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Curious Doctor
The Curious Doctor Campbell

Pulp Adventure for the City of the Steam Sun

By James Davenport

Credits & Acknowledgements

The City of the Steam Sun By Gleb “Crazy Sage” Igumnov & Vitaliy
“Barahir” Simonov
Cover Art: Alexandr Poda
Internal Art: Igor Savchenko, Arina Tantsyreva, Alexandr Poda
Logo: Alexey Ryabtsev
Cover Design: Arina Tantsyreva
Internal Graphic Design: Alexander Grefenstein
Editing: Mable Friedman
Layout: Pavel Vorontsov

An inexperienced Expeditionary Force squad has been given their biggest as-
signment. They are to dare the treacherous wasteland outside the city to find
and rescue the brilliant scientist and technomage, Dr. Hugo Campbell. Creator
of steam-powered factory automatons, Dr. Campbell is no friend to the com-
mon worker, but he is also on the bad side of City Council. The eccentric went
into self-exile in the wastelands five years ago and might not be too eager to
return. Can our heroes survive hordes of Insect Men, vicious Limbo monsters,
and Dr. Campbell's servants to complete their mission?

The Curious Doctor Campbell is a detailed adventure for the City of the Steam
Sun setting. It is intended for four to six seasoned characters who are either
members of the Expeditionary Force or specialists contracted for this mission.
The adventure will test their wits, their martial skills, their morality and loyalty.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle
Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated
logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used
with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the qual-
ity, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

Additional materials can be found at


Overview....................................................................... 3

The Story So Far: ........................................................ 6

Open with insect men................................................. 11

Traversing the wasteland............................................ 13

The bridge of anguish................................................. 15

Bring on the horde...................................................... 17

A fine host................................................................... 21

A cordial discussion..................................................... 23

Plan B comes after plan A, if you had a plan A.......... 28

Beyond the iron door.................................................. 32

Through the caves....................................................... 35

Ancient secrets............................................................ 38

All good things............................................................ 41

Bestiary....................................................................... 42

The brave members of the Expe- Target Play Length: 6-8 hours
ditionary Force risk all sorts of bi- Theme: Pulp Adventure
zarre dangers when they venture out Our Heroes:
into the wastelands beyond the city. This adventure is written for a
They do this by command of the City squad of Player Characters in the
Council, but their true purpose is to Expeditionary Force. It is suggested
protect the future of this greatest of that they include
• A Seasoned Ranked EF Fighter/
cities and the safety of its citizens.
Your squad has received the
• EF Technomage
call. Dr. Campbell, a famous • EF Shooter/Limboist (person
dignitary, is living out in the experienced in navigat-
wastelands west of the city ing Limbo with higher
and needs to be rescued. Common Knowledge,
The City Council wants him Science, or Occult)
returned to Council Hall • Doctor/Scientist (po-
tentially a civilian
safe and sound so he can
‘invited’ to join the
continue his good works
within the protection of • Four additional Ex-
the city itself. It will not peditionary Force
be easy. The wastelands soldiers as Allies.
are always treacherous. (They are new re-
This man went out there cruits and are gen-
for a reason and may not erally referred to as
Charlies). If you have
see the wisdom of return-
more or fewer play-
ing to the city. It is your
ers than four, add or
assignment to convince reduce the number
him and bring him home, of Allies to stay at a
willing or not. squad size of 8.

6 The Curious Doctor Campbell

The Story
So Far

Doctor Hugo Campbell is a fa- pled in an attempt on his life that

mous Technomage and an emigrant he blames on demons opposing his
to the Web from his native Scotland. research into brimstone but others
There are rumors that he fled the blame the Clappers.
University of Edinburgh because of Five years ago, Campbell discov-
his inquiries into the occult nature ered the ruins of a huge fortress out
of brimstone. He is famous for some in the treacherous wastelands of
of the initial research into brim- Limbo some forty kilometers west of
stone that enabled the city to use it the city. He restored the structure in
to power all sorts of machines. He order to house his laboratories and
is perhaps infamous for his Camp- allow him to perform experiments
bell Machines: clockwork automa- on brimstone beyond the reach of
tons shaped like animals powered by the City Council and the Iron Embas-
brimstone-fueled steam which have sy. No one knows how a crippled sci-
been adopted for use in some facto- entist found a fortress in the middle
ries in the Web, displacing hundreds of nowhere. They say he is alone out
of workers. there though ably served by his elab-
Campbell has always been too orately designed, steam-driven metal
independent for the City Council’s Automatons. The City Council has
preference though they have been decided that his skills are irreplace-
glad to harness and profit from his able so he must be “rescued” from
intellect and skill with brimstone this dangerous place. The squad is
and machines. Naturally, he is assigned the mission of journeying
deeply hated by those who see the to Campbell’s fortress and ensuring
dangers in using brimstone, those that he returns to the city safely. The
want a monopoly on brimstone squad leader is also given a sealed
knowledge, and those who see his envelope to deliver to Campbell
Automatons putting poor people when they arrive “to make the mis-
out of work. Dr. Campbell was crip- sion to bring him home easier.”

The Curious Doctor Campbell 7

What do you know about the good doctor?
Roll the better of Common Knowl- Each Raise: (one of the following –
edge, Research, or Science. so different people get different
Critical Failure: Dr. Who? nuggets of information)
Failure: • A lot of people don’t like him.
• Sounds like this guy the com- His mechanical workers took a
mander said we must rescue. lot of jobs from people.
• His Automatons killed some fac- • He’s told the newspapers that
tory workers that tried to break brimstone is unnatural and that
them. (This is somewhat true, the the demons are behind it.
workers did not actually die but • He was almost killed on the city
were hurt by the Automatons). streets and claims demons at-
• They say Campbell is half Au- tacked him.
tomaton himself, volunteering • He told the papers that he was
to cut off his healthy legs to be going to make a secure labora-
‘more like a machine’. (This is tory out in the wastes to con-
false though he does have a chair tinue his vital research without
automaton with chicken legs to meddlers.
move him around. His legs are • A retired EF soldier swears he
badly injured and barely usable.) saw Campbell walking among
Success: A Technomage, big in the Insect Men without being
brimstone and making mechanical attacked.

No One Knows but They May Discover during

the Adventure:
• A much more experienced squad tempt to take him back to the
was going to get this assign- Web. Hmmm, will they open the
ment but last-minute pressure envelope before they arrive?
by Captain Silus Montgomery • One of the PCs is being con-
got the commander to assign trolled by extremist Clappers.
this less proven squad to re- They have his/her family and
trieve and protect the Doctor. threaten to kill them if the PC
Montgomery is a closet admirer doesn’t kill Campbell before the
of Campbell and doesn’t want squad returns to the city. This
his work disrupted. He’s betting PC has been told that there is
these novices will get them- a Clapper loyalist within the
selves killed by Insect Men or by squad ready to kill the PC if they
Campbell’s defenses. fail to act. (It is a bluff. There is
• The envelope they carry is from no such person.) The coerced
Montgomery to Campbell warn- PC might wish to invest in a
ing him that the squad will at- concealable weapon.

8 The Curious Doctor Campbell

Some Key Aspects of the Setting

The City of the Steam Sun setting has many unique and flavorful
aspects to it. Some of them are highlighted in this adventure. We
recommend that you pay special attention to the following sections
in both the Book of the Creator and the Book of Mortals.
• The Expeditionary Force
• Limbo & the Wastelands
• Equipment including Mechanical weapons especially for
the  concepts of Malfunctions and their normal behavior.
• The Clappers
• Homo Odonatus creatures

How it all might play out...

Even if the squad is able to grab Insect Men would attack the Steam
and incapacitate Campbell, they will Crawler. The rest would keep attack-
likely have to fight their way out of ing the fortress, blinded by their ha-
the fortress through his loyal Au- tred of Campbell.
tomatons. If they have discovered If Campbell gets the upper hand,
the caverns, that is the safest way he might kill them with his Automa-
back to the city, especially if they tons or send them out of the fortress
have the Steam Crawler. to die. If they get him back to the
Going back overland will be diffi- city alive, he’ll plead with them to
cult. If they depart during the storms let him go, promising them his in-
and use Campbell’s Pacification Ma- ventions or wealth. If they don’t aid
chine, they can get out of the area him, he’ll be shackled and impris-
while the horde still focuses on the oned to work for the City Council,
fortress. A manageable number of never to be seen again.

The Curious Doctor Campbell 9

Thinking Outside the Box

This a fantastical setting so en- ure trove of available parts or even

courage creative solutions to the modify some existing Automatons
various challenges. The Automa- to obey her instead of Dr. Campbell.
tons are a tough fight so remember Someone with a reasonably strong
to reward good role-playing and Science or similar skill might be
creative thinking with Bennies. To able to crack the Click language,
solve the problems, they might con- realizing that it is like Morse Code
sider fabricating an alternate reason but more efficient (click groupings
for coming to the fortress. Enticing for common words). That could
Campbell back to the city with some let them trigger the Automatons
story might work if they play on his programming when it is to their
weaknesses. “The City Council has own advantage or at least under-
been disbanded and the University stand what the Automatons and
is ruling in the interim. The Univer- Campbell are saying to each other.
sity sent us here with an invitation They could even allow the Insect
and protection if you wanted to re- Men into the fortress, protecting
join them in this dark period.” They themselves with the Pacification
could pretend to actually be on his Machine, and keeping the Autom-
side using evidence of the superior atons busy fighting the horde. If
squad being taken off the mission. the fortress is lost, they might be
Strong allies of his are ready for him Campbell’s only way to survive.
to take his rightful place back in the As to our secret assassin, if the
City and the Expeditionary Force is squad fails to bring Campbell back,
behind him. Ruses like that would she could convince the others to
take some understanding of the set- stick with a story that Campbell is
ting so if this is run as a one-shot, be dead which would keep her family
very liberal in accepting those sorts alive and make their failure less
of ideas. onerous to the City Council. If
In the fortress, they have ample they bring Campbell back but agree
opportunity for a Technomage to to help him, a similar “Campbell’s
invent something using the treas- Dead” story could be used.

The Story Now…

The following scenes and transitions follow a linear pattern to start but
once they are in Campbell’s fortress, the story could go different directions
and in different orders.

10 The Curious Doctor Campbell



Purpose: Let the players get a feel for their characters and how they can
work together in a fight they should be able to win. It will also give them a
taste of the Limbo wastelands before the stakes get higher.

We begin in media res with the Ex- A gently-sloping, boulder-strewn

peditionary Force squad traversing pass through a sharp rise of hills
Limbo through eerie circumstances. has become narrower as they’ve got-
The light is twilight at best and the ten deeper into it. The Charlies are
way is not always clear even to the winded causing the squad to stop
squad Limboist. for a rest. Four Insect Men are set

The Curious Doctor Campbell 11

to ambush the squad while a fifth until the PCs attempt to close the
has already fled to alert their peo- distance, run away, or use effective
ple. (For Insect Men, use the Homo ranged attacks.
Odonatus Warriors entry from the Once slinging is no longer an op-
City of the Steam Sun Book of the tion, the Insect Men will charge
Creator). down the slope, leaping from boul-
Anyone specifically keeping der-top to boulder-top, running to
watch deserves the chance to make get 1” away from their targets that
a Notice check. A success means round and use their spears with
they spot some stones shifting up
Reach and Wild Attack. The Insect
one slope and are not personally
Men will fight to the death as their
surprised. A raise, they spot Insect
existence is nothing compared to
Men moving into position, can alert
the life of the hive. Fleeing is not an
the squad, and ruin the Insect Men’s
option as it might lead these invad-
surprise round.
All four of the Insect Men begin ers back to the hive.
12” away from the squad and will The bodies of the Insect Men car-
sling at the nearest squad member ry nothing besides their spear and
to increase their chances of killing a water skin made of some sort of
him. They sling from behind large webbing. The Limboist may make
rocks in the first round while they a common knowledge roll +1 and if
enjoy Heavy Cover (-6). Running successful can inform the squad that
up the slope is difficult terrain. The the Insect Men always operate in
Insect Men will continue slinging groups of five. Word has gotten out.

12 The Curious Doctor Campbell



Purpose: Describe more about the wastelands and what make them dif-
ficult. Not a full scene, more of a montage.

Movement in the wastelands is with you. The last lake you walked
an exhausting and dangerous chal- around had fire dancing across its
lenge. Certainly the benefit of the surface, flames that seemed to track
Expeditionary Force armor and gear the progress of the squad with inter-
is remarkable in counterbalanc- est. Sometimes smoky gasses hang
ing the effects of the environment in the air, fogging the way forward.
but help the players envision what They are unaffected by the winds.
their characters are going through. The further away from the city
The squad is two days away from you get, the stronger the winds be-
the Web and it will take two more come and the incessant noises at
arduous days to reach Campbell’s the edge of your hearing become
fortress. During this montage, have more like moans or screams. They
them perform Vigor checks as per don’t pay you enough for this job…”
the Wastelands of Limbo section in The squad wakes up because one
the Book of the Mortal. Describe the of the Charlies is screaming. His EF
haunting, dead landscape in detail. suit is covered in centipedes each
You can use the following ‘read the size of a man’s arm. The crea-
aloud’ text to describe the situation. tures have changed their body color
“You’re beginning to think that to match his EF suit making them
the Limbo wastelands are not fit harder to hit. They are tearing at his
for man or beast. Leaning into the suit to get to his flesh.
wind constantly is exhausting even Run this as a Quick Encounter.
though your EF gear protects you Have everyone state their intent and
from the worst effects. There is roll an appropriate skill: Fighting,
no water - at least any that you’d Shooting, Notice, Science, etc. Rolls
be foolish enough to drink - so you should be made at +2 as the squad
are all hauling your water ration greatly outnumbers the monsters.

The Curious Doctor Campbell 13

Proceed in whatever order makes creatures can be killed now with pa-
sense among the characters. Who- tience.
ever fails their roll and are near the The Charlie made the mistake of
creatures gets bitten for a Wound. bedding down on top of a nest of
Those in close combat who only get these things. As the creatures die
a success also get a level of Fatigue they try to shift color to match the
from Bumps and Bruises which will pale dirt of the ground. One of the
disappear after 24 hours. If they col- Charlies starts calling them Chame-
lectively get less successes than the leopedes. If they saved the Charlie
number of people in the squad, the who was being attacked, his suit
Charlie dies a horrific death as the looked ripped to hell. (Armor down
surviving creatures penetrate his to only +1, Wasteland Protection
suit and burrow into his body. The down to only +3).

14 The Curious Doctor Campbell



Purpose: Provide a more dangerous encounter with the wastelands com-

bined with a sense of making progress.

Late on day three, the squad starts but looks like it extends for miles to
seeing an increasing number of In- the left and right, cutting them off
sect Men tracks in the dusty soil as from the area of Campbell’s fortress.
they approach a chasm so deep that The Limboist would predict adding
the bottom is lost to the mists. The a couple days to try to go around it
gap to the other side is one hun- which would exhaust their water ra-
dred yards. This isn’t on any maps tions but the Insect Men tracks have

The Curious Doctor Campbell 15

led them to a sort of bridge across The Glass Spider’s plan of attack
the chasm. is to start with a Thunder Bellow at-
The bridge looks exceedingly tack when a group attempts to cross
fragile, made of semi-transparent the bridge. It then shifts out of its
strands of a material kind of like hiding place and throws its Entan-
rope, but there are also countless gling Strands on the Stunned group
Insect Men tracks leading to and all during the Surprise Round It will
from it, suggesting that they use it repeat this attack if anyone is free to
regularly. Testing the bridge over act in the first common round. If all
the deep chasm by sending a Char- nearby are secured, it will approach
lie first will reveal that the bridge is and do a bite attack on the nearest
strong though unsteady in the high victim (+2 Wild Attack bonus). If it
winds. A man moving normal pace takes a Wound or the numbers begin
(6” or 12 yards a round) would take to go against it, it will scuttle into
about 9 rounds to get across. the web structure of the bridge (un-
If the squad crosses the bridge der the walkway) to hide and survive.
individually with no more than one When it is hiding in its webs, treat it
person on the bridge at a time, they as having Heavy Cover (-6).
will have no problems. If more than Once the Glass Spider is defeated,
one attempts the bridge, they will if the squad takes the time to search
arouse the bridge’s builder, a Glass the webbing underneath the walk-
Spider. The squad will be fighting way of the bridge, they will find a
on an Unstable Platform (-2 to all large webbed up cache of bones and
ranged attacks) due to the winds. things. There are older version EF
The Glass Spider itself is semi-trans- suits (+2 Armor, +4 vs. Limbo ef-
parent making it harder to see clear- fects) in there as well as Insect Men
ly and hit (-2 to attacks). A critical bodies and even pieces of brimstone.
failure in melee requires an Agility The webbing is tough (Hardness 7)
check at -2 or the character will go but can be hacked through to get at
flying off the bridge. If they make the creature’s prized things. (The
an Athletics check, they can grab a Charlie with the damaged armor
strand of the bridge to be hanging by can swap it out for an undamaged
a thread. though gross set.)

16 The Curious Doctor Campbell



Purpose: Raise the tension and certainty that staying in the wasteland
will prove fatal to the squad. Launch an attack on them by hundreds of
pursuing Insect Men triggering a chase to reach the fortress in the distance
in time.

As they near the fortress and is a sort of defensive point that they
move through a plain littered with can aim for.
rocks and boulders, a noise can be For the Chase, Athletics is the
heard over the howl of the winds. Maneuvering Skill. Each round is
It is a high-pitched chittering, like a minute. The Range Increment is
hundreds of large cicadas. These about 100 yards. The squad will be-
are the Insect Men massing and get- gin the chase on Card 3 and stay to-
ting closer. Just when the sounds gether unless they make a choice to
are getting so loud it will drive the split up. There are two Insect Men
groups; The Sprinters and the Horde.
squad mad, they cease, leaving only
The Horde and the Sprinters each
the wind.
gain a +1 to their maneuver rolls due
A moment later, five Insect Men
to their superior speed. The Horde
leap up from their hiding spots be-
begins on Card 1, while the Sprint-
hind boulders only a few dozen yards ers begin on Card 2. If the Sprinters
behind the squad and a true horde of are on the same card as the squad
others appear on a slight rise a hun- during their action, they will attack
dred yards back. They rush forward in melee with their spears. When
with their spears to catch the squad the squad reaches Card 9, they’ve
over rough terrain. We’ll call them reached the fortress. If the Horde
the Sprinters. The fortress, impos- reaches the squad’s card, the squad
ing with perhaps three story walls is overwhelmed and incapacitated.
but no real gatehouse to be seen, is The Insect Men drag the squad off
a quarter mile ahead of them. There for unknown purposes.

The Curious Doctor Campbell 17

Potential Complications during the Chase:
• A jagged rift in the earth in front • Noxious gasses drift across your
of you appears forcing you to path making you momentarily
leap over it. blind and unsure of your footing.
• The ground underneath your • Glancing to your left and right,
feet is suddenly more like shift- all you see are spectral ghost
ing sands throwing you off bal-
forms of the rest of the squad.
You are running alone among
• Your feet break through the sur-
face into a nest of Chameleo- the ghosts until you blink and
pedes. your very real allies are restored
• A random gust of very strong to your sight. Needless to say,
wind hits you from a new direc- the shock of it might make you
tion, sending you flying. stumble.

18 The Curious Doctor Campbell

If things go badly
Being captured by the Insect Men people, and then enslaved them to
in this scene or later takes the ad- rebuild the fortress. For two years,
venture down a different path. The she was helpless to kill him or stop
squad is disarmed, stripped of their what he was doing with her drones.
Expedition suits, and bound well. Many died during the process.
They are given water and a sort of She is willing to let most of the
tasteless honey to eat, keeping them squad go if they pledge to open the
alive. In this particular hive, the In- entrance to the fortress for their in-
sect Men number in the hundreds. vasion. Do this and she’ll release
They all serve a Queen who is more the ones she keeps back as hostag-
than half insect form. The Queen is es. She’ll warn them that if they at-
very intelligent, and has kept a hu- tempt to escape the hive, she only
man alive to be able to communicate needs one of them alive to use as
with other humans. When she plac- a bargaining chip. If they refuse to
es her hands on his head, he speaks make a deal with her, they’ll have to
her words and he listens for her. She wait, imprisoned while she leaves
is seeing how to use the squad as ransom messages for Expedition-
pawns in her quest for revenge on ary Force scouts. In that case the
Dr. Campbell. squad will remain imprisoned until
She unleashes a monologue: someone comes to bargain for them
Campbell came into the wastelands, or the Expeditionary Force mounts a
proclaimed himself a friend to her rescue sortie.

The Curious Doctor Campbell 19

When they reach card 8, make it be harrowing. Only when the squad
clear that there is no obvious door, reaches card 9 will they see a dark
gatehouse, or other opening in the opening in the ground in front of
50’ high wall of the fortress. That the unbroken wall of the fortress.
wall has an unusual sheen to it (a The hulking, cloaked creatures on
coating as slick as oil to prevent top of the wall loose their catapults
climbers). There is no signal that sending boulders crashing into the
the fortress will welcome them or heart of the horde. Unfortunately
even knows that they are out here. the crashing boulders are barely no-
A raise on a Notice check will spot ticed by the horde. The PC’s only
hulking creatures under heavy choice is to run down the ramp into
cloaks moving atop the wall. Two or the darkness or face the horde. If
more raises will spot just enough to they run or tumble down the ramp,
confirm there are at least three cata- it shuts quickly behind them, seal-
pult mechanisms on the top of the ing them in some sort of tunnel in
wall. pitch black darkness. (Cliffhanger
Reaching the fortress itself will moment)

20 The Curious Doctor Campbell



Purpose: They get a look inside the fortress and have a chance to rest and

About the Automatons

When the squad encounters the through mesh-grilled openings,

Automatons, they will see that each again in their chassis or at the end
one mimics some kind of animal. of a limb or stalk. Their construc-
An Automaton that hauls heavy tion is wildly ornate as befitting
things might look vaguely like a gi- devices in the Victorian age and
ant clockwork ox. One that tends a clearly each has been hand-crafted
library might resemble a spider or as a one-of-a-kind.
orangutan. Ones built to defend As long as they do not attack
Dr. Campbell are typically some the Automatons, our heroes will be
variant of a bear or wolf. Each Au- watched but otherwise ignored. If
tomaton has eyes in the form of they attack an Automaton out of
red glowing crystals either set in sight or hearing of others and hide
its body or at the end of flexible the remains, no one else will know
“eye stalks”. They all have hearing for a week.

After a few moments, they hear the oxen-like haulers who happened to
creak of metal and the ping of clock- be nearby working on a task when the
work gears from all sides. One by ramp opened. While only the Bears
one, seven of Campbell’s Automatons could act in a hostile manner, our he-
light lamps on their frames pooling roes don’t know that.
the squad in light. A speaking tube in the wall rasps
Our squad is surrounded by hulk- a few times and then the voice of
ing clockwork Automatons. There are an older man comes through, loud
two Bear-like Automatons and five though tinny. “Well, now that you

The Curious Doctor Campbell 21

are inside I suppose it is only proper up, but nothing will bother them. They
to offer you rest and invite you to my can easily replenish their water & food
table for dinner. My children will show supplies. For anyone whose Expedi-
you to rooms, baths, and closets where tionary Force armor has been degraded,
you will select suitable fashion for the a large (2’ across) clockwork lady bug
evening. Until then…” will repeatedly nudge the armor until it
The Automatons do not speak but is given to it. (Later it will reappear in
can gesture with their odd appendages. full state of repair). The closets are full
They lead the heroes to several lav- of high fashion for men and women
ish if dusty rooms. The squad can stay including outfits suitable for an elite
together in one crowded room or split dinner.

22 The Curious Doctor Campbell



Purpose: Attend a dinner worthy of the aristocracy and finally meet Dr.

Playing Dr. Campbell.

Campbell left the Web, enslaved the Insect Men, and rebuilt the fortress
for a singular purpose. He wanted time, isolation, and freedom to pursue
what he felt were dangerous questions of the nature. He wanted to un-
derstand Limbo, brimstone, and these demons who embedded themselves
into human society so easily. The location of the fortress was chosen by
the original builders to take advantage of an unusually large nexus of ley
lines allowing him to do research impossible anywhere else. He guards his
place here vigorously through his many Automatons and eyes any visitors
with the highest suspicion. Cordial at first, he is simply trying to discern
their intentions and decide what should be done with them. He has no
hesitancy having them killed but doesn’t want to trigger even more visi-
tors. Campbell is definitely a Mad Scientist unfettered by notions of mo-

• The Nice Way: If the squad talks as if leaving without him is an option,
he’ll encourage them to do so, even offering them his Steam Crawler
to traverse back overland. He’s willing to give them all the water and
rations they require. He will swear that the Insect Men will disperse
with the coming storms and the Steam Crawler can return them to the
Web in less than a day. (The Insect Men actually won’t disperse for
weeks and if the Steam Crawler ventures out, it will be overwhelmed
and the passengers dragged back to the Hive. The Steam Crawler is
programmed to return to the fortress after a period of inertness. He
prefers this way so if anyone finds them they will have been killed by
Insect Men, not by him or his creations.)

The Curious Doctor Campbell 23

• The Hard Way: If they are adamant about his return, or he discovers
them searching his fortress, he will attempt to grab some of them
hostage and force the others to leave in the Steam Crawler. If con-
fronted in the dining room, he’ll know he needs to get away from
them so will play upon their civility saying that he understands and
muses aloud that a visit back to the Web might actually be advanta-
geous. He’ll keep up this amiable front until he can get away from
• All Bets are Off: If they try to kill him or forcibly grab him, he will
yell a string of clicks that set the Automatons of the fortress against
them. They can still move around and run into hostile Automatons.

Dr. Campbell is most vulnerable at the dinner when he meets them

in person. After the dinner, they might have luck luring him back into a
discussion if they claim to have a letter for him, more news they failed to
share about demons in the city, or even a break-through discovery by his
rival scientists.
If they get past the Iron Door, they can reach his chambers and find him
there in his mobile chair and protected by Guardians. If the squad is mak-
ing quick work of his defenses, Campbell will retreat via a secret passage
to the Steam Crawler with his Pacification Machine, his command chair,
and a few prized Automatons. The Insect Men will not attack the Steam
Crawler with the Pacification Machine running but he will effectively lead
the horde away from the fortress. When his Pacification Machine runs
out of steam, they will overwhelm him and drag him to the Hive for their

When the time for dinner comes, the dinner and will be sequestered
an Automaton vaguely resembling a with the Charlies.
clockwork praying mantis will come This dinner is based on the social
to direct them. The Charlies are not norms of the elite of society which
invited and after our heroes leave includes an assumed truce among
for the dinner they will be ushered those who gather. Our squaddies
to a holding cell to be used as lever- might not live like the elite back in
age. The evening clothes the heroes the Web but they are aware of what
were provided offer no easy way to proper manners are. Anyone that
take any normal weapons and if they complies to these social demands
try, the Automatons will gesture for (dressing well, leaving weapons be-
the weapons to be left here. Anyone hind) and buys into the artifice of
refusing to leave their weapons be- the dining room scene should re-
hind will not be allowed to come to ceive a Benny.

24 The Curious Doctor Campbell

The halls of the fortress are all the ble leaving the head of the table un-
same grey stone and very feature- occupied. Automatons that move
less with the exception of patches of like monkeys proceed to set the ta-
artistic carvings, the work of a very ble and bring out wine.
dedicated Automaton in the shape Dr. Campbell arrives shortly after
of a scarab, Campbell’s first Au- the squad does and he moves very
tomaton. The halls are quite large: slowly. His legs are twisted and crip-
fifty feet tall arched ceilings and pled, evidence of the attack he suf-
thirty feet wide passages. There are fered a few years ago. He walks with
few doors but many doorways that two canes and curtly refuses any
range from human-sized to gargan- help, if offered. Campbell is in his
tuan (40’ tall by 30’ across). When forties with greying hair and has the
there is a door, it appears to be made pallor of someone exposed too long
of metal and is well-balanced to al- to the conditions of the wastelands.
low an Automaton to push it open or He will take his seat at the head
closed with ease. of the table, introduce himself as
There is no security network or Dr. Hugo Campbell, and welcome
cameras in the fortress. Campbell them to his home and hospitality.
can’t see what is going on, just lis- He toasts their fortitude in making
ten and demand his Automatons act. it this far into the wastelands and
An automaton may tap on the ubiq- confesses a burning curiosity as to
uitous speaking tube openings in a why they ever made the attempt.
code that Campbell can understand He will be persistent to know who
to communicate with him and he ordered them to make the attempt
will click back to them to trigger dif- wanting confirmation that it was the
ferent programming: (“Herd them City Council. All the while they are
back to their rooms”, “Stop them”, served several courses of palatable
“Kill them”, etc.) though not overly good food.
The dining room is a large, rectan- On the topic of the City Council,
gular room covered ceiling to floor Dr. Campbell’s disdain for them is
in the engravings of the scarab. The quite evident in his blustery reac-
floor is the same stone as the rest of tion to hearing of their involvement.
the fortress but it has been polished “Brimstone is dangerous, far more
to a marble-like sheen. Chandeliers than anyone knows, but the Council
of misshapen natural crystals light wants to use it any way they can to
the room. The furnishings would maintain their power. Returning my
fit well in the mansion of any aris- mind to their clutches would only
tocrat: all wood, sideboard of liquors, accelerate their schemes. Clearly
heavy dining table with high backed the Council has been infiltrated by
chairs, electric lights in the shape of Demons and their addle-minded
old lanterns ringing the walls. The sycophants and they have only dire
heroes will be given seats at the ta- plans for our city. Did you know that

The Curious Doctor Campbell 25

it was the Council who ordered me ease. He found a “way” to make
to make the factory Automatons to some of the Insect Men compliant.
replace workers? I get vilified for (This was done with his Pacification
doing their dirty work. No, sir, I Machine, a device emitting a com-
do not wish to walk back into their bination of frequencies but wants
clutches, thank you very much.” to keep it secret.) He used them to
If asked about his work, he will rebuild the fortress and laboratories.
explain that the true nature of brim- The scores of Automatons in the for-
stone and its properties can only tress take care of any damage from
be understood far away from the Limbo storms, carry out his wishes
city. He is performing experiments and tend to his needs for food and
to understand it better. “Don’t you such. If asked he’ll admit that there
want to know who you’re making a are no other people in the fortress.
deal with for this gift?” He won’t be Dr. Campbell feels perfectly secure
flattered or goaded into saying any- in his home and has no reason to
thing further but will get annoyed. If want to return to the Web. He will
pestered he will respond, “The City toss an offhand comment that he’ll
Council will know what they need to visit there soon enough.
know when I’m ready to tell them.” Before the players run out of ques-
If asked about the fortress, he’ll tions, clicking comes from a tube in
speak at more length and with more the wall. Dr. Campbell scowls and

26 The Curious Doctor Campbell

curses in Scots. “I’m being distract- had a night’s rest. My children will
ed from what is important. This is take you to the Steam Crawler once
why I don’t tolerate visitors to my you’ve slept, broken your fast and
home. My attention is needed on prepared. They will show you its
more important things!” He will get levers… right/left/stop/start/ fast/
up and finish telling them what he slow. It will take care of everything
wishes to tell them before departing. else. Rest well. I’ll be sure to see you
He is sorry that they are going to off in the morning.”
be unable to fulfill their task but he Campbell has no intention of get-
feels he is a generous man and offers ting close to these heroes again. He
to give them a machine which will
only held the Charlies as bargain-
make their return to the Web much
ing chips in case the heroes tried
easier. He calls it his Steam Crawl-
to kidnap him or hurt him during
er, an Automaton shaped like a six-
the dinner. Once away from them,
legged ant which can carry ten men
the Charlies will be released with
and their belongings for seven days
across the roughest terrain. (Once Campbell explaining through speak-
they are safely back at the Web, the ing tubes that an error in program-
Crawler will return to him if it can or ming put them there and they have
‘take care of itself’, i.e. it will disas- his deepest regrets for their incon-
semble itself so no one else can use venience and worry. The offending
it or learn from it). Child has already been disassem-
“There are storms coming. They’ll bled and returned to the source bins.
disperse the pests out there but the The Charlies are then led back to
winds might give you a rough ride so the guest quarters where our heroes
you should leave early after you’ve have been returned.

The Curious Doctor Campbell 27


Purpose: Give the heroes a chance to explore the fortress at night, find
the tunnel, and plot what they will do

Exploring rious. Stepping into a room and on to

The rooms our heroes have been a simple pressure plate triggers elec-
given are all off one hallway. A Bear tric lights in the room.
Guardian Automaton sentry will The predominant rooms are store-
guard that hallway on the end that rooms: metal and stone, tools, sacks
leads most directly to the rest of of sand, limestone and clay, Old dried
the fortress to prevent them from and salted foods, barrels of potable
wandering around. The hallway is water, wood, nails and construction
not a dead end so someone stealthy bindings, chisels, rope, and more.
could sneak down the other way and Next most numerous are the work-
explore the fortress. Or someone shops: smithies to smelt metals, fab-
could lure the sentry into a chase rication shops for Automatons and
thus allowing other heroes to get other complex objects, stone cutting
out and explore. Or they could at- areas. The Automation workshops are
tack to disable the sentry. divided into classes: heavy lifter/mov-
The fortress is comprised of many er Automatons, nimble/delicate work
different rooms and hallways in a Automatons, and crafter Automatons.
grid pattern. Most rooms are filled These workshops all have worker Au-
with mundane things though even tomatons in them, either working on
these items might come in handy to building more Automatons or inert,
a creative group of players. Read the who barely take notice of the squad.
following text aloud and follow with There are many ‘gardens’, some in dim
the scenes in the special rooms. light growing molds and fungi, others
“The fortress is truly gargantuan, with miniature “steam suns” growing
larger than any building in the Web. vegetables and even some livestock.
Hall after hall and room after room There are cisterns of water, libraries
stretch out for hundreds of yards. of books, storerooms of furniture and
While some chambers are empty wait- carpets, and more guest suites.”
ing for some future use, there are many Brimstone Supply
that contain things mundane and cu- One of the few rooms with a door

28 The Curious Doctor Campbell

contains closed crates and work- squad back to where they are sup-
benches with specialized cutting posed to be or attack them if Camp-
tools. If opened, the crates are bell has set the Automatons on alert.
shown to contain nuggets of brim-
stone. There is probably enough
Steam Crawler Room
brimstone in the large room to pow-
This room is near the ramp exit
er the Web for a year.
from the fortress. It contains the
Guardian Automaton on Patrol Steam Crawler along with spare
They encounter 1d4 Guardian Au- parts and brimstone, i.e. everything
tomatons. They will either herd the you need to fire it up and go.

The Steam Crawler

This monstrosity is a brimstone-fired, steam-powered, self-driving

transport vehicle the size of a six-legged ant and with enough room in-
side to carry 10 adults. It is built out of different metals in a reinforced
framework that doesn’t stop air or light (or water) from coming into the
passenger/cargo area. The Crawler is programmed to navigate tough
terrain automatically (treats Difficult Ground as Normal for Pace). Two
heavily reinforced “tusks” are used to lift obstacles out of the path. In-
side, passengers can move levers to request the vehicle to turn right, turn
left, stop, go slow, go fast, and go back and the vehicle will do its best to
comply (Driving d10-1 if in especially difficult situations). The passenger
section contains some hand lanterns, cloaks, and boots.
Size: 8 (Huge), Handling: -1, Top Speed: 6 mph, Toughness: 14, Crew:  0,
Cost: Unique, 5 Wounds. (For the tabletop, go fast is 9 Pace, go slow or go
back are 4 Pace.)
As one of Campbell’s Automatons, it responds to Click language for
commands equivalent to its levers and recognizes Campbell’s clicks as
superseding all other commands. Unlike his other work, he has painstak-
ingly made it waterproof by protecting its key components and seals. This
makes it much more useful out in the weather. Like all of his work, if it is
disassembled, the parts and brimstone are worth a handsome sum. Twice
that if it is still operational.

T-Rex Room ing of the tall room. It is modeled

One room with a very large (30’ x after a Tyrannosaurus Rex: a 30’ tall
30’) opening has a completed Au- bipedal lizard with a big head and a
tomaton whose head nears the ceil- huge tail for balance. If they examine

The Curious Doctor Campbell 29

30 The Curious Doctor Campbell
it more closely they will see that it Unpowered Guardian Automa-
has claws the size of a man’s rib cage tons
and a maw that could crunch the back The room has 1d8 of unpowered
half of a horse. It also has an active Bear and Wolf Automatons. They do
boiler so could start to move at any not have brimstone to fire their boil-
time. If they were to try disable or ers so can’t move as they are. Careful
sabotage the T-Rex now it would save study of their forms (Notice -2 or Re-
them headaches later when Camp- pair -2) might provide insights that
bell sends it after them. As soon as allow attacks to bypass their armor
Campbell sounds the alarm in the (AP2).
fortress, the T-Rex will start up and
hunt them in the fortress or through Iron Door to Campbell’s private
the caverns. See the Bestiary for the rooms
T-Rex Automaton information. In one hallway there is a large Iron
Door with a massive internal key lock.
Storeroom of Automaton Parts A ten foot Bear Guardian Automaton
There is a special storeroom con- guards the door from anyone touch-
taining large quantities of complex ing it. If commanded by Dr. Campbell,
parts for the creation of Inventions. the Automaton will shift its body to
If any of the heroes is a Technomage, reveal a six foot iron key hidden in-
they have access to all the parts they side its frame which it will lift out
could want to attempt an Invention. and use to open the door.
This could come in very handy if they If the Bear is not attacked, it will
get cut off from the caves under the not move. Three rounds after the
fortress and the Steam Crawler or PCs arrive at the door, two Wolf
they come up with a creative way to Guardians will arrive after patrolling
accomplish their mission by creating and attack if Campbell has alerted
just the right invention. them. Otherwise they attempt to
Twenty-five percent of the store- Intimidate and drive the PCs out of
rooms are lit and have one Automa- sight of the door. If the Bear sentry
ton with a score of small and large is disabled, the squad will have to re-
limbs assembling another Automa- move the key from its frame and lift
ton. It will turn to regard them mo- it to unlock the door. Use a Quick En-
mentarily but then turn back to its counter to resolve this. Repair would
work which it performs slowly and be used to free the key from the Au-
methodically. All the Automaton tomaton’s frame. Athletics (at -2)
workshops are filled with clockwork would be used to lift and maneuver
parts and all kinds of half-finished the massive key. Other squad mem-
machines from as small as a mouse bers might be rolling Fighting to fend
to as large as a house. off the Wolf Guardians.

The Curious Doctor Campbell 31



Purpose: They reach the restricted chambers.

The chambers beyond the Iron to Campbell’s chambers. The third

Door are where Dr. Campbell keeps hallway is remarkable because more
his most highly prized experiments. of the lines of the wall are appearing
The hallways are made of the same and potentially converging.
stone as the rest of the fortress but Brimstone Boilers and Steam
are adorned with the occasional, Electricity
solitary, straight line at an odd angle The first hallway leads to a large
to the hallway. Almost as if some- chamber (80 feet a side) filled with
one had laid a map over the for- boilers, turbines, and uninsulated
tress, drawn its important lines, and power exchanges. The sound of the
the fortress simply wasn’t aligned. boilers and turbines is almost deaf-
(These are indicators of ley lines, a ening. The Automatons working
sign of how powerful the site Camp- to stoke the boilers with brimstone
bell chose actually is. A Technom- look very strong but don’t even no-
age or anyone with Occult can roll tice the PCs.
at -2 to recognize this due to minor Sabotaging the power system
markings near the lines. would require a Dramatic Task: At
This area of the fortress is small- least one character must use the Re-
er and they can quickly determine pair skill. Others can use Strength
that there are three main sections. or Notice with direction. As soon as
The first hall sounds like it leads to they get their first success, the brim-
a loud engine and boiler, likely the stone stoking Automatons will turn
power generation for the fortress. A to a speaking tube on the wall and
praying mantis-shaped Automaton click out a call for help. This puts
like the one in the dining room can a limit on the Task of 3 rounds be-
be seen down the second hallway, fore they will be caught by the arriv-
possibly tipping them that this leads ing reinforcements. To succeed in

32 The Curious Doctor Campbell

destroying the power system, they Campbell’s library is priceless
must accumulate (three times the to another Technomage though
number of PCs plus one) Task To- his Pacification Machine are more
kens. To set up a delayed explosion, priceless now.
they must accumulate (four times
the number of PCs) Task Tokens. The Lines Converge
As they explore the third area,
they will be confronted by four
The Master’s Chambers Wolf Guardians who will not hesi-
This wing contains the private tate to try to kill them. Assuming
residence of Dr. Campbell and where the Guardians are taken care of, the
he spends most of his time. Rooms squad will see more of the lines on
include his simple bedroom, a din- the walls converging to a hall, which
ing room, a library with gramophone leads to a series of three chambers.
and various recordings of bagpipes Some lines actually converge in each
and Scottish singers, three small of the three chambers. In the first
laboratories not focused on creating two chambers, they will see what
Automation but other Technomagic appear to be ten foot wide circular
studies, a bath and a lavatory. In pools in the floor each glowing with
almost all cases, Dr. Campbell will bright and flickering lights. If any-
be found in these rooms along with one investigates, they will realize
dozens of his best worker Automa- that they are looking at somewhere
tons and two Bear Guardians for else through the pool. They see
protection. a true sun, bright green meadows,
If encountered, Dr. Campbell will and even hear a gurgling stream.
set his Bear Guardians against the One might think this is someplace
squad doing multi-action wild at- on Earth, but if they make a Notice
tacks to keep the squad occupied check at -2, they will see a creature
while he grabs a backpack-sized de- as large as a rhinoceros but sporting
vice and a map from a table and rides great leathery wings. That place is
his chair walker past a curtain (and not Earth. Touching the water of the
through a secret door) to race down pool will cause it to lose its picture
a hidden passageway to the Steam but once the water is still again, the
Crawler room. The backpack-sized picture reappears.
device is his Pacification Machine. The third chamber is most strik-
If cornered, he will still use the ing. Like the others, several lines in
Bear Guardians to tie up the squad the walls converge here. Instead of
in melee while he uses his Tech- a pool there is rent stone and a hole
nomagic powers to defeat them: De- thirty feet across in the floor. There
flection, Protection, Stun, Blind, and is scaffolding which appears to have
Bolt. Two additional Bear Guardians been made to descend into the hole.
arrive every three rounds. Casting light down there reveals

The Curious Doctor Campbell 33

some sort of natural cavern. If they storms. The remaining are so an-
climb down, they realize that it is a gry they refuse to leave. Campbell
series of large caverns and it is clear rebuilt the fortress with their slave
that Campbell has been sending Au- labor and hundreds of them are bur-
tomatons down here. The caverns ied beneath its foundations. They
seem to lead away from the fortress will never give up trying to get to
heading east. If they ask, confirm him and shred him to bits. If the
that the chambers are large enough
heroes can get a hold of Campbell’s
for the Steam Crawler to traverse
Pacification Machine and use it with
the Steam Crawler, they can make it
Planning back to the Web overland.
Practically, returning overland The alternative is to try to fol-
without Campbell’s Steam Crawler low the caves back to the Web. It is
would be impossible. The Insect a long journey not without its own
Men are still swarming around the dangers. If they have the Steam
fortress even with some of them Crawler, it will definitely speed their
going back to their hive due to the journey over walking.

34 The Curious Doctor Campbell



Purpose: Give them hope of getting back to the city alive and challenge
them with deadly traps.

The caves appear ancient and own safety.

are highly irregular without a real If they slow down out of caution,
floor. The only thing that marks they will extend their time in the
them as anything but natural is the caves but not reach another chal-
fact that they branch very little and lenge until they are close to the city.
never for very long. This effectively If Campbell is with them and is
creates a rough, natural tunnel un- pressed about this he’ll admit that
derneath the wastelands. This con- he’s been sending his Automatons
stitutes Difficult Ground for anyone to explore the caves, suspecting
on foot and will take them at least they might be a safe way to reach
eight days to reach the city. With the Web in secret. The last two he
the Steam Crawler, the journey will sent never returned. He will deny
only take eight hours as it traverses writing the messages or creating
the terrain nimbly without the need traps, appearing shaken that others
for a pilot, its headlamps illuminat- have been down here before him.
ing their journey.
Halfway to the city they find The Water Trap
evidence of a trap which appears With a Raise on a Notice check, a
to have been sprung already with PC could pick out the sound of large
massive stone blocks having fallen volumes of rushing water through
from the ceiling. There is evidence the rock. If they slow down and suc-
of Campbell’s automatons under- ceed on another Notice check, they
neath the blocks. On the walls just will notice that the cave is leading
west of the trap are warnings in downward and spot two spidery Au-
English that the caves are not safe. tomatons, rusted in place. (It will
They warn that opportunists and take a Raise on the Notice if they
speculators must turn back for their haven’t slowed down). If they pro-

The Curious Doctor Campbell 35

ceed they will discover that the caves the low dip in the caves keeps the
continue to dip down dramatically water from simply running down the
to reach a rocky, sandy, low part. If caverns and being just a nuisance.
Dr. Campbell is with them and is As soon as the water hits the
questioned, he’ll assure them that Steam Crawler, its lights will douse
the Steam Crawler is waterproof. throwing them into darkness and it
If they make a point to avoid step- will stop (this is a precaution in its
ping on the sand, the trap will not programming). If its lever is moved
trigger. If they ask Dr. Campbell from the Stop position it will return
to ensure the Steam Crawler does to motion though its lights will not
not step on the sand, he will do so illuminate until they dry out. If they
with click instructions to it and the fail at the start of the sandy area,
Steam Crawler will need to make going back out of the water will be
three Driving checks to avoid the 12” and going forward to get out will
sand. If they (or the Steam Crawler) be 24”. If they fail in the center of
step on the sand, they will feel rock the sandy area, going back and go-
under the sand shift under their step, ing forward will both be 18”. If they
a booming thunk and the sound of fail at the far end of the sandy area,
rushing water rises in volume. After going back will be 24” and going for-
one round a flood crashes into the ward will be 12”.
low spot, filling it completely. Only If they are riding in the Steam

36 The Curious Doctor Campbell

Crawler they simply need to hold End of the Line
their breath. (The Expeditionary Continuing east through the tun-
Force suits do not provide a means to nels after the water trap, in less
breathe under water.) Anyone bark- than an hour they will reach an
ing orders or discussing things in area where they might hear skitter-
the round before the water hits must ing noises (Notice or Notice -2 if in
succeed at an Athletics check or they Steam Crawler). If they have light
will be able to hold their breath for and look around they see that the
only half the normal amount. Any- original caves have a lot of fresh
one who runs out of breath before cracks and fissures. Movement can
making it to the surface becomes In- be seen in the fissures.
capacitated and must be resuscitat- As they continue down the tun-
ed. (See Savage Worlds Core Rules, nel, beetle-like creatures the size of
Drowning) a hand will begin to drop on them:
If they are moving on their own, first one, then two, then a large
group in a Medium Burst Template.
they will have to swim to get back
These are a swarm of Cyanide Bee-
to air. These are hazardous condi-
tions so they need to roll Athletics
The Beetles will continue to at-
each round to move. How far they
tack until they are dispersed and the
have to go depends on when the trap
attacks will continue as the squad
was triggered (see above) and their
moves down the tunnel. After five
success depends on how long they
rounds they will reach the end of
can hold their breath. Have them
the tunnel. The cracks and fissures
roll three times for the Charlies as are larger here and extend down
a group where each of three suc- the dead end of the tunnel. Those
cesses they fail to get is one Char- dead end fissures emit a faint white
lie drowned. If Dr. Campbell is with glow, as if there was light on the
them, he cannot swim on his own. other side. The Steam Crawler could
If one person helps him, the helper smash through the end of the tun-
suffers a -2 on their Athletics checks. nel in 1 round (taking 2d10 in dam-
If two people help him, each helper age) or pick its way through over 10
only suffers an additional -1 on each rounds. Without the Steam Crawler,
check. the squad must break through the
If they are still in the area after rock wall (See Savage Worlds Core
ten minutes they will hear another Rules for Breaking Things). The
deep boom and the flood waters will Cyanide Beetle attacks will continue
begin to drain away, resetting the until the swarm has been dispersed
trap over the next several days. or the squad breaks through.

The Curious Doctor Campbell 37



Purpose: Our heroes will witness wonders and need to make a daring

The cave wall breaks down to floor. (They are directly below ac-
reveal a large, man-made chamber tive brimstone mines outside the
with the smooth white walls. The Web. As bad luck would have it, this
light of even one lantern seems to room will soon be lost forever under
almost multiply in here until the collapsing stone from a failed brim-
entire chamber appears well lit (a stone mining tunnel above them.)
property of thousands of small crys- Dr. Campbell will take the oppor-
tals embedded in the walls). The tunity to try to talk to the leader of
far end of the room is 300 feet away the squad. He will barter the fact
under a ceiling 50 feet high while that he helped them for their prom-
the walls on either side are 150 feet ise to help him escape if they reach
apart. The walls of the chamber are the Web. “The Council is evil and
covered in cryptic symbols. Stairs will imprison me for the rest of my
lead up all four walls to walkways life to further their demonic de-
on multiple levels. Long, narrow signs. Help me escape them and I
bridges crisscross the chamber at will become a powerful ally for you.”
different levels connecting differ- A Notice check will spot a very
ent walkways. It is a chaotic sight large crack has appeared in the ceil-
but all the walkways and bridges al- ing over one of the bridges.
low one to reach any of the symbols Anyone examining the crack will
on the walls. hear the sound of human voices
After entering, a strong tremor faintly through it. A Common
is felt and white dust filters down Knowledge check can confirm it
from the ceiling of the room. Af- is the sound of miners. The crack
ter a few rounds, another tremor is widens with the next tremor leav-
felt and on the far end of the room, ing it passable by people.
one of the bridges collapses to the Tremors come more often, send-

38 The Curious Doctor Campbell

ing larger pieces of the ceiling to 1 token will save 1 Charlie. If all
crash down on the floor of the 9 people are there assuming 4 PCs
cavern. The wall through which and 4 Charlies, they will need 21 to-
they entered the cavern becomes kens to save them all. If they fail to
blocked off by rubble. The only way get all 21, who lives and who dies?
out is to get up through the crack. The moment the Dramatic Task
The bridge itself is clearly suffering completes, a major tremor hits and
as well and won’t hold up forever.
the chamber collapses complete-
Getting everyone out alive is
ly, bringing down two mine shafts
a multiple person Dramatic Task
above it. Any of our heroes who
which will last for three rounds. Any
reasonable skill can apply though made it into the crack can crawl up
logically Athletics would make most into a secure mine shaft and be res-
sense. There will be up to 9 people cued by the miners. The squad will
(if they have Campbell and no one not know who made the chamber
in the squad died). Three tokens but it is at least a hint that someone
will save a PC. Due to needing help, was here before the Web appeared
5 tokens will save Dr. Campbell. here.

The Curious Doctor Campbell 39



Purpose: Our heroes must make a difficult choice.

Before they leave the mines, crease after watching their charge
Campbell begs them to let him go be dragged away in chains.
unless this deal has already been The heroes have learned some
struck. “The Council will put me very important secrets during the
in chains and force me to invent adventure. There is a cave system
things for their profits and schemes. which would allow safer travel out
They are in league with the demons into the wastelands and possibly
who mean us all evil. There are
reach beyond them as people have
dark secrets in the Web and I am
wanted to do since the arrival of the
determined to uncover them. Will
Web in this place. There are tech-
you help me?”
nomagical “windows” in Campbell’s
If they help Campbell escape
to allies in the city, they will have fortress to someplace beautiful.
gained a powerful patron but ru- The Insect Men can be controlled
ined their futures with the Expedi- using an invention of Dr. Campbell.
tionary Force. Perhaps a new line Finally, there is at least one ancient
of work is in order? If they deliver chamber underneath the city, beg-
Campbell to the Council, they will ging the question of what else is
receive promotions and a pay in- under there and who made them?

The Curious Doctor Campbell 41


Automated Servants

These steam and clockwork creatures from Campbell appear as purpose-

built machines which often resemble a kind of animal. Most of them are made
with exposed gears inside an outer frame revealing the bronze, iron, and cop-
per of their makeup. Many are the Worker type, low-functioning with a few
simple programs that can be triggered and stopped by an auditory signal.
They focus on the upkeep of the fortress, keeping the fires lit, cleaning the
other automatons, etc. They are not hostile, won’t react to provocation, and
could even be manipulated to do their job in a place or time advantageous to
an adventurer. They can be as small as a mouse or as large as a house. In
the adventure, the Steam Crawler and the Graffiti Slug are examples of this
first type. They see and sense through eyes on stalks capped with rubies and
ears appearing as wire mesh-shaped flowers. They hear and respond only to
commands given by their creator.

Automated Servants (Guardians)

The more dangerous type of Automaton is the Guardian. These still re-
semble animals in their form but have some sort of weapons and combat pro-
gramming. Equipped with higher computing power, the Guardian can inter-
pret situations and change its approach and tactics. It can communicate with
Campbell using clicks through the speaking tubes.

42 The Curious Doctor Campbell

Bear Guardian
Humanoid Size
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d4, Strength d12+2,
Vigor  d10
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Intimidation d8, Survival d4.
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11(2).
Special Abilities:
• Metal Bodies: The body of a servant is made of metal and naturally
harder to harm. Their vital components are shielded by hard cover-
ings. (Armor +2).
• Environmental Weakness: The Automatons are susceptible to water
damage. Water-type damage increased by 4. -4 to resist watery powers.
• Secure Technomagical Voice Control System: Campbell can give them
different commands using click language.
• Tough and Deadly: Reinforced Construction. Grappling arms with
follow-on Crush attack.
• Heavy Claws: (Str+d6).
Gear: A smashed or disassembled Guardian can be picked over for a
pound of brimstone and a heavy sack full of rare parts valuable to Tech-
nomages and artificers.

Wolf Guardian
Humanoid Size
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d4, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Intimidation d8, Survival d4.
Pace: 9; Parry: 9; Toughness: 7.
Special Abilities:
• Metal Bodies: The body of a servant is made of metal and naturally
harder to harm. Their vital components are shielded by hard cover-
ings. (Armor +2).
• Environmental Weakness: The Automatons are susceptible to water
damage. Water-type damage increased by 4. -4 to resist watery powers.
• Secure Technomagical Voice Control System: Campbell can give them
different commands using click language.
• Fast and Deadly: Six legs, bearing joints to increase Pace, gyroscopes
to increase Parry. Prefers to use magnetically boosted raking claws
as it runs by (Str+d6+2).
Gear: A smashed or disassembled Guardian can be picked over for a
pound of brimstone and a heavy sack full of rare parts valuable to Tech-
nomages and artificers.

The Curious Doctor Campbell 43

Automaton – T Rex
This thirty-foot-tall clockwork monster is Campbell’s biggest combat in-
vention. Inspired by the writings of archaeologist Hiram Mackintosh who un-
earthed a Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton a few years back (but never received
recognition), Campbell built the Automaton to wreak havoc on his enemies
should they ever come to harm him and defeat his Guardians.

Giant size
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d12+4, Vigor
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d12, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Survival
Pace: 9; Parry: 7; Toughness: 16(2). (Note, if the T-Rex is chasing the
Steam Crawler it will catch it on normal ground but slowly fall behind over
Difficult Ground)
Special Abilities:
• Giant-sized: Size 7, Increased toughness from its heavy-duty body.
• Metal Bodies: The body is made of metal and naturally harder to
harm. Their vital components are shielded by hard coverings. (Ar-
mor +2).
• Environmental Weakness: This Automaton is susceptible to water dam-
age. Water-type damage increased by 4. -4 to resist watery powers.
• Secure Technomagical Voice Control System: Campbell can give them
different commands using click language.
• Bearing Joints: This Automaton’s movements are well synchronized
and its stride is long giving it an increased Pace.
• Crushing Jaws: The Automaton’s fiercest attack is its powerful pneu-
matic jaws lined with sharp, jagged edges. This attack causes 2d8+2
heavy damage. Against human-sized opponents, the attack is at -2
for the scale difference.
• Swat: Ignores up to 4 points of Scale penalties when attacking with
its tail.
• Smashing Tail: The long, thick tail section which counter-balances
the heavy head also acts as a Area of Effect weapon when it swings
to slam into people. This gives it a Strength+d6 blunt attack to any-
one in a Small Burst Template adjacent to the Automaton. It does
not suffer scale penalties due to its Swat ability. May be Evaded.
Gear: If defeated or disassembled, this Automaton can be harvested for
ten pounds of brimstone and a heavy sack full of rare parts valuable to
Technomages and artificers.

44 The Curious Doctor Campbell

Dr. Hugo Campbell – Human Technomage
and Scientist
A brilliant man, Dr. Campbell was also a socialite back in Edinburgh. Over
time he became more obsessed with his work and the mysteries of Limbo and
the Web. Today he recalls how to act civil when pressed but he lives alone,
talking to an invisible companion and his creations. He has named every
creation and refers to them by their names: Roscoe, Alfred, Alvin, Andrew, Ar-
chibald, Arthur, Bertrand, Calvin, Chester, Cleveland, Clyde, etc. Daft would
be putting it kindly.
Campbell’s legs were crippled in an attempt on his life. He can only move
slowly with crutches unless he’s riding in his chicken-legged mobile chair au-
tomaton. With the automaton, he can move quickly but it doesn’t provide him
any armor protection or other benefits. He depends on his automatons to
provide him defense so he carries no weapons.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12+2, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d8,
Repair d12, Science d12+2, Stealth d4, Technomagic d12+2.
Pace: 3 (d4 running)/10 (with chair, no running die); Parry: 2; Tough-
ness: 5.
Edges: Arcane Background (Technomagic); Boiler Master; Mageme-
Powers: Blind (Very bright flash of light); Bolt (Electricity); Deflection
(wavering lights surround him making his exact position hard to see); En-
tangle (Spring-loaded, bouncing hand-cuff bombs); Protection (Electro-
magnetic fields repel attacks); Slumber (Sends radio wavelengths at a fre-
quency that induces sleep in humans); Stun (Wave of energy that disrupts
people’s nervous systems)
• Technomage Gear
• Level 4 Battery: (50pp)
• Level 3 Programming Unit: +1 Technomagic checks, 5 stored powers
(Blind, Bolt, Entangle, Protection, Stun)
• Level 3 Emitter: +1 to power of the effect of single powers, +1 to du-
ration of long ones
• Level 4 Goggles: Determine nature of easily seen magical traces with
a +2 modifier to the Technomagic checks
• Chicken-legged Chair Walker Automaton: Campbell can sit in a cra-
dle in the chair and control its movement by levers or clicks he
makes with his mouth. His Pace increases to 10 with the chair with
a Running Die of d4. The Chair can walk on walls at half Pace with
Campbell still oriented upright.

The Curious Doctor Campbell 45

• Tool Bandoliers: He keeps a variety of tools on him at all times in
two crossed bandoliers. They are finely crafted and customized for
his use providing him a +4 to Repair rolls. In another person’s hand,
they provide +2 Repair.

Stretching anywhere from two foot to six feet, Chameleopedes are found in
nests of 2-8 individuals. While omnivorous, they much prefer fresh meat and
will swarm a living creature to kill and devour it. If struck before they reach
a victim they disappear into cracks in the ground. They grapple their target
and bite if successful. Once they have attacked a target, they won’t stop until
they are killed or they’ve fed.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d4, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Survival d8.
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6(1).
Special Abilities:
• Chameleon Ability: In one round, it can shift the color of their body
to match what they are touching or near. Once shifted, they are -2
to hit properly.
• Hard Segmented Carapace: Gain armor +1 from the thick dorsal shell.
(underbody doesn’t have this same protection)
• Hooked Feet: Once they have grappled their victim, they are very
hard to get off again. They get +2 to Strength checks if someone
tries to pull them off.
• Nasty Bites: Serrated mandibles are very powerful and tear through
things, Bite attack Str+d6.
Gear: None

Cyanide Beetles
A particularly lethal spawn of the wastelands, Cyanide Beetles range from
4” long to some reaching 10”. They have sharp pinchers but more dangerous
is the cyanide gas they emit when they attack.

As per Swarm in Savage Worlds Core Rules in a Medium Burst Tem-

Additional Special Abilities:
• Cyanide Gas: Once per encounter the swarm will emit a spray of
cyanide gas, forcing Vigor -2 checks for anyone in their Template or
be Stunned.

46 The Curious Doctor Campbell

Glass Spiders
They appear to be a huge semi-transparent eight-legged anthropods with
fiery jaws and a numbing roar. Generally stretching 7-8’ long and 3’ at the
shoulder, their legs give them great speed and the ability to move in any direc-
tion equally well. They will cast strands of semi-transparent fibers to build
structures that other creatures are attracted to like a bridge or a tower. They
can become semi-transparent themselves waiting until a large enough snack
moves on their structure before they attack. They will attempt to cripple all of
their victims to eliminate the danger and then devour them alive slowly. If the
danger is too great it will roar and then scuttle into the strands of its creation
to hide (-6 to Notice). They are solitary creatures, spawning asexually and
leaving their eggs to survive on their own.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Survival
d8, Throwing d10.
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7.
Special Abilities:
• Brawny (as per Edge in Savage Worlds Core Rules)
• Burning Bite: The Glass Spider can bite someone in melee combat
doing Str+d6 damage from the bite. If it gets a raise on the attack,
its mouth also erupts in flame adding 2d6 Fire Damage as an auto-
matic second hit.
• Entangling Strands: The same extrusions that create structures can
be flung out (Throwing attack) rapidly to entangle (as per the Pow-
er) everyone in a Large Burst Template. The material is exception-
ally strong (-2 to break free from and Hardness 7).
• Lay Webbing: The Glass Spider can exude strong, semi-transparent
webbing from a sac between its rear legs. The webbing is initially
sticky but that wears off in a few minutes. The webbing strands are
about as strong as wood but too unwieldy to use as an improvised
• Semi-Transparency: The bodies of these creatures are semi-trans-
parent, allowing you to see the remains of their latest meal inside
them. It also makes them harder to hit (-2). The blood or body of a
Glass Spider would be very valuable to the right people.
• Thunder Bellow: Used primarily as a way to incapacitate its tar-
gets while hunting, the bellow can also be used to scare off those
who threaten it and give it time to hide or escape. When used the
Glass Spider can unleash a deafening roar. (Vigor Check at -2 or be
Gear: None

The Curious Doctor Campbell 47

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