Ambassador 29 May 2011

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Ashlea Gardens

Church of Christ
180 Club Avenue
Ashlea Gardens
Tel: 012 997 1983 A
Do you want to be popular or Biblical?
mbassador 29 May 2011

By Fred Bergh

Consider two opposing lifestyles – one based on the soothing comfort sayings of the so-called
Christian world, the other on a deep, self-searching study of Scripture.
Which one are you living?

Culturally acceptable Christianity is God has the power

a religion based on human logic, a “feel- to do far better than
good” experience and popular interpre- we. We are nothing
tation of Scripture. Biblical Christianity without Him. We are
is different and involves a personal Christ’s ambassadors
relationship with our Lord and Saviour, and everything we
Jesus Christ. do must be to glorify
John 17 records Jesus’ prayer to His God and not to el-
father, in which He talks about those evate ourselves.
who believe in His message – a direct Popular Chris-
referral to Christians today. He prayed tianity views sin as
specifically for unity, that there would a normal part of
be no divisions, and ‘may they also be growth, but accord-
in us’. ing to Rom 6:23,
How can God be in us if we want “the wages of sin is
everything, including worship of Him, death”.
done our way, and according to our important; Biblical Christianity declares Popular Chris-
will? God will not entertain deviation God’s approval as the goal – to know tianity says it’s okay to bring people to
from His Word, or apathetic worship; He Him, do His will, walk in His ways, and Church occasionally, as long as we don’t
wants us to serve Him in truth and with live each moment in fellowship with offend them. The Bible, however, com-
a sincere motive. Him by His grace. Are we trying to mands us to visit the sick, and trust God
please man or God (Gal 1:10)? to meet their needs by praying for them.
Popular or Biblical Christianity? Popular Christianity promotes man’s Popular Christianity says it’s fine to
The popular view of the Bible is that abilities first, followed by God’s help, challenge God’s power and purpose,
it is a collection of guidelines, myths while Biblical Christianity acknowledges argue and be annoyed (or even angry)
and stories, which are useful for good God’s unlimited grace and power (Phil with Him. But 2 Cor 1:3 tells us to trust
living. But 2 Tim 3:16-17 declares that 4:19). When we go to Him because we God to help us throughout our lives.
“all scripture is God-breathed… that we love His ways and want to live by them, A diligent study of the word of God
may be thoroughly equipped”. We don’t He meets our needs. will enable us to examine ourselves to
need anything else today, because “the Popular Christianity says we are see if we are in the faith. Appeasing
word of the Lord stands forever” (1 Pet strong and capable if we have confi- Christianity does not work because it’s
1:24-25). dence and believe in ourselves, but not true Christianity.
Popular Christianity says people’s the Bible teaches that “My power is God is unfailing in His promises. Try
approval and political correctness are perfected in weakness” (2 Cor 12:9-10). biblical Christianity - it works!

Fred Bergh Chris Gerber Hennie Mulder Sean Bowes Henk Taljaard Alan Page Marcel Bergh
Part One of exciting DVD series to
be shown tonight

The first in an internationally ac-

claimed three-part DVD series will be
shown at the church building tonight.
Entitled The Case for Faith, The
Case for a Creator and The Case for
• Theo Rappard writes: “We saw the Christ, the DVDs are based on the
oncologist and received the first bit books of the same name by New York
of positive news, medically speaking.
Treatment will attempt to shrink Esme’s
Times best-selling author Lee Strobel,
a well-educated legal journalist who
Prayers of Supplication
tumour, which in turn will give us more sets out to prove that Christianity Esme Rappard has been diagnosed with
time for continuing treatment. The rest is is false because he feels threatened pancreatic cancer.
up to our Father. We are deeply hum- when his wife becomes a Christian Freda Jooste has had a pacemaker fitted.
bled and grateful for His mercy and your and he is afraid of losing her.
unbelievable support. Theo can be sms’d She is still in the care home.
Strobel constructs a method of
on 083 608 8221. Jana Kruger’s mother is undergoing
investigating the case for Christ just
• Good news from Andy Jooste is that preventive radiation therapy for cancer.
as he would in a court of law.
Freda’s new pacemaker is working, and He gathers evidence from Chris- Don Wilmot continues to struggle with his
the additional transfusions have also tian scholars and puts hard questions heart function.
raised the critical blood levels. Andy can to them as to the validity of the Bible Isabell Harding has chronic back pain.
be emailed at and Jesus’ claims of being the Mes- Izak Connoway is working in Saudi
siah. The viewer is taken on the step- Arabia.
by-step journey which Strobel made Deon Connoway and Isak’s partner,
Men’s Retreat which converted him from atheism to
Henk at the company and workshop.
Paula Heger (family of Krista), as well as
Parts Two and Three will be shown several members of our congregation
next month and after the school are urgently looking for work.
Jabu Manzini’s son, Siya is going through
a difficult time.
The elderly: Vivien Bloem, Salmon Ger-
ber, Chris and Heillie Gerber, Dorothy
When: 19-22 August Kruger, Tina Verwey, Danie and Pat
Where: Linga Longa Fourie and Hedda Botes.
Cost: R480 (adults), Don – 31st Christo (Salome’s nephew in Belgium)
R240 (boys U12) Deon T – 3rd has colon cancer.
RSVP: Owain Nadine – 4th

Study Privileged to Serve in Worship

Today (29 May) Next Week (5 June)
to show thyself Opening prayer: Henk Taljaard Opening prayer: Gavin de Steur
approved Table: Chris Gerber
Servers: Deon Taljaard
Table: Debri van Wyk
Servers: Liam de Weerdt
Sean Bowes Sean Bowes
Willem Lombard Owain Bowes
Byron Harding Charl Greeff
Reading, prayer: Owain Bowes Reading, prayer: Deon Taljaard
Closing prayer: Gavin de Steur Closing prayer: Athan Page
Monthly Singing Sermon am: Fred Bergh Sermon am: Fred Bergh
Tuesday @ 19h30 pm: Marcel Bergh pm: Henk Taljaard
Church Building Key, money orderly: Deon Connoway Key, money orderly: Bernie Meyer
Security bs: Hendrik Pieterse Security bs: Don Wilmot
Ladies am: Mdu Mhlophe am: Christo Gerber
pm: Bernie Meyer pm: Mdu Mhlophe
Wednesday @ 10h00
Venue to be announced

Tea duty: Hannie & Kristel Tea duty: Kim & Dinah
If you are visiting with us today Table preparation: Yolande & Melissa Table preparation: Krista & Kathy
please sign our visitors book. Flowers: Vivien Flowers: Yolande

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