Shayne Herr - Conspiracy Theory Essay

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Shayne T. Herr

Mrs. Ramierez

English 4

30 November 2021

The Lizard People Conspiracy Theory

The Lizard People conspiracy is something that’s been around for a while to explain the

cruelty in the world. Specifically with government and political leaders. Believers of this theory

find it easier to say that the world is being controlled by lizard people rather than accepting

reality and saying that they have the power to change the world. They believe that these lizard

people come from the stars. This theory came to life by the hands of David Icke, an author and

theorist. People need to realize that lizard people aren’t going to run the world and that people,

human beings, and specifically the young/new generation has the power to shape the world.

With one step at a time and with the help of others you could change the world. Despite what

you may see on the internet or hear from others, lizard people aren’t going to take over the world

because the world is shaped through people’s life experiences and their passions.

This theory has believers that say the lizard people are from the stars and are our

celebrities and political leaders. These lizard people are from the constellation Draco. It’s also

believed that these lizard people are hidden in figures such as Barack Obama, Madonna, Katy

Perry, Bill Clinton, and Angelina Jolie among others(Source 1). Basically saying lizard people

are aliens and in positions of power in our world. Draco is also apparently the constellation that

is shaped like a dragon and Draco’s latin name is Draconem which means “huge serpent”(source

1). So believers of this theory are linking lizard people with space and a constellation that looks

like a giant lizard(dragon). These lizard people have been visiting Earth since ancient times
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which gives it more reason for there to be more lizard people and “potential” of humans

becoming lizard people(source 1). If the lizard people want world domination and they’ve been

on Earth since ancient times, don’t you think they should’ve surfaced by now? When you see

the supposed evidence, it doesn’t make much sense and is really hard to believe.

This whole conspiracy theory started with a man named David Icke. David Icke is an

author and a theorist who has written several books which provide “evidence” and further

explanations to lizard people(source 2). David Icke, or theorists in general, are very good story

tellers that are experts in drawing people in which is why this specific theory has more believers

than you would think. A lizard person has certain characteristics that help determine them: “low

blood pressure, random scars, and an eye color of green, hazel, or blue which can change at any

time”(source 2). It’s hard to believe that these perfectly explainable characteristics that a number

of people have is what makes them a lizard in disguise. The belief system is mainly supported

by average Americans, simply because they don’t have considerable “control” over its economy

or government(source 2). People in this day and age would rather blame the imperfections of the

government on a theory than accept that the government isn’t perfect and that they actually do

have the power to make it better. Everything that holds this theory together is interesting in the

fact that people can actually believe it.

Lizard people aren’t real and the ones who are in the best position to shape the world are

the new/young generation. The generation that has sprouted is so different and unique that they

have the ability to combat or solve the world’s “increasingly complex set of realities”(source 3).

Joblessness, the growing inequality, and the increasing dangers of climate change. All things the

previous generations failed in solving, but from learning from the past, the new generation can

surpass the old. Because this generation is filled with such diversity, everyone has a different
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view and opinion that can influence others to “shape” the world(source 3). Whether it’s equality,

fighting against repressive governments, or protecting the environment the young generation

could do it with the help of the older generation, the new generation undoubtedly has the

potential to change the world. It’s either this new generation sets the next up for success or they

fail like those before them.

To conclude, the theory that lizard people exist in positions to take over the world is

crazy, and the people that are actually in a position to change the world are the young generation

and you. So I caution you, be vigilant of the people in this world that’ll tell you lizard people are

going to take over because they’d rather make excuses than doing something about the world

they’re in. Lizard people didn’t come from the stars and they aren’t lying dormant inside our

world’s celebrities and political leaders waiting to take over our world. It makes you wonder

how someone like David Icke could even come up with something like this. The new generation

and you can change and shape the world. Little by little one step at a time the world can be

changed. Regardless of what is said from other people, this world is shaped through people and

their experiences. “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”(Gandhi).
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Works Cited

Abad-Santos, Alex. “Lizard People: The Greatest Political Conspiracy Ever Created.” Vox, Vox,

5 Nov. 2014,

klunder.2, et al. “Behind the Belief: Lizard People.” The Psychology of Extraordinary Beliefs,

“Young People Have Enormous Power to Shape Better World, Migiro Tells Students | | UN

News.” United Nations, United Nations,


Gaiam. “7 Ways to Make the World a Better Place.” Gaiam,

Bump, Philip. “How to Spot the Reptilians Running the U.S. Government.” The Atlantic,

Atlantic Media Company, 4 Oct. 2016,

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