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Academic Garima Agrawal XX (Second As someone who has been an active member of the student body
Support year) throughout school as well as in college in the capacities of Prefect,
Committee Deputy Head Girl, interim Academic Co-opt, and Interim Student
Council Member, I believe I possess the necessary experience and
skills of leadership; taking initiative; effectively communicating
with the administration and management, besides faculty; and
being a voice for the student community itself.

I understand the intricacies that go behind decision-making and

why it is imperative for the process to be inclusive and transparent.
Thus, my constant endeavour as Vice-Convenor would be to ensure
active dialogue between the authorities and the students.

I will be obliged, and promise to be accountable for things that

concern me or the student community, if given a chance to be in
the position of the Vice-Convenor.
Chirag Motwani XXI (First The Academic Support Committee is one of the most crucial
year) commitee in the SBA, The primary purpose for the individual to be
the vice-convenor of the committee is, I always aspire to dive deep
into plethora of resources which could enhance productivity. As
Vice Convenor of the committee, I will get more exposure and
thereby will be more than able to trickle their effect to students of
the university.
Nupur singh XXI (First
Zoya Sheikh XXI (First Taking into account the events of recent past, the students of
year) HNLU know better than anyone that how crucial every little thing
relating to academics can be in an educational institution. With
everything which a college is supposed to offer to its student,
making sure that the education provided and the method in which it
is evaluated is fair and reasonable must be of paramount
importance. However, unfortunately, the students have had to face
inconvenience on multiple occasions due to the hastily planned
schedules and lack of availablity of a proper communication
I hope and intent on making sure that the students do not have to
face such unwarranted situations in the future. For this, I propose to
first lay down a proper channel of communication amongst the
students for them to raise their current and future concerns,
suggestions and perspectives. Further, if given the opportunity, I
plan on creating a communication mechanism with the admin
which will allow us to put forth our demands and suggestions in a
much more feasible and cohesive manner.
Cultural and Anubhav Tigga XIX (Third
Fine Arts year)
Committee Naman Keswani XIX (Third I have been a part of the Cultural and Fine Arts Committee in my
year) first year as a co-opt member. I strongly believe that the Cultural
Committee is one of the most underrated committees of the SBA.
Be it the epic DJ nights in majority of the festivals (which
apparently HNLU is famous for), or the grand Colossus (you know
if you know), the members of the Cultural Committee are behind
every successful event. It is thus important for the foundation of the
committee to be strong.

If elected, I shall ensure that all the events are conducted smoothly
and try to get as many events as possible. Apart from this, a major
role of the committee would be to uplift cultural activities which
would help everyone to relax in a chaotic environment.

One of my immediate goals are to welcome the juniors and get

them acquainted with the generally fun and chill atmosphere that
we posses at HNLU, where we come together, celebrate together,
appreciate talents, because chill karna bhi zaroori hai!!
Ananya Jha XX (Second I am interested to contest for the position of vice convenor of the
year) Cultural Committee. I want to apply for the position due to two
primary reasons: 1. Cultural activities are in essence a means of
expressing the inner feelings of a person.
2. Cultural activity is a tool of relieving the stress (which a law
school definitely offers).
From when I can remember, I found myself ingrained in these
activities. I have deep interest in dance, music and dramatics which
is evident from my participation in various national competitions
and also in my qualifications from Indira Kala Sangeet
Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh. I have represented my state,
Chhattisgarh in Kala Utsav National rounds in dramatics, KVS
national social science exhibition in singing which I have won four
times out of the six I competed in among various other laurels
which I had brought to my school and state.
I was elected as a representative in Cultural Committee of the
Christ University and was a member of organising committee of
the annual fest “In-bloom” of the University.
If I am elected, I aspire to bring back the jamming culture of
HNLU and furthermore all the cultural activities which were lost in
due course of time essentially are needed for the improvement of
not only the interaction between people having interest in different
genres and showcasing the same but also a must for the relaxation
of the students from the nerve-racking schedule of the university.
Lastly, I feel that I am an able leader due to my prior experiences in
both organisational activities being the Head Girl of my school and
a representative and organising committee member in a cultural
fest whilst organising other sessions of cultural activities as well.
Hope the best for all.
Ananya Jha
Batch- 2020.
Garima Thakur XX (Second
Kabir Sharma XX (Second
Leesa Ueike XX (Second
Shivani Shrivas XX (Second I personally really enjoy being around people and being a part of
year) something fun. Cultural events are the way to go for me; be it as a
participant or an organizer. I love the hustle to deliver an amazing
event that people have fun attending, and I find it really fulfilling.
As the Vice-convener of this committee, an organizer, I'd definitely
like to try out new things and bring out the colours and spirit of
HNLU in the best way possible.
Taransha Usendi XX (Second I like organising events.
Anirudh XXI (First Creativity. Exploration. Experience.
Dewangan year)
Avani Verma XXI (First To integrate the cultural interests of the students of the university
year) and provide and facilitate the various cultural programmes that will
take place in the university. If I am chosen , I have the vision to
level up the quality of performances and provide an inclusive
platform to everyone who shares the similar interests.
Kyra Dhar XXI (First I have been singing and participating in cultural events at school
year) for as long as I can remember. I spent more of my time
participating in competitions than I did in my actual classroom.
However, I am yet to come across a fully functional extra-
curricular club at the college apart from the book club and hope
that is something that could be worked upon. I believe I have the
adequate experience for the position of the vice convener and hope
to establish a good extra curricular culture in the university if
elected for the same.
Shruti mishra XXI (First
soumilee barman XXI (First College is an experience more than just a degree to add to your
year) personal CV. This committee I hope will aim at promoting an
environment that's vibrant and adds colour to the already fast-
paced, academic HNLU life. A little splash of fun and culture with
maybe occasional shows, art displays, fashion competitions, ethnic
day, can potentially freshen everyones hectic day. Of course, the
committee I hope will keep in mind the priority of the students
being on campus (that is, studying for the degree we qualified and
paid for). On the same hand, however, as a first year, we have
noticed the lack of cultural activities, that aim at vibrating the
momentum of college life.
The best part about this committee, as a student I assume is the
vastness of scope in it. Dance, music, festivals (keeping in mind all
the states and cultures that step foot in the HNLU campus),
instruments, are all just some examples of the arenas we may
celebrate in the committee. As a part of the council, and as a former
active participant in school and Classical Indian Dance participant,
I hope to bring forward the very talents and vibrance the committee
has the potential to offer.
Utkarsh Sharma XXI (First I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for the position of vice
year) convenor of the culture and fine arts committee. I believe I am
qualified for this position because I have previously been a member
of theatrical group and am aware of the value of cultural events and
activities in one's life. As vice convenor, my major goal will be to
revitalize existing cultural activities and events while also
upgrading them to the next level.
Disciplinary Vinay Tonday XXI (First Parampara,
Committee year) Pratishtha,
Finance Sanjana Ramnath XXI (First Reopening campus after a major disruption brings to light the need
Committee year) to reallocate resources to meet present needs and ensure safety for
everyone. Permanent medical and health facilities on campus,
better internet connectivity, and provision of technological and
academic resources, etc. must be provided for. The previous
financing structure will prove to be anachronistic, and the priorities
of financing need to be reconsidered to upgrade educational
facilities to meet a modern and transforming mode of education.

Additionally, there is a uniform demand from newer batches for

better moot court training, participation in extra curricular
activities, and incentivising the same among students. The
committees that support these activities require a reimagined
financing structure to serve their purpose to their full potential.

I hope that I can contribute to these ends as a part of the Finance

Halls of Kshitiz Kujur XIX (Third
Residence year)
Committee Anjali Shekhawat XX (Second I understand the importance the Halls of Residence hold in our
year) college life. We spend hours here everyday and therefore, it is
indisputably important to keep them clean, safe and hygienic.
I feel I've always been a people's person and it doesn't take me time
to form rapport with them. I believe this is an essential skill to
create a sense of belonging in the hostels and get everyone to
If I get selected for the post, I will make sure the needs of every
student are catered to, and each one of them is at ease. I will also
maintain good interpersonal relations not only with the students,
but also with the helping staff.
Therefore, I humbly request you to consider my candidature for
this esteemed Committee.
IT and Smita Dey XX (Second I want to participate and experience this election as well as the
Infrastructure year) responsibility which comes with it. This will be the first time for
Committee me to engage in such an activity. I hope to win it and contribute as
much as I can to the committee. I believe I’ll be a responsible
person if I get chosen for the position.
Vedant Bhardwaj XXI (First Before I begin with my vision in regards to this post and the
Singh year) objectives of SBA in general, I would like to point out that this
election is irrelevant to my intrinsic motivation to bring about a
positive change in HNLU.
In context of the position of Vice-convenor of the IT and
infrastructure committee,
1. Reducing the regular internet breakdowns that the college has
been facing.
2. Creating an access for the use of LAN in first year hostel block.
3. Revitalizing the university canteen which is located near the lake
opposite to the lawn tennis court.
4. Building of benches all around the campus at regular intervals
for students.
5. Building of dustbins all around the campus at regular intervals to
add another dimension of cleanliness in our university.
6. Accelerating the development of the utility centre.

In context of realising the current objectives of the interim SBA

1. Committing more than enough time to engage with the
administration in a fruitful conversation for the purpose of the
development of our university.
2. Allowing for a space for students to list out their grievances and
indulge in a dialogue with their peers regarding the same.
Legal Social Yashovardhan XIX (Third I come from a strong legal background, I see my father helping the
Services Agarwal year) needy day in and out, people who actually seek justice. I
Committee understand what it means to a person when he is deprived of
justice. I have grown up with the values to help others especially
the needy. There's no particular purpose this particular position can
serve for me other than making it sure that I stand by my values. I
don't seek any corporate job. This position for me is not just
something to add in my CV. So at the end I just want mention that I
am truly passionate about this particular service.
Kashish Jumnani XXI (First
Prabhu Gupta XXI (First Greetings Everyone,
year) I am Prabhu Gupta, a first year and am contesting the election for
the post of the vice-convener of the Legal Social Services
Committee in the interim Student Bar Association.
Unfortunately, I haven't had the window of opportunity chance to
make acquaintance with each and every one of you in person.
Nevertheless, I intend to strive and work for the hallowed office I
am throwing my hat in the ring for.
Law is made up of three important ingredients namely: equality,
integrity, and compassion. The domain that binds the three of these
together is Legal Assistance to the needy and the worthy. As future
potential lawyers, students of the law and even as resourceful
students in one of the most eminent law schools in the country, it is
our utmost responsibility to make sure that we give every bit of our
intellect for making the field we are striving to become a part of,
integral, equitable, just, compassionate, and accessible.
Since, we are starting afresh post a two year break on account of
the pandemic, the legal aid services around the country as well as
in law schools were pessimistically disturbed. This is the high time
to refresh the supply chain of what may be termed as perhaps the
most integral and empathetic part of the legal field.
The first thing I intend to achieve, assuming that the student
community considers me apt for the position is to resume and
expand upon the work that was initiated by the previous Legal Aid
society. Most of the National Law Schools in the country today
have an actively functioning legal aid cell which is doing extensive
work in promoting and upholding the rights and liberties of the
people who do not have the means or information to do so.
Next item on the extremely long list of goals that bust be on the
checklist for every legal aid society, which seems like a pipe dream
right now, is that of establishing a pro-bono department run by the
campus itself. This not only will have immense ramifications with
respect to the universities' rankings and directly influence
everyone's future professional aspects and endeavors but also help
the society as a large as well. Having worked previously in the
fundraising arena, I believe that I could also work alongside the
administration in raising funds to monetarily supplement the same.
This will also provide a plethora of opportunities to learn and work
as well thereby benefitting the most important stakeholders here as
well. Partnerships with various NGO's and initiatives such as
Lawyers' Collective, IDIA, etc. which share a similar agenda as the
LSS would also prove beneficial and is something I intend to try
The underneath goal of our legal system is to end the century old
exploitations of the common people and that was the main goal of
our patron: The hon'ble Justice Hidayatullah. Since everything
starts from somewhere, I want to start my journey of giving back to
the society from this election.
In conclusion, I would just like to implore all of you to please
consider the points put forth and vote accordingly! . For any
questions regarding my in-depth plans in furtherance of goals
mentioned in the abovementioned agenda, please feel free to
contact me.
Samridhi Shukla XX (Second I believe that the purpose and pith of law is for it to be accessible to
year) the common masses of the country, especially those who are forced
to exist at the very fringes of society.
As a young law student passionate about social cause and aid, I
wish to make legal technicalities and language legible and
accessible to those in need. I have previously interned with
litigating firms like Human Rights Law Network (HRLN) that
focus on providing legal aid at minimal costs, and have also
worked with research organisations like Centre for Justice, Law
and Society (CJLS) that seek to bridge the gap between justice and
people’s socio-economic standings.
Even at school, I have consistently worked at the community centre
to help provide the underprivileged with ration, free remedial
teaching and medical help. In the past 2 years of university
education and internships, I have gained substantial experience and
understanding of how and why legal aid is a vital part of legal
services in the country. I thus believe that I will be a valuable asset
to the esteemed Committee.
If chosen, I will perform my duties and obligations to the best of
my abilities.
Lakshyata Daga XXI (First I am passionate about giving back to society. By becoming a
year) member of the legal aid department I hope to contribute not only in
my personal capacity, but also encourage and instill the spirit of
community service in my peers. As law students we have a special
obligation to help the delivery of justice. Being in touch with the
ground realities of the system and bringing hope to the needy is
will be an invaluable learning experience. It will also give us a
sense of the reforms and innovation required in the field for it to
function more equitably.
Understanding the significance of the aforementioned I would like
to join the Legal Aid committee and perform to the best of my
Library Sonal Bhaskar XX (Second Being a law student, i believe books are a treasure. The reasons
Committee year) which made me opt for the committee:
• The no. of days a person can keep the book after issuing from
library. I believe atleast 7 days must be the timeline.
•There are many books which are not still available in the library, i
hope to help them regarding such matter.
Moreover, being a student i would like to become the part of
committee and know how it functions. Thank you.
Komalpreet kaur XXI (First
Mess Ishita VNS XVIII (Fourth Our day in Hnlu starts and ends in mess, food becomes the most
Committee Chinta year) important part of our day whether we acknowledge it or not.
But there are several inconsistencies that I've been noting since a
long time and wish to bring the changes if I were to be elected for
the position.
I bring forth the few:
1. To ensure that mess timings are actually complied with
2. Prompt disposal of complaints and ensuring that any delay is
justified by reasons
3. Most importantly, ensuring our involvement in any decision
taken by the University in matters related to the Mess.
Hence it would be my utmost pleasure to work with your
cooperation as the Vice Convenor of the Mess Committee to serve
your interests in the best way possible.
Anshika Singh XX (Second
Tanishq Mehta XXI (First
Public Sristi Trisha XX (Second This is my field of interest. I have a good oratory skills and good in
Relations Subarno year) making public relations. I would try my best to fulfill the
Committee requirements of this committee as it would help me a lot.
Stuti Hada XX (Second Being a vice convenor of Public Relations Committee would make
year) me solely responsible for all external communication to various
great platforms and aims to position and popularize the brand
HNLU on variety of platforms and events. Over the years, legacy
has been created by the seniors to bring on esteemed guests for
lectures, Legal industry leaders along with it Popular DJ bands and
celebrities on latest global trends and bring on board more new
The committee would be responsible for extensive coverage for all
college events and plays an instrumental role in registering the
presence of the students of HNLU. Being a vice convenor of the
committee I would try my best to align all the events and bring in
more people and Highlight HNLU in all the major areas including
Newspaper Articles, Corporate interviews, extensive coverage on
social media and improved relationship with print, television and
digital media.
Whether it be a fun party or a protest for rights of the students. I
would assure maximum presence of the event so that the voice
could be heard and bring in some better solutions.
Goutham Rajeev XXI (First The influence of a protest is borne out of its imagery. The
year) conviction it creates in the mind of a third party, that a cause is just
and worth standing behind, may very well be the reason for its
success. I understand the necessity of strong public relations, given
our trying times, and I believe that I would be a faithful to the
duties I would be entrusted with if elected, and would to the best of
my ability drive forward our cause.
Sarah Samuel XXI (First
Joy year)
Sports Arush Mittal XIX (Third Hi, I'm Arush Mittal from the third year. I am standing for the post
Committee year) of Vice-Convenor of the Sports Committee. Despite being in
campus for mere 6-7months (in my first year before Covid), I
represented HNLU and was a part of the
- Winning team (Football) at Virudhka (NLIU Bhopal)
- Runner up team (Football) at Invicta (NUJS Kolkata)
- Runner up team (Football) at Colossus (HNLU)
- Runner up team (Table Tennis) at Colossus (HNLU)

In the past, I've dedicated most of my time in sports activities and

played national level chess (u/9), state level table-tennis (u/14) and
state level badminton (u/16). While individual sports shape people
in various ways, team sports instill the spirit of unity.

Sports at HNLU needs a complete upheaval: we have grasslands in

the name of football grounds and cricket fields, unavailability of
essentials for various sports on campus (tt racquet/ball, basketball,
football, tennis ball, among others); absence of co-ed spaces for
playing certain sports such as badminton, TT, carrom, etc; there is
a dire need for maintenance of all the facilities provided to us and
regular checks on the same.

I shall strive to resolve these issues on a priority basis and I am

open to all your suggestions and feedback in this regard. I
recognise the value of sports in one's life and I shall give it my all
to ensure that the sporting scenario is transformed.
Ayush Kumar XX (Second Hi Guys ,
I am Ayush Kumar from 2nd Year and I am standing for the post of
Vice-Convener of Sports Committee in the interim SBA election.

Sports is something that plays an important role in our lives and the
situation in our university is such that almost every sport requires
revamping. Needless to say, I'd want to take our collective
suggestions to the administration.
Being a table tennis myself, I've represented my state multiple
times in national tournaments. My efforts were rewarded when I
was choosen as one of the 13 players selected to train at the
International Coaching Center in USA for three months.
I find myself as an able leader due to the experience that I've
gained through various competitions.

Ayush Kumar
Batch of 2020
Deeksha Thakur XXI (First I have interest in athletics
Shagun XXI (First I am national player of chess with an experience of 6 years into
Shrivastava year) sports field. I have had 2 years experience of organising events,
sports, conducting tournaments and coordinating with the
administration. As a captain of my school i have acquired
necessary skills required to be a part of SBA. I would like to take
up this responsibility with utmosy dedication.
Student Devyani Joshi XXI (First It is important to write. Writing is an outlet and a call to attention.
Editorial year) However, before writing, one must sensitize readers first to tolerate
Board perspectives that may be different to the point of uncomfortable.
We are humans and we are bursting with emotions, experiences
and ideas. As part of the Student Editorial Board, I wish to ensure
that no one gets stifled and also that one's right doesn't infringe on
the rights of others.
Student Esha Singh XXI (First I want to encourage every student to take active participation in
Editorial year) writing good and quality publication for HNLU press and enhance
Board the frequency of quality research projects.
Student Prabhu Gupta XXI (First
Editorial year)

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