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Course Proposal for Benetton 3

Teacher: Zakiya Hanafi Total hours: 24

Time and Structure: 2 lessons per week, 1.5 hours each
12 February – 6 April, 2004

Incoming Level
Overall: Pre-Intermediate
Good listening comprehension
Very good reading comprehension
Lacks confidence in speaking

Needs Identified
Functional Needs
Informal social interaction in professional settings
Reading and writing correspondence (emails, reports)
Telephone calls
Informal presentations of project info at meetings
Travel in England
Vocabulary Needs
Clothing (mens, womens, children): Sportswear / Shoes / Lingerie
Grammar Needs
General review of basic structures

Final Objective
To feel confident communicating with British native speaker consultants in
meetings regarding textile reorganization project.

Grammar Review: Language in Use (Pre-Intermediate) Coursebook and Exercise
 Clothing: English language fashion magazines
 Marketing: English language texts provided by student
 Retailing: English language documents regarding reorganization project
Other: Light reading of novels (Penguin Easy Reading Series)
Business social interaction / Listening Comprehension: Market Leader Alliance
Video (with exercises)
Proposed Course Syllabus

February 12 – 27 (7.5 hours):

 General Grammar Review
 Creation of Textile Related Glossary from fashion magazines
 Creation of Marketing / Retailing Glossary from textbook and consultancy
 Homestudy: Reading of novel Thirty-steps / Grammar Exercises

March 1 – 31 (13.5 hours):

 Preparation of Presentations on Textile Reorganization Project
 Viewing of Market Leader Alliance Video plus exercises
 Simulated Meetings with consultants using glossaries prepared
 Homestudy: Writing of emails regarding project / Continued reading of
novels / Grammar Exercises

April 2 – 6 (3 hours)
 Give presentation on Textile Reorganization Project / Receive feedback
 Simulated phone calls
 Evaluation of progress and suggestions for further study

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