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On-line condition monitoring of Transformer Bushings.

Background and Objective:

The Reliability aspect of Power Transformers assumes great significance in the

present day as utilities strive to provide quality and reliable power to consumers. The
demands and expectations of various categories of consumers have to be met by the
utilities to face competition, as well as to comply with regulations. Power
interruptions of long or short durations are therefore to be minimised. The situation
necessitates reliable operation of key equipments in the Generation, Transmission and
Distribution network. Perhaps, the most important among these are the Power
Transformers. Hence there is an increasing need to monitor as well as maintain the
Transformers well.

Though Transformers are considered very reliable, any lapse in monitoring and
maintenance of large Transformers would prove costly. Except the OLTC part,
Transformers have no moving parts but have materials and components that suffer
ageing and deterioration. Among the important parts, the EHV Bushings are vital
components, that need close monitoring and health assessment, as the Bushings are
prone to ageing, moisture ingress, condenser layer failures, oil leak etc. Bushing
failures invariably lead to catastrophic failure of Transformers and more often than
not, cause Transformer fire.

Several studies conducted world wide on failure cause of Transformers indicate

Transformer failure due to Bushings as a significant one.

A study by EPRI( Electrical Power Research Institute) shows the cause of Transformer
failure due to Bushing is about 30%.
Transform er Failure Statistics - EPRI

Elect ro
M agnet ic

M ain Insulat ion


A Doble survey on failure of Transformers indicates 19% cause is due to Bushings.

Transform er Failure Statistics - Doble

Main Tank

Ot hers Bushing
10% 19%


The following is the failure statistics of 110 KV Power Transformers for the year 2009
in our TNEB grid.
Transform er FailureStatstics -TNEB

Insulat ion
Failure 30%

Prot ect ion

Casues Not
Failure 8%
Known 21%
OLTC Relat ed
failure 4%

Bushing relat ed
f ailure 4%

M anuf act uring

def ect 33%

In our TNEB Grid, though Bushing failure rate has not been of alarming nature, the
few failures that occurred in the recent past had been quite catastrophic. In one case
an Auto Transformer got burst completely and in another case, in a Generator
Transformer, the Bushing failure resulted in considerable loss of generation causing
strain on the grid.

Considering these factors, great emphasis is given by utility Engineers in the regular
offline tandelta and Capacitance test method of assessing the healthiness of
Bushings; As the number of EHV Transformers and hence the number of Bushings
grow in the grid, for a large utility, the task of periodic Capacitance and tandelta
testing becomes difficult. It involves switching-off of the Transformer, transportation
of test equipments and availability of trained testing crew. Also, in some cases vital
Transformers need to be frequently monitored in case there is an incremental
increase in offline values. All these led to the necessity and evolution of online
Bushing monitoring devices.
This RSOP project's broad objectives were
1. To carry out a study on online Monitoring of Transformer Bushings through tan
delta measurement.
2. To evolve appropriate Bushing replacement strategies.

The first objective was met through installation of an online Bushing tan delta system
in one 110 KV Power Transformer and a thorough study of the functions and
performance of the device and system; the Bushing replacement strategy has been
evolved from it, which is different from the strategy adopted for offline testing.


 A study of the online Bushing capacitance and tan delta monitoring system was
made by installing the system in a Transformer which had a Bushing with a high
tan delta value that was showing an increasing trend as well. The performance of
the device was good and the analysis of the data from the device helped in close
and reliable monitoring of the Bushing. It is concluded that such online systems
are useful and essential for condition monitoring of EHV Transformer Bushings
especially Power Station wall through Bushings, Generator Transformer Bushings
and vital Auto Transformer Bushings.

 The study also points to the need to understand the online system well, improve
the cost economics by having low cost support systems such as Remote
Monitoring units to make such Online Bushing monitoring systems viable for many

 Among the benefits derived from the study, is the appropriate Bushing
replacement strategy based on hourly trending / Alerts, as compared to the long
trending intervals of the offline test method.
 The device has inbuilt protection that enables it to be safely installed in high
capacity Transformers. The voltage clamping ability was tested and found to be in

 The online system offers better diagnostics of the Bushing as the test is carried
out online with normal loading and temperature ; Bushings that are on the verge
of deterioration, when tested at the normal rated load in service condition would
show higher PF than when tested at 10 KV in off-load condition.

 Online device offers scope for deferred Bushing procurement. The Bushing in the
study project in which the tan delta value had reached about 0.7% (
normally the limit value for immediate replacement) was kept in service for nearly
1½ years more due to the possibility of hourly testing, trending and ALERT
generating features in the online system, helping in delayed replacement of the
Bushing and consequent saving in cost.

 Experimental tests and simulation of functions and ALERTS in the Online device
proved that smallest increase in C and or tan δ values from the preset limit values
caused triggering of appropriate ALERTS.

 The replacement of a Bushing normally is based on trending of C and tan delta

and an acceptable limit value of 0.7% tan delta ; However the online system
enables keeping the Bushing in service even at a higher limit value as the testing
interval is no longer wide part and therefore many Bushings that were routinely
replaced on reaching 0.7% tan delta would not require replacement at this value.

 The investigative tests carried out on the Bushing after its removal showed higher
Furan content in the oil and low IFT value of the oil. The DGA and other quality
parameters were found normal.
 Among the various measurement techniques and methods, the digital method with
noise reduction technique of phase angle and leakage current measurements and
then correlating them with Reference phase is found to be effective, giving
changes in values very accurately.

 The online device requires careful design of the Bushing sensor with necessary
protection, moisture/rain proof housing etc. Three level protections for the sensor
voltage clamping have been used in the system employed in the project.

 A significant benefit from this RSOP project has been the development of
indigenous cost effective Remote monitoring system; a special effort was
undertaken to transmit the data in the online device to a remote location several
kilometers away from the site. This way the changes in phase angle, leakage
currents and C & tan delta can be monitored by experts sitting away from the sub-
stations. The remote access was achieved with GSM technology. The modems,
software etc were indigenously developed specifically for this application and this
know how would remain an invaluable asset / deliverable from this project to
other such schemes; Using similar technology and hardware, other important
parameters like moisture, temperature, dissolved gases etc could also be remotely
accessed thus helping reduce failures by implementing predictive maintenance
concepts for Transformers in a cost effective manner.

 SCADA and Remote Access of Bushing healthiness through C and Tan delta
monitoring or leakage current monitoring has been verified and could prove useful
for automation and other advanced maintenance methods.

 Considering the variations in tap design of different makes of Bushings and the
difficulties it poses in adapter design etc, it is suggested that Transformers may be
specified with Bushing adapters with a) inbuilt necessary safety devices, b) cables
and c) a port similar to the shorting block used in this project as an integral part of
all condenser Bushings. This would help easy connection of online monitoring
devices as and when necessary. The shorting block may be kept at the
Marshalling box and Bushing taps may be grounded at this point. Both Offline tan
delta and online tan delta testing connection may be made from this location
instead of at the Bushing taps. This would help the standardisation of the taps
and easier connections for offline testing also. The whole arrangement should be
sturdy, safe and reliable.

 As a further scope of this study, the Bushing replacement strategy could be

worked out based on rate of increase resulting in ALERTS rather than any absolute
limit value; The threshold of the absolute limit value could be extended to much
higher value. A few of the Bushings replaced based on the device Alerts could be
strip tested to find out actual cause of the increase in the C or PF values.

 Other Transformer health parameters like DGA, Moisture, Temperatures could be

integrated with the expert system and a comprehensive online monitoring system
could be developed for large capacity vital Transformers.

 The project experience and out come would lead to installation of such devices in
more Transformers especially in the higher capacity Auto Transformers in TNEB.

Complete study reports are available with TNEB / R&D wing and CPRI/Bangalore

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