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College Student Interview

College Student Name: Elizabeth Becerra

Campus: San Diego Mesa College
Major: Nursing
Contact information: (310) 988-5237

1. Q: What did you value most when looking for a college that fit you?
A: What Liz valued most when looking for a college was what student life on campus looked
like, and what they could provide for her major.

2. Q: Do you prefer living on or off campus and why?

A: Liz prefers living off campus because living on campus is expensive, requires multiple fees,
and she lived close enough to drive to school daily.

3. Q: Are you involved in any campus clubs? If so, what are they, why did you join, and what do
you enjoy about them?
A: Liz is not involved in any campus clubs due to working three jobs while doing school at
the same time.

4. Q: What does the student government do for the campus?

A: Liz’s student government makes sure that all student voices are heard and their needs are

5. Q: What is the best way to get help/tutoring with my schoolwork?

A: The best way to get help with schoolwork is emailing the TA or professor of your class if
you have any questions.

6. Q: How are you paying for the costs of college?

A: Liz is paying for the costs of college with the help of financial aid.

7. Q: Has this college met your expectations? Why or why not?

A: This college does meet Liz’s expectations because she is given all the resources she needs
to succeed.

8. Q: Do you work on campus? If so, where? How did you get this job?
A: Liz does not work on campus because she has received bigger and better job
opportunities that she took.

9. Q: Do you feel safe on campus? Why or why not?

A: Liz did feel safe on campus because teachers and staff were welcoming, staff considered
students’ safety, and there were many police officers on campus at a time.
10. Q: What do you like about the teaching staff? What do you dislike?
A: Liz likes the fact that they offer office hours, but she dislikes that their availability is

11. Q: What advice do you have for a new student at this campus? Is there anything you would
have done differently?
A: Liz’s advice for a new incoming student is to be organized, manage your time wisely, and
do not be afraid to ask for help when needed.

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