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I, GABRIEL FRIDAY ABIDEMI, with Matriculation number BA/ND/F19/4717 hereby

declare that this project titled “IMPACT OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION ON


NIGERIA PLC, OFFA KWARA STATE” is a record of my research work. It has neither been

submitted nor accepted for the award of any degree. All sources of information have been

specially acknowledged.



This is to certify that, this research work has been read and approved as meeting the partial

requirement for the award of National Diploma (ND) in Business Administration, School of

Business and Management Studies, Federal Polytechnic, Offa, Kwara State.


(Project Supervisor)


(Head of Department)

External Examiner Date


I dedicate this project to God Almighty for His Infinite Mercy and unprecedented love towards

me. And also to my parents Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel.

I give God all the glory for his divine protection and for his wonderful love towards me.

My profound appreciation also goes to my project supervisor, MRS. B.A. AJIBADE, who in

spite of all odds took time to read through and approved this project, thank you very much ma

for your understanding, attention, support, encouragement and advice and to all my lecturers in

the Department of Business Administration, Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State for the

knowledge they imparted on me. May God bless you all.

I am also grateful to my mother for her spiritual and financial support, may God in his infinite

mercy continue to preserve you so that you will eat the fruits of your labour (Amen). I am

equally grateful to my brothers and sisters: BLESSING, YEMI, DANIEL for their supports and

to the rest of my families too. I appreciate you all.

My immense thanks also goes to all my Friends for their love, prayer, support and advice

throughout my project. May the Lord uphold the pillars of our love. I love you very much.

The study “ Impact of effective communication on employee’s performance” was conducted to
determine the relationship between effective communication and employee’s performance
particularly in railway corporation. The study sought to determine objectively; to establish the
relationship between effective and performance of employee in railway communication on
performance in railway corporation Offa Kwara State. The sampling techniques used for this
study is the sample random sampling date were collected with the used of a structure questioning
and the four started hypothesis were tested using chi-square. The information collected from the
respondents through questioning were used in order to answer the objectives of the study. The
researcher study contains the summary of the findings, conclusion, recommendation. Various
findings have been obtained from chapter four where clear and satisfactory conclusion and
recommendation have been made on the basis of the research objectives stipulated chapter one


Title Pages






Table of content

List of tables

List of figures

List of appendices/appendix


1.1 Background to the study

1.2 Problem statement

1.3 Research Question

1.4 Objectives of the study

1.5 Statement of hypotheses

1.6 Significance of the Study

1.7 Scope of the study

1.8 Definition of terms

1.9 Historical of Background Of railway corporation of Nigeria Plc Offa Kwara State


2.0 Introduction

2.1 Conceptual framework

2.1.1 Employee performance

2.1.2 Objectives of employee’s performance

2.1.3 Evaluating employee’s performance

2.1.4 Improving employee’s performance

2.1.5 Factors influency employee’s performance

2.2 Effective communication

2.2.1 Significance of Effective communication

2.2.2 Characteristics of Effective communication

2.2.3 Why is Effective communication important?

2.2.4 Impact of Effective communication

2.2.5 Factors that affect Effective communication

2.3 Discussion on the relationship between Effective communication and

employee’s performance

2.4 Theoretical framework

2.5 Empirical review


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Research design

3.3 Population of the study

3.4 Sample and Sampling design

3.5 Research instrument

3.6 Validity and reliability of research instrument

3.7 Data collection Procedure

3.8 Methods of data analysis


4.1 Introduction

4.2 Response Rate

4.3 Demographic characteristic of respondent

4.4 Data presentation and analysis of research questions

4.5 Test of hypotheses

4.6 Discussion of findings


5.0 Introduction

5.1 Summary of the study

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Limitation of the study

5.4 Recommendation

5.5 Suggestions for further

studies References



1.1 Background to the study

Employee are the force that drives a company forward in any business organization

employee performance is the key to their success, productivity, profitability and ultimately

hugely influence to the success of failure of a business. All this achievement depends heavily

crucially on communication, much of this daily routine of employee in an organization entails

information exchange and co-ordination of the extent that those achievement depend on

communication of employee

According to frank jefkins (2002), effective communication is a two-way,

communication between internal and external bodies in an organization, effective

communication is the way of communication where it involves the sending of information which

will be correctively received and well understood by the two parties, the receiving and sending

parties. Globally, often little more than lip or pin service is paid to the concept of two-way

communication. Many business organization need to question seriously whether two-way

communication information activity is productive among its employee.

Today’s employee expect communication but even in the most sophisticated companies,

in the most advanced countries, too many employee are communicated at rather than with.

Contrary to many employee views, the employee performance is the primary stakeholders

for any organization and effective communication facilities their day-to-day activities in an

organization in African. The real objective of employee communication must be created through

understanding and support among employee to enable them co-operate more effectively, a work

force that is in communication with the employee respects its management, has pride in its

management and believe that it is being treated like a family which is the key factors in

organizational success (ivacevich 2000).

According to Agee k. Warren (1992), the better informed employee are , the less likely

they are to speed biased and possible damaging miss information for effective productivity to

take place. The importance of effective communication is not only building and maintaining a

good relationship among the employee and the management, but also in giving a sense of

belonging and ownership to the organization, which ensure improved development for customer

both local and international thus leading to delivery of the organization goals

1.2 Problem Statement

From a managerial perspective in order to gain insight into employee commitment,

ensure a creative organizational climate and foster equality, a list of issues must be put into

consideration. Employee interaction is a principal and essential endeavor in organization as

stated by Harris & nelson (2008) They further asserted that the sustainability of an organization

is sassed on effective communication among employee and relationship develop based on

effective communication. Working environment differs from all angels as their culture,

economic and social development in this context some of these organization’s have cumbersome

reporting lines, which are different for the employee to abide, such as conflicting authorities and

obligation thereby making some subordinate become answerable more than a superior. Intra-

communication facilities such as intercoms and memos are mostly ignored by some organization

and this deprives subordinate from knowing the vision and mission of an organization

considering the problem stated above the study intends to aid organization by expounding on the

way effective communication would improve employee performance

Studies have shown that effective communication help employee to coordinate activities

achieve goals it is also vigorous in socialization decision making problem solving and change

management process this gain ensure that member of an organization or institution are working

toward a common goal and purpose. Most organization have challenge and continue to find the

most effective channels for communication with their constituents.

1.3 Research Question

The following research questions are put toward to serve as guide in this research work

i. Does proper coding has a role in employee’s performance

ii. Does communication feedback have effect on employee’s performance?

iii. Is there any relationship between two-way communication and employee’s?

1.4 Objective of the study

The broad objective of this study is to examine the impact of effective communication on

employee performance. The specific objective are for as follows

i. To examine the role of proper coding on employee’s performance

ii. To examine the communication feedback on employee’s performance

iii. To examine the relationship between two way communication on employee’s performance

1.5 Statement of Hypotheses

To prove answer to these research question the investigation has come up with the

following hypotheses which are summarize in the following hypotheses was

Hypothesis 1

Ho: proper coding does not significant role in employee performance

Hypothesis 2

Ho: There is no significance effect between communication feedback and employee


Hypotheses 3

Ho: There is no significance relationship between two-way communication and employee’s


1.6 Significance of the Study

The research will provide meaningful information to the management about efficiency,

credibility and economy of their communication policies, practices and programs. The study will

enable manager to get awareness concerning the influence of effective communicating and in

what way effective communication has negatively affected employee performance and thus the

study will suggest strategies towards improving communication to boast up employee

performance in Tax Administration.

Also, the study would aid student studying management to understand the theoretical

background of effective and communication. It would empower student to take off well when

establishing or managing an enterprises.

The study would be beneficial to academia as it would provide empirical finding on

communication system and channels in public institution. It would therefore serve as a reference

point for future study and at the same time, fill research gap.

1.7 Scope of the study

The study was focused on assessing the impact of effective communication on employee

performance, effective communication as an independent variable and employee performance as

the dependent variable since the two are inter linked. This project is very wide to study all

employee in an organization within the competitive environment therefore have limit my area of

study to railway co-operation of Nigeria. Plc. Offa, kwara state.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Impact: This basically is the measure of the tangible and intangible effects

(consequences) of one things or entity’s action or influence upon another

Effective communication: This is the sending of the right information which will be

correctively received and well understood by both the part that sends it and the party that

receives it.

Employee performance: This is how an employee fulfills their job duties and executes

their required tasks. It refers to the effectiveness quality and efficiency of their output

Performance: It also contributes to our assessment of how valuable an employee is to the


Effectiveness: It concerned with output sales quality creation of value added innovation

and cost reduction.

1.9 Historical background of Railway co-operation of Nigeria Plc, Offa, Kwara State

The Nigeria Railway Co-operation traces its history to the year 1898 when the first

railroad in Nigeria was constructed by the British colonial government. On October 3 rd, 1912 the

Lagos government Railway and starting nationwide rail services under the name government of

Railway. With the passing of the Nigeria Railway co-operation act of 1995 the company gained

its current name as well as the exclusive legal to construct and operated rail service in Nigeria.

The rail network reached it maximum extent shortly after Nigeria independence in 1964 shortly

after, the Nigeria Railway co-operation entered along period of declined, lnept management and

eventually a complete lack of maintenance of rail and locomotive assets.

The constructive of a railway line up to offa in 1912 was part of the plan to facilitate the

legitimate trade and connect the interior part of the country it became a mode of transport to

evacuate large quantities of agricultural produce from the interior to the coast for onward transfer

to the western world. The railway system also became the only powerful means of

communication to indigenous people in what became Nigeria in 1988 Nigeria Railway co-

operation declared bankrupted and all rail traffic stopped for six months after that train resumed

where the tracks were useable by 2002 passenger services was given again discontinued


Starting in 2006, plan were made to restore the rail line and add new locomotive with

foreign assistance in December 2012 regular schedule passenger services as resorted on the

Lagos to Kano line History

Nigeria Railway co-operation went more than once into bankruptcy during the last 20

year lack of maintenance on infrastructure and rolling stock and a high number of employee

railway produced huge deficit not taken over by the state.

A clear departure from other government- owned transportation services, Kwara express

is run professionally and efficiently, thereby guaranteeing excellent services to its customers,

well maintained fleet of vehicles conservative, but reliable, Kwara express boasts of a heritage of

consistuency and politeness, which continues to make it the means of transportation of choice, in

2012, the corporation accounted for an average 366,000 passengers (with an average of 30,500

passengers per month). Kwara express head office and flagship loading terminal is located at

Offa road at Ilorin Kwara state, while it currently operates on 21 interstate and 13 intra-state

routes across Nigeria. Accoruding to the critique by Max, Jetson Nwankwo, acting managing

director of the NRC the rail system is suffering from the lack of political will by the nation’s

politicians. While the NRC had employed about 45,000 people between and 1975, current

employment is only 6,516. He pointed out that no wagon’s had been brought since 1993, and

some date back to 1948, track condition limit trains to a speed of 35km/h.


2.0 Introduction

This chapter focused on explicit literature review of the impact of effective

communication on employees performance. The conceptual framework which the study the

communication and employee performance to achieve balance and agreement among the

research questions, objectives and hypotheses was established at the end of the relationship

between effective communication and employee’s performance. In 2.2.1 significant of effective

communication, 2.2.2 characteristics of effective communication and overview the impact of

effective communication on employee performance respectively. Moreover, in 2.4 and 2.5 the

theoretical framework and empirical review were highlighted

2.1 Conceptual Framework

Increase in productivity Efficiency of workers Conflicts reduction


Employee involvement in decision making Increased sales

Employee relationship coordination Commitment
Appeals procedure Innovation
Good company image

Sources: Researcher’s
Staff morals Concept

Sharing of ideas

Ability to


In the conceptual framework above, effective communication has some activities that

have to be consider and they include employee involvement in decision making employee

relationship and coordination of activities whereby when all these are implemented they lead to

increase in productivity efficiency of workers and reduction of conflict also increase in staff

morale, sharing of ideas and ability to innovate which leads to good performance that results to

increased sales, commitment of workers and good company image

2.1.1 a Employee’s Performance

Employee’s performance is how a member of staff fulfils the duties of their role,

complete required tasks and behaves in the workplace. Employees are the force that drives a

company forward. So it should come as no surprise that the daily performance of the workforce

hugely influence the success or failure of a business.

Measurements of performance include the quality, quantity and efficiency of work.

However placing a focus on employee performance doesn’t just benefit the business. It help

employee to reach their full potential while also improving overall performance which can have

positive effect on morale and quality on work produced. Most importantly, when employees are

underperforming, customer may be dissatisfied. As a result, the entire business may be affected

by poor performance and struggle to reach goals. Leaders must been able to monitor the

performance of each employee for good growth in the organization.

2.1.1b Objective of Employee’s Performance

Employee’s performance objectives also widely referred to as performance goals, are

one of the biggest determining factor for employee performance success.

Performance objective are designed to provide employee and team with a clear and

structured understanding of what they need to achieve, whether the goal be performance based or

development led and they serve as an essential measure of performance outcomes.

Good performance objectives help employee to focus on achieving their outlined

deliverable in a way that supports wider business outcomes.

Another objective setting framework is grow the grow model guilds employee and

managers along a structured path from goal assignment to goals completion. The most important

objectives of performance goals are to set performance standard setting the right performance

standard can help you build a better performance plan. It in turn makes for a smoother evaluation

of employee performance.

2.1.1c Evaluating Employee’s Performance

Performance evaluation is the process of assessing an employee job performance and

productivity over a specified period of time. Performance assessment can create benefits for

management and employee through improving performance, but can also be a stressful, so they

must be carefully implemented. The assessment is conducted utilizing preciously established

criteria that align with the goal of the organization and the specific responsibilities of the

employee being evaluated effective use of performance evaluation system include the selection

of the best evaluation method and effective delivery. The outcomes of performance evaluation
can include employee raises or promotion as well as employee improvement through

indentifying weakness and potential for future improvement. An ineffective performance

evaluate system can create high turnover and reduce employees productivity.

2.1.1d Improving Employee’s Performance

The ability of an organization to achieve their goals depends largely on employee

performance employee who fulfilled and productive can be instrumental asset in steering an

organization toward successes despite this through, many managers find it challenging to

motivate employee and improve their performance. As an organizational leader you can

implement different strategies that may help your team feel more supported and inspired to

perform highly in their roles on a day to day basis while the specific of each strategy may depend

on the type of industry you work in and your employee’s individual needs, there are a few

foundational approached you can take to boast productivity and morale.

Analyze performance metrics can be challenging to address inadequate performance

without first recognizing where gaps exist in your organizational workflow. To help you

understand how your employees are performing, it’s a good idea to analysis tasks regularly can

help get a better grasp on why your employees aren’t achieving goals or performing to their


Be purposeful when communicate, managers who communicate ineffectively can lead

employee to experience heightened confusion and disengagement from their roles. With this,

manager will want to be purposeful when communicate information- starting employees out with

a clear and actionable description of their responsibilities can help organization unmistaken ably

establish relevant performance benchmarks.

Make accountability a priority, keeping team accountable for meeting specific standard is

an important part of improving employee performance. When employees perform highly,

manager can enforce positive accountability and often increased responsibility or constructive


Encourage feedback, building feedback opportunities into employee workflow can help

them understand how their performance is stacking up to the expectations.

These feedback opportunities should occur on regular intervals and be reciprocal-

manager encourage its employee to offer feedback of how might better support or lead them.

2.1.1 e Factors Influence Employee’s Performance

A number of factors can influence employee’s performance in the workplace employee

may feel negatively influenced because of micromanaging by their supervisor or miserly budget


Conversely, employee will most likely feed inspired and otherwise positively influence

by top quality equipment and a supervisor approachable management style. The quality and

quantity of workplace equipment and supplies can have a direct influence on employee

performance. The economy has made it tough for employee to give business and raises to top

employees but according to a report from employee benefit news, employers are starting to re-

institute pay raise and bonus plans in order to retain the best employee until employee are able to

reward employee with salary increases and bonuses, however increases and bonuses, however

incentive like restaurant gift cards, when given with praise, are good alternatives for boosting

employee morale.


Communication takes place between two parties or group of parties. One party send the

message and the other party receive it. If the receiver receives the message in a way the sender

sends, it is called Effective Communication.

Prach M (2018) Effective Communication is a process of exchanging ideas, thought,

knowledge and information such that the purpose or intention is fulfilled in the best possible

manners. It is nothing but the presentation of views by the sender in away best understood by the


Eyre(1982) define Effective Communication as the transmission, reception of message or

ideas from one party to another in such a fashion that is mutually understandable. Effective

Communication is giving and receiving information with the objective of creating understanding

and acceptable.

According to Terry and Franklin, “effective communication includes the most accurate

sending and receiving of information, full comprehension of the message by both parties and

appropriate action taken upon completion of the information exchange”. Communication

becomes effective when the facts, ideas, views of information of the sender are transmitted into

the receiver’s mind in an unchanged way. Effective communication provides a bridge of

meaning between people so that they can share what they fell and know. By using this bridge

both parties can safely cross the river of misunderstanding that sometimes separates people.


Effectiveness communication is significant for managers in the organization so as to

perform the basic function of management, i.e. planning, organizing, leading, controlling.

Communication serves as a foundation for planning when the sender sends a clear, correct,

complete, precise and reliable response, 50% of the communication becomes effective.

The full 100% of effective communication is achieved when the same pattern for their

responses. The following are the significance of an effective communication:

Employment engagement and management: managing the employees becomes a lot

easier with the help of a strong and effective communication. Effective communication ensures

self- discipline and efficient management since the employees are heard by the top management,

and there is open communication in the organization.

TEAM BUILDING: People in the organization work as a team to accomplish common goals,

thus effective communication boosts the morale of the whole team. A work environment helps in

building a cohesive and effective team. It brings in the zeal in employees to work toward

achieving the common objectives of the organization

BUILD STRONG RELATIONSHIPS: Interactions often simplify things; they positively

motivate the employees to perform better and maintain long- term relation with others in the

organization. Effective communication is considered to be a base for building trust and assured

the sharing of complete information. Effective communication should be the focus in business as

it becomes should largely difficult to properly construct and foster productive relationships


FACILITATES CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION: It creates an environment where

employees few free to share their ideas by exploring their creative’s and innovative side.

Effective communication facilities innovation in a business organization to come up with

innovative idea that might further help in the overall development of the organization

REDUCES MISUNDERSTANDING: Effective communication eliminates the possibility of

confusion and misunderstanding the possibility of confusion and misunderstanding by conveying

the messages clearly and appropriately, employees will know exactly what is expected from each

of them and what steps need to be taken. It is an easy way to address issues behind and conflict

and turn it into something’s creative.


Effective communication is the bloodline of any business. A sight misunderstanding can lead to

a financial disaster. An organization relies on effective communication to sustain and maintain


Several researchers have stressed the importance of communicating one’s feelings effectively.

Hence we have to understanding the various properties or characteristics that must qualify our

communication activities and process. *Math 2016)

CLEAR: The primary character of any spoken or written of transmission of information should

be to state the message clearly

CONCISE: Time is an essential parameters in communication. The normal attention span is just

a few minutes long. If you present your messages in a clear and beautiful manner which is very

long, the crux of the report or the messages may be lost altogether.

CONCRETE: Whatever messages or information or data is present in your communiqué, it

should be well, footed your argument should have data suitably backs it up. Argument is always

easy to understand.

COHERENT: Similarly, when you are presenting your communiqué, you need to be coherent.

Employees need to understanding what goes where and what comes when around the company.

The key to a coherent write-up is a well- planned, logical and sequential presenting of the


Courteous: We know that all business communication should have degree of formal flavor. The

message when supplement with proper care and kindness will definitely find an audience.

LISTENING FOR UNDERSTANDING: Communication doesn’t only mean presenting or

generation information. It also means to receive it. In fact, an effectives communication channel

must a transducer and a receive


Yemi Faleti (2017) Says as humans, we are drawn to one another and communicate with are

several roles that each individuals fills on a daily basis, depending on the context of an
interaction. What every interaction has in common is the need for clear and effective

communication. There are several element that are involved in creating and maintaining lasting

and genuine relationships through communication, two of which are recognize body language

cues and using effective listening skills in correctly making use of these elements, one can see an

improvement in the quality of social interactions, as well as increased confidence in engaging

with others in a social capacity. These benefits can be essential tools in securing a job or building

lasting relationships

Body language: One of the most important factors in communicating with others is our non

verbal communicating. We are aware and in control of the words that new speak but, often the

non verbal cues we send may go unnoticed.

According to an article by Amy Lucas on, “We can reinforce, contradict,

substitute, complement, or emphasize our verbal communication with vocal cues such as

gestures, expressions and vocal inflection’ Non-verbal cues are so strong because they

communicate to others on a subconscious level, causing individuals to regards nonverbal

communication as ‘true’ communication because it provides real cues and emotions isn’t

working as well providing helpful feed back to get people in track

Create better relations; Good communication also improves relationships, both with employee

and in yours personal life friends heard and understood.

Increases engagement: with people feelings more confident in their work and in their

understanding of what they need to do, they become more, According to a recent study by Matt

Alderton 2019 exploring the psychology of employee; only 15% of adult employees are engaged

with their employers

Improves productivity: when team members understanding their roles, the roles of other and

yours be expectations, they can focus more on their work and less on workplace issues: with

effectives communication, conflict are resolved quickly, employee can better manage their

workload and distraction are minimized.


According to Kiran Kumar (2014) communication means to share or it is the meaningful

exchange of information between two or more living creatures Status?

Role: the sender and receivers of a messages may be of different levels, this difference in status

sometimes affect the effectiveness of the communication process

Culture Difference both within or outside the organization may impede the communication

process choice of communication channels before you choose your communication channel you

should ask yourself whether the channels is appropriate for particular purpose and the person/

receive you have in mind.

Use of language: poor choice of word or weak sentence structure also pampers communication

Atmosphere/noise. Distraction: our surrounding can sometimes pose as barrier to effectives

communication _ A noisy place usually puts strain on oral communication as both the sender

and receiver need to put extra effort to communicate

Individual perception: sometimes the methods of communication needs to take into consideration

the receivers personality trait, age and prefer style

Lack of Feedback: feedback is important as it enables confirmation of understanding to be made

by both parties

Disabilities: You may need to use hearing aids, sign language , minifying system and symbols to

alleviation problems caused by disables




Math’s (2000) suggested that the provision of information rationales and direction have effect of

increasing the available of task related information and thereby being positively to satisfaction

and job performance, His research found a direct relationships between there communication

dimension and performance and satisfaction. Greenberg (1999) Obtained comparable results

findings that feedback positively affects performance by providing increased information about

the job

Similarly, Boons and Kurtz (2013) found that information- instructive communication has a high

positive relationship with performance and satisfaction. Thus providing more information about

a task through information and rationale type effective communication should led to increased

performance and satisfaction. The importance of these types effectives communication for

performance and satisfaction should be enhanced within professional work groups. The more

complex task demands and greater role ambiguity of professional jobs would be expected to

increased the need for effectives communication

Both Math (2000), Bone and Kurts (2013) found the relationship, instructive and integrative

communication and performance and satisfaction to be stronger at higher level of the


Within the context of regulative communication Math’s (2016) suggested that for non routine

tasks, regulative communication mat contribute to role conflict and ambiguity by providing

either a lack of necessary information or inappropriate information to meet the demands of a

task. His research confirms this perspective. Therefore, performance and satisfaction will be

positively associated with the degree to which the supervisor provides rationale for jobs activities

and also performance and satisfaction will be positively related to the amount of information

receive from the supervisor


Little John (2012) mean while goes further than this he says that anything’s hat is created

endeavors such a architecture clothing literature and so on are all expression of people of people

functioning and communicating in a social world .these different forms of expressions also vary

according to the social context in which they have been created little john(2015)

Across (2015) agree with this and states employees do not well in situation where they lack

autonomy especially after they have gained the skills to work independently: H4: there is a

significant relation between freedom and job performance another factors that influences people

a work is a friendly environment because this factors has been found to have a direct impact on

job performance of employees in service organization.

Commninucation Accommodation. Theory (2014) Describes when people accommodate or

adjust their communication style to other. These charges in verbal and nonverbal styles are done

through two ways; divergences and convergence is used to highlight group identity through

touting the difference is often used by groups with strongly ethnics or racial pride. Convergence

is used more often by powerless individuals for social approval and focuses on matching the

communication styles of the person with whom they speaking to


Zaren Husani (2013), investigates effectives communication bring successful organization

changed. The paper father review the literature investigating the relationships between

communication and organizational changed

This section briefly discuss the be empirical studies and reaches that have been carried out and

published on the primary aims are to ascertain relevant findings and identity possible gabs that

the paper could fill

Rajhans (2012) opined is a study ‘effective organization communication; a key to employee

motivation and performance’ that organization communication plays a vitae role in employee

motivation and performance as rea changes are taking place in mother organization which

confront the new reality of tighter starting increase workloads, longer hours and a greater

emphasis on performance, risk taking and flexibility.

Today organization is by multi and cross functional teams which shows little tolerance for

unquestionable authority. To deal with this situation the at of persuasion and the effort to find the

correct emotion match with your audience is necessary, this match mean that us not enough for

communication to be one- ay ticket (Torring and Hall,1991) as cited in Rajhans 2012.

Appraisal of Nigeria rail-way corporation Plc Offa kwara state submitted that research finding

no doubt have validated the synerginous relation effective communication approach and

efficiently performance of NRC. Offa

They also recommended that there can still be more form for improvement and consequently

better performance if management embraces the following recommendation.

 More clarity of idea before attempting to communicate

 Better understanding of the physical and human environment when communicating

 A thorough analysis of the purpose of communication

 In planning communication, consultation should both be top down and bottom up, while all

facts are rendered implicit and explicit

 Consideration should be tot the contents and tone of the messages

 Whenever possible, the language or tone should not beonly be edifying and elegant, but

must be message the receiver would find valuable

 Communication messages that are precise and are of short run often posses long run


 All stakeholders would be encourage to be good listeners

 Immediate actions must be accompanied
 And accomplished with communication


The chapter reveals the steps taken at the findings of this project work. This include, the

research design, the population of the study, sampling & sample design and procedures, data

collection instrument, validity and reliability administration of data collection schedule and the

procedure for processing and analyzing collected data.


Osuala (2015), define research design as the structuring of investigation aimed at

identifying variables and their relationship to one another, in most cases, it could be in line with

any type of research survey, description experimental or expo-factor design.

Isiaka (2016), defined research design as choice among alternative ways to collect

information that will satisfy the research objective. The descriptive design was used in the study

because the study involve collection of data through questionnaire which were highly structured

with most of the questionnaire been straight forward to enable easy coding and loading

respondent to express their view in precise terms, this was done because it will lead to an insight

into an employer’s trait and personal opinion.


Osuala (2015) , defines population as the means of identify characteristic which members

of the universe have in common and which each will identify each unit as being a member of a

particular group. The population of the study is the whole of the research finding could be based

or applicable. For the purpose of this study, The employee of Railway Corporation of Nigeria
PLC, Offa Kwara State. Constitutes the population of this research work and their population is

one hundred (100)


Adewoye (2015) sample can be defines as port of an entire population study in sampling

we people from the population of study for observation as a true representative of that


There are four (4) different methods of selecting the sample size among which are:

 Simple random sampling

 Systematic sampling

 Stratified sampling

 Cluster

In this study, the simple random sampling was used because the method gives each of the

unit in the population to be covered and to have equal chances of the probability of being

selected. Sample random sampling method was used to select sixty(60) from (100) staffs of the



According to Aboaba (2012), data collection instruments are those which are used to

collect data for the purpose of testing hypotheses or answering research questions. This is an

instrument used by a researcher to carry out a research on a particular problem in order to arrive

at a conclusion. In this study, questionnaire was used to collect information from the sampled

population of (100).
According to Aboaba, Oyerinde & Yusuf (2010), a questionnaire is an instrument for collection

information or data beyond the ordinary reach of the researcher. It contains a set of questions

designed to get the model information or data for analysis where the result so reach is used to

answer questions and test the relevant hypotheses.

In this study, 60 questionnaires were distributed to the sample population of Railway

Corporation of Nigeria Plc Offa, Kwara State to collect the needed information on impact of

effective communication on employee’s performance.


Validity concentrates on the used of scale or design instrument to measures the capacity

of what is able to measuring or the ability of measuring accurately.

Validity can be said to be extent of which questionnaire has been distributed to collect

information could obtain the result which is expected to obtain questionnaire was the main

instrument used in this research work. It helps the researcher to gather data of this study.

Reliability is used to refer to the degree of variable errors in measurement. It can be

defined as the external to which attitude is measured in a number of times. Also it shows clearly

when the same result come on over when a different researcher is used he will arrive at the same

solution Therefore this implies that research methodology can be said to be reliable since it

produce the same result after repeated usage.

There are number of method use in determine the reliability of research instrument used:

they are;

The test retest method

The equivalent

Split- half

Perhaps for the purpose of this project the test retest method was employed to

determine the reliability of the data collection from the respondents.


Permission was obtained from the personnel management and the security head before

the researcher could distribute the questionnaire to the respondent which cut across various

section or department of Railway Corporation of Nigeria Offa Kwara state. They were compelled

to fill it immediately and individuals so that they can be free from any outside influence so as to

equip the research work with full information sixty (60) questionnaires were administered.


According to Adewoye (2015), Data analysis involve the employment of certain

appropriate statistic analysis provided in business and social research.

These are descriptive and essential statistics

Descriptive statistic is a structural competition descriptive the characters of a sample in

most cases. It involves the use of tabulation and simple percentage analysis. Since the study is on

the impact of effective communication on employee’s performance.

In spite of this, the Researchers make use of simple percentage techniques to present and
analyzed the data together through the questionnaires. Administered for the respondents which

were correctly filled and returned? Chi-square is the major inferential statistics this study
adopted. A chi-square test or independence was used to test the hypothesis of the study.

The formulae: chi-square (x2)=E (o1E1) 2/E

Where x2 =chi-square
O1= observation
frequency E1= expected
frequency E= summation

The major objective of the study is to examine the impact of effective communication as

a tool for improving employee’s performance. The chapter shall analysis and present the data

gathered through the use of questionnaire distributed and to issues the result of the research. The

data collected from the respondents through questionnaire were analysed using simple



In survey research response rate is also known as completion rate or return rate. It is the

number of people who answered the survey divided by the number of people in the sample. It is

usually expressed in the form percentage.

Furthermore, it is worthy to note that out of sixty (60) questionnaire which were

distributed, fifty eight (58) questionnaires were found useful for the study. This gave a response
rate of 96.7% and two (2) questionnaires was not received representing 3.3% of the total number

of questionnaires distributed.

Therefore the response rate is 58

60 𝑥 100 = 96.7%



Alternatives Respondent Percentage %

Male 36 60
Female 24 40
Total 60 100
Source: Field Work 2021

From the above table 4.1, 36 respondents represent 60% percentage were male, while 24

respondents representing 40% were female. This implied the male were more than female.


Alternatives Respondent Percentage %

16-25years 15 25
26-40year 40 66.7
40year and above 5 8.3

Total 60 100
Source: Field Work 2021

From the above table 4.3.2, 15 respondent representing 25% percent were fall under 16-

25 years, while 40 representing 66.7% percent fall under 26-40 years, and 5 representing 8.3%

fall under 40 years and above. This implied that people in the stage of 16-25 years were more

than other range (26-40years, 40 years and above).

Table 4.3.3: Marital Status?

Alternatives Respondent Percentage %

Married 15 25
Single 34 56.7
Widow 6 10
Divorced 3 5
Estranged 2 3
Total 60 100
Source: Field Work 2021

From the above table 4.3.3, 15 respondent representing 25% were married, while 34

respondent representing 56.7% were single, while 6 respondent representing 10% were widow,

while 3 respondent representing 5% were divorced, while 2 respondent representing 3.3% were

Estranged. This implied that single were more than others.

Table 4.3.4: What is your qualification?.

Alternatives Respondent Percentage %

Professional Certification 17 28.3

Post graduate Degree 10 16.7

HND/Bsc or Equilavent 3 5

Ond/Nce or equivalent 25 41.7

Wasc/SSc or equivalent 5 8.3

Total 60 100

Source: Field Work, 2021

From the above table 4.3.4, 17 respondent representing 28.3% were having professional

certificate, while 10 respondents representing,16.7% were post graduate, while 3 respondent

representing 5% were HND/ BSC or equivalent: while 25 respondent representing 41.7% were

OND/NCE or equivalent while 5 respondent representing 8.3% were waec/ssce or equivalent.

This implied that, people that have OND/ NCE OR EQUIVALENT were more than others.

Table 4.3.5: how long have you been working with railway corporation of Nigeria Offa
Kwara state?

Alternatives Respondent Percentage %

1-5 Years 16 26.7
6-10Years 37 61.7
Above 10 Years 7 11.6
Total 60 100
Source: field work, 2021

From the above table 4.3.5, 16 respondent representing 26.7% were been working with

railway corporation within (1-5 years) while,37 respondents representing 61.7% were under the

range of (6-10years), working experience with railway corporation and 7 respondent representing

11.6% were fall within the range of ( Above 10years) working experience with railway


Table 4.3.6: What is your present level in the organization.

Alternatives Respondent Percentage %

Management Staff 12 20
Senior Staff 19 31.7
Middle Staff 29 48.3
Total 60 100
Source: field work 2021

From the above table 4.3.6, 12 respondent representing 20% were management staff,

while 19 respondent representing 31.7% were senior staff and 29 respondent representing 48.3%

were middle staff this implied that Middle staff were more than management staff and Senior



4.4 Data Presentation and Analysis of Research Question.

Table 4.4.1: Employee’s receive clear, accurate and prompt information on what organization

expects of them and this affect their performances.

Alternatives Respondent Percentage %

Strongly Agree 47 78.3
Agreed 0 -

Undecided 13 21.7
Disagree 0 0
Strongly disagreed 0 0
Total 60 100
Source: field work, 2021

From the above table 4.4.1, 47 respondents representing 78.3% were strongly agreed that

employee’s receive clear accurate and prompt information expects of them While 13 respondent

representing 21.7% were Undecided. This implied that employee’s receive clear accurate and

prompt information on what organization except of them.

Table 4.4.2: Effective communication has increased your company employee’s

Alternatives Respondent Percentage %
Strongly Agree 47 78.3
Agreed 0 -
Undecided 13 21.7
Agreed 0 -
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 60 100
Source: field work, 2021

From the above table 4.4.2, 47 respondents representing 78.3% were strongly agreed that

effective communication has increased their company employee’s performance while, 13

respondent representing 21.7%were undecided. This implied the effective communication has

increased the performance of their employee’s.

Table 4.4.3: Employees are given opportunity to voice their suggestions and fear in your

company and which in form affect their performance


Strongly agree 3 5
Agreed 27 45
Undecided 17 28.3
Disagreed _ _
Strongly disagree 13 21.7
Total 60 100
Source: field work, 2021

From the above table 4.4.3, 13 respondent representing 21.7% were strongly disagreed,

while 17 respondent representing 28.3% were undecided, while 27 respondents representing 45%

were agreed and 3 respondent representing 5% were strongly agreed. This implied that

employee’s are given opportunity to voice their suggestion and fear in the company.

4.4.4: Employees are kept informed on matters that affect their work and the working
condition in your company, this condition affect their performance
Alternatives Respondent Percentage %
Strongly Agree 57 95
Agreed 0 -
Undecided 3 5
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 60 100
Source: field, 2021

From the above table 4.4.4, 3 respondent representing 5% were undecided, while 57

respondents representing 95% were strongly agreed. This implies that employee’s are kept

informed on matters that affect their working condition in the company.

Table 4.4.5: your company implements the views and opinion of employee’s and their
Alternatives Respondent Percentage %
Strongly Agree 47 78.3
Agreed 3 5
Undecided 10 16.7
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 60 100
Source: field work, 2021

From the above table 4.4.5, 10 respondent representing 16.7% were undecided, while 3

respondent representing 5% were agreed and 47 respondent representing78.3% were strongly

agreed. This implied that there is implement view and opinion of employee’s and their


Table 4.4.6: Your Company provide prompt feedback to the employee’s and have affect on
their performance.

Alternatives Respondent Percentage %

Strongly Agree 48 80
Agreed 0 0
Undecided 0 0
Disagree 12 20
Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100
Source: field work, 2021

From the above table 4.4.6, 12 respondent representing 20% were disagreed, while 48

respondent representing 80% were strongly agreed. This implied that the company provides

prompt feedback to the employee’s to improved their performance.

Table 4.4.7: feedback enhances effective communication and in which form affect their

Alternatives Respondent Percentage %

Strongly Agree 53 88.3
Agreed 0 0
Undecided 0 0
Disagreed 7 11.7
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 60 100
Source: field work,2021

From the above table 4.4.7, 7 respondent representing 11.7% were disagreed, while 53

respondent representing 88.3% were strongly agreed that feedback enhance effective

communication. This implied that the employees were strongly agreed that feedback enhance

effective communication.

Table 4.4.8: employees with friendly relationship in the organization achieve better
Alternatives Respondent Percentage %
Strongly Agree 40 66.7
Agreed 5 8.3

Undecided 15 25
Disagreed 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 60 100
Source: field work

From the above table 4.4.8, 15 respondent representing 25% were undecided, while 5

respondent representing 8.3% were agreed and 40 respondent representing 66.7% were strongly

agreed. This implied that employees achieved better performance with friendly relationship.

Table 4.4.9: effective communication increase employees turnover rate and this affect their
Alternatives Respondent Percentage %
Strongly Agree 50 88.3
Agreed - -
Undecided - -
Disagreed 10 16.7
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 60 100
Source: field work, 2021

From the above table 4.4.9, 10 respondent representing 16.7% were disagreed, while 50

respondent representing 83.3% were strongly agreed that effective communication increase

employees turnover rate. This implied that effective communication increase employees turnover

rate in their company.

Table 4.4.10: Your company communication gap has negative effect on employee

Alternatives Respondent Percentage %
Strongly Agree 55 91.7
Agreed 0 0
Undecided 5 8.3
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 60 100
Source: field work, 2021

From the above table 4.4.10, 5 respondent representing 8.3% were undecided, while 55

respondent representing 91.7 were strongly agreed that communication gap negative effect on

employee’s performance. This implied that communication gap has negative effect on

employee’s performance in their company.

Table 4.4.11: The communication technique adopted in your company has enhances
employee’s performance.

Alternatives Respondent Percentage %

Strongly Agree 50 83.3
Agreed 0 0
Undecided 10 16.7
Disagreed 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 60 100
Source: field work, 2021

From the above table 4.4.11, 10 respondent representing 16.7% were undecided, while 50

respondent representing 83.3% were strongly agreed that communication technique adopted has

enhances the employee’s performance. This implies that communication techniques adopted has

enhance employee’s .

Table 4.4.12: lack of clarity of responsibilities and understanding affect your company
employee’s performance.
Alternatives Respondent Percentage %
Strongly Agree 57 95
Agreed 0 0
Undecided 3 5
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 60 100
Source: field work, 2021

From the above table 4.4.12, 3 respondent representing 5% were undecided, while 57

respondent representing 95% were strongly agreed that lack of clarity of responsibilities and

understanding affect their company employees performance. This implied that lack of clarity of

responsibilities and understanding affect their employees.

Table 4.4.13: employees have seen encourage to work together to achieve improvement on
their performances

Alternatives Respondent Percentage %

Strongly Agree 44 73.3
Agreed 6 10
Undecided 10 16.7
Disagreed 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 60 100
Source: field work 2021,

From the above table 4.4.13, 10 respondent representing 16.7% were undecided, while 6

respondent representing 10% were agreed, while 44 respondent representing 73.3% were

strongly agreed. This implied that employee have encourage to work together to achieve

improvement on their performances.

Table 4.4.14: there is effective communication between your company and employees for
better performance.
Alternatives Respondent Percentage %
Strongly Agree 55 91.7
Agreed 0 0
Undecided 5 8.3
Disagreed 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 60 100
Source: field work, 2021

From the above table 4.4.14, 5 respondent representing 8.3% were undecided, while 55

respondent representing 91.7% were strongly agreed that there is effective communication

between your company and employees for better performance. This implied that there is

effective communication between their company and employees for better performance.

Table 4.4.15: employees fail to understand the nature of communication in your company

and in any form affect their performances.

Alternatives Respondent Percentage %

Strongly Agree 47 78.3
Agreed 0 0

Undecided 13 21.7
Disagreed 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 60 100
Source: field work, 2021

From the above table 4.4.15, 13 respondent representing 217% were undecided, while 47

respondent representing 78.3% were strongly agreed. This implied that employees fail to

understand the nature of communication in their company and in any from affect their



Hypothesis 1

Ho: There is no significance relationship between role of proper coding on employees


From table 4.4.2:

ALTERNATIVE Oi Ei Oi-ei (oi-ei)2 (oi-Ei/e)

Strongly Agree 46 12 34 1156 96.3
Agreed 0 12 -12 -144

Undecided 14 12 2 4 0.3
Disagreed 0 12 -12 -144 -12
Strongly disagree 0 12 -12 -144 -12
Total 60 60 60.6
X2 C = 60.6

X2 table= X2 tab x D.F

X=0.05, D.F= (0-1)= 5-1=4

At 4df and assumed 5% (0.5) level of significance the chi-square

X2 c= 60.6

X2t= 9.49

Decision rule: reject the null (Ho) hypothesis if the computed value is greater than the X2


Conclusion: since X2 computed value (60.6) is greater than the X2 table value (9.49) the null (Ho)

hypothesis would be rejected which means there is relationship between role of proper coding on

employees performance.

Hypothesis II

Ho: there is no significance between communication feedback and employee’s performances.

From table 4.4.9

ALTERNATIVE Oi Ei Oi-ei (oi-ei)2 (oi-Ei/e)

Strongly Agree 47 12 35 1225 102.1
Agreed - 12 -12 -144 -12
Undecided - 12 -12 -144 -12
Disagreed 13 12 1 1 0.1
Strongly disagree 0 12 -12 -144 -12
Total 60 60 66.2
X2 C = 66.2

X2 table= X2 table X DF

X= 0.05,DF=(n-1)=5-1=4

At 4 DF and assumed 5% (0.05) level of significance the chi-square critical tabulated

Value X2 + 0.95= 9.49

X2 c =9+5

X2 t=9.49

Decision Rule: reject the null (Ho) hypothesis of the computed value is greater than the X2


Conclusion: since X2 computed value (66.2) is greater than the X2 table value (9.49) the null (Ho)

hypothesis would be rejected which means there is significance between communication

feedback and employee’s performance.


Ho: there is no significance relationship between two way communication and employees


From the table 4.4.7

ALTERNATIVE Oi Ei Oi-ei (oi-ei)2 (oi-Ei/e)

Strongly Agree 58 12 46 2,116 176.7
Agreed 0 12 -12 -144 12
Undecided 2 12 -10 -100 -8.2
Disagreed 0 12 -12 -144 -12
Strongly disagree 0 12 -12 -144 -12
Total 60 60 132
X2 c=132

X2 = X2 tabX DF

X=0.05, DF=(n-1)= 5-1=4

At 4 DF and assumed 5% (0.05) level of significance the chi-square critical tabulated

Value X2 + 0.95= 9.49

X2 c =9+5

X2 t=9.49

Decision Rule: reject the null (Ho) hypothesis of the computed value is greater than the X2


Conclusion: since X2 computed value (132) is greater than the X2 table value (9.49) the null (Ho)

hypothesis would be rejected which means there is significance between two-way

communication and employee’s performances.


From table 4.4.1

Statement of hypothesis

Ho: there is no significant relationship between effective communication and employee’s

effectiveness. Based on the test of hypothesis analysis with the aid of chi-square method once,

calculated value is greater than once, the calculated value is greater than tabulated value.


Ho: is rejected thus, giving room for acceptance of Hi. This means that there is significance

relationship between effective communication and employee’s effectiveness.

From table 4.4.2

Ho: there is no significance relationship between effective communication and employee

performance. Based on the test hypothesis analysis with the aid of chi-square method once, the

calculated value is greater than tabulated value.


Ho: is rejected thus, giving room for acceptance of Hi. This means there is significance

relationship between effectiveness communication and employees performance.

From table 4.4.3

Statement of hypothesis

Ho: there is no significance relationship between effective communication and employees turn

over. Based on the test of hypothesis analysis with the aid of chi-square method once, the

calculated value is greater than tabulated value.


Ho: is rejected thus, giving from acceptance of Hi. This means that there is significance

relationship between effective communication and employee’s turnover.

The summary of the research work based on major findings of the study’s objective is

presented in this chapter, conclusions was draw from questionnaire administered, on the impact

of effective communication on employee’s performance

. 5.1 Summary of Findings

The primary aim of this chapter is to bring together the empirical findings which have been

presented in the preceding chapter. The study set out to establish the relationship between the

effective communication and employee performance.

The study made some specific relations.

- Firstly, it was found out that the respondents say that by fairness orientation, that is when

they are treated justly and equally, their performance will be enhanced.

- Also many respondents agreed that provision of incentives by the management has a

significant effect on their employee performance.

- The study also revealed that most of the respondents agreed that outcome orientation cannot

get them to give their best performance in achieving employee performance.

- It was also found out that majority of employees strongly agreed that prompt payment of

wages and salaries induces them to put in their best.

- The study also reveals that most of the respondents are of the opinion that aggressive
orientation will not enable them to achieve high organizational performance.

- The effectiveness of employee orientation has contributed immensely in achieving the

organizational performance of Railway Corporation Offa Kwara State.

Finally, the study revealed that norms, values, beliefs and all the dimensions of good
commutation has a great impact on employee performance of Railway Corporation Offa Kwara


The study concluded that a significant relationship exist between effective

communication and employee performance. According to math (2000), this is supported by the

fact that the provisions of information, rationale, and direction have the effect of increasing the

ability of task related information and there by being positively related to satisfaction and

employee’s performance. On the contrary the researcher concluded that, for non-routine tasks,

regulative communication may contribute to role conflict and ambiguity by providing either a

lack of necessary information or inappropriate information to meet the demand of task. This

clearly indicated that the relationship exists between effective communication and employee

performance. Therefore, companies should encourage effective communication so as to increase

employee’s performance.


The research study should not be extended to their organization for the following reason.
TIME: The time available for this research study is not sufficient to explore other organization.
FINANCE: Financial obstacle also militate against the study as there is no money to carry out
required assignment.

ADEQUATE LOCAL LITERATURE:- The local literatures available on this area of study are

very few and this shall account for the reason only virtually all reference shall be mostly foreign


RESPONDENT: Respondent to the questionnaires pose some problems because most of them

are very busy and majority don’t want to give disclosed some information.


Following the study finding and the conclusion of the study, the following

recommendation were made :

There is still a gap in organization appreciation of the importance of communication as a policy

area that determines the firms success. Indeed , the research shows that alot of employees are not

aware of the nature communication that are employed by the company, this indicates the bigger

number of organisation think that effective communication has no impact on employee

performance and that it is not the major factor s that determines the company’s success. As the

literature emphasize on effective communication therefore, the researcher recommends that for

any organization to succeed it must have effective communication and they should also known

that communication is the major policy to be taken into consideration by every organization for

the purposes of helping an organization to achieve its goals. The study also recommends that

manager should endeavor to strike a balance within their organization between effectiveness

communication and other factors that influences employee performance. This will enables them

to know that really contribute to the company’s success and as a result the company implement

the factors that will help in achieving the company’s objectives.


The current study focused on impact of effective communication on employee’s

performance futures studies should focus on problems faced by manager in communications.

Adeyemo S.A and Akabi S.O (2018) studies in communication Offa. A modern Approach Iv.
Akinbode, J.O and Ebeloku. A.I (2015) understanding industrial relations system offa, (second

Boone and Kurtz(2003), contemporary business. Thomson south western publisher.

Gareth A.Jones.jennifer George and Charles W.L.hill(2000) Contemporary Business, Thomson

south western publisher.

J.S chandani (2001), Management, theory and practice, Vikas publishing House Pvt Ltd.

Jerald Greenberg, Robert A.Barol(1999), Behavior in organizations, 7th Edition, prentice hall,

upper saddle river, New Jersey 07458.

Jerald Greenberg, Robert (1997), Behavior in organizations, 6th Edition

Kiran kumar (2014) Education technology Business

Richard L.Daft (2000), Management,5th Edition, prentice Hall International Inc.

Robert L. Maths, John Jackson(2000), personnel/ Human Resource Management,5th Edition,

west publishing company.

Ronald B.Adler and Jeanne Marguard Elmhorst(2002) communicating at work, principle and
practice for Business and the Professions, 7th Edition, Mc graw Hill Inc.

Scatter white and olson Sutton(2000), Business communication at work, Mc graw Hill companies

Scott,WRC(1992), organizations: Rational, Natural and open system, Nj prentice Hall

International Inc.


Federal polytechnic Offa,

Department of business administration

P.M.B 420

Offa, Kwara state

Dear Respondent,

This questionnaire is designed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award

of Higher National Diploma {ND} in Business Administration

The researcher is conducting a research on the impact of effective communication on

employee’s performance .Using Railway corporation of Nigeria PLC Offa, Kwara state

as a study.

You are kindly requested to complete the questionnaire by answering the questions in

the most honest manner. Since the success of the work depends on your assistance.

The answer supplied by the respondents shall treated in absolute

confidence. Thanks for your anticipated co-operation.

Yours faithfully,

Gabriel Friday



INTRODUCTION: please ticks ( ) in the appropriate box.


Male ( )

Female ( )


16 - 25years ( )

26 -40years ( )

40 years and Above ( )


Single ( )

Married ( )


Profession Certification ( )

Post graduate degree ( )

HND/BSC or equivalent ( )

OND/NCE or Equivalent ( )

WAEC /SSCE or Equivalent ( )

OND /NCE or Equivalent ( )



1-5years ( )

6-10years ( )

Above 10 years ( )


Management ( )

Senior staff ( )

Middle staff ( )


 Employee’s receive clear, accurate and prompt information on what

organisation expect of them and this affect their performance

 Strongly agreed ( )

 Agreed ( )

 Undecided ( )

 Disagreed ( )

 Strongly disagree ( )

 Effective communication has increased your company employee’s


 Strongly agreed ( )

 Agreed ( )

 Undecided ( )

 Disagreed ( )

 Strongly disagree ( )

 Employees are given opportunity to voice their suggestions and fear in their

company and which in form affect their performance.

 Strongly agreed ( )

 Agreed ( )

 Undecided ( )

 Disagreed ( )

 Strongly disagree ( )

 Employees are kept informed on matter that affect their work and the working

condition in your company this condition affect their performance

 Strongly agreed ( )

 Agreed ( )

 Undecided ( )

 Disagreed ( )

 Strongly disagree ( )

 Your company implements the views and opinions of employee’s.

 Strongly agreed ( )

 Agreed ( )

 Undecided ( )

 Disagreed ( )

 Strongly disagree ( )

 Feedback enhance effectiveness communication which affect their


 Strongly agreed ( )

 Agreed ( )

 Undecided ( )

 Disagreed ( )

 Strongly disagree ( )

Employees with frequently relationship in the organization achieves better


 Strongly agreed ( )

 Agreed ( )

 Undecided ( )

 Disagreed ( )

 Strongly disagree ( )

 Effective communication increase employee turn over rate and their affect their


 Strongly agreed ( )

 Agreed ( )

 Undecided ( )

 Disagreed ( )

 Strongly disagree ( )
Your company communication gaps has negative effect on employee’s performance

 Strongly agreed ( )

 Agreed ( )

 Undecided ( )

 Disagreed ( )

 Strongly disagree ( )

The communication technique adopted in your company has enhance employee’s


 Strongly agreed ( )

 Agreed ( )

 Undecided ( )

 Disagreed ( )

 Strongly disagree ( )

Lack of clarity of responsibilities and understanding affect your employee’s


 Strongly agreed ( )

 Agreed ( )

 Undecided ( )

 Disagreed ( )

 Strongly disagree ( )

Employee’s have been encourage to work together to achieve improvement on their

 Strongly agreed ( )

 Agreed ( )

 Undecided ( )

 Disagreed ( )

 Strongly disagree ( )

There is effective communication between your company and employees for better

 Strongly agreed ( )

 Agreed ( )

 Undecided ( )

 Disagreed ( )

 Strongly disagree ( )

Employee’s fail to understand the nature of communication in your company and in

any form affect their performance.

 Strongly agreed ( )

 Agreed ( )

 Undecided ( )

 Disagreed ( )

 Strongly disagree ( )

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