Save The Children

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Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing for the good of Save the Children, a non-profit organisation that helps children in
conditions of vulnerability to have hope. We develop activities in which minors are able to
improve their intellectual and social competences in order to guarantee a better prospect of
the future.

Along with the increase of operations, we are suffering from a lack of space to expand number
of children attended by the program. For this reason, we are organising a lunch to help raise
the necessary resources to build a new venue to our Association.

As a mean of draw the attention to the cause we will have a magnificent lunch with varied
activities such as raffle, bingo and also games for kids. But it all will only be possible if we could
afford the rental of the space to do the event. So, we are currently hoping that your company
might be interested in helping us with this cost.

As we both believe and defend kids rights, Save the Children would be delighted by this
partnership and, of course, would be a pleasure to have you as our main sponsor in this
noteworthy cause.

If this motion pleases you your component nation, we would be available for further meetings
and explanations.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Your sincerely,

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