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HS 285: Introduction to Hospital and Health Administration

Group Presentation Grading Rubric

Student Names: Mattie Ferronato, Alyson Heuer, Jacob Brown

Topics: FDA in Healthcare

CONTENT Addresses, at a minimum, the following points: 46 50

 What is the main idea/issue/situation

presented? Really like the topic for the
presentation, first time we have had it! Start
of the presentation was a little rocky, but got
things moving pretty quickly and well. Nice
background provided to the FDA as a whole,
all that they do.
 Are there any proposed solutions, ideas, new
concepts introduced? If so, what are the pros
and cons of each? NA, for this presentation.
More informational than controversial.
 Who are the groups, individuals, or
organizations involved or impacted? Nice list
of those impacted, all of us! Very nice
statement there, indicates FDA overall
 What are your thoughts, opinions, and/or
insights into the issue? Nice, efficient sharing
of personal thoughts on the FDA role in our
society. Would have liked a little more info
from all group members on this topic.
 What additional information would you want
to know or discover about this current event?
Any additional info or data you wished you
had access to for this presentation? What
were the gap areas?
 How would this information help you in a
career in public health or healthcare
administration? Good info provided here, this
is a critical part of the presentation
assignment. The tie in to how this will impact

HS 285 Class Presentation Grading
our future careers.

FORMAT PROFESSIONALISM: The PowerPoint/multimedia

presentation is of professional quality, presents well
and is “attractive” to the eye.
Slides look great, nice, clean and professional. Nice 25 25
work on these making them attractive to the eye.

PRESENTATION GROUP INVOLVEMENT: Each member of the group is

involved. Seems like the two of you worked well
together, but the load was not shared evenly during the
presentation. Maybe that was by design, I will need to
check feedback info from group members.
DELIVERY: Good, audible projection and engaging
delivery, good eye contact (don’t just read the slides).
Overall, presentation skills were solid and above
average. Work on reducing filler words and reliance on 20 25
slide. This comes with time and practice.
Professional dress looks appropriate to me.
TIME LIMIT: Stays within 15-minute time limit.
Presentation was well short of the 15-minute
timeframe. With the time not used, could have focused
more on several items/requirements for the
PRESENTATION Students utilized the Presentation Practice Center
PRACTICE CENTER This step was completed before class, nicely done. 25 25
Jacob was not present.

GRAND TOTAL = 116 / 125

HS 285 Class Presentation Grading

HS 285 Class Presentation Grading
HS 285 Class Presentation Grading

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