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Theories of the Photoelectric Effect

Karl K. Darrow

Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 4, 467 (1933); doi: 10.1063/1.1749179

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Theories of the Photoelectric Effect

T oelectric
begin with: I here use the term "photo-
effect" in its earliest sense, de-
considered as spaces of high and variable po-
tential; but I will leave these for another time
noting the extraction of electrons from solids and for the early part of this article retain the
(chiefly metals) by light of the visible or the idea of the equipotential region.
ultraviolet range of the spectrum, with photon Let K 0 stand for the initial kinetic energy of a
energies of, say, ten electron-volts or less. It has free electron; v for the frequency of incident
lately become the custom to extend the term to light able to produce the photoelectric effect;
cover the ionization of gases by light and the hv for the energy of a photon of that light; V for
extraction of tightly-bound electrons from atoms the potential-difference between the inside and
by x-rays and the Becquerel effect and the the outside of the wall, the "height of the
alterati<1n of the conductivity of selenium by potential-step," also known as the "work-func-
light and many other phenomena. This is re- tion" of the metal. Let energy values be expressed
grettable because in its original scope the name in electron-volts and potential differences in
referred to a neatly-definable field of physics, volts. Then the fundamental idea of all the
set apart from all others not so much by theory theories appears in the inequalities:
as by the methods of experimentation.
Ko<V; Ko+hv> V. (1)
All of the theories of this photoelectric effect,
from the "classical" theory onwards, are based The classical theory is simply this picture,
on the conception of a metal as a region of space with the special feature that Ko is supposed to
populated by electrons and surrounded by a be negligibly small. Usually, though not always,
potential-wall which no electron can climb unless this is an acceptable approximation to the idea
it has absorbed the energy of a photon. In all that the free electrons within the metal have a
but the latest theories it is assumed that the Maxwellian distribution. 1 Thence follows im-
region is equipotential and that the electrons are mediately the famous Einstein equation for the
"free"-two statements which, when analyzed, kinetic energy K (here expressed in electron-
turn out to mean practically the same thing. volts) which the electrons have when they
Formerly one thought of the equipotential region emerge from the metal:
as made up of the interspaces between the atoms
K=hv- V. (2)
and of the free electrons as a special category
roaming constantly through these interspaces, K plotted against v should appear as a straight
distinct from the "bound" electrons permanently
1 At room temperature the mean value of Ko would then
attached to the atoms. After the introduction of be about 0.02 electron-volt and most of the electrons would
the Fermi-Dirac statistics it became the custom have values of Ko less than three times this figure. The
to think of the free electrons as a special category resulting modification of the phenomena should be appreci-
able to traverse the atoms without deflection or able with metals having a threshold in the long-wave part
loss of energy, so that for them the whole volume of the visible spectrum; but the data, as I will later stress,
indicate that the distribution of the electrons within the
of the metal would be, in effect, an equipotential metal is not Maxwellian so that it is not worth while to
region. Attempts are now being made to take consider the question further from this standpoint. See
proper account of the influence of the atoms, DuBridge, Phys. Rev. 43, 727ff. (1933).

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line, of which the slope is to be identified with the metal; and it is necessary also to attack
the quantum-constant h and the intercept on the three other fundamental problems. One of these
v-axis with the work-function of the metal. is the question of the probability that a photon
As all physicists know, this equation is found of given energy, entering a metal of given nature
to be true with close approximation for the and given thickness, shall impart its energy to
fastest electrons emerging from illuminated an electron. This would be the only problem, if
metals. Not only is the kinetic energy Kmax of we could be sure that every electron which
these found to be approximately a linear function receives the energy of a photon infallibly goes
of v for any metal but the slopes of the lines of straight to the surface of the metal, that is,
various metals all agree with each other and to the inner side of the potential-wall, without
with the values determined for the quantum- suffering any deflection or loss of energy on the
constant by other methods. Moreover, there is an way, and then infallibly goes through the wall
agreement involving the additive constant of the to the outer world if its kinetic energy is suf-
equation which has an important bearing on ficient. But we have no right to be sure of any-
the theory. According to classical ideas, when thing of the sort: it is far more likely that some
two metals are welded together they are to be of the electrons in question lose energy and
regarded as two regions of space populated by suffer deflections on their way toward the surface
free electrons and differing in potential by the and that some of those which arrive at the po-
relatively small amount P deduced from the tential wall are reflected back into the metal
Peltier effect (generally a small fraction of one even though their kinetic energy be sufficient to
electron-volt). Between a point just outside one take them clear out. Also, it is possible (according
of the metals and a point just outside the other, to quantum mechanics) for electrons to traverse
there should then be a potential difference equal, potential walls of certain types, even though
except for this smal1 quantity P, to the difference their kinetic energy be not sufficient for such a
(V 1 - V 2) between the work-functions of the feat by classical ideas. It appears, therefore,
metals. This is interpreted as the Volta or that there are three fundamental problems: the
"contact" potential difference; and in a number one already stated and the problem of the be-
of cases, it has actual1y been found that the havior of electrons passing through a metal and
contact p.d. between two metals is sensibly that of the behavior of electrons impinging on a
equal to the difference between their values of potential wall. Seemingly it is necessary to solve
the additive constant in Eq. (2). all three, in order to predict that which is ob-
Thus the classical theory justifies itself in two servable: to wit, the number and distribution-in-
such important ways that one can scarcely velocity of the photoelectrons expelled, by light
dream of supplanting it by anything totally of given intensity and given wave-length and
different. The present quantum-mechanical the- given angle of incidence and given state of
ories of metals, however, are so much like the polarization, from metal of given nature and
classical picture that they are able to share in given thickness.
these successes. What more can be expected of Evidently this is a very large order. It is not
them? surprising to find that theorists as a rule have
In addition to the maximum energy of the attacked not more than one of the problems at
photoelectrons of which the theories give so a time, meanwhile assuming excessively simple
good an account, there are two other features of solutions for the others.
theirs with which the classical picture (or at
least, so much of it as I have quoted) is quite RESULTS OF SUBSTITUTING THE DISTRIBUTION-

incompetent to deal. These are the distribution· FUNCTION OF FERMI AND DIRAC FOR

in-velocity of the emerging electrons and the THAT OF MAXWELL

number of them ejected by light of given in- It will be recalled2 that when corpuscles con-
tensity. To account for these, it is necessary to form to the Fermi-Dirac distribution with tem-
have the right idea about the number and the 2 See, for instance, my article in Rev. Mod. Phys. I,

distribution-in-velocity of the corpuscles inside 90-154 (1929).

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perature OaK, they are distributed over a se- I therefore confine this discussion to the latter,
quence of permissible kinetic-energy-values ex- which is as follows: the number of electrons which
tending upward to a particular value Wi. At incident light of frequency v can expel is pro-
absolute zero there are no corpuscles with kinetic portional to the number-per-unit-volume-of-
energy greater than Wi, which, therefore, is a metal of those electrons for which !mx 2 is
sharp upper limit to the quantity denoted by greater than (Wo-hv). This number, call it N B ,
Ko in Eqs. (1). Then the kinetic energy K,nax is evaluated by Fowler from the Fermi-Dirac
which the fastest electrons retain after their distribution function.
escape from the metal is not (hv - V) but Any electron which is expelled belongs initially
(hv+ W i - V): In experimenting near the abso- to this group. The number of electrons which
lute zero, one would still expect to get a straight- actually are expelled, by a given number of
line relation between Kmax and v similar to photons, is proportional to N B and to the three
Eq. (2); one would plot the line as before and probabilities aforesaid. If all of these probabilities
determine from its intercept the additive con- are sensibly independent of v over an appreciable
stant which figures in that equation but that range of frequencies or wave-lengths, then over
constant would now be interpreted not as V but this range the photoelectric current I produced
as (V - W i )_. Henceforth I will follow Sommer- by a given number of photons per second will
feld's practice of denoting the work-function by vary with frequency in the same manner as N B·
W u , so as always to keep it in mihd that the This set of assumptions is commonly known
Fermi-Dirac distribution is being assumed. As as "Fowler's theory," as it was developed by
the temperature T is raised from absolute zero, R. H. Fowler in a paper which he published
more and more of the corpuscles transfer them- during his stay a couple of years ago at the Uni-
selves to permissible energy-values greater than versity of Wisconsin. In evaluating N B, he made
Wi, leaving a corresponding number of per- certain approximations which restrict the va-
missible values vacant in the range below Wi. lidity of the results to a range of frequencies
We will now assume that an electron can cross extending upwards and downwards by a few
the potential wall if it receives enough energy percent from Vo, the "threshold frequency at
through absorbing a photon. This assumption, absolute zero" defined as (Wa - Wi) Ih. This is
however, is not fully defined by the foregoing probably no disadvantage as the probabilities
words. Suppose, for definiteness, that the surface aforesaid may themselves vary appreciably with
of the metal lies in the yz plane. Imagine an v and the broader the range of v, the more
electron beneath the surface, moving with ve- serious these variations would become. The
locity components x, if, z; its total kinetic energy actual range is apparently not too narrow for
K 0 is the sum of the three terms !mx2, !m??, convenience, as Fowler uses arcs of current-vs.-
!mz2; but of these three, the two last are not wave-length curves extending over two or three
available for helping the electron over the wall hundred Angstroms in testing his solutions.
unless something happens to it which deflects its These solutions are as follows, the symbol J.I.
course into the x direction without robbing it standing for h(v- vo)lkT:
of its energy. Should we assume that such an 1= CP(Wa-hv)-Y(J.I.)
electron can escape, if, when it absorbs a photon,
the sum (KQ+hv) is greater than Wa? Or should lI.) = e~ _ e2~ + e3~ - . .. J.I.~O
we make the more drastic assumption that it {f( ,.. 22 32 '

cannot escape unless (!mx 2+hv) is greater than 7T 2 [ e-2~ e-3~ ]

Wa? The latter seems the more plausible but f(J.I.) =6+!J.l.2 - e-~-22+32-'" ,
the former cannot be dismissed a priori; some-
J.I.~O (3)
thing might happen to the electron to deflect it
into the x direction after it had absorbed in which C stands for the factor, unknown but
the photon; but the two assumptions lead to assumed to be independent of v and T, which
markedly different results and the former (ac- embodies the probabilities aforesaid and also
cording to Fowler) is disqualified by the data. depends on the units chosen for current, energy,

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etc. Taking logarithms of both sides, we get: another temperature T' with various frequencies
of light; the necessary horizontal shift should
then be hvolkT' and should stand to the other as
in which cf> stands for the logarithm of f, and B T to T'. DuBridge recommends the procedure of
for that of the quantity C(Wa-hv)-l. The func- gathering together the measurements made with
tions cf> and f are universal functions. DuBridge a given frequency of light at various tempera-
has published3 a table of the values of cf>(p,) and tures and plotting log (liP) against log (liT);
the values of log \p,I, over the range from p, = - 8.0 the horizontal shift required to make the curve
to p,= +50.0. coincide with the theoretical curve (which in
There would be no insuperable difficulty in this case is obtained by plotting cf>(p.) against
testing formula (4) as it stands; but over the log (p,)) should be equal to log h(v-vo)/k and
narrow range of frequencies close to Vo for which thus provides a value for Vo which should be the
(4) is tentatively assumed to be valid, the same whatever the frequency chosen.
quantity (Wa-hv)-I; varies but little;4 and it is The first of the tests were made by Fowler on
customary to make yet one more approximation data for Ag, Au and Ta obtained at the Uni-
by assumin'g this quantity, and consequently B versity of Wisconsin by three of Mendenhall's
of Eq. (4), to be constant. students, Winch, Morris and Cardwell. The
Suppose now that measurements of current be ranges of wave-length (to judge from the graphs)
made at various frequencies and temperatures were 2200-2630, 2250-2550, 2800-3130, respec-
and that log (I/P) be plotted against p.; then, tively, the upper ends thereof being near the
if the theory is acceptable, all the points must greatest wave-lengths at which current could be
lie along a single smooth curve, identical in shape detected. The absolute temperatures were 293°,
with the curve of cf>; and it must be possible to 673°,873°; 296°, 733°, 1013°; 293°, 973° for the
bring the two into perfect coincidence by shifting three metals, respectively. Fowler made similar
either parallel to the axis of ordinates, the tests of data from Goetz for tin in two solid
amount of the required shift being the value of B. phases and in the liquid state. Shortly afterwards
This sounds easy but there is the difficulty that appeared a very thorough study of palladium by
p" being by definition h(v- vo) /kT, involves the DuBridge and Roehr, who measured at no fewer
constant Vo which must be deduced from the than eight temperatures between 305 and 1078°,
data themselves. The test is therefore more and at six wave-lengths between 2225 and 2482.
troublesome than it seems at first but if success- The results of these tests have been notably
fully carried through it rewards us with the favorable to Fowler's theory. DuBridge applied
proper value for the threshold frequency vo. both of the above-described procedures to the
Fowler's procedure consists in gathering to- data for palladium and one of his figures" shows
gether the various measurements made with how beautifully, with the second procedure, the
various frequencies of light at a single tempera- points of observation are brought by suitable
ture and plotting log (liP) against hv /kT. If the shifts to the theoretical curve. The horizontal
theory is acceptable, all the points must lie upon shifts, for the six wave-lengths 2225, 2302, 2345,
a single smooth curve which can be brought into 2378, 2399, 2482, were 3.75, 3.65, 3.56, 3.47,
coincidence with the theoretical curve by giving 3.36 and 2.19; and from these last were deduced
it both a shift parallel to the axis of ordinates the following very concordant values of hvo in
and a shift parallel to the axis of abscissae. The electron-volts: 4.98, 4.98, 4.94, 4.94, 4.95, 4.96.
latter shift is then equal to hvo/kT. Let the The other procedure applied to the same data
process be repeated with data obtained at produced the value 4.97 ±0.01. The second pro-
cedure applied to data of Morris for gold (five
3 Phys. Rev. 39, 109 (1932). DuBridge takes logarithms wave-lengths ranging from 2302 to 2536) gave
to base 10, a precedent which may as well be followed. values of hvo all comprised between 4.78 and
4 The value of Wa is believed to be greater by several
electron·volts than that of hvo, while over the range in 4.83. Fowler's own analysis of the data of Winch,
which the tests of the theory are applied hv differs by only
a small fraction of one electron-volt from hvo. D Fig. 3, Phys. Rev. 39, 115 (1932).

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Morris and Cardwell by the first procedure led to spherical collector as large as practicable. The
values ranging from 4.71 to 4.76 for Ag; from experimenter takes current-voltage curves, the
4.86 to 4.92 for Au; from 4.10 to 4.14 for Ta; collector being more negative than the emitter
and his analysis of Goetz' data for Sn led to and the p.d. between these two being varied
the values 4.39, 4.28, 4.17 at the temperatures from zero to the highest amount with which a
358°,483°,673°, values of which the differences current is still perceptible. The derivatives of
may well be real, as the tin was in three different these curves are closely related to distribution-
states at the three different temperatures. It is in-energy functions. In apparatus of the parallel-
evident that if hvo varies with temperature, it is plane variety, this derivative is the distribution
the first procedure which is appropriate. in respect to the quantity !me, the symbol ~
Much emphasis is laid by the foregoing authors standing for velocity-component normal to the
upon the extremely long-continued and vigorous planes. 6 In apparatus of the other type, the de-
preliminary heating of the metals. in vacuo, rivative approaches the true distribution in
though it is not obvious why the assumptions of kinetic energy when the ratio of the diameters
the theory might not be expected to apply to of emitter and collector approaches zero; if this
metals not so harshly treated; unless indeed it ratio differs appreciably from zero, a correction
be supposed that a metal not thus treated has a must be applied. Data of these kinds are the only
potential wall constructed in such a way that its ones against which the theory in question has so
ability to reflect electrons coming up to it from far been checked.
within the metal varies very rapidly with the For experiments with plane-parallel emitter
energy of these. and collector, the development of the theory
However, Welch made observations on several requires no further labor. Denote by Va any
metals (Ca, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ge) which had particular value of the retarding potential be-
not been heated and found "a very good fit to tween collector and emitter: then the electrons
Fowler's theoretical curve." The metals were reaching the collector should be the same in
examined in a tube containing gas at a pressure of number and distribution, that is to say, distribu-
the order of 10- 6 mm Hg; the surfaces were tion in respect to !m~2, as though Va were simply
filed clean and groups of observations were made added onto the work-function Wa of the metal
at time-intervals ranging from 10 minutes to 2 and hvo (in electron-volts) were augmented by
hours after the filing (always at room tempera- Va (in volts) and fJ. of Eq. (3) were diminished by
ture); the values of hvo changed slowly with the Va/kT. Evidently the effect on the right-hand
lapse of time, downward with germanium, up- member of (3) is precisely the same as that of
wards with the rest. diminishing v by Va/h; and the curve of current-
The assumptions of Fowler's theory lead also vs.-voltage, over the range from Va = 0 upwards,
to predictions about the distribution-in-velocity should be like the curve of saturation-current-
of photoelectrons, which I will next take up. vs.-frequency from Vo downwards. The earlier
The problem of distribution-in-velocity is a argument thus leads to the prediction that if one
tough one, both experimentally and theoretically. plots log (l/P) against Va/kT for several values
The ideal experiment would supply us with the of v, the curves can be brought into coincidence
total number and the distribution-in-speed of the with one another and with the theoretical curve
electrons emitted in any direction, i.e., in any by horizontal shifts equal to h(v-vo)/kT (to-
cone with its axis pointing in any direction gether with vertical shifts). Experiments of
(relative to the normal to the metal surface and DuBridge and Hergenrother on molybdenum at
to the plane of incidence of the light). Very few room temperature with wave-lengths 2378, 2482,
experiments, however, come near to this stand- 2536 and 2654, gave data agreeing with this
ard. Most belong to one or the other of two types: prediction "well within the limits of experi-
the "parallel-plane" type in which emitter and mental error." The agreement, however, is con-
collector are parallel-plane surfaces, and the fined to the faster of the ejected electrons, i.e.,
"sphere" type in which the emitter is as small
as practicable and is placed centrally in a 6 There is absolutely no felicitous name for this quantity.

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to ranges in which Va has at least half the value all, as a verification of the Fermi-Dirac dis-
'which would suffice to stop all of the electrons. tribution-function; and as such it is highly im-
The lack of agreement elsewhere may be ascribed portant for fundamental theory. Another im-
to invalidity of the assumption that the prob- portant result is that the method of determining
ability of traversal of the potential wall is in- the constant called Vo is altered by the new
dependent of the speed of the electron (by ideas. Formerly one determined it by plotting
quantum mechanics one would expect this either the curve of Kmax (maximum kinetic
assumption to depart progressively further from energy of ejected electrons) against frequency or
the truth, the lower the speed) or to defects of the curve of saturation-current against frequency
the other assumptions. and either carrying the curve by observation as
For data obtained with the spherical arrange- far as the axis of frequencies or extrapolating it
ment, the task of the theorist is harder, as he to this axis. This involved uncertainties which are
must make and apply assumptions about the all too well known to those who have worked in
transverse velocity-components (those parallel to this field and which are due largely to the shapes
the emitting surface) of the electrons. DuBridge of these curves in the immediate neighborhood of
assumes, if I follow him correctly, that the dis- the axis of frequencies. The new method makes
tribution-in-velocity of the electrons inside the unambiguous use of these shapes in fixing the
metal which have just absorbed photons is value of 1'0. One must admit that the constant
isotropic, that it is the original Fermi-Dirac does not have the same interpretation in the old
distribution, with all the energy-values increased theory as in the new; in the former it stood for a
by hI'. This presumably is the assumption which constant of the metal (the work-function), in
is tested in the work of DuB ridge and Roehr the latter it stands only for the difference between
on molybdenum at temperatures ranging up to two constants of the metal. In both theories,
1000°, of which a brief report was made at the however, it is interpreted in the same way as
recent Chicago meeting in the words (to quote the thermionic constant b (when independent of
from the abstract): " . . . The observed curves temperature), and this identity makes one of the
show an excellent fit to the theoretical curves for reasons for measuring it. Finally, the process of
the whole range of temperatures and wave- evaluating the quantum-constant h from obser-
lengths examined." Another sentence reads: vations of photoelectric current is itself altered
"From the shifts required to fit the observed by the new ideas.
curves, the maximum energy at OOK can be KARL K. DARROW
determined and the values so obtained for a
series of different wave-lengths at any fixed tem- REFERE!'ICES
perature fit closely the Einstein equation." This
probably refers to a test similar to that men- R. H. Fowler, Phys. Rev. 38, 45-56 (1931) and experi.
mental papers there cited.
tioned in the last paragraph, in which the shifts L. A. DuBridge and W. W. Roehr, Phys. Rev. 39, 99-107
necessary to bring the observed into coincidence (1932).
with the theoretical curve were found to be DuBridge, Phys. Rev. 39, 108-118 (1932).
equal to (hv-const.). DuBridge, Phys. Rev. 43, 727-741 (1933).
It thus appears that Fowler's theory is ad- DuBridge and Roehr, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 8, No.4
mirably verified over rather narrowly limited
G. B. Welch, Phys. Rev. 40, 470-471 (1932).
ranges of frequency, energy (of ejected electrons) L. B. Linford, Rev. Mod. Phys. 5, 34-61 (1933)-good
and kinds of metal. This is to be regarded, above general account.

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