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Action Learning Plan

Emotional Intelligence
Your learnings from the sessions can create an impact in your life only when
you apply, practice and document them. Update this ALP as often as you like
but mandatorily once every week with your experiences. Browse through your
participant workbook every week to recall and refresh the learnings.

Practicing Emotional Intelligence

The practice of Emotional Intelligence can help you become a world class leader.
The sections below are the various concepts you learnt in the workshop.

Feelings and Processing of Emotions

(Left Side Processing and Right Side Processing)
Share one or two instances of how you changed left side processing to right
side processing in your initial interactions with your new colleagues. Did you
notice early experiences influencing your nature of response towards left side

I changed my left side processing to right processing by being a good listener then
analysing the situation. Earlier on our project briefings I used to jump into conclusion
without considering all the factors that have been spoken. Now I take my decisions
by doing a critical analysis.

Business Benefit/s
How has the awareness and practice of left side and right side processing benefited
you in forming relationships and completing tasks in your organization over the last
It has helped me a lot in my workplace as now I don’t jump into conclusions
with regards to my work and my peers as well.

Automatic Stories
Were you able to catch any automatic stories and clarify with the other person
at work or in your personal life?

I had a silly prejudice of judging people from the state they come from and it
hindered my networking skills. Now when have gathered enough experience, I
feel one should go with the flow without any premonitions.

Business Benefit/s
How has the concept of automatic stories influenced your interactions? What would
have been different if you persued with the automatic stories?

I now feel more confident interacting with people without any preconceptions
and I feel a lot of weight has lifted off my shoulders.
How have you been developing your EI skills further?
Tell us more..

Describe a couple of instances where the list of anchors for Self-Awareness,

Self-Management, Social Awareness and Relationship Building came in handy.

Have you noticed any changes in how will you express yourself and understand
the feelings of other people. What are the changes?

I'm socially very active and like to meet people. I follow a lot of sports and that I feel
is a very good icebreaker as it gives you a lot of common ground.
Exercise and Reading Books
Doing regular exercise will help in generating positive chemicals and negating
negative chemicals. Share the routine you have started or are planning to start
on exercise.
“Leaders are Readers” and building the habit of reading can be a great practice
in your journey of leadership. Share your reading list here:

Yes, regular exercise helps in generation of positive chemical and keeping the
negative chemicals away. My plan on exercise is split in morning and evening. I
wake up at 8 AM usually but now I am planning to wake up at 7:30 AM and do
exercise regularly in the morning as it helps in kick-starting the day with a
positive mindset. Same goes for evening 7:00 PM to keep the body and mind fit.

I am an avid reader and I like reading a lot. I feel it helps in developing you as an
individual. I try to reader 15 books a year and keeping pace with the evolving

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