Does Adults Influence Young People

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Does Adults Influence Young People?

Nowadays, it is still a fundamental dilemma in society how adults

influence young people behaviour. Especially when it comes to teenagers that
tend to be reluctant to listen to grownups. However, it is part of human being
development to learn with those who already have experience.
On the one hand, parents, teachers, and other authority figures usually
advise youngers when they experience something unknown, even though
children and teenager do not always listen to them, when raised in a well-
structured environment, they know there will always be someone whom they
can count on.
On the other hand, when exposed to good examples, infants can osmose
those habits, understanding their practical results in life. When adults are seen
as someone they admire, youngers consistently repeat their attitudes -
according to their immaturity - they may not be able to distinguish good and bad
examples. For that reason, it is crucial to care about who the children are in
contact with.
Adults will always be an example for young people, they usually have
more acknowledgement about things and for this reason, listen to them can
make the difference when allied to a great sense to decide what to apply in your
own life.
To sum up, both setting an example or giving advice are crucial to
younger development when used positively. The advice allows thinking about
the situations, whereas examples involve more of repeating something. For that
reason, I believe that the better way of being a good influence is through

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