was to attract

the audience’s curiosity and interest.

2) Statement

Statements were the most used sentence function that were found in Kopiko

advertisements. Since describing and explaining the features of the product was

part of advertisement texts, the use of statement was highly possible in all Kopiko

advertisements. Statements that were found in Kopiko advertisement texts were

vary from simple statements such as “It’s tasty.”, “I love it.”, “Full of taste.”,

and “First class.” to complete and complex sentences such as “This is low class

coffee, broken and over roasted.”, “Kopiko Brown Coffee, the number one mixed

coffee that makes you go hmm.”, and “The cup that gives you the confidence to

start the day.”. Those statements were used to either explain the features of the

product or describe the feeling stimulated by the product.



3) Command

The use of command sentences was seen in seven texts of Kopiko

commercial videos. The sentences were known to have imperative function

because they used verb at the beginning of the sentence instead of subject.

Sentences such as ‘Taste it”, ”Experience high quality coffee”, ”Feel the world

with good vibe.”, and ”Wake up Philippines.” had strong impact to persuade the

audience to be interested in their products. Moreover, commands had the power

of moving audience toward the product directly.

4) Exclamation

Most of the exclamations that were found in the Kopiko advertisements

were a single word expressing strong emotion from the speaker. Expressions such

as ”Heavenly.”, ”Perfect!.”, ”Unbelievable.”, ”Wow!”, were used in several

commercial videos of both Indonesia and the Philippines’ Kopiko advertisements.

b) Verbs

Verbs in the context of language features here includes tense and voice as

the elements to see how information is delivered.

1) Tense

Tense is one of the elements in this language feature that shows in what

kind of context the information is delivered in a text or speech. In Kopiko

advertisements, most of the commercial videos used the present tense except for

two of Indonesia’s videos in which phrases were used instead of sentences. On

the other hand, all the commercial videos of the Philippines’ Kopiko

advertisements contained sentences that used the present tense. There were some


sentences that used the present tense together with other tenses such as the simple

future tense, the simple past tense, and the present perfect progressive tense. The

use of the simple future was found in the commercial video of Kopiko 78o text, in

which the sentence was “Taste it and you will love it.”. The first clause used the

simple present to ask the audience to do something and the second clause used

the simple future to predict and ensure the audience’s response. In the dialogue

script of Kopiko Cafe Blanca video, two sentences showed the use of the present

tense together with the past tense and the present perfect progressive tense. The

sentence “I knew it’s Blanca.” meant that the speaker previously predicted that it

was Kopiko Cafe Blanca, then it was proven that it was indeed the same coffee.

Usually this expression was shortened into the simple past “I knew it.”, but here

the speaker wanted to confirm what she had predicted and was proven right.

Another sentence was “This is what I’ve been waiting for.”, also from the same

text, it used the present tense and the present perfect progressive tense. The

findings showed that the present tense was mostly used in Kopiko advertisement

texts. Although the present tense was mostly used as a language feature in

advertisement, there were other possible tenses that could be used appropriately

with the present tense.

2) Voice

Active and passive voice were the two elements in this language feature.

Both active and passive voice were found in Kopiko advertisement texts from

Indonesia and the Philippines. Based on the sentences found in all transcribed

texts of Kopiko advertisement data, active voice was used more frequently than


passive voice with active voice appeared in 94,34% of all sentences and passive

voice appeared in 13,21% of all sentences. Some of the texts used both active and

passive voice in their sentences and the number of frequency was 7,55% of all

sentences counted. For example, the sentence “This is low class coffee, broken

and over roasted.” was found in several Kopiko commercial videos. That

sentence could be interpreted as “This is low class coffee, it is broken and over

roasted.”, which then had the first expression in active and the second in passive.

It could be concluded that Kopiko advertisement texts mostly used active voice in

their sentences. The apparent use of active voice meant that the important

information delivered by advertisers were the subject and object, which were the


c) Theme

According to Carter et al. (2001), theme is the links between sentences in a

text that connect them so that they are completely tied together (p. 152). Based on

Carter’s et al. opinion of theme, Kopiko advertisements from both Indonesia and

the Philippines did not use theme in any of the advertisement texts. This finding

could be related to the fact that Kopiko advertisements did not use theme because

it was not effective for a commercial video script. Based on the data of Kopiko

advertisements, all texts were short, precise, and effectively used to convey the

message. Since theme focused on the links between sentences or clauses, it made

the sentences longer with elaborated description, while advertisements did not

need that kind of text.



B. The Similarities and Differences between Language Features of Kopiko

Advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines

Based on the data analysis of language features of Kopiko advertisements

that included features such as lexical cohesion, grammatical cohesion, and

information structure, Kopiko advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines

were compared to see whether there was any significant similarity or difference

between them. Table 4.1 showed some similarities and differences of the

language features that were identified in Kopiko advertisements.

Table 4.1 The Similarities and Differences between Kopiko Advertisements

in Indonesia and the Philippines
Indonesia The Philippines
Lexical Cohesion
Using repetition in 5 of 6 videos Using repetition in 7 of 7 videos
Using synonymy of adjective in 1 of 6 Using synonymy of adjective in 1 of 7
videos videos
Using hyponymy in 1 of 6 videos Using hyponymy in 1 of 7 videos
No meronymy No meronymy
Using collocation in 3 of 6 videos, all Using collocation in 4 of 7 videos, 3 of
different types and specific feature 4 are the same with general feature
Grammatical Cohesion
Using personal reference in 5 of 6 videos, Using personal reference in 7 of 7
demonstrative reference in 1 of 6 videos, videos, demonstrative reference in 6 of
and comparative reference in 4 of 6 videos 7 videos, and comparative reference in
1 of 7 videos
Using more 4 of 5 conjunction types Using 2 of 5 conjunction types
Using additive conjunction ‘and’ in 3 of 6 Using additive conjunction ‘and’ in 6 of
videos and temporal conjunction ‘now’ in 1 7 videos and temporal conjunction
of 6 videos ‘now’ in 2 of 7 videos
Using substitution ‘it’ in 2 of 6 videos Using substitution ‘it’ in 2 of 7 videos
and substitution ‘thing’ in 1 video
Using ellipsis in 5 of 6 videos Using ellipsis in 5 of 7 videos


Information Structure
Using question in 3 of 6 videos Using question in 1 of 7 videos
Using statement in all 6 videos Using statement in all 7 videos
Using command in 2 of 6 videos Using command in 5 of 7 videos
Using exclamation in 3 of 6 videos Using exclamation in 2 of 7 videos
Using present tense in 4 of 6 videos Using present tense in all 7 videos
Using active voice in 4 of 6 videos and Using active voice in all 7 videos and
passive voice in 2 videos passive voice in 4 videos
Using no theme Using no theme

1. Based on Lexical Cohesion

The features on lexical cohesion are about how words in the text are

correlated toward each other to express certain meanings. In Kopiko

advertisements, the lexical cohesion played an important role to give a certain

meaning about their products with unique impression that should attract the

audience. The commercial videos of Kopiko in Indonesia and the Philippines

were surely using the repetition to the maximum advantage. As seen in both

countries’ advertisements, they used repetition to emphasize their product name

so that it was familiar to the audience’s ears. Beside repeating the product name,

they were also repeating the distinguished feature of their product such as 78o,

perfect extraction, properly roasted, tempting aroma, and worry-free coffee. Both

Kopiko advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines also used synonym for

certain adjective such as delicious-tasty and creamy-smooth, although rarely used.

Hyponymy was found in both the Indonesia’s and the Philippines’ Kopiko

advertisements, with one in each. The difference between them lied in the use of

collocation, which was found in both countries’ advertisements, but the

Philippines’ advertisements used collocation in general terms about the product



such as coffee-coffee beans and coffee-creamer rather than about specific features.

On the other hand, collocation such as low acid, sweet-sugar, and first class, from

Indonesia’s Kopiko advertisements showed specific qualities about the product.

2. Based on Grammatical Cohesion

Grammatical cohesion includes three main features, namely reference,

conjunction, and substitution and ellipsis. These kinds of cohesion deal with the

structure of the sentences, which in term of advertisement texts is essential since

they are what make a message more effective. Reference appeared in most

Kopiko commercial videos, especially personal reference which was used in both

Indonesia and the Philippines’ advertisements. They similarly used personal

references such as ‘you’, ‘it’, nouns, and the name of the product they were

advertising. Demonstrative references such as ‘this’, ‘that’, and ‘the’ were used

more frequently by Kopiko advertisements in the Philippines rather than in

Indonesia. On the contrary, Kopiko advertisement in Indonesia was seen more

often to use comparative references such as ‘best’, ‘first class’, and ‘like never

before’ rather than the Philippines.

For language feature conjunction, there were only four out of five types of

it that were found in Kopiko advertisements. Additive conjunction ‘and’ was seen

in several Kopiko advertisements from both Indonesia and the Philippines, it was

the only additive conjunction found from the texts. Temporal conjunction that

was found in Kopiko advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines was also

only one, namely ‘now’. Another similarity in conjunction feature was that

continuative conjunction was not seen in both countries’ Kopiko advertisements.



The difference between Indonesia and the Philippines here was the finding that

Kopiko advertisements in Indonesia were more various in using conjunction

because they also used adversative, causal, and temporal conjunction, while the

advertisements in the Philippines only used temporal conjunction aside from

additive conjunction.

Substitution and ellipsis were used similarly either in Indonesia’s Kopiko

advertisements or the Philippines’. Some findings of substitution from both

countries were the same such as using ‘it’ to replace the product name of the

advertisements. Ellipsis was also used in similar structure since it dealt with the

omission of unnecessary elements in sentences, both in Indonesia’s and the

Philippines’ Kopiko advertisements.

3. Based on Information Structure

In the context of advertisements, information structure is included to show

how the advertisers want the audience to respond or receive their message.

Kopiko advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines used questions,

statements, commands, and exclamations in their texts, but Indonesia tended to

use more questions and exclamations while the Philippines used more commands

or imperatives. For statements, both sides used equal amount of statement

sentences and similar types or structures of the sentences. For the tense that was

used, present tense was the dominant feature of Kopiko advertisements in both

Indonesia and the Philippines. Since Carter et al. (2001) state that the use of

present tense is obviously to describe or explain something, it is clear that

advertisement indeed uses present tense to sell the product at best. The feature


voice was also dominated by the findings of more active sentences than passives,

in both countries’ Kopiko advertisements.

C. Other Findings

The analysis of the language features of Kopiko advertisement in Indonesia

and the Philippines was based on the categories of language features such as

lexical cohesion, grammatical cohesion, and information structure. Besides those

features, there are also some categories that can be used to analyze the

advertisements since they are part of advertisement language analysis.

1. Types of Kopiko Advertisement in Indonesia and the Philippines

According to Kotler and Armstrong (2012), there are three purposes of

advertising: informing, persuading, and reminding (p. 437). Kopiko

advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines also have those three purposes.

The purpose or function of advertisement certainly influences the language style

and the features of the advertisement text such as the choice of words, the

sentence tone, and the theme.

a) Informative

Informative advertisement has the purpose to introduce the product to the

audience. Usually it is a new product or a new variation of the previous product,

therefore there are more information delivered rather than persuasion. There were

five of Kopiko advertisements that could be considered as informative such as

Kopiko 78o Coffee, Kopiko White Mocca, Kopiko Brown Coffee, Kopiko Cafe

Blanca, and Kopiko LA Coffee. Certain expressions from the texts of those


advertisements such as “New Kopiko 78o!”, “First in Indonesia.”, “Now it’s

Kopiko White Mocca.”, and “Introducing Kopiko Brown Coffee.”, showed the

purpose of the advertisements. The word ‘new’ and ‘first’ gave the impression

that it was something never seen before and that it had something different from

the previous products. The word ’now’ emphasized the information more clearly,

that it was the time to get to know about this new product. A question could be

also used to attract the audience’s curiosity and interest toward what was being

introduced. Questions like “Kopiko white, but mocha?” and “What is Blanca?”

implied that the product was unknown for the audience, so that there were

questions of what it was about.

b) Persuasive

Persuasive advertisement has the purpose of encouraging the audience to

buy or use the product. Persuasion is indeed the main message of advertisement,

even in introducing a new product, persuasion is used although not as the main

purpose. Persuasive advertisement has the characteristics of repeating the main

features of the product, comparing and contrasting their features to other

competitors indirectly, and usually using less and shorter description and

explanation. There were five Kopiko advertisements in Indonesia and the

Philippines that served the purpose of persuasion such as the two short versions

of Kopiko 78o, Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape, Kopiko Brown Coffee, and Kopiko

Astig 3in1. There was no indication of introducing new product in those

advertisements, instead the texts implied that the audience should have known

about the product because the language style showed a closeness or familiarity.


c) Reminder

A product can be advertised several times in different versions to get close

to the customers, first is introducing the product, then persuading the customers

to buy it, and last to keep their loyalty. Several Kopiko advertisements here had

the purpose to remind customers why they had chosen the product so far. Kopiko

advertisements such as Kopiko Candy, Kopiko Brown Coffee, and Kopiko Coffee

were the examples of this type of advertisements. Kopiko Candy advertisement

from Indonesia just used slides of pictures about Kopiko candy from the

beginning to the recent time, and the text consisted of phrases and short

expressions like ”First class.” that showed their excellent quality. Kopiko Coffee

advertisement from the Philippines also had similar advertising style, but it was

more narrative because of the narrative style of the text. Those advertisements

showed that they did not need to mention Kopiko repeatedly with extravagant

words to sell the product because they believed the customers have known about

the product and they just reminded them of that knowledge.

2. Elements of Kopiko Advertisement in Indonesia and the Philippines

There are several elements of advertisement according to Arens (2006) that

are applied for writing the texts or scripts of commercial videos. The creating

process of advertisement texts relies on the knowledge that the copywriter has

about the main idea of the advertisements and the language knowledge that is

used in the process. Elements of advertisement help to determine the language

style to be used in the texts, especially for the language features.



a) Headline

Headline was rarely used in commercial videos copywriting, it was seen

from the occurrence of headline in just two Kopiko advertisements, Kopiko 78o

the long version and the short one. Both videos used question headline which in

each text was mentioned repeatedly at the beginning of the video. Some other

videos also used question at the beginning but it was as a part of the dialogue.

Most Kopiko commercial videos directly jumped to the body copy.

b) Body copy

Most of the Kopiko advertisements used dialogue or monologue body copy.

Several videos used dialogue and monologue together and that included many

speakers, but some others used only monologue which was spoken by one

narrator. The Philippines’ video of Kopiko Coffee used narrative style as the body

copy. It was shown from the structure of the sentences and the choice of words

which made them slightly figurative.

c) Slogan

Based on all Kopiko advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines, there

was no slogan or tagline that could be considered as Kopiko’s slogan. Slogan

should show that it is indeed a reference to particular product or brand, but

Kopiko had various expressions that could be their slogan yet could also be just a

simple closure for the message in the advertisements.




This chapter presents the results and conclusions of the findings of this

research based on the data analysis and the related studies. There are two parts of

this chapter, namely conclusions and recommendations.

A. Conclusions

The first research question is what the language features of Kopiko

advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines are. Based on the data analysis,

Kopiko advertisements rarely used various lexical cohesion in their commercial

video’s texts. Repetition was mostly used, while other features such as synonymy

and hyponymy were used less often. Collocation appeared to be used in half of

Kopiko advertisements, but meronymy was not used at all. Similar to the lexical

cohesion, Kopiko advertisements did not have all the features of grammatical

cohesion. They used personal reference, demonstrative reference, additive

conjunction, and ellipsis more often than the other features. Conjunction was

rarely used in Kopiko advertisements, additive conjunction was used mostly, but

adversative, causal, and temporal conjunction appeared less, and continuative

conjunction was not found. Kopiko advertisements had also used information

structure features in their videos. Most of them used statements, command

sentence, present tense, and active voice. On the other hand, they rarely used

question sentence, exclamation, and passive voice, and they did not have theme.



The analysis on the language features of Kopiko advertisements led to

further analysis to compare them to find the answer to the second research

question, which is what the similarities and differences between the

advertisements in Indonesia and the Philippines are. The result was that there were

various similarities and differences between the two countries’ advertisements. In

several features, Indonesia’s Kopiko advertisements were more various, but in

some other features of the Philippines’ Kopiko advertisements were more frequent

to be used. There was no significant difference between them that clearly showed

their distinctive culture and society background.

Kotler and Armstrong (2012) stated that types of advertising based on its

purpose could direct the consumer’s response, and that can be achieved by using

the right language style in the advertisement. The purpose of advertising, whether

to inform, persuade, or remind, influences the copywriting process of

advertisement, which affects the language features to be used in headline or body

copy or slogan. The analysis showed that Kopiko advertisement had various

purposes, but that did not influence the copywriting greatly because most of them

used monologue body copy without headline and slogan.

In conclusion, Kopiko advertisement used various language features

included in lexical cohesion, grammatical cohesion, and information structure to

create attractive and interesting advertisements in an effective and meaningful way.

The use of language features were influenced by the initial purpose of the

advertisement and the type of copywriting intended. Kopiko advertisements in

Indonesia and the Philippines had similar purposes and used similar strategy and


method in promoting their products, yet the process of creating the advertisements,

which included using language features, were certainly different.

B. Recommendations

The analysis on the language features of Kopiko advertisement can be

beneficial to four parties that are related to this topic. There are some suggestions

for English teachers and students, for the English Language Education Study

Program, for advertisers, and for future researches. This research can also give

contribution to the linguistics study and English education.

1. For English Teachers and Students

Advertisement is one of the lesson material in English subject, therefore this

research can help improving the materials for teachers. The language features of

Kopiko advertisements in this research can be used as additional materials for

teaching how to make an advertisement or analysing its elements or format.

Teacher can use any example of commercial video instead of the usual printed

advertisement, therefore the learning process can be more interesting and

meaningful since it is closely related to daily life. Students can also enrich their

knowledge of English through the language features. They can learn about lexicon,

grammar, and the use of them to create a good advertisement text. Teachers can

give a task to the students to make their own commercial video.

2. For the English Language Education Study Program

Advertisement is in fact a rare material in the English Language Education

Study Program, it is usually used as one type of many texts that appear in writing


or reading subject. Lecturers may try to develop materials for advertisement

further to enhance students’ knowledge of language features. It can be more

interesting to learn about advertising and advertisement in electronic media such

as television, radio, or internet. Even printed advertisement has developed so

much that creating it is not as simple as it used to be. By following the technology

era, both lecturers and students can learn together to improve themselves to more


3. For Advertisers

The people behind the advertisement are inside the advertising company.

Advertisers are demanded to keep producing ideas, creating something new,

making something different, and other similar things. Sometimes they focus too

much on how to do those things without paying extra attention to the language

aspect. The fact that language as an important communication device that has

structure and meaning is sometimes not realized. Advertisers should use language

more appropriately, for advertisement context for sure. The use of language in

advertisement texts should be based on the purpose of the advertisement and they

way of product selling. Elements such as headline, body copy, and slogan are also

essential to decide what kind of language style will be used.

4. For Future Researches

This research can be a help for other researches that have similar topic or

aspect. Future researches may analyze other types of advertisement such as radio

advertisement or advertisement in blog or website. They can use the same theories

of language features to analyze other types of advertisement or other commercial



videos of different product and brand. This research can be examined further and

deeper so that the result is more accurate and credible. Another suggestion is to

analyze similar type of advertisement by using different theories of language

features and advertising. There are many theories about this topic that can be used

as references and they can give more insights to the research.



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Appendix A


1. Kopiko 78o Coffee - long version (Indonesia)

New Kopiko 78o ! First in Indonesia. Extraction at 78o C. Gives you rich 78o
taste and tempting 78o aroma. Blended with caramelized milk.
Hmm... Perfect!
Taste it and you will love it.
Kopiko 78o . Perfect latte like never before.

2. Kopiko White Mocca (Indonesia)

Female 1 : White coffee? It’s so yesterday. Now it’s Kopiko White
Female 2 : Kopiko white, but mocha?
Female 3 : Kopiko white, but mocha?
Man 1 : First in Indonesia. New Kopiko White Mocca. Low acid white
coffee with super tasty mocha.
Man 2 : Unbelievable.
Female 1 : Kopiko White Mocca, hmm..., crazylicious.
Man 2 : You have to try something new.
Kopiko White Mocca. Crazymoccalicious!


3. Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia)

Song: things that make you go hmm
Introducing Kopiko Brown Coffee.
Coffee mix with delicious sweet aromatic brown sugar.
It’s tasty. It’s satisfy. It’s make you go hmm.
Kopiko Brown Coffee, thing that make you go hmm.

4. Kopiko 78o - short version 1 (Indonesia)

Male : Quality coffee.
Female : Perfect extraction.
Male : Caramelized milk.
Female : I love it.
Male : Perfectly blended.
Male : Wow!
Female : Heavenly!
Male : Taste it and you will love it.
Kopiko 78 degree. Perfect latte like never before.

5. Kopiko 78o - short version 2 (Indonesia)

Kopiko 78o.
Perfect coffee extraction.
At 78o Celcius
And caramelized milk.
Full of taste.
Best. Latte. Ever.
Kopiko 78o. The next level of experience.


6. Kopiko Candy (Indonesia)

First class.

7. Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the Philippines)

Strong and rich coffee comes from selected coffee beans.
This is low class coffee, broken and over roasted.
And this is great one coffee, whole and properly roasted, used in Kopiko
(Philippine language)
Kopiko in 3inOne.

8. Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines)

Smells so good.
Kopiko Brown Coffee, from select coffee beans. Natural Kopiko brown
sugar and delicious creamer.
Hmm... Perfect.
Kopiko Brown Coffee, the number one mixed brown coffee that makes you
go hmm.
Kopiko Brown Coffee, makes you go hmm.

9. Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines)

Narrator : What is Blanca?
Female 1 : Blanca is...
Male 1 : What Blanca?
Female 2 : Blanca is... Blanca!
Narrator : New Cafe Blanca from Kopiko.
Experience high quality coffee in luscious creamer, wallowed
in creamy goodness and tempting aroma.
So, what is Blanca?
Female 1 : It’s creamy.
Male 1 : So smooth.


Male 2 : A more tempting aroma.

Female 2 : I knew it’s Blanca.
All : This is what I’ve been waiting for.
Kopiko Cafe Blanca, makes your day more creamylicious.

10. Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines)

(conversation in native language)
Female 1 : Kopiko LA coffee
Narrator : Now enjoy coffee without worrying about an upset stomach.
New Kopiko LA coffee.
Rose the ducing of controlled process to reduce the level of
It’s the worry-free coffee.
Female 2 : It’s exactly what you need.
Male 1 : Anytime I want.
Narrator : New Kopiko LA coffee. It’s the worry-free coffee.
Kopiko. Let’s experience the next level.

11. Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines)

Feel the world with good vibes.
Feel the world with Kopiko Brown vibe.
It’s a blend of high great coffee. Creaminess and sweetness. Perfectly ups
your mood.
Kopiko Brown Coffee.
Thing that makes you go hmm...

12. Kopiko Astig 3in1 (Philippine)

Music introduction
Wake up Philippines.
Kopiko, your coffee specialist, presents Kopiko Astig 3inOne.


Stronger and richer coffee come from great one selected coffee beans.
Properly roasted. Be 100% astig.
Song ‘I Feel Good’
Stay 100% awake with Kopiko Astig 3in1.

13. Kopiko Coffee (Philippine)

This isn’t about some ordinary coffee.
It’s a cup of real wake up.
The cup that gives you the confidence to start the day.
It’s the cup that opens your eyes.
The cup that gives you real inspiration.
And never, ever, let you give up.
That’s what this is about.
Now with every cup of Kopiko, you become Astig.
Kopiko. Experience a next level.


Appendix B


1. Lexical cohesion
a. Repetition
Video Repetition
Kopiko 78 degree long version 78o?
(Indonesia) Perfect! Perfect latte like never before.
Kopiko 78o.
Kopiko White Mocha Kopiko white, but mocha?
(Indonesia) White coffee.
Kopiko White Mocca.
Kopiko Brown Coffee Introducing Kopiko Brown Coffee.
(Indonesia) Coffee mix with delicious sweet aromatic
brown sugar.
It’s tasty. It’s satisfy. It’s make you go hmm.
Kopiko Brown Coffee, thing that make you go
Kopiko 78 degree short version 78o?
1 (Indonesia) Perfect extraction. Perfectly blended. Perfect
latte like never before.
I love it. Taste it and you will love it.
Kopiko 78 degree short version Kopiko 78o.
2 (Indonesia)
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape Strong and rich coffee comes from selected
(the Philippines) coffee beans. This is low class coffee, broken
and over roasted. This is great one coffee, whole
and properly roasted.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Kopiko Brown Coffee, from select coffee
Philippines) beans. Natural Kopiko brown sugar and
delicious creamer. Perfect. Kopiko Brown
Coffee, the number one mixed brown coffee
that makes you go hmm. Kopiko Brown
Coffee, makes you go hmm
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the What is Blanca? Blanca is...What Blanca?
Philippines) Blanca is... Blanca! New Cafe Blanca from
Kopiko. Experience high quality coffee in
luscious creamer, wallow in creamy goodness
and tempting aroma. So, what is Blanca? It’s
creamy. So smooth. A more tempting aroma. I
knew it’s Blanca. This is what I’ve been waiting
for. Kopiko Cafe Blanca, makes your day more
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Kopiko LA coffee. Now enjoy coffee without


Philippines) worrying about an upset stomach. New Kopiko

LA coffee. Restricting the controlled process to
reduce the level of acidity. It’s the worry-free
coffee. Exactly what you need. Anytime I want.
New Kopiko LA coffee. It’s the worry-free
coffee. Kopiko. Let’s experience the next level.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Feel the world with good vibes. Feel the world
Philippines) with Kopiko Brown vibe. It’s a blend of high
great coffee. Creaminess and sweetness.
Perfectly ups your mood.
Kopiko Brown Coffee. Thing that makes you go
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Kopiko, your coffee specialist, presents Kopiko
Philippines) Astig 3in1.
Stronger and richer coffee come from great one
selected coffee beans.
Wake up Philippines. Stay 100% awake with
Kopiko Astig 3in1.
Kopiko Coffee (the Cup
Philippines) Kopiko

b. Synonymy
Video Synonymy
Kopiko 78 degree long version (Indonesia) -
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) Coffee mix with delicious sweet
aromatic brown sugar. It’s tasty.
Kopiko 78 degree short version 1 -
Kopiko 78 degree short version 2 -
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines) Wallowed in creamy goodness and
tempting aroma. So smooth.
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) -

c. Hyponymy
Video Hyponymy
Kopiko 78 degree long version (Indonesia) -
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) White coffee? It’s so yesterday. Now
it’s Kopiko White Mocha.


Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) -

Kopiko 78 degree short version 1 -
Kopiko 78 degree short version 2 -
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) Natural Kopiko brown sugar and
delicious creamer.
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines) -
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) -

d. Meronymy

e. Collocation
Video Collocation
Kopiko 78 degree long version -
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) Low acid white coffee with super tasty
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) Coffee mix with delicious sweet
aromatic brown sugar.
Kopiko 78 degree short version 1 -
Kopiko 78 degree short version 2 -
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) First class.
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the Strong and rich coffee comes from
Philippines) selected coffee beans.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) Kopiko Brown Coffee, from select
coffee beans.
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines) Experience high quality coffee in
luscious creamer, wallowed in creamy
goodness and tempting aroma.
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) Stronger and richer coffee come from
great one selected coffee beans.
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) -


2. Grammatical cohesion
a. Personal reference
Video Reference
Kopiko 78 degree long version First in Indonesia.
(Indonesia) Give you rich 78o taste and tempting 78o
Blended with caramelized milk.
Taste it and you will love it.
Perfect latte like never before.
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) It’s so yesterday.
Now it’s Kopiko White Mocha.
You have to try something new.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) Introducing Kopiko Brown Coffee.
Coffee mix with delicious sweet aromatic
brown sugar.
It’s tasty. It’s satisfy. It’s make you go
Kopiko Brown Coffee, thing that make
you go hmm.
Kopiko 78 degree short version 1 I love it.
Kopiko 78 degree short version 2 Full of taste.
(Indonesia) Best latte ever.
The next level of experience.
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the Strong and rich coffee comes from selected
Philippines) coffee beans.
This is low class coffee, broken and over
This is great one coffee, whole and properly
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Natural Kopiko brown sugar and delicious
Philippines) creamer.
Kopiko Brown Coffee, the number one
mixed brown coffee that makes you go
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the What is Blanca?
Philippines) Experience high quality coffee in luscious
creamer, wallowed in creamy goodness
and tempting aroma.
It’s creamy.
A more tempting aroma.
Kopiko Cafe Blanca, makes your day
more creamylicious.
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines) It’s the worry-free coffee.
Exactly what you need.
Anytime I want.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Feel the world with good vibes.
Philippines) Feel the world with Kopiko Brown vibe.


It’s a blend of high great coffee.

Perfectly ups your mood.
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) Wake up Philippines.
Kopiko, your coffee specialist, presents
Kopiko Astig 3inOne.
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) It’s a cup of real wake up.
The cup that gives you the confidence to
start the day.
It’s the cup that opens your eyes.
The cup that gives you real inspiration.

b. Demonstrative reference
Video Reference
Kopiko 78 degree long version -
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) Kopiko Brown Coffee, thing that make
you go hmm.
Kopiko 78 degree short version 1 -
Kopiko 78 degree short version 2 -
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the This is low class coffee, broken and over
Philippines) roasted.
This is great one coffee, whole and
properly roasted.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Kopiko Brown Coffee, the number one
Philippines) mixed brown coffee that makes you go
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines) This is what I’ve been waiting for.
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines) It’s the worry-free coffee.
Let’s experience the next level.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Feel the world with good vibes.
Philippines) Feel the world with Kopiko Brown vibe.
Thing that makes you go hmm.
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) This isn’t about some ordinary coffee.
The cup that gives you the confidence to
start the day.
It’s the cup that opens your eyes.
The cup that gives you real inspiration.
That’s what this is about.


c. Comparative reference
Video Reference
Kopiko 78 degree long version Perfect latte like never before.
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 78 degree short version 1 Perfect latte like never before.
Kopiko 78 degree short version 2 Best latte ever.
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) First class.
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines) A more tempting aroma.
Kopiko Cafe Blanca, makes your day
more creamylicious.
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) -

d. Additive conjunction
Video Conjunction
Kopiko 78 degree long version Give you rich 78o taste and tempting 78o
(Indonesia) aroma.
Taste it and you will love it.
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 78 degree short version 1 Taste it and you will love it.
Kopiko 78 degree short version 2 And caramelized milk.
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the Strong and rich coffee comes from selected
Philippines) coffee beans.
This is low class coffee, broken and over
This is great one coffee, whole and properly
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Natural Kopiko brown sugar and delicious
Philippines) creamer.
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Experience high quality coffee in luscious
Philippines) creamer, wallow in creamy goodness and
tempting aroma.
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Creaminess and sweetness.


Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) Stronger and richer coffee come from great
one selected coffee beans.
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) And never, ever, let you give up.

e. Adversative conjunction
Video Conjunction
Kopiko 78 degree long version (Indonesia) -
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) Kopiko white, but mocha?
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 78 degree short version 1 (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 78 degree short version 2 (Indonesia) -
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines) -
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) -

f. Causal conjunction
Video Conjunction
Kopiko 78 degree long version (Indonesia) -
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 78 degree short version 1 (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 78 degree short version 2 (Indonesia) -
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines) So, what is Blanca?
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) -

g. Temporal conjunction
Video Conjunction
Kopiko 78 degree long version (Indonesia) -
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) Now it’s Kopiko White Mocha.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 78 degree short version 1 (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 78 degree short version 2 (Indonesia) -
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) -


Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the Philippines) -

Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines) -
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines) Now enjoy coffee without
worrying about an upset stomach.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) Now with every cup of Kopiko,
you become Astig.

h. Continuative conjunction

i. Substitution
Video Substitution
Kopiko 78 degree long version -
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) White coffee? It’s so yesterday.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) Introducing Kopiko Brown Coffee.
Coffee mix with delicious sweet
aromatic brown sugar.
It’s tasty. It’s satisfy. It’s make you go
Kopiko 78 degree short version 1 -
Kopiko 78 degree short version 2 -
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines) What is Blanca? It’s creamy.
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines) New Kopiko LA coffee. It’s the
worry-free coffee.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) Kopiko Brown Coffee. Thing that
makes you go hmm.
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) -

j. Ellipsis
Video Ellipsis
Kopiko 78 degree long version Blended with caramelized milk.
(Indonesia) Perfect! Heavenly!
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) First in Indonesia.
New Kopiko White Mocha.


Low acid white coffee with super tasty

Kopiko White Mocha, hmm,
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) Introducing Kopiko Brown Coffee.
Coffee mix with delicious sweet
aromatic brown sugar.
Kopiko 78 degree short version 1 Perfectly blended.
Kopiko 78 degree short version 2 Perfect coffee extraction.
(Indonesia) At 78 degree Celcius
And caramelized milk.
Full of taste.
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the This is low class coffee, broken and
Philippines) over roasted.
This is great one coffee, whole and
properly roasted.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) Smells so good.
Kopiko Brown Coffee, from select
coffee beans.
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines) What Blanca?
So smooth.
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) Perfectly ups your mood.
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) Properly roasted.
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) -

3. Information structure
a. Question
Video Question
o o
Kopiko 78 long version (Indonesia) 78 ?
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) White coffee?
Kopiko white, but mocha?
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 78o short version 1 (Indonesia) 78 degree?
Kopiko 78o short version 2 (Indonesia) -
Kopiko Candy (the Philippines) -
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines) What is blanca?
What blanca?


So, what is blanca?

Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) -
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) -

b. Statement
Video Statement
o o
Kopiko 78 long version New Kopiko 78 !
(Indonesia) First in Indonesia.
Extraction at 78 degree.
Give you rich 78o taste and 78o tempting aroma.
Blended with caramelized milk.
Perfect latte like never before.
Kopiko White Mocha It’s so yesterday.
(Indonesia) Now it’s Kopiko white mocha.
First in Indonesia.
New Kopiko White Mocha.
You have to try something new.
Kopiko Brown Coffee Introducing Kopiko Brown Coffee.
(Indonesia) Coffee mix with delicious sweet aromatic brown
It’s tasty.
It’s satisfy.
It’s make you go hmm.
Kopiko Brown Coffee, thing that make you go
Kopiko 78o short version 1 I love it.
(Indonesia) Perfectly blended.
Perfect latte like never before.
Kopiko 78o short version 2 Perfect coffee extraction.
(Indonesia) Full of taste.
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) First class.
Kopiko 3in1 Astig na Kape Strong and rich coffee comes from selected coffee
(the Philippines) beans.
This is low class coffee, broken and over roasted.
This is great one coffee, whole and properly
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Smells so good.
Philippines) Kopiko Brown Coffee, from select coffee beans.
Kopiko Brown Coffee, the number one mixed
brown coffee that makes you go hmm.
Kopiko Brown Coffee, makes you go hmm.
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the It’s creamy.
Philippines) I knew it’s Blanca.
This is what I’ve been waiting for.
Kopiko New Cafe Blanca, makes your day more


Kopiko LA Coffee (the New Kopiko LA Coffee.

Philippines) It’s the worry-free coffee.
Exactly what you need.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the It’s a blend of high great coffee.
Philippines) Perfectly ups your mood.
Thing that makes you go hmm.
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Kopiko, your coffee specialist, presents Kopiko
Philippines) Astig 3inOne.
Stronger and richer coffee come from great one
selected coffee beans.
Properly roasted.
Kopiko Coffee (the This isn’t about some ordinary coffee.
Philippines) It’s a cup of real wake up.
The cup that gives you the confidence to start the
It’s the cup that opens your eyes.
The cup that gives you real inspiration.
And never, ever, let you give up.
That’s what this is about.
Now with every cup of Kopiko, you become astig.

c. Command
Video Command
Kopiko 78o long version (Indonesia) Taste it and you will love it.
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 78o short version 1 Taste it and you will love it.
Kopiko 78o short version 2 -
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the -
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Experience high quality coffee in luscious
Philippines) creamer, wallowed in creamy goodness and
tempting aroma.
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines) Now enjoy coffee without worrying about
an upset stomach.
Let’s experience the next level.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Feel the world with good vibes.
Philippines) Feel the world with Kopiko Brown vibe.
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) Wake up Philippines.
Be 100% astig.
Stay 100% awake with Kopiko Astig 3in1.
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) Experience the next level.


d. Exclamation
Video Exclamation
Kopiko 78o long version (Indonesia) New kopiko 78o!
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) Unbelievable.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia)
Kopiko 78o short version 1 (Indonesia) Wow!
Kopiko 78o short version 2 (Indonesia)
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia)
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the Philippines)
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines)
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines) Blanca!
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines)
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines)
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) Wow!
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines)

e. Tense
Video Present Tense
Kopiko 78o long version (Indonesia) Gives you rich 78o taste and tempting 78o
Taste it and you will love it.
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) Now it’s Kopiko White Mocca.
You have to try something new.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) It’s tasty.
It’s satisfy.
It’s make you go hmm.
Kopiko Brown Coffee, thing that make
you go hmm.
Kopiko 78o short version 1 (Indonesia) I love it.
Taste it and you will love it.
Kopiko 78o short version 2 (Indonesia) -
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the Strong and rich coffee comes from
Philippines) selected coffee beans.
This is low class coffee, broken and over
And this is great one coffee, whole and
properly roasted, used in Kopiko 3in1.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Smells so good.
Philippines) Kopiko Brown Coffee, the number one
mixed brown coffee that makes you go
Kopiko Brown Coffee, makes you go


Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines) What is Blanca?
Blanca is ...
Blanca is... Blanca!
So, what is Blanca?
It’s creamy.
I knew it’s Blanca.
This is what I’ve been waiting for.
Kopiko Cafe Blanca, makes your day
more creamylicious.
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines) Now enjoy coffee without worrying about
an upset stomach.
It’s the worry-free coffee.
It’s exactly what you need.
Anytime I want.
Let’s experience the next level.
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Feel the world with good vibes.
Philippines) Feel the world with Kopiko Brown vibe.
It’s a blend of high great coffee.
Thing that makes you go hmm.
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) Wake up Philippines.
Kopiko, your coffee specialist, presents
Kopiko Astig 3inOne.
Stronger and richer coffee come from
great one selected coffee beans.
Be 100% astig.
Stay 100% awake with Kopiko Astig
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) This isn’t about some ordinary coffee.
It’s a cup of real wake up.
The cup that gives you the confidence to
start the day.
It’s the cup that opens your eyes.
The cup that gives you real inspiration.
And never, ever, let you give up.
That’s what this is about.
Now with every cup of Kopiko, you
become astig.
Experience a next level.

f. Voice
Video Sentences Active Passive
Kopiko 78o long version Gives you rich 78o taste and √
(Indonesia) tempting 78o aroma.
Blended with caramelized milk. √
Taste it and you will love it. √
Kopiko White Mocha It’s so yesterday. √
(Indonesia) Now it’s Kopiko White Mocca. √
You have to try something new. √


Kopiko Brown Coffee Introducing Kopiko Brown √

(Indonesia) Coffee. √
It’s tasty. √
It’s satisfy. √
It’s make you go hmm. √
Kopiko Brown Coffee, thing that
make you go hmm.
Kopiko 78o short version I love it. √
1 (Indonesia) Perfectly blended. √
Kopiko 78o short version -
2 (Indonesia)
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) -
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Strong and rich coffee comes √
Kape (the Philippines) from selected coffee beans.
This is low class coffee, broken √ √
and over roasted.
And this is great one coffee,
whole and properly roasted, used √ √
in Kopiko 3in1.
Kopiko Brown Coffee Smells so good. √
(the Philippines) Kopiko Brown Coffee, the
number one mixed brown coffee √
that makes you go hmm.
Kopiko Brown Coffee, makes √
you go hmm.
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the What is Blanca? √
Philippines) Blanca is... √
Blanca is... Blanca! √
Experience high quality coffee in
luscious creamer, wallowed in √ √
creamy goodness and tempting
So, what is Blanca? √
It’s creamy. √
I knew it’s Blanca. √
This is what I’ve been waiting √
for. √
Kopiko Cafe Blanca, makes your
day more creamylicious.
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Now enjoy coffee without √
Philippines) worrying about an upset stomach.
It’s the worry-free coffee. √
It’s exactly what you need. √
Anytime I want. √
Let’s experience the next level. √
Kopiko Brown Coffee Feel the world with good vibes. √
(the Philippines) Feel the world with Kopiko √
Brown vibe.
It’s a blend of high great coffee. √
Perfectly ups your mood. √


Thing that makes you go hmm. √

Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Wake up Philippines. √
Philippines) Kopiko, your coffee specialist, √
presents Kopiko Astig 3inOne.
Stronger and richer coffee come √
from great one selected coffee
beans. √
Properly roasted. √
Be 100% astig. √
Stay 100% awake with Kopiko
Astig 3in1.
Kopiko Coffee (the This isn’t about some ordinary √
Philippines) coffee.
It’s a cup of real wake up. √
The cup that gives you the √
confidence to start the day.
It’s the cup that opens your eyes. √
The cup that gives you real √
And never, ever, let you give up. √
That’s what this is about. √
Now with every cup of Kopiko, √
you become astig.
Experience a next level. √

g. Theme

4. Types of Kopiko Advertisements

Video Types of Advertisement
Kopiko 78o long version (Indonesia) Informative
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) Informative
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) Informative
Kopiko 78o short version 1 (Indonesia) Persuasive
Kopiko 78o short version 2 (Indonesia) Persuasive
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) Reminder
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the Philippines) Persuasive
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) Persuasive
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the Philippines) Informative
Kopiko LA Coffee (the Philippines) Informative
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the Philippines) Reminder
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the Philippines) Persuasive
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) Reminder


5. Elements of Kopiko Advertisements

Video Headline Body Copy Slogan
Kopiko 78o long version Question Dialogue/monologue -
Kopiko White Mocha (Indonesia) - Dialogue/monologue -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (Indonesia) - Monologue -
Kopiko 78o short version 1 Question Dialogue/monologue -
Kopiko 78o short version 2 - Dialogue/monologue -
Kopiko Candy (Indonesia) - - -
Kopiko 3in1 Astig Na Kape (the - Monologue -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the - Monologue -
Kopiko Cafe Blanca (the - Dialogue/monologue -
Kopiko LA Coffee (the - Dialogue/monologue -
Kopiko Brown Coffee (the - Monologue -
Kopiko Astig 3in1 (the - Monologue -
Kopiko Coffee (the Philippines) - Monologue/narrative -

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