Pastry Cafe

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ENCG Academic year: 2011/2012


Entrepreneurship: Project
Coffee shop

Work done by :

Abdessamade And supervised by:
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Project 3

The 4
Market 6
I) - The 6
documentary study ……………………………………………….
1) Agri-food sector 6
2) Pastries 8
3) 13

II)- The 17
qualitative study……………………………………………………

III)- The 21
quantitative study……………………………………………….
The 30

estimated turnover…………………………………………
The commercial 32
Technical 34


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I) Human 34
II) Locations…………………………………… 35
III) 36
IV) Cost estimate 38
Financial study……………………………………………
I) Evaluation of the total cost of the 39
II) Initial financing 42
III) Table of loan repayments ……………… 43

IV) Table of 43
V) The
estimated CPC ………………………………………
VI) The gross cash flow 46
VII) Forecast 47
VIII) Cash flow or financing 48
Choice of the legal status of the company 49
Bibliography 53
Annexes 54

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Project display
Company name: Marhaba

Company logo:

Company name: SARL

Location : Avenue Mohammed 5, Mimosa, Kenitra.

Expected turnover for the first 3 years:

- Year 01: 1,370,477 DH

- Year 02: 1,566,260 DH
- Year 03: 1,957,824 DH

Number of partners : 5

Presentation of the idea:

The concept that we have developed as part of entrepreneurship is a project

combining a Café and a bakery in the city of Kenitra. Already used through
brands such as La Comédie or Majestic in Rabat, this concept has no direct
competitor in the city of Kenitra. This concept combining 3 activities at the
same time constitutes for us an opportunity for innovation in this city which
will allow us to differentiate ourselves from other competitors in terms of
diversification of the products and services offered.

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This idea stems from the interaction of 5 people who detected

following several observations, both a global opportunity and a
other specific that has been judged as seizable.

The overall opportunity:

Starting on the one hand from the example of Majestic or La Comédie in Rabat which
has known and which still knows success thanks to the creation of such a concept
combining both a café and a pastry-bakery and on the other Based on the observation
that we noticed because of the non-existence of such a concept in a big city like Kenitra,
we decided to embark on such an idea which consists in creating an innovative economic
activity which will allow us to differentiate ourselves other structures (Cafés or pastry-
bakery) which seem similar to Kenitra.

The specific opportunity:

The main and innovative idea is to create a project combining both the services of a café
and a modern pastry-bakery in an attempt to respond to changes in consumer behavior
in the city of Kenitra.

However, the global opportunity alone is not enough, but we must also ask ourselves what
are our specific opportunities?
The answer to this question depends both on our added value, our skills and also
on our surroundings.

However, following this question, which is a very sensitive part, we have identified
a lot of specific opportunities that can in some way help us to strengthen our
capacity to undertake such an activity, including:

ÿ One of the partners has know-how in terms of

cafe management (works in a large hotel cafe in
ÿ The aunt of an associate is a professional in the
field of pastry-bakeries which will help us in the first place to properly manage
our future project.
ÿ Carry out accelerated training in terms of
pastries-bakeries in a private institute in order to reduce the degree of dependence.

Presentation of the partners

Partner 01
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Surname :
AGOUTIME First names :
Abdessamade Date of birth :
20/11/1990 Place of birth : Kenitra CIN
number: G 535978 Marital status :
Single Address : Rue 9 N° 24 hay
maamora saknia Kenitra Tel. : 0653311586 E-mail : Education : Master in
Audit and Management Control at ENCGK.

Professional and entrepreneurial experiences : internship at ONEP.

Partner 02
Surname :
ZAGRE First names :
Adama Date of birth : 10/12/1987
Place of birth : Bobo dioulassou/ Burkina Faso CIN number:
BE520635 Marital status : Single Address : 19, rue Saas
Zaghloul N° 8 Kenitra Tel. : 0533999752 E-mail :

Education : Master in Finance and Accounting Management

Professional and entrepreneurial experiences : Internship at
Attijariwafa Bank

Partner 03
First names : Fadoua Date of
birth : 07/09/1990 Place of birth :
Rabat CIN number: AA 33202 Marital
status : Single Address : 4, rue el Kafe,
N°11, Hassan, Rabat .

Phone. : 0620204824
E-mail :
Education : Master in Financial and Accounting Management at ENCG-K.
Professional and entrepreneurial experiences : internship at the Banque
Populaire and internship at the General Treasury of the Kingdom.

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Partner 04
Name: The OUARDI
First names: Maryam
Date of birth: 02/20/1990
Place of birth: Sale
number: Marital status: single
Tel. : E-mail:
and entrepreneurial experiences:

Partner 05
Name : Nassoma
First names : Rafiou
Date of birth : 09/06/1990
Place of birth : Lomé
N° CIN: BE52503Z
Marital status: Single
Number of children: 0
Address : Upper town Kenitra
Phone. : 0658045004
Email :
Education : Master in Audit and Management Control at ENCG-K.
Professional and entrepreneurial experiences : internship at Attijariwafabank.

Market research
I) Documentary study
I. The agro-food industry sector
in Morocco
The agro-food industry (IAA) is the second branch
industry in the country with nearly 30% of industrial production
total (just after that of chemistry with 40%).

The food industry sector occupies a strategic place in the economy

national and has 1,981 companies (average for the period
2002-2008) representing 25% of all establishments

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mainly made up of SMIs up to 95%. This sector has enormous development

capacities given the agricultural and agro-industrial potential of the country.

1) Composition of the sector

The classification in force of economic activities groups together in the
IAA sector the industrial branches relating to beverages, fruit and
vegetables, meat, fish, milk, fats, flours and groats, cereals, animal feed,
tobacco and other products. food.

It is clear that the composition of the food industry sector is quite disparate.
In terms of size, some branches are characterized by a large number of
small units such as the flour manufacturing industry (modern pastries),
while others are relatively concentrated (sugar, seed oils, milk). As far as
the market is concerned, some branches are more oriented towards the
external market (fruits and vegetables, fish) while others are exclusively
oriented towards the internal market (fats branch, dairy industry, cereal
processing, beverages, meat industry).

2) The opportunities of the IAA sector

The "EMERGENCE Plan", launched in 2005 and ratified in February 2009
under the name of the Pact for Industrial Emergence, constitutes a new
industrial strategy aimed at channeling the effects of openness and
boosting the upgrading of the industrial sector. . This plan identified agro-
food industries as a sector with high growth potential. The adopted
strategy advocates, in the long term, a profound change in the sector
through better development of agricultural resources, the emergence of
competitive industrial firms and the encouragement of research and
development in the sector.

Also, the growing urbanization of the Moroccan population, the change in

eating habits and the subsequent increase in demand for processed
agricultural products as a result of the improvement in the standard of
living of the populations augurs a better future for the local industry. .

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3) The weaknesses of the IAA

The national food industry as a whole remains a fragile and structurally weak
productive system. If at the level of several branches, a few companies generally
of old creation better integrated or subsidiaries of multinationals, achieve satisfactory
results, the performance of the sector remains overall below its potential.

The low investment rates and the technological backwardness, the underqualification
of human capital and the predominance of precarious work, the weakness of
innovation and quality as well as the shortcomings of the managerial organization
of companies, characterize the evolution structure of this industry.

It should be emphasized that the very constraining nature of the internal environment
in which the AFIs evolve explains in turn, and to a large extent, their poor
performance: the difficulties in supplying the factories with agricultural raw materials,
the weakness of the solvent demand, the problems of financing and particularly for
small and medium-sized enterprises, the high cost of transport, packaging and
energy and the weakness of research in the whole agro-food sphere (at the level of
agriculture and processing industry). In short, the process of accumulation specific
to the IAA suffers from failures and is confronted with important constraints at the
level of its three phases: the phase of mobilization of the capital, the phase of
development of the capital and finally the realization phase.

II. Pastry-bakeries 1)
Presentation of the sector
The bakery industry has never been so booming. Under the impetus of new national
or foreign brands, the business is even in a state of grace. Pastry bakeries are well
established. And in an increasingly competitive market, professionals innovate and
adapt to consumer demands. Between very Moroccan brands (Amoud, Seraj, etc.)
or big names in pastry, particularly French, the sector has experienced a real
revolution. From the itinerant pastry chef and small neighborhood baker, we have
moved on to real businesses that work according to European standards. “The
development of competition inevitably pulls the sector upwards”. A sector made up,
nationwide, of more than 4,000

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bakeries including 2,500 modern and 1,500 artisanal. Figures established

by the Rawaj Plan for the year 2007. The production of bread alone
amounts to more than one million tonnes. However, the sector suffers
from a number of ills: outdated infrastructure, means of production,
management and distribution reducing development capacities, scarcity
of skilled labour, price of inputs.
However, large retailers have also contributed to the modernization of
the bakery-pastry sector with efficient manufacturing processes, rigorous
procedures and the computerization of the order system. However, in
terms of health and safety, the objectives are very strict: ensure consumer
protection in terms of public health, comply with the regulations in force
in Morocco and Europe and optimize the service manufacturing process.

2) Opportunities

The opportunity for the pastry-bakery sector consists of the signing of an

agreement by the government and the president of the National Federation
of Bakery and Pastry Lahoussine Azaz. aiming to develop the bakery and
pastry sector by 2015, under the chairmanship of the head of government.

The agreement concerns government support, in particular through the

“Rawaj” program, with the aim of diversifying products, as well as covering
the legal aspect, price liberalization and freedom of competition.

"This program contract is part of the government's new vision which aims
not only to stabilize the price of bread, but also to develop the sector with
a view to diversifying its products, ensuring its continuity and strengthening
its competitiveness".

Alongside the “Rawaj” program which has so far benefited 315 bakeries,
the new agreement proposes “other measures which affect training, the
creation of a real profession of baker and the reduction of energy costs ".

The agreement aims to reduce production costs for professionals in the

sector and operators of the cereal chain and its derivatives, in particular
bread, in view of the substantial rise in wheat prices on the world market.

3) Threats

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Several factors hinder the development of the bakery sector. Among

these, we can cite:

Scarce unskilled labour: Recruitment is difficult, sometimes very difficult,

for several of the trades analyzed: supervisor, technician, operator,
manager, baker and pastry chef, etc. In addition to the general labor
shortage present in a large number of economic activity sectors, an
important explanatory factor is that of the evening, night and weekend
work schedules present in manufacturing companies and the trade. This
factor is a major obstacle to attracting potential labour, especially young
workers. The survey of workers also shows that it is an important factor of
job dissatisfaction, which pushes companies to hire people who often do
not have the level of education theoretically required and to compensate
with more training. internally the recruitment of labor is therefore becoming
an increasingly crucial issue for companies.

Outdated infrastructures: With an infrastructure that is largely outdated

in this very active sector as well as the arrival of new brands and
competition, the owners of bakeries and pastry shops find themselves
obliged to equip themselves with high-performance equipment and the
latest technologies in order to improve quality. of the product offered and
to be able to survive in a competitive environment. Because if many claim
a craftsmanship, the part of the material remains important. However, the
continuation with obsolete means of production and management and
distribution leads to the attenuation of the development capacities of the

High Input Prices : The baked goods sector continues to feel the effects
of commodity inflation (High Input Prices). The price of prepared baked
goods has increased dramatically in the short term, as everyone in the
value chain has had to deal with declining margins. It is still unclear
whether, in the long term, the high price of cereals (for bakeries) and
convenience products made with quality ingredients (for bakeries) on a
global scale will continue to affect bakery products.

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Perishable Nature of Products: An important characteristic of this

industry is the perishable nature of many of its primary products. Therefore,
the costs of distributing and managing the product on the retail shelf space
are an integral part of the bakery business; they also confer a relatively
higher cost structure to bakeries than to other food manufacturers.

Factory mechanization : Manufacturers are constantly seeking to reduce

their production costs by increasing the mechanization of factories (Food
Bureau, 2001). Admittedly internally, mechanization allows a considerable
reduction in production costs, in particular by reducing the number of
employees employed, but externally, the quality of the products would no
longer be perceived as before. This risks reducing sales, and therefore
profits too. The company could even go out of business in the long term
(go bankrupt).

4) Customers

In their early days, in addition to communities, bakery-pastry companies

were intended to sell products to supermarkets and hypermarkets.
Subsequently, with hypermarkets starting to produce their own bread,
bakery and pastry entrepreneurs sought and found new markets, in
particular by developing their own store networks and supporting out-of-
home catering.

The clientele of bakery and pastry companies is now divided into 4 main

Supermarkets and hypermarkets : although nearly one out of two

hypermarkets is equipped to make its own bread and pastries on site,
mass distribution still represents the leading market for the bakery and
pastry industries.

Communities and company catering : company restaurants, high

schools, administrations, hotels are mostly supplied with traditional cooked
products. Upscale restaurants are served pre-baked bread.

Direct sale to the consumer : it is ensured through stores (cooking

terminals, own bakeries, etc.) in shopping malls, in the city center, places
of public transport, etc.

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Traditional bakeries : they are mainly supplied with pastries and special breads.

Overall, since 2000, the share dedicated to supermarkets has tended to be reduced in
favor of direct sales to the consumer, through the networks of stores that are members of
the Federation.

5) Suppliers

The development of the bakery/pastry sector also benefits equipment suppliers. Ovens,
mixers, rolling mills, pasteurizers, moulders, dividers, kneaders, scales, sifters, water
coolers, fridges and cold rooms… are the minimum that professionals must equip
themselves with.

The arrival of new brands and competition are forcing bakery owners to equip themselves
with high-performance equipment and the latest technologies. Because if many claim a
craftsmanship, the part of the material remains important. “Equipment manufacturers
have made it possible to support bakery and pastry professionals in their investments,”
says Ahmed ZBADI, CEO of SOREMA. A company created about twenty years ago and
which posted in 2009 a turnover of nearly 30 million DH. Distributor and partner of some
twenty French, Italian and Spanish brands, SOREMA provides supply and after-sales

The company also takes care of the layout of the stores. “The showcase is very important.
It can boost a professional's turnover by 30 or even 50%,” adds ZBADI. And the trend
today is to provide à la carte or personalized solutions. Simply put, the best machine for
the best function.

6) Competition

Below is the name of all the bakeries in the city of Kenitra, there are 19 of them.

The name of the pastry activity Address

PASTRY SHOP MONA LISA bakeries & pastries 60 avenue okba bnou nafia
(YAMLAHI MOHAMED) bakeries & pastries KENITRA industrial district . 9
BAKERY ahmed boulevard
SORAYA (ABOUDOU AMAL) chaouki district the

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upper town KENITRA. 18

PASTRY TEA ROOM bakeries & block 21 Hay essalam
NAINI (MOSTAFA) bakeries & street 105 (group 105) hay
pastries nour ( ex pam 2 ) KENITRA
THE FESTINETTE bakeries & 5 . maamora activity area.
pastries KENITRA.
72 industrial
(STANDARD) pastries new bir rami (road to
school) KENITRA
THE BEAUTIFUL PASTRY bakeries & 17 rue hadj omar rifi district
pastries KENITRA town center .
Number between 10 and 20 -
Turnover 1/5 Mdh
Sarl - 100000 Dh.
Dirigeant (s): M. Amar Adghal
Manager. Activities: Pastry

JAMALI SALAH bakeries & 19 impasse tari ibn ziad

pastries mimosa KENITRA.
CAFE PASTRY SHOP bakeries & 89 avenue
ORLANDO pastries, KENITRA centre town
cafeterias district .
CAFE METROPOLIS bakeries & 1 avenue Mohamed v center
pastries city KENITRA.
BAKERY PASTRY bakeries & 42 street number 221.
BAKERY PASTRY bakeries & 170 avenue Mohamed v
LOUBANA pastries KENITRA town center .

BAKERY PASTRY bakeries & 170 Maghreb housing estates

(PRESTIGE PALACE pastries arabi to 1 Maghreb district
ORLANDO BAKERY bakeries & 196 boulevard azharoune hay
AMEUR AISSA pastries al fath KENITRA.
MODERN BAKERY bakeries & 42/43 block c ouled district
TALIOUA pastries oujih i KENITRA.
AFLLOUNE bakeries & 19 boulevard john kennedy
pastries rue number 8 khabbazat
ELDER SISTER BAKERY bakeries & 46 boulevards moulay
CATERER pastries, abdelaziz KENITRA.
centre town
ETTALEB ABDELHAK bakeries & 17 mabrouka housing estates
(PASTRY SHOP BREAD pastries route of Kenitra SALE.
PATISSERIE AL GHARB bakeries & 51 street number 32. KENITRA.

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7) Creation procedures

The creation of Regional Investment Centers (CRI) has

greatly simplified the formalities of creation in Morocco. Genuine "
one-stop shops", there are representatives of the organizations
following: OMPIC, CNSS, Tax subdivision, Court of
Trade, Labor Inspection and legalization service The main formalities
for setting up a business are as follows:

- Establishment of a negative certificate (all companies

are concerned except for companies
individuals not opting for a sign).
- Establishment of the statutes - notarial deed or private deed -
(all trading companies). - Establishment
of subscription forms and, where applicable,
deeds of contribution (SA, SAS and SCA).
- Blocking of the amount of paid-up capital (SA, SARL, SAS - ,SNC, SCA).
Establishment of the declaration of subscription and payment
(SA, SAS and SCA).
- Publication in the journal of legal announcements and the official bulletin
(all trading companies).
- Filing of company creation documents and formalities
of registration (SA, SARL, SNC, SCS, SCA).
- Registration for the patent and tax identifier (IS - IGR - VAT).
- Affiliation to the CNSS (all commercial companies).
- Declaration of existence to the labor inspectorate (all companies

III) Coffees
1) presentation

A café is an establishment where drinks are served. and meals

light. it also occupies in many cultures a
essential function as a place of collective gathering or
individual relaxation. We go there to have a light meal, to live
meeting, playing board games, attending
conferences or to write.
public, for Morocco, a read

non-coffee producing country, resorts to imports for

meet their consumption needs. The operators, who
import and transform a stagnant volume from a

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some time, are faced with a continuous increase in the cost of

international courses. This is one of the main features that
characterize the coffee roasting industry in Morocco.
Coffee, a beverage widely consumed in all countries and
appreciated by all age groups, contains behind it all
a story. Legend has it that an Ethiopian shepherd, having observed
a certain overactivity of his herd of goats, the animals
staying awake at night, discovered that they were eating a piece of fruit
particular coming Over time, of one tree : the cafier.
coffee has gained a considerable place among the
the most popular drinks in several civilizations. AT
Also over time, coffee has taken various forms of
presentation and preparation to become a real industry
and a basic foodstuff, whose international trade
I know figure on billions of dollars.
The two most widely grown types of coffee are Arabica and
Robusta. The less expensive and easier to grow Robusta is
native to tropical, central and western Africa; he was
widely introduced in America and tropical Asia. Arabica,
meanwhile, is from East Africa; it is widespread in
Central tropical America
and South America. The two species have differences
in terms of taste, caffeine content and price. Arabica, whose
price can be 50% more expensive than Robusta, on the other hand has a taste
tastier, with less caffeine.

2) Strengths and Opportunities

ÿThe trend towards increasing quality requirements

could increase the value of the sector, accelerating the pace of
life, increased stress caused by the exercise of an activity
professional, but also in return a desire to agree
more free time…: all these factors can influence the
request in a positive sense.

ÿIrreplaceable: the historical trend is clear: people do not

never quite stop going to cafes ("between a cafe
and a cafe there is a cafe”). However, the sector is aimed at the large

3) Threats and weaknesses of the profession

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ÿUndeclared work, which is very important, threatens working conditions,

which jeopardizes the long-term competitiveness of the sector for the
recruitment of qualified personnel.

ÿLow productivity: low profit margins and value added, low level of training
and skills among workers and reluctance of the sector to invest in its
human capital, for example through training, improving working conditions,

ÿA franchise system (ex: Venezia Ice in Kenitra) which has greatly

contributed to the extension of the networks of exclusive distributors.
However, these distributors who operate on the national market hardly
care about the marketing side or even the financing side, since it is their
parent companies which produce large tonnages internationally and make
practically everything for them: prospectuses, advertising films, sale...etc.

ÿ the increasing arrival on the local market of distributors of different

brands of large multinationals as well as the imminence of the start of the
dismantling of customs duties concerning the sector and which should
come into force in three months. With currently 50% customs duties on
finished products, we face strong competition from the distributors of
foreign brands of large multinationals who support them while the
competition is very fierce.

4) Clientele

The category of Moroccans frequenting cafes are most of the time men,
and more precisely young people. The remarks made on the behavior of
Moroccans in cafes are as follows.

- Customers sit around well-arranged tables to discuss everything and

- Sometimes couples and other people strolling back and forth on the
sidewalk create dramatic scenes that immediately become the focus of

- The snippets of animated conversations reach everyone, the gestures, the

facial features, allow us to know what the neighboring customers are
talking about.

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- Most of the men order coffee, while the

women prefer tea or orange juice.
- No places reserved for smokers.
5) Suppliers

The main coffee suppliers are:



CAFÉ DUBOIS (THE) casablanca

CITA TRADING casablanca

DABA MOROCCO casablanca

HSB agadir



6) Competition

Competition in the coffee sector is very high in the city of Kenitra, a good number of
entrepreneurs opt for this investment given the profitability it generates. What makes this
a highly competitive industry. Below is the name of some cafes in this city:

Coffee Address

Cafe Amsterdam Said Daoudi ang. rue Missr


Café Elysee 54, rue Moulay Abdellah


276, av. Mohamed V

Coffee Italy One KENITRA

Indian Summer Cafe 19, av Mohamed Diouri ang. rue

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rue Maâmora ang. rue Elisabeth 14000

Cafe La Fontaine KENITRA

Cafe Metropolis by Mohamed V ang. rue Sebta KENITRA

123, av. I have Ali

Cafe Snack El Fassi KENITRA

Big coffee ugha street


Of. Mohamed V, ang.

Ste Café Lakasbah Salaheddine

Benamatic s.a.r.l. lot 250 Saknia activity area


Sabricaf sarl 116, b.d. Tarik Ibn Ziad


7) Procedures de creation

Your coffee, you can create it either as an individual or as a company. Professionals specify
that the most suitable legal form is the SARL (limited liability company), and this for reasons
of tax control. But, before the constitution of the company, it is necessary to start by
obtaining the authorization of installation near the commune. A writing must be sent with
the lease contract and some documents

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administrative so that a commission be formed and make a

on-site visit. After obtaining planning permission
(which can take 15 days or 6 months), the work can
to start up.

Second step, when the development ends, you have to obtain

the authorization to open or operate. This is obtained from the
same manner as the development request, adding to the
file of photographs of the café as well as the plans approved by
an architect. And there you must expect a visit from a certain
number of administrative officials, such as the doctor in charge of
control hygiene.

You can now set up your company, then

ask for authorizations for the sign and the blinds before
start your business. As such, this profession is subject to
a good number of municipal taxes, which irritate owners and

Qualitative study
Summary of the interview guide for

1/ What is your opinion on There are those who are good as there are those who offer
cafes, pastries, bakeries in bad service, as far as the cafes are concerned, they are modern and
Kenitra? lack nothing, while the bakeries
and the pastries are not like those of other cities in terms of quality

ÿ Coffees: it's good

ÿ pastries, bakeries: are all the same and the products

offered are the same. (no news)

2/How do you find the For cafes nothing to say well are maintained in a similar way and the
quality of the services services are quite good, for pastry shops bakeries, more efforts are needed
offered? to improve the quality of their products and services.

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ÿ In Kenitra, the services offered are not up to par and

to the needs of its inhabitants.

3/What are your expectations, ÿ The quality of service, calm and non-smoking area.
special wishes in relation to
to the products or services in ÿ A wider range by offering diversified products of Moroccan and foreign origin

question? (for bakery and

pastry shop)

ÿ Qualified friendly staff.

ÿ High quality drinks in green spaces.

4/What do you think of the ÿ This is a very relevant idea, the population of Kenitra really needs it, the
idea of creating a café/bakery/ services and products offered must be diversified and of good quality.
pastry shop
in Kenitra?
ÿ It is a project desired by the house especially if it is improved and with
prices within everyone's reach. The cafe could be frequented by families,
children if it met the needs of the latter because in Kenitra, family spaces are
lacking. It is a means of hiring and

to improve the standard of living.

Conclusion :

Following the interviews that we carried out with

several people, we found that the offer currently
existing on this market remains unsatisfactory
in relation to a very demanding demand not only on
the quantitative scale but especially in terms of quality
of service.
We also noticed that the idea of creating a project
combining a café, pastry shop and bakery was very
popular with people

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Summary of the interview guide for


1/How are you doing The market is quite flourishing, in full development in Kenitra. But there are
coffee business, times when the activity remains static, like other businesses with many difficulties,
bakery including the lack of an organizational framework.
in Morocco?

2/What are the key good service, the necessary commercial and financial skills and the ability to
success factors manage, animate and motivate employees and above all the experience that
of your activity? accumulates over time, as well as hygiene and cleanliness.

3/ What are the ÿ the problem of customer loyalty.

obstacles encountered
during your activity? ÿIncreased competitiveness and lack of a regulatory framework

ÿ the difficulty of marketing a new product with more expensive tariffs.

ÿObstacles of a technical nature, example of administrative procedures,

legal formalities, access to land

4/How do you measure the given the success of this business the competition is getting more and fierce.
degree of intensity of the "between a coffee and a coffee, there is a coffee" and very harsh insofar as the
margins are constantly shrinking.
competetion ?

5/Are customers satisfied Relatively yes: not all, some customers tend to be dissatisfied with product prices,
with the prices and but in general the majority are satisfied.
services offered?

ÿThe customer is mostly looking for innovative and good quality products.

6/How do you promote your Customer satisfaction study, continuous improvement

business? the quality of products and services and also through promotions as well as the
diversification of products and services offered.

ÿ (Study of

ÿ Make the customer a king (satisfy and serve well).

ÿAdvertising: small posters in the streets, distributing flyers in the street…etc.

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7/How do you assess all categories of people frequent cafes, bakeries, pastry
the request? shops.

.However, demand is relatively satisfactory and growing

continuously and strictly linked to new trends in household consumption,
but it is increasingly demanding.

8/What are your choice of location (good location), study the needs of the
recommendations for region / district
a new
to choose the collaborators and the place well and to be a good

and a contact person.

ÿKnow-how, experience and adaptation to change.

ÿDo not become demotivated because of the obstacles he may

encounter during the creation of his project

ÿ Focus on customer satisfaction.

• Conclusion:
Following the interviews that we established
with professionals in the business (cafés, bakeries,
pastries) we found that despite the obstacles that
can be encountered, especially at the beginning,
this area remains attractive with a strong potential
for growth and an unsatisfied demand which
constitutes for us an opportunity to seize.

Quantitative study

The study was carried out on a sample of 150 people in the city of

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22,7% Yes
Do not


Most of the respondents (77.3%) frequent the café, which for us is

fertile ground and an opportunity to be seized.


21,6% Rarely
27,6% Often


These people often frequent cafes with a percentage of around 51%.

Next come people who rarely frequent cafes with a percentage of
27.6%, and finally 21.6% for people who always frequent cafes.

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The majority of respondents frequent cafes for entertainment more than

work (57.8% vs. 38.1%).



15,3% Hygiene
The suitable prices
7,2% Friendliness

Space planning Peripheral

services (Wifi connection, etc.)
Non-smoking area




We note that hygiene and price level are the criteria that most influence
the satisfaction of respondents almost 50% (27.7% and 19.6%).

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Do not


Almost all of the people questioned frequent bakeries (90%).

Against only 10% who do not attend. What constitutes for us a real
opportunity to
to input.





Around 49% of those questioned often go to pastry shops and

bakeries. About 35% rarely attend.
While 16% still frequent bakeries.

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Not at all satisfied
Rather not satisfied
27,4% Rather satisfied
Very satisfied


43.7% of respondents are rather dissatisfied with the services of pastry-



1,4% 2,1%
No response
Lack of hygiene
Price too high
Lack of product quality
43,1% 41,7%


Non-quality is the main reason for dissatisfaction with bakeries.

Lack of hygiene is also a key factor of dissatisfaction.

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Yes Do not

Almost all respondents appreciate our project idea with a percentage of



20,9% Less than 20DH

Of 20 to 30 DH

More than 30 DH


Among these people, 55.4% plan to release a budget of between 20 and

30 DH for the purchase of our future products.

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Product quality
11,4% 33,7%
Decent prices

Peripheral services (wifi connection, …)




60% of respondents consider product quality and hygiene as

determining factors for visiting our company.

socio-professional_category x coffee_frequentation

50 45 28 14 13


25,0% 21,4%



75,0% 78,6%


Student Official/ Profession Retirement Unemployed

employee liberal

Yes Do not

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According to the results obtained, we find that students frequent cafes

more than civil servants and retirees. This makes us a target on which
we can act according to student needs.

coffee_satisfaction x project_appreciation

4 24 74 14
4,2% 2,7%


100,0% 97,3%


Not at all rather not Rather satisfied Absolutely

satisfied satisfied satisfied

Yes Do not

People who are not at all satisfied are those who like the idea of
creating a café-patisserie the most –
bakery. However, we have noticed that the more the degree of satisfaction
decreases, the more the appreciation of the idea increases. Which is of
course an opportunity to be seized in terms of the services to be offered to

According to the results that we had obtained in situ from our study
quantitative, namely the questionnaires distributed to our
target population (150 questionnaires), we were able to withdraw
several observations, which will serve as a basis for the creation of our

Synthesis of the quantitative study

First of all, in relation to our study relating to cafes, we

observed that a very good segment of the target population

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often frequents cafes, expressing a persistent need for entertainment or

quite simply, there are those who find it a good refuge to work. This
situation obviously presents fertile ground for the development of our
project, since according to these previous results, the cafes; which
constitute a basic element in our concept; reflect a new trend of a good
part of Moroccans, modern, open, and ready to spend better in favor of
their well-being. This on the one hand, and on the other hand, the results
reveal the major concerns of people who often frequent cafes, in this case
hygiene and prices, thus presenting very considerable percentages,
because with the improvement in the standard of living and the evolution
of consumption habits, particular attention is now paid to health, we are
then witnessing an increasingly pronounced craze for healthy services.
Moreover, and of course, prices are still a decisive consumption criterion,
for a good proportion of Moroccans in general. These completely normal
and reasonable results will be a good reason for us to be at the service of
our customers, to seek their well-being beforehand, and to derive mutual
benefit from it by meeting their requirements.

With regard to pastries-bakeries, the two inseparable concepts represent

the destination of a very large population (90% of respondents), who
frequent them most often, thus reflecting the new consumption patterns of
Moroccans in general and kenitrais in particular, who tend to Europeanize.
And simply because pastries and breads work very well and at any time
of the year, people of all ages enjoy them. All this then presents for us a
good opportunity, even a strong point, for the establishment of our project.
However, we can observe that a good part of the respondents, around
half, are rather not satisfied with the quality of the pastries currently offered
on the market of the city of Kenitra, while just 27% who expressed their
satisfaction. This is mainly due to non-quality and lack of hygiene.
Completely normal results, because as we mentioned, Moroccans in
general are becoming more aware of their health, and are therefore
looking for good quality, innovative and beneficial products and services
for their health. Quality has become a major axis of the food revolution, in
fact, the opening of the market to imports has resulted in a real

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long-neglected "explosion" of local product quality, and the breakthrough

of new businesses. So it's not just tastes that are changing, mindsets and
awareness are also improving. We too, as young entrepreneurs, educated
and responsible, and very aware of this need pronounced by ourselves
too, our project will have an orientation focused mainly on the good of our
customers, and the response to their desires and expectations.

Our project concept was appreciated by almost all of the people

questioned, it is therefore well appreciated by our target, thus constituting
for them a new horizon, a more modern, creative and global idea, the
thing that could present for us a real competitive advantage, likely to
capture a large clientele, thirsty for everything that is innovative and rich.

Moreover, about half of those questioned are ready to spend between

20dh and 30dh for such a service, which is quite normal, given the average
income of Moroccans in general, and “Kenitrese” in particular. Certainly
the purchasing power of Moroccans has increased lately, but Moroccan
society is still dominated by the middle class, which is obviously ready to
spend a fluctuating amount within this range.

Quality and hygiene always present the tendencies and the elements
demanded par excellence, considering the reasons underlined before,
namely the evolution of the styles of consumption, the intellectual level,
as well as the orientation of the majority towards the beneficial products
for health. The Moroccan consumer has become an adult, he is now a
sort of manager of himself.

Following a cross-referencing of the results of the degree of attendance

with the socio-professional category, we can affirm that the degree of
attendance at cafes undoubtedly varies according to the status and
function of the person concerned. Thus, it is very clear that the majority of
students say yes, it is a slice that seems very interesting for our service
offer, because we had to meet the specific needs of this young target.
However, the percentages of civil servants, self-employed professionals
and retirees remain very close, most of them responding positively, a
result which is in harmony with that found at the beginning, wanting that a
very large proportion of the target population targets coffee shops to have
fun, and

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get away from the pressures and anxieties of work. Then you have to
note that our business plans will certainly be in line
with nature, style, trends, and of course the expectations of
Our target.

And finally, concerning the satisfaction crossing

coffee*project appreciation, the result obtained and which is downright
reasonable, is that the more the degree of satisfaction decreases, the more
the appreciation of the idea grows, which is completely normal, in the face of
zapper customers, looking for novelty, originality, flexibility
and well being. All this creates for our case an opportunity to
seize, to be at the rendezvous of performance and relevance
in our mission, and to perfect our offer, in order to
to introduce on the market of the city of Kenitra, a new project,
with a global and well-defined approach, focused on the definition and
the satisfaction of the expectations of our customers, in the short term, and the
long-term loyalty.

The forecast turnover

Year Forecast turnover

01 02 1 370 477DH
03 1 566 260 DH
1 957 824 DH

To calculate the forecast turnover of coffee, we used the purchase intention

During the study by questionnaire, the potential consumer
is often asked about their purchasing intentions or habits: quantities usually
purchased, purchase frequency, psychological price, average basket, etc. It
is thus possible to use these response elements to calculate a potential turnover.

a The starting assumptions:

èOverall capacity of our project:

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• For the Café, this capacity is estimated at 120 people/days

(30 tables of 4 people). • For
the bakery and in order to estimate the number of customers per day,
reference was made to a few professionals in the trade who estimated
this number on average at 100 people/days.

è Number of clients/days:

Years 3
Rate 1 70% 2 80% 100%
attendance (P)
Number of customers 84 96 120
per day for
coffee (120*P)
Number of customers 70 80 100
per day for
full name pair 154 176 220

èAverage daily expenditure per customer:

Referring to our market research, we found the following average expenses /

Customer spending on coffee-pastry-bakery

Percentage of Spent Average spend

23,7% Less than 20 DH 15 DH
55,4% Of 20 to 30 DH 25 DH
20,9% More than 30DH 35 DH

b Calculation of turnover

Year 01 Year 02 Year 03

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Total number of 154 176 220

Project daily revenue 3806,88* 4350,72 5438,4

The forecast turnover of 1 370 477** 1 566 260 1 957 824

project (in DH)

(*) : 3 806,88= 154*(23,7%*15 +55,4%*25+20,9%*35) (**) : 1 370

477=3806,88* 30*12

Political commercial
Product Policy:

-we have a desire to create quality and unique products.

-Offer a diversified range of products for both

pastries, bakeries and beverages.

The brand :

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-particular visual identification system, we adopt a very meaningful and

vivid logo. "MARHABA", written in French and Arabic.
It is a name that means in Arabic welcome, generosity, friendliness and
clemency towards our customers, real potential. Basic and distinctive
elements of our project idea.
The icons present a cup of coffee, a cake, and bread.
Elementary products on which our offer will be based. Compared to the
choice of the color orange, even golden, it is the basic color of wheat (flour)
basic element for the manufacture of bread and pastries.

Products :

The products we will offer will be:

- Fine pastries.

- The breads.
- Pastries.

- Coffees and drinks.

- Salty ones.

- Ice cream.

- Traditional pastry.

Price policy:

-our prices will be aligned with similar or even luxury competitors, given our
high quality, but also to capture a large clientele.

-we offer good value for money.

Distribution policy:

- customers will have the choice between consumption on site and take-out.

Communication policy :

Our communication mainly relies on word of mouth and passing traffic in

front of the brand.

We could also print flyers to distribute downtown.

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We also plan to advertise on the Internet (facebook, twitter, etc.)

If the project will work very well, the creation of a website will be a good
tip to offer all the necessary information to customers: timetables, access,
prices, products... As well as good advertising in reviews, magazines,

Technical study

I) Human resources

In this logic of determining the human resources to be put in

work we are faced with several questions:

ÿ What workforce?
ÿ What skills or qualifications? ÿ For what levels
of remuneration?
The employees are the reflection of the establishment, they play on the image and the
positioning perceived by customers. This is why it is essential to attach great
importance to their recruitment. However, we chose to take 10 employees divided
between coffee and

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bakery-pastry according to the level of training and experience

held by them, as well as for the opening of the company since
the profits of the first year may not be enough to cover them.
pay more. This number may increase depending on the
development of the establishment's activity. The table below
summarizes the average resources that have been deemed necessary
operation of the project.

Main Functions Formation effective Remunerate

s spots and

experience monthly/
is person
Pastry Plan and make Pastry chef 1 5000
chef diploma
and the

products to be with a
manufactured. minimum 5
Ensure the years
right path experience.

nt of work

worker Manufacture pastry diploma 4 2500
pastry cook the products
bakery with a
pastry minimum 2
under experience.
directive of
Server Serve the No 2 2000
clients experience
bakery pastry Sell bakery knowledgeable 2 2000
saleswoman pastries these basic
in the
s techniques

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Maid Cleaning No experience 1 1500

Total 10
of employees
Total 24 500 DH

II) Locations

A good geographical position for such a project combining

both the services of a café and a bakery is vital,
it is one of the key success factors of many decisive elements for
succeed and sustain.

It is, first of all, the key to a good business start.

Indeed, when the concept is new, it is often word of mouth
rather than the communication that will give the coffee a durability and a
long or short term reputation. As a result, a location having
large flows of people will make it possible to have a potential clientele
more important. In addition, it also contributes to the image of coffee.

To make our choice for the location, it is essential to

take into account the ease of access to the site. For ease of access, we
understands the means of transport made available and the possibilities of

For this our choice fell on the Mimosa district which presents
the heart of downtown Kenitra, it is a strategic node at the level
buses (lines 12,11,1,10…etc.), and parking (Availability of a
large car park), and more particularly on a room with two facades of
200m² rental, located at avenue Mohammed 5 (avenue
of Kenitra which connects the strategic squares of the city).

Nature Description Cost

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Local 200 square meter 12 000 DH

Mohammad Avenue rent/month

III) Equipment:

This phase of determining the material means to be implemented

is delicate, precise and above all very important. To do this we have
referred to the prices offered by some companies specializing in the
marketing and/or manufacturing of these means such as (IKEA) and
also to Internet sites specializing in the sale of equipment such as
that (

The tables below show the equipment and furniture we have

deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the project.

a) Furniture (Ikea)

Entitled Unit price Amount Total

Round high table 1990 15 29850

Round coffee table 1490 15 22350

Armchair 1390 4 5560

Chair 690 104 71760

High chair 490 4 1960

Counter 15000 1 15000

Crockery storage 300 3 900

Food storage 2160 2 4320

TOTAL 151 700 DH

b) Equipment (Rolling stock)

Entitled Unit Price Quantity Total

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Freezer (1200L double doors) 12000 1 12000

Large refrigerator (600L door 7500 1 7500


Four (grand) 20000 1 20000

Express Machine 3000 1 3000

Electric coffee grinder 2000 1 2000

Petit Oven 2500 1 2500

Hifi 5500 1 5500

Refrigerated display 11000 1 11000

cash register 7500 1 7500

Bin (80L) 600 1 600

Crushed ice machine 4900 1 4900

panini maker 500 1 500

juice machine 7000 1 7000

Dishwasher 4000 1 4000

Telephone 250 1 250

TOTAL 88 250DH

c) Tableware (low value tools)

Entitled Price Amount Total


Express Tasse + 25+17 30 1260


Cappuccino + Cup 32+20 30 1560

Large Latte Glass 40 30 1200


Little spoon 5 150 750

Big spoon 10 50 500

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Fork 5 100 200

Knife 10 40 400

Plate 40 150 6000

Tray 40 10 400

Glasses (set of 6) 60 20 1200

TOTAL 13 470 DH

d) Textiles

Entitled Price Amount Total


Sanitary towel 30 20 600

Employee attire 500 22 11000

Cloth napkin 20 20 400

TOTAL 12 000 DH

IV) Cost estimate

ÿ Preliminary costs:

With a time constraint and in order to estimate all of these costs, we

resorted to some work done by previous promotions.

The table below shows all of these costs:


Negative certificate
Registered lease agreement (in the name of 200
the company)
Establishment of the Statutes 1 000
Registration of Articles of Association 20 000

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Establishment of minutes / GA + 70
appointment of the manager
All recording rights 200
Registration in the register of 150
Legal advice (fees and 2 500
Promotion 1 000
Publication in the official journal 500
Total Preliminary Fees 25 850 DH

ÿ Development costs:

With regard to the layout of the premises (works and installations, etc.)
reference was made to an article which was published by the newspaper "la vie
economic " :


Development/works/facilities 500 000

Total development costs 500 000

Financial study

I. Evaluation of the total cost of the project:

1) Total investment cost:

To determine this cost, we identified the elements listed in

the technical study;

Equipment and tools Value in DH

Equipment (rolling stock) 88 250
tableware 13 470
Furniture 151 700
Textiles 12 000

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Preliminary charge 25 850

Development costs 500 000
Total investment cost 791 270

2) Determination of need for


The operating requirement will represent all the expenses to be covered during
the first 3 months of operation (Represents all
expenses that allow the project to operate for three months).

Name Value in DH (for 3 months)

Rent 36 000
Consumable materials and supplies 41,500
Staff compensation 73,500
Water 3,600
Electricity 3,600
Insurance 3,700
Telephone 750
Advertising 5500
Total 168 150

• For insurance : we will use the services of Wafa

Insurance: SME-SMI multi-risk insurance, at the price of 3700/year.

• Advertising : For the advertising budget, it will be intended for

flyers that we will design and print
- The design of the flyer will be made at 500 DH
- And the printing at 0.5 DH of 10,000 copies at the start of
the activity

• Materials and consumables (monthly)

Entitled Price Amount/ Total/ month

unitary month

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Milk (L) 7 96 672

Almond 50 15 750

Chocolate (1kg) 30 20 600

Cocoa powder (1kg) 37 5 185

Sugar (25kg) 100 4 400

Egg (20 U) 20 30 600

Liquid caramel (L) 49 4 196

Liquid chocolate (L) 45 4 180

Icing sugar (25kg) 50 4 200

Roasted coffee (kg) 130 10 1300

Fresh cream (L) 21 20 420

Flour (25kg) 120 40 4800

Yeast 7 40 280

Yogurt 2 50 100

Oil (5 Liters) 65 10 650

The dried fruit 40 15 600

The fruits 20 20 400

Butter (1 kg) 30 50 1500

TOTAL 13 833

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II. Initial financing plan


Administration fees 25 850 Capital social

staff and

Adam :


Abdessamade: 50
000 250 000

Mary 50 :


Fadoua :

50 000

Nassoma :

50 000

Fixed assets

Developments and works

500 000

Installations 88 250

Furniture 151 700

tableware 13 470

Textiles 12000

168 150



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NB : The gap between needs and resources will be financed by a bank loan in
the amount of 710,000 DH repayable annually over 7 years by BMCE at the rate
of 7%, with a one-year deferral (estimate made by a manager at BMCE)

III. Loan repayment table:

Date Capital Principal Interest

Year 01 710 000 49,700
Year 02 710 000 118 334 49 700
Year 03 591 666 118 334 41 417
Year 04 473 332 118 334 33 134
Year 05 354 998 118 334 24 850
Year 06 236 664 118 334 16 567
Year 07 118 330 118 334 8 284

IV. The amortization table

name Year 01 Year 02 Year 03

Furniture 15 170 15 170 15 170
Equipment 17 650 17 650 17 650
Low value tooling 4 041 4 041 4 041

Preliminary costs 5,170 5 170 5 170

Development costs 50,000 50 000 50 000

TOTAL 92 031 92031 92031

Guide to determining the calculation of depreciation:

ÿ Furniture: 10 years (10%)

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ÿ Equipment (rolling stock): 5 years (20%)

ÿ Low value tooling: 3 years and 4 months (30%)
ÿ Preliminary costs: 5 years (20%)
ÿ Development costs: 10 years (10%)

V. The estimated CPC

An 1 An 2 An 3

1- Operating income 1 370 1 566 1 957 824

477 260

2- Operating expenses 810 010 838 198 957 410

- Purchasing 165 996 189 235 236 544

- Variation of stock ** -6917 -968 - 1971

- Rent 144 000 144 000 158 400

- Insurance 3 700 3 700 3 700

- Supplies not stocked (water, 28 800 32 832 41 040


- Advertising 5 500 0 0

- Telephone charges 5 312 4 812 4 812

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- Staff compensation 294,000 294 000 311 640

(6% change)

- Social charges 77 588 77 588 82 243

- Taxes and duties *** 2736 2736 2736

- Operating grants 92 031 92 031 92 031

3- Operating result (1 – 2) 557 731 726 294 999 649

4- Financial products

5- Financial charges 49 700 49 700 41 417

6- Financial result (4-5) -49 700 -49 700 -41 417

7- Current result (3+6) 508 031 676 594 958 232

8- Non-current products

9- Non-current charges

10- Non-current result (8-9)

11- Profit before tax (7+10) 508 031 676 594 958 232

12- Corporate taxes (35%) 177 811 236 808 335 381

13- Result after tax (11-12) 330 220 439 786 622 851

(**) :

Year 3
Variation of 1 -6917 2 -968 - 1971

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stock(initial of aedility
final) Value (10 of
Elements Amount rental the

(4%) value

equipment (***)
88 250 3530 353

Furniture 151 700 6068 607

Rent 144 000 5760 576

TOTAL 1536

Year1 Year2 Year3
City tax 1536 1536 1536
1200 1200 1200
Total taxes
2736 2736 2736

ÿ Since the brand tax is calculated according to a calculation base (Scale per m²)
this tax has been estimated at 1200.

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VI. Cash flow:

An 1 An 2 An 3

1- Turnover 1 370 477 1 566 1 957

260 824


Local 1 370 477 1 566 1 957

260 824

II- Purchasing 159 079 188 267 234573

Raw materials and consumables 159 079 188 267 234573

(purchases-change in stock)

III- Marge brute (I-II) 1 211 398 1 377 9 1 723

93 251

- Other external charges 187 612 187 612 207 952

- taxes and fees 2736 2736 2736

- staff costs 371 588 371 588 393 883

- amortisements 92 031 92 031 92 031

IV- Gross operating income 557 731 726 294 999 649

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- financial charges 49 700 49 700 41 417

+ financial products

V- Current result 508 031 676 594 958 232

- Tax on profits (IGR/IS) (35%) 177 811 236 808 335 381

VI Net result 330 220 439 786 622


VII Cash flow 422 251 531 817 714


VII. Forecast BFRE

Base of An 1 An 2 An 3

I - Needs

- stock mat. First. Cons (15 6 917 7 885 9 856

days of raw material

Total requirements 6 917 7 885 9 856

II- Resources

- suppliers (30 days of raw 13 833 15 770 19 712

material purchases)

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Total resources 13 833 15 770 19


III- Working capital requirements -6 916 -7 885 -9 856


IV- variation du BFR -968 -1 971

VIII . Cash flow or financing plan

An 1 An 2 An 3

I. Needs:
• Physical investments • Start-up
791 270 0 0
FDR • Current renewals
168 730 0 0

• Increases in
WCR*loan repayments

117 366 116 363

Total requirements (I) 960 000 117 366 116 363

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I. Resources
• Capital •
250 000
Capital increase • Current
account contributions • Decreases in
710 000
• Loans • MBA
422 251 531 817 714 880

Total resources (II) 1 382 251 531 817 714 880

III- CASH-FLOWS NETS (II)-(I) 422 251 354 451 598 517

IV- CASH-FLOWS NETS CUMULES 422 251 776 702 1 375 219

Choice of the legal status of the

The Limited Liability Company (SARL) is a company which
combines the limitation of risks for partners (specific to
capital companies) with the affectio societatis of the companies of
people. Law 5-96 of February 13, 1997 promulgated the
limited liability company regulations
(SARL), the general partnership (SNC), the limited partnership
simple (SCS), the partnership limited by shares (SCA) and the
joint venture. But the novelty is that the new law
has innovated by now allowing the creation of an LLC
partner unique.

I- Constitution of the LLC

- The limited liability company can be constituted by one or more
several people without the number being greater than

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fifty (50).
If it includes more than 50 partners, it has a period of 2 years to
transformer on TO.

- The liability of the partners is limited, they only bear the losses up to the
amount of their contributions, they are however jointly and severally liable for the
value attributed to the contributions in
nature when there was no contribution auditor or when
the value retained is different from that proposed by the contributions auditor.
However, all partners must intervene in the
statutes either in person or by proxy with proof.
- The corporate name may include the name of one or more associates preceded
or followed by the mention SARL. All
deeds, invoices, announcements, publications or other documents must
understand the word SARL + capital, registered office and trade register number
(+ patent number or tax identifier and CNSS required by the CNSS
and the tax).
- The share capital must be at least 100,000 dhs. It is divided into equal shares,
the nominal amount of which cannot be less than 100 DH. In the event of a capital
reduction to a lower amount, the SARL must, within one year, either increase its
capital to this minimum, or transform itself into an SNC.

- Shares must be fully subscribed and paid up upon incorporation or on the

occasion of a capital increase, they cannot be represented by negotiable securities.
The transfer of shares to third parties is subject to the consent of the majority of
the partners and the consent of the partners representing 3/4 of the capital (75%).
Between partners, the

transfer is free unless otherwise provided in the articles of association.

- the statutes must indicate, on pain of nullity, mandatory information: surname,

first name, domicile, jurisdiction and registered office of legal persons (if they are
associated), precision of the form of SARL, corporate purpose, corporate name,
registered office, share capital, contribution of partners, valuation of contributions
in kind (if they

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exist), distribution of shares, duration of the SARL, surname, first name of

partners or third parties who must manage the SARL, the court registry,

signature from all the associates.

- The contributions in industry cannot be represented in the

capital except in the case of the contribution of a goodwill (FDC)

Where of one business artisanal.

- Contributions in kind must be assessed by an auditor

to the contributions chosen among the registered CACs and appointed unanimously,

or failing that by court order at the request of any

associate. However, the use of CACs will not be mandatory:

- if the value of any contribution does not exceed 100,000 DH

- if the total value of all contributions in kind does not exceed

not ½ of the capital.

II- Management of the SARL

-The limited liability company is managed by one or more natural persons. The

managers can be chosen outside

partners. Their appointment and term of office are

fixed by the partners in the articles of association or by a subsequent act. In

the absence of statutory provisions, the manager, partner or not, is appointed for a

period of 3 years.

- The manager commits the company to third parties by all his acts even outside the

framework of the corporate purpose.

- The articles of association may limit the powers of the manager. The acts him
are prohibited must be submitted to the authorization of the meeting of

associates who decide by simple majority.

- The manager is responsible for his mismanagement towards the


- The agreements made between the manager and the company must be authorized

by the shareholders' meeting.

- The manager is revocable by decision of the partners representing the

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less than ¾ of the capital. Any clause to the contrary is deemed unwritten.

- The managers must submit for the approval of the general meeting of partners

within six months of the end of the financial year (ie no later than June 30) the

management report, the inventory and the summary statements. These documents, in

addition to the draft resolutions and the auditor's report, if there is one, must be sent to

the shareholders 15 days before

the meeting of the said assembly.

- In the case of the SARL with a single partner, it is the latter alone who draws up the

management report, the inventory and the summary statements, approves the accounts

within the 6-month period and his decisions are recorded in the records of deliberations.

The general meeting of the LLC

- AGO : meeting of the partners which has all the powers except that of modifying the

statutes of the company. In particular, it has the following mission:

- To designate the manager if the statutes have not done so.

- To give its opinion on the management issues assigned to it


- Deliberate and approve the accounts for the financial year and allocate
the results.

- To authorize the agreements made between the company and the manager.

- To dismiss the manager.

Decisions are taken by simple majority (50%+1) vote in OGM.

- AGE : meeting of the partners which has all the powers to modify the statutes of the

company by a majority of ¾.

III- Control of the SARL

The auditor is only mandatory when the figure

business is greater than 50 million dirhams.

- The partners can appoint a CAC by a majority of ¾ of the

social parts.

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- One or more partners representing at least a quarter (1/4) of the capital

may request the TBL, ruling in summary proceedings, the appointment
of a CAC if the threshold is not reached.
- All the provisions of law 17-95 on the CAC relating to SA
are valid for the SARL in the event of the appointment of a CAC
in particular with regard to incompatibilities, powers,
obligations, responsibilities, recusals, revocations and


• secteur-
um / magazine12 / achi-deco.html
• Article “craft bakery-pastry in
industry" published in the Economist Edition N° 3356 of
• Article “Investing in a coffee: what it costs, what
we win" published in La Vie Eco, edition of

Machine Translated by Google

• Article “Bakery & Pastry Agreement for the

development of the sector” published in the “Matin”, edition
from 28/10/2011
• Youth pages: Café in Kenitra
• Youth pages: bakeries and pastry shops in

Care guide for individuals

Presentation of the interviewee

Name, written and Name :

telephone contact details
First name :
of the person interviewed
Telephone :
Address :

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Questions open to individuals

1/ What is your opinion on the
coffee, pastry, bakery in Kenitra?

2/How do you find the

quality of the services

3/What are your expectations,

special wishes in relation to
to the products or services in

4/What do you think of the

idea of creating a café/bakery/
pastry shop
in Kenitra?

We have come to the end of our interview. Thank you for your collaboration.

Care guide for professionals

Presentation of the interviewee

Name, written and Name :

telephone contact details of the
First name :
person interviewed
Job :

Telephone :

Address :

Questions open to professionals

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1/How are you doing

coffee business,
pastry, bakery

2/What are the key success

factors of your activity?

3/ What are the obstacles

encountered during your

4/How do you measure the

degree of competition intensity?

6/Are customers satisfied

with the prices and services

7/How do you promote your


8/How do you assess the request?

9/What are your

recommendations for a new


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Machine Translated by Google

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