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The importance of K to 12 curriculum promotes global competency by accelerating mutual recognition

of Filipino graduates and professionals in other countries. The new curriculum allows students to choose
between three tracks which are the Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, and the Sports and Arts
strand.The importance of K-12 is to make sure that the children are taught the necessary information to
help them prepare for life as a functioning adult. They need to be able to read, write, do math and learn
about the world they will enter when they finish school. Without basic education they will not be able to
function in today’s society where so much information is part of our lives.

A classroom is a place of school or college where students come with the aim learning and studying.
Classroom plays a great role in the development of a student. Thus, the classroom should have a
positive and effective learning environment where teachers and students can feel relaxed and positive
spending so much time. The ideal classroom is a positive place where a student can come to work
toward specific goals set before them in the class objectives. The teacher is to be positive, organized,
outgoing, confident, and compassionate. The classroom community gives the students the opportunity
to get to know their fellow students.

3. Because in teaching, science is a study of anything that can be tested, examined or verified”. The
teacher is always studying the situation and examining what they can do. Teaching is hence both, an Art
and Science. Teaching requires both art and science If, on the other hand, we mean by teaching simply
as 'the act of conveying information' with no particular emphasis on how well students learn, then
teaching lends itself easier to a teacher expressing their feelings – despite learning effectiveness –
therefore, teaching as an art form

4. K to 12 program helps student pursue higher education when they have higher earning potential as
they will be more competent and skilled. As a result of the K to 12 Program, particularly the more
specialized education in Senior High School, CHED is exploring the possibility of decreasing the number
of years of certain degree programs in college. There are many benefits of K12 education, including basic
skills such as being able to read, write, count, communicate and interact with others. Getting a high
school education can help one find a good job, adapt in the workplace, become a stable adult and raise a

5.The Philippine educational system is currently undergoing curricular changes through the
implementation of the K + 12 curriculum. K-12 is the new Education Program in the Philippines that
started last year, 2012. The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six
years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School [SHS])
to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare
graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

In my point of view, I take a stand that K-12 will provide a better Education Program to the Philippines
and for the young generation. Why did I think so? First of all, based on the studies provided by the
Department of Education, there are more tendencies of a high school student that drops out or changes
course in the middle of their tertiary education which causes more trouble for both the parents and
their child (children) and the fact that they are just too young to pressure themselves on what they
really want to become or what they want to be doing in the near future. Thus, concluding that giving
them more time to prepare and to evaluate their skills will be more convenient and beneficial for both
the parent and the child (children).

Second, since two years has been added to the basic education here in the Philippines, it simply means
that there are more curriculums that have been added or will be added to the curriculum. And hopingly,
these curriculums will help the young generation to find or narrow their decisions in what  I have been
able to figure out that the added two years will be the years when students will be able to choose
subjects between three tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports and Arts. The
Academic track includes three strands: Business, Accountancy, Management (BAM); Humanities,
Education, Social Sciences (HESS); and Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM).

These tracks can encourage and aid students to pick courses (subjects) that will help the young
generation to select the best courses that will compliment their talents, skills and abilities. Thus making
their college life (tertiary education) easier and making it more enjoyable.
6. Under OBE, teachers can use any objective grading system they choose, including letter grades. In
fact, many schools adopt OBE methods and use the same grading systems that they have always used. In
one alternate grading approach, a student is awarded "levels" instead of letter grades. they would like to
study and how they would like to study it. Not only does it adapt to a learner's strengths and
weaknesses, but it also provides sufficient time to attain proficiency and fluency in the subject matter.

A Leading State University in Technological and Professional Education.
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