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Eur. J. Biochem.

21 (1971) 55-59

The Binding of Scandium Ions to Transferrin in wiwo and in witro

and Deryck J. PERKINS
Chemical Pathology Department, St. George's Hospital Medical School, London
(Received March 11/April 29, 1971)

1. Studies on the binding of scandium t o human apotransferrin showed that two Sc3+were
bound specifically a t the two iron-binding sites.
2. The binding of each Sc3f involves the ionisation of two phenolic tyrosyl residues.
3. The scandium * protein complex has similar resistance to denaturants and chemical reagents
as the iron complex.
4. The only protein complex observed, when quantities ofSc3f below the free iron binding capa-
city of serum were added t o whole serum in vitro, was the Sc3+* transferrin complex.
5. The injection of Sc3+,as a 1:2 citrate complex, into rabbits led after 48 h to all the plasma
Sc3+being present as the transferrin complex.

Previous studies on the metabolism of scandium Cyanogum 41 was obtained from BDH Chemicals
were initiated through possible hazards arising from Ltd. (Poole, Dorset, England). All solutions were
its presence in nuclear explosion sites [l], because of made with deionised, glass-distilled water.
its chemical similarity to yttrium and the lanthanides,
whose biological properties have been extensively
studied [2] and since in vivo it is produced from the Methods
decay of 47Ca,which is used for studies of calcium Difference spectroscopy readings were taken on a
metabolism in man [3]. The distribution and ex- UnicamSPSOOrecording spectrophotometerfittedwith
cretion of scandium in mice [4] and man [5,6] were a scale expansion unit. All other spectrophotometric
studied and electrophoresis was used to show Sc3+ readings were taken with a Gilford 2000 spectrophoto-
binding to the p-globulin fraction of plasma [7]. meter fitted with a Unicam SP500 monochromator.
The &globulin, transferrin, in its pure form was Radioactivity measurements of solutions containing
shown to bind a number of trivalent metal ions, 46Sc or S9Fewere made using a y scintillation spectro-
including scandium [8]. Transferrin was also impli- meter. All protein concentrations were determined
cated in the transport of various metals in the plasma, using an E~~~ = 9.23 x lo4 11131 (the on binding
apart from iron, including chromium [9], gallium [lo], Sc3f to tranferrin is less than lo/, as shown below).
indium [ll]and manganese [121. This report describes For binding measurements by gel filtration, apotrans-
the specific binding of Sc3+ to the iron binding sites ferrin (5 ml, 50/, w/v) in 0.1 M Tris-C1 buffer a t the
of transferrin and shows that in vivo transferrin is appropriate p H was equilibrated, for either 1 h a t
implicated in the transport of Sc3+in Serum. 23 "C or one week a t 4 "C, with a ten-fold excess of
Sc3f as a 1 :2 Sc3f citrate complex containing 10 pCi
MATERIALS AND METHODS of 4 % ~ .Excess metal was removed on a 35 ~2 cm
column of Sephadex G-25 equilibrated with 0.1 M
Materials Tris-C1 buffer. Fractions (3 ml) were collected and
Apotransferrin was obtained from Hoechst Ltd. the protein eluates localised and metal concentra-
(Hounslow, Middlesex, England). 46Scin 0.1 M HC1 tions determined by radioactivity measurements.
(0.5-3 mCi/mgSc ) and 69Fe as ferric chloride in -
The scandium transferrin samples thus obtained
0.1 M HC1 (3.3 mCi/mg Fe) were obtained from the (from the longer incubation period only) were passed
Radiochemical Centre (Amersham, Bucks, England). down a 2 0 x 2 cm column of Chelex 100. Fractions
Sephadex G-25 and 6-150 beads and DEAE-A50 were treated as for the Sephadex 6-25 column.
resin were obtained from Pharmacia (G.B.) Ltd., Ultraviolet difference spectra upon metal binding
(Wembley, Middlesex, England). Chelex 100 resin, were recorded using dual compartment cuvettes.
200-400 mesh, was made by Biorad Laboratories I n one compartment was placed protein (5O/, w/v)
(Richmond, California, U.S.A.). Scandium chloride in p H 8.0 0.2 M Tris-C1 buffer; in the other 2.0 mM
(high purity) was obtained from Johnson, Matthey & scandium and 4.0 mM trisodium citrate in the same
Co. (Hatton Garden, London E.C.l., England). buffer. For the titration of scandium and apotrans-
56 Scandium Binding to Transferrin Eur. J. Biochem.

ferrin measurements of the absorbance a t 246nm located by staining with amido black. It was found
were taken of apotransferrin (0.5O/,) in 0.1 M Tris-C1 that the position of transferrin could be accurately
pH 8.0 before and 48 h after the addition of small predicted from the position of the start line and the al-
amounts of 1.0 mM scandium and 2.0 mM trisodium bumin band which were made visible by the bromo-
citrate. Urea denaturation difference spectra were phenol blue marker dye.
obtained using single compartment cells. Apotransfer- For experiments in vivo rabbits (New Zealand
rin (2 ml, 4O/,, w/v) in p H 8.0 0.1 M Tris-C1 buffer Whites) were injected intravenously in groups of
was added to a 5 ml volumetric flask and where ap- three with 0.5 mg (1mCi) or 0.005 mg (0.01 mCi) of
propriate 0.4 ml of 1.0 mM iron, or 0.4 ml 1.0 mM scandium, containing *Y3c as a 1:2 scandium citrate -
scandium and 2.0 mM trisodium citrate were added complex ; injection solutions were brought to neutral
and equilibrated. Solid urea (to make the solutions p H with 2 M Tris. Blood samples (2 ml) were removed
8 M in urea) was added to the appropriate flasks and a t intervals, the first sample being taken after 10 min,
the volumes made up to the mark and difference spec- and the radioactivity in the plasma was measured.
tra recorded between solutions with and without urea. For the larger dose, plasma samples were run on gra-
Periodate oxidations were carried out similarly dient acrylamide gels which were segmented and
to the method of Azari and Phillips [14]. 10 ml of counted. Samples were frozen quickly for storage
0.1 M NaHC0,-K,CO, buffer, p H 8.5, containing prior t o electrophoresis. Control experiments showed
50 mg of apotransferrin and where appropriate 0.2 ml that no detectable redistribution of the metal occurs
of 0.01 M Fe3+ or Sc3+plus 0.02 M trisodium citrate when samples were stored frozen.
was added to 1 0 m l of the above buffer containing
0.01 M sodium periodate. The tubes were then in- RESULTS
cubated a t 32 "C. Aliquots (4 ml) were withdrawn for Sc3+ Binding to Pure Transferrin
analysis and added t o 0.1 ml of 0.3 M sodium arsenite
and 0.1 ml of 0.01 M Fe3+ 0.02 M trisodium citrate Gel filtration studies of the binding of Sc3+(10-fold
excess) to apotransferrin were performed with two
(0.5 ml in the case of scandium transferrin). (This
allows for the fact that Fe3+displaces Sc3+from trans- different incubation times, 1h a t 23 "C and 1 week
ferrin.) Incubation was for 1 h a t 23 "C and then activ- a t 4 "C (Fig. 1).The binding is slower a t the lower p H
ity was measured by measuring iron binding from the values and is incomplete after 1h. After 1 week at
absorbance a t 465 nm. 4 "C excess metal binding is observed, over and above
For binding studies to serum proteins in vitro, the two atoms per mole expected for specific binding
pooled normal human serum was used throughout. To- to the two iron binding sites. Passage of this metal
tal iron and free iron-binding capacity were deter- protein solution through a column of Chelex 100 re-
mined [15]. Transferrin was separated from serum moves the excess metal and 2 atoms/mole remain
according t o the method of Killander [16] except that bound a t p H 8. Further passage of scandium trans- -
a 2 5 x 3 5 cm column of Sephadex G-I50 (flow rate ferrin through Chelex 100 columns results in no sig-
20 ml/h) was usedinstead of a Sephadex G-200 column. nificant loss of metal (< 5O/,).
Serum (1.5 ml) was preincubated with either 0.3 pCi
of 59Fe or 0.5 pCi of 46Sc(containing enough carrier
and citrate to half saturate the free iron binding capa-
city of the serum). Fractions (3 ml) were collected
and the protein content determined by light absorb-
ance a t 254 nm and the metal content by their radio-
activity. The transferrin peak obtained from the ion-
exchange resin was homogenous on cellulose acetate
Serum proteins were also separated on gradient
polyacrylamide gels (5x 120mm) consisting of 20 mm
of 6O/,gel (cyanogum4l),30mm of 7.5O/,gel and 70mm
of go/, gel made up in buffer (Tris 45.75 g/l, 60 ml I I I 1 I

1 N HC1/1, pH 8.9). The electrode buffer contained 7.5 8.0 a5 9.0 9.5
0.6 g/1 Tris and 28.8 g/l glycine, p H 8.3. Gels were
run a t 2 mA per gel for 10 min and then 4 mA per gel Fig. 1. T h e effect of pH on the binding of Sc3+ to apotransferrin.
Apotransferrin [5 ml, 50/4 (w/v)] in 0.1 M Tris-C1 buffer was
for 2-2.5 h. 25 pl (50 pl for experiments in vivo) of incubated with Sc3+ (10-fold excess; 1 :2 citrate complex).
serum, with a n equal volume of loo/, (w/v) sucrose Excess metal was removed on Sephadex G-25 column, non-
in gel buffer Containing one drop of 50/, bromophenol specifically bound metal on a Chelex 100 column. 0,1 week
blue as marker, was applied to the gels which, after incubation, 4 "C after Sephadex G-25 column; 0, 1 week in-
cubation, 4 "C after Sephadex G-25 column followed by Chelex
electrophoresis, were sliced into 24 equal segments for 100 column; 0 , 1 h incubation, 23 "C, after Sephadex 6 - 2 5
radioactivity measurements. Protein bands were column
V01.21, NO.1, 1971 A. W. FORD-HUTCHINSON
and D. J. PERIUNS 57

The difference spectrum obtained on binding Sc3+ Table. The periodate oxidation of transfewin and its metal
to apotransferrin is very similar to the phenolic complexes
Apotransferrin (50 mg in 10 mlO.1 M NaHC0,-K,CO, buffer,
tyrosine ionisation difference spectra found for the pH 8.5) and where appropriate 0.2 ml 0.01 M Fe3+ in 0.02 M
colourless metal conalbumin complexes [17]. Two trisodium citrate was added to the 10 ml of the buffer contain-
maxima occur a t 246 nm and 297 nm. The A E~~~ ing 0.01 M sodium periodate. Tubes were incubated a t 32 "C
of 4.1i & 0 . 1 8 ~ 1 0(S.D.)
~ (14 readings) for this and aliquots (4ml)withdrawn for analysis and added to 0.1 ml,
0.3 M sodium arsenite and 0.1 ml of 0.01 Fe3+, 0.02 M tri-
reaction indicates that four tyrosyl residues are ionised sodium citrate (0.5 ml for the scandium * transferrin complex).
per protein molecule on binding two Sc3+(for phenolic Incubation was for 1h a t 23 "C and activity was then deter-
tyrosyl ionisation in conalbumin, A E~~~ is about mined by measuring iron binding by the absorbance a t
I x lo4 [17]). No further spectral changes were ob- 465 nm
served 2 h after mixing with the concentrations of Chromogenic activity
reactants used. The bindings was followed spectro- 'rime Iron Scandium
photometrically a t 246 nm on the Gilford 2000 re- Apotransferrin . ,,.ransferrin .Transferrin
cording spectrophotometer. The optimum citrate to
min "0 "lo "0
scandium ratio was determined by this technique,
and found to be 2 :1. Excess citrate inhibited the 0 100.0 100.0 100.0
5 43.7 100.0 100.0
reaction and with ratios of citrate to scandium of I0 33.2 100.0 100.0
5 : I, or over, binding was very slow. The titration 15 32.3 100.0 99.0
experiment (Fig. 2) shows that no further increase in 25 31.3 100.0 95.2
absorbance is observed after two atoms of Sc3+ are
bound per mole of transferrin.
The binding of iron to conalbumin or transferrin
results in much greater stability towards physical, and (b) scandium transferrin versus scandium
chemical and enzymatic treatments [IS]. A con- -transferrin in 8 M urea, two almost identical difference
venient method of following the urea denaturation of spectra were obtained. Negative peaks are seen a t
transferrin is by ultraviolet difference spectroscopy 284 and 292 nm. These spectra are very similar to
[19]. Iron * transferrin and scandium transferrin - those found for conalbumin [19]. All difference spectra
were formed with I0 min of mixing with no further
show very little change in absorption in 8 M urea.
Apotransferrin, however, shows large spectral changes. changes apparent for up t o 3 days. Resistance to
These difference spectra do not allow for possible periodate oxidation also shows the stabilising effect
errors due to solvent effects but if apotransferrin of iron on conalbumin [14], Transferrin behaves in a
versus apotransferrin in 8 M urea was plotted against very similar way to conalbumin (Table). Both iron
(a)iron .transferrin versw iron transferrin in 8 M urea and scandium confer resistance to periodate oxidation
and as for conalbumin, no evidence was found for tyro-
syl ionisation difference spectra upon oxidation.

Xca+ Binding to Xerum in vitro

Gel filtration of serum on Sephadex G-I50 and
chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex A50 show that
all the protein-bound Sc3f is in the form of scan-
dium transferrin when amounts of Sc3+ were added
below the quantity necessary t o saturate the free
iron-binding capacity of the serum. Similar results
were obtained using 6BFe.
Human serum was also separated on gradient poly-
acrylamide gels. The method used separated albumin
and transferrin, the two principal metal binding pro-
teins, distinctly from the rest of the serum proteins.
This method has the advantage of showing the amount
of free metal associated with small molecular weight
constituents of the serum. Experiments in vitro with
pooled human serum showed that all the protein-
sc3+ (moIes/mole transferrin)
bound Sc3f was bound to transferrin with concentra-
Fig.2. The titrution of apotransferrin with Sc3+.The absorbance tions of Sc3+ less than the free iron-binding capacity
at 246 nm was measured before and 48 h after the addition of the serum. I n addition to this, about 30°/, of the
of small amounts of 1.0 Mm scandium incorporating 2.0 mM
trisodium citratc to apotransferrin (0.5O/,) ;n 0.1 M Tris-C1 metal ion was associated with the small molecular
pH 8.0 a t 23 O C weight, or "free" band on the gels. With concentra-
58 Scandium Binding to Transferrin Eur. J. Biochem.

3o0 2 4 6
Time (h)
- 50 100 150 200 250

Fig. 3. The decay of Sc3+ in vivo in plasma. Rabbits were injected in groups of three with ( 0 )0.5 mg (1 mCi) and (0)0.005 mg
(0.01 mCi) of 46Sc (1:2 citrate complex). Samples of blood (2 ml) were taken at intervals and the radioactivity in the
plasma was measured. (A) represents in detail the first 6 h shown in (B)

tions of Sc3+ greater than the free iron-binding capa- to the iron binding sites of transferrin thus providing
city general binding to all protein fractions was ob- further evidence for the disimilarity of scandium and
served. the rest of the group IIIa elements.
Due to the hydrolysis of the Sc3+ion a t alkaline
Sc3+ Binding to Plasma in vivo pH, the binding experiments were performed using
Gradient polyacrylamide gels were also used t o
the metal as its citrate complex. The scandium ci- -
trate complexes are very slow to equilibrate across
follow the fate of Sc3+ in vivo. 10 min after the injec- dialysis membranes and thus the gel filtration tech-
tion of the rabbits, 75O/, of the metal in the plasma nique was used for studying metal binding, rather
is associated with the small molecular weight band and than equilibrium dialysis, although this is not en-
2501, with the transferrin. After 1 h these figures are tirely satisfactory as the protein and metal do not
reversed and after 24 h 95O1, of the metal is bound to remain in equilibrium. I n this case, the binding t o
the transferrin. The quantity of metal bound t o the the specific iron binding sites is strong enough t o
transferrin is maximal after 20 min while the quantity allow its use. The method could not be used for quan-
on the small molecular weight band decreased from titative studies of weaker non-specific interactions.
the initial (10 min) sample. After 48 h all detectable The results show that Scs+ is bound specifically
radioactivity is associated with the transferrin band. onto the iron-binding sites of transferrin, conferring
The decay of Sc3+in whole plasma for two different on the protein similar stability t o denaturants and
doses (3 rabbits each) is shown in Fig.3. From the gel chemical reagents as iron. Two tyrosyl residues are
results it is concluded that all values after 24 h will ionised per Sc3f bound. The binding of iron results in
probably only represent radioactivity present as the release of three H+ per Fe3+bound [23], but spec-
scandium transferrin. A linear section of the loga- trophotometry suggested that these were all produced
rithmic plot for both doses can be seen giving a half- from phenolic tyrosyl ionisations [24]. More recent
life of about 4.5 h. This probably represents the half- work on conalbumin suggests that the number of
life of the free Sc3+. However, over the time period tyrosyl residues involved in binding is two for each
studied no simple logarithmic decay of the scandium trivalent metal ion and one for each divalent metal ion.
- transferrin complex was observed. The third proton released, they suggest, may be de-
rived from a tryptophanyl residue, as has been pro-
DISCUSSION posed for the coloured metal * conalbumin complexes
Scandium although it has many of the chemical [25]. It is possible that a comparative study of the
properties of yttrium and the lanthanides also shows colourless complexes (e. g. scandium * transferrin)
similarities to the first transition series [20-221. versuS the coloured complexes may explain some of
This is probably due t o the smaller atomic radius of these discrepancies.
Sc3+ (68 pm, cf. 69 pm for Fea+)compared with those This work also shows that scandium, like chro-
of yttrium and the lanthanides (85-106 pm) [all. mium, gallium, indium and manganese, is transported
Preliminary experiments in this laboratory show that in plasma as the transferrin complex. The mechanism
yttrium and the lanthanides are not bound specifically of removal of scandium remains obscure and the pro-
Vol. 21, No. 1, 1971 and D. J. PERKINS

cess is not a simple logarithmic decay over the time 12. Panic, B., Acta Vet. Scand. 8 (1967) 228.
studied, as would occur for the simple degradation or 13. Aisen, P., Leibman, -4.,and Reich, H. A., J. Biol. Chem.
241 (1966) 1666.
removal of the transferrin complex from the serum. 14. Azari, P., and Phillips, J. L., Arch. Biochem. Biophys.
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Governors of St. George’s Hospital, London, S.W.l. for finan- 15. Trinder, P., J. Clin. Pathol. 9 (1956) 170.
cial support. We are also indebted to Dr. G. Franglen for help 16. Killander, J., Sephadex Gel Filtration in Theory and Prac-
with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. tice. Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Uppsala 1966, p. 23.
17. Tan, A. T., and Woodworth, R. C., Biochemistry, 8
(1969) 3711.
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