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Mock Interview Reflection

Directions: Review the Mock Interview Critique Form completed by your teacher. Use the
results to reflect on your experience by answering the questions below.

1. What steps did you take to prepare for the mock interview?
I looked over the interview questions list prior to doing the interview, completed a practice
interview in class with a partner, and looked at the San Diego Humane Society website
before my interview.

2. How did you feel while you were being interviewed?

I felt nervous but prepared to answer any question that was going to be asked.

3. Reflect on your actual responses. Did you feel your responses were adequate or could you
have done better? Explain.
I feel my responses were adequate, but I could have done better on one question where the
cat sort of got my tongue in the moment.

4. What questions do you feel you answered well? Explain.

I feel I answered well about what my weaknesses were, how I found out about this position,
why I am interested in this company, where I see myself in five years, and why I want this
job. I answered those questions thoroughly and with detail.

5. What questions do you feel you could have answered better? How would you have
answered them differently?
I feel like I could have answered the question of what I could offer that competitors cannot
better. I felt that I was not prepared to answer that question as well as I thought I was. In a
future interview, I would research the company’s website and dig into their mission to help
me with that type of question.

6. What areas did your teacher mark as strengths?

Ms. Koehler marked all my spots as met except the very last one about asking questions at
the end of the interview. Ms. Koehler marked one of my strengths as keeping eye contact.

7. What areas did your teacher mark as needing improvement? In what ways do you plan to
improve your performance in these areas?
I need to keep in mind that I should ask questions at the end of my interview. For instance, I
could ask when I will hear back about the position. Asking questions at the end of an
interview is a good strategy because it shows the employer I am interested and engaged.

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