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Total is a global oil and gas producer and supplier operating in 130 countries with nearly 100,000 employees, who practise their
skills in more than 500 industrial, commercial and support occupations covering all aspects of the petroleum industry: oil and
natural gas exploration and production, renewable energy development, refining, distribution and trading. Total is also a major
player in chemicals.
To further its development, the Group annually recruits worldwide nearly 10,000 new employees, both male and female, juniors
and seniors, at all levels of training. All are different, but share the dynamism, receptiveness, adaptability and team spirit that
are key to the Group's success.

Sales Application
Engineer m/f
One of the world’s leading oil groups, Total offers a range of several thousand petroleum products and branded
by-products, from petrol through lubricants, solvents, fuel oils, bitumens, to butane and propane etc. Total also
markets an extensive range of chemical products, produced in its petrochemical and specialist chemical
Total’s product range is one of the most diversified, and its teams of Salesmen and Sales Application Engineers
form the bridge with its customers and partners.
Augmenting his or her usual commercial function with a technical advisory role, the Sales Application Engineer
recommends the best products or specially adapted services. He or she also provides independently all customer
follow-up services, negotiates terms of sale and controls the execution of orders. He or she participates finally in
the feedback of information on market conditions, and on the performance of competing products. He or she
must demonstrate his/her capacity to maintain loyalty among customers and partners (dealers, manufacturers,
wholesalers), while expanding the customer base.

> First steps

Usually provided with a company car, often working from home, a Sales Engineer is someone for whom contacts
are everything. Knowledge of the job is acquired in the field, although training is given in the special features of
the products. Reporting to the Sales Manager, a novice will quickly rise to take on responsibility for a geographical

> Career options

After successfully occupying this post, a highly motivated and mobile Sales Engineer can progress by working
on other ranges of products. He or she can also go into Product Engineering or rise, after acquiring marketing
and administration skills, to management posts. Finally, a number of development posts will also become
accessible internationally.

> Profile required

• Engineering or Business School education.
• Technically orientated, aptitude and enthusiasm for making contacts, rigour, good
organisation, self-motivated, tenacious, good negotiating and deal-making skills.
• English required for subsequent international advancement.

Claire P. Grégory B.
Nationality: French – Age: 40 Nationality: French – Age: 35
Sales Application Engineer – Paris (France) Sales Application Engineer - Large Accounts – Paris,
Diploma from the UTC in Chemical Sales Engineering La Défense – University Diploma in Thermal Engineering
and Energy Technology

A sale’s engineer’s job I have been a Sales Application Engineer for large accounts in the
My adventure with the Group began with a postgraduate training course in Lubricants division for three years. Handling key Automotive industry
Exploration & Production at Pau. After that I entered another branch of the accounts in the segments of Public Works, Transport and Agriculture, I
Group as a Process Engineer at the Donges Refinery. The fortunes of have technical responsibility for the lubrication and grease maintenance
professional life then led me to a position as “Marketing Services Manager” solutions that we market.
at the head office of the “lubricants” division. It was there that I found out
about the job of Sales Application Engineer and as soon as a position Engineering expertise
became available I applied for it. Working closely with the marketing director, a Sales Application Engineer
At present, I am part of a sales team. I deal with “internal customers”, the recommends, advises on and validates product options that accord with
lubricants sales people, but mainly with external customers in conjunction the approach to service lubrication which the Equipment Manager or
with the sales force. Maintenance Manager wishes to adopt, allowing for any capability or
equipment limitations.
Relaying information A thorough knowledge of the relevant technology is essential for
understanding the technical requirements of manufacturers. Customers
Part of my work consists of relaying information on the products of Total and sales staff give us a wide technical brief, therefore I must be kept
Lubrifiants to customers and sales people. Specifically, the task involves informed of all developments and be extremely accurate in my
giving advice on the utilisation of lubricants, or full training in the use of assessments.
our products, firstly to the sales staff and then to customers who need
comprehensive advice. I am myself trained throughout the year by the Day-to-day activities
Product Engineers – who develop the lubricants - or organisations such
My time is split between working in the office and meeting customers.
as the IFP as part of my continuing education. As a logical consequence
The marketing managers may ask me to focus on customer services or
of this, one aspect of my work consists of preparing lubrication studies.
business expansion, but whatever I do my basic job is to help market the
This involves analysing the lubricant requirements of a customer. The
products by ensuring that the technical aspect of our product offering
study is used in support of the introduction and use of products. Precise
meets the most demanding requirements. I promote our research and
details are given of their performances and how they are used. The
development and our products and services by, for example, analysing a
document evolves with the installed base of machinery and needs of the
lubricant in service, a valuable tool for preventive maintenance. This kind
of analysis, accurately interpreted, can go a long way towards improving
Another part of my work consists of helping to solve problems
the management of equipment or, in more critical cases, preventing
encountered by customers. Occasionally our customers suffer from
heavy losses for the operator.
mechanical breakdowns and sometimes this leads to expert inquiries in
I am often asked by our customers to attend nationwide meetings and
which the lubricant may be implicated. Using my knowledge of lubricants
report on developments in lubricants. Lately, fuel economy lubricants and
and mechanical engineering, I investigate to help to determine the actual
biodegradables have taken centre stage. Improving the CO2 footprint
causes of the problem. I provide information, I analyse the product that
through lubricants has been the latest subject raised in conventions at
has been used, and I look for the source of the malfunction to ensure that
Colas, Lafarge and Transalliance.
it does not happen again.
Internally, I work regularly with our Marketing departments to develop
In this whole process, I am assisted by the teams at headquarters and in
technical brochures for the sales force, or to produce advertorials and
the plants and research centres of Total Lubrifiants.
advertising campaigns in specialist magazines.
Above all, pragmatism and anti-routine Developing the products
In everything I do, pragmatism is the dominant requirement. My job does After assessing the needs of users in the field, I report their requirements
not involve theory. It is a job in which contact and personal relations are to our development department. I participate in the creation of products.
very important, both internally and externally. This is what makes it so These undergo tests in service with our own customers, and we monitor
interesting. them until validated. At the moment I am involved in two projects: a TP
On the other hand, the requirements of equipment manufacturers are eco fuel lubricant and a biodegradable lubricant in agriculture.
becoming ever more demanding and our ranges of lubricants must be This occupation requires good personal relationship skills, an ability to
continuously adapted to cater for this. There is nothing like it to break the listen, pragmatism, rigour, initiative and creativity.
monotony of the everyday working environment.

Photo credit: Dufour Marco.

R.C. PARIS 492 058 714

Recruitment, Careers & Diversity Division

2, place Jean Millier – La Défense 6 – 92400 Courbevoie – France

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