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Berikut ini adalah ikhtisar laporan keuangan H.J Boswell. Inc

Soal 1

H.J Boswell. Inc

Income Statement (expressed in $ million, except pershare data)
For the Year Ended December 31 ,2015

Sales 2.700,00
Cost of goods sold (2.025,00)
Gross profits 675,00
Operating expenses
Selling expenses (90,00)
General & administrative expenses (67,50)
Depreciation & amortization expenses (135,00)
Total operating expenses (292,50)
Net Operating Income (EBIT) 382,50
Interest and taxes
Interest expenses (67,50)
Earning before taxes 315,00
Income taxes (110,25)
Net Income 204,75
Additional Information
Dividends paid for stockholders during 2015 45,00
Number of common shares outstanding 90 lembar

Earning per share (EPS) 2,28

Dividends per share 0,50
Market price per share 32

H.J Boswell. Inc
Balance Sheet (expressed in $ million)
December 31, 2014 dan 2015
Assets Liabilities and Owners’ Equity
2014 2015 2014 2015
Cash 94,50 90,00 Accout payable 184,50 189,00
Account receivable 139,50 162,00 Accrued expenses 45,00 45,00
Inventory 229,50 378,00 Short-term notes 63,00 54,00
Other current assets 13,50 13,50 Total current Liabilities 292,50 288.00
Total current assets 477,00 643,50 Long term debt 720,00 771,75
Gross plant & equipment 1.669,50 1.845,00 Total Liabilities 1.012,50 1.059,75
Less accumulated (382,50) (517,50) Common stockholders’
depreciation equity
Net plant & equipment 1.287,00 1.327,50 Common stock-par 45,00 45,00
Total assets 1.764,00 1.971,00 Paid in capital 324,00 324,00
Retained earnings 382,50 542,25
Total Common 751,50 911,25
stockholders’ equity
Total Liabilities and 1.764,00 1.971,00
stockholders’ equity

Berdasarkan laporan keuangan tersebut, hitung dan berikan penilaian atas rasio-rasio berikut jika
dibandingkan dengan rata-rata industrinya.

H.J. Boswell, Rata-Rata Penilaian

Inc Industri
1. Rasio Likuiditas
Current Ratio 1,8 kali
Acid Test (Quick) Ratio 0,94 kali
Average Collection Period 25 hari
Account Receivable Turnover Ratio 14,8 kali
Inventory Turnover Ratio 7 kali
2. Capital Structure Ratio
Debt Ratio 35%
Time Interest = Earned 7 kali
3. Asset Management Efficiency Ratios
Total Asset Turnover 1,15 kali
Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio 1,75 kali

4. Profitability Ratios
Gross Profit Margin on Sales 28,2%
Operating Profit Margin 15,5%
Net Profit Margin 10,2%
Operating Inc. Return on Investment (Operating 17,8%
Return on Aset)
Return on Equity 18%
5. Market Value Ratios
Price Earning Ratio 12 kali
Market-to-Book Ratio 2,7 kali
Soal 2
Berikut ini adalah Income Statement dan Neraca Komparatif yang tidak lengkap dari Bondi

Income Statement
For The Year Ended December 31, 2017
(Dalam US $)
Net Sales 10.500.000
Cost of Goods Sold ____?____
Gross Profit ……? ….
Operating Expenses 1.500.000
Income From Operations …...? …..
Interest Expense ……?........
Income before income taxes …….?........
Income tax expense 550.000
Net Income ……?.......

Statement of Financial Position
December 31
(Dalam US $)

ASSETS 2017 2016

Plant Assets (net) 4.620.000 4.355.000
Current Assets
Inventory ……?...... 1.720.000
Accounts receivable (net) ……?...... 1.050.000
Cash __480.000 __375.000
TotalCurrent Assets ……?...... 3.145.000
TOTAL ASSETS ……?...... 7.500.000


Share capital – ordinary, $1 par 3.000.000 3.000.000
Retained earnings __400.000 __375.000
TOTAL EQUITY 3.400.000 3.375.000
Long-term notes payable ……?...... 3.300.000
Current liabilities ……?...... 825.000
TOTAL LIABLITIES ……?...... 4.125.000

Informasi tambahan:
1. The accounts receivable turn over untuk tahun 2017 adalah 8 kali.
2. Semua penjualan dilakukan secara kredit.
3. The profit margin untuk tahun 2017 adalah 14,5%.
4. Return on assets untuk tahun 2017 adalah 20%.
5. The current ratio per tanggal 31 Desember 2017 adalah 2,5 kali.
6. The inventory turn over untuk tahun 2017 adalah 4,9 kali.

Hitunglah informasi dalam laporan keuangan yang hilang (yang diberi tanda tanya) berdasarkan
rasio-rasio yang diberikan dalam informasi tambahan di atas. Setelah itu, buatlah Income
Statement dan Statement of Financial Position yang lengkap.

Oleh Karena neraca disajikan secara komparatif, gunakan angka rata-rata accounts receivable
ketika menghitung Accounts receivable turn over.

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