Faiella Et Al, 2012 - A Chemical Proteomics Approach Reveals Hsp27 As A Target For Proapoptotic Clerodane Diterpenes

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Cite this: Mol. BioSyst., 2012, 8, 2637–2644

www.rsc.org/molecularbiosystems PAPER
A chemical proteomics approach reveals Hsp27 as a target for
proapoptotic clerodane diterpenesw
Laura Faiella,a Fabrizio Dal Piaz,*b Angela Bisio,c Alessandra Tosco*b and
Nunziatina De Tommasib
Received 4th May 2012, Accepted 3rd July 2012
DOI: 10.1039/c2mb25171j
Published on 04 July 2012. Downloaded on 23/01/2018 20:12:17.

Clerodane diterpenoids are a class of naturally occurring molecules widely distributed in the
Lamiaceae family. Neo-clerodane diterpenoids from Salvia ssp were recently described as compounds
inhibiting the proliferation of human cancer cell lines. To gain new insights into molecular
mechanism(s) underlying the antitumor potential of this class of compounds, we used a chemical
proteomics approach to analyse the cellular interactome of hardwickiic acid (HAA) selected as a
representative molecule. HAA was linked to an opportune 1,1 0 -carbonyldiimidazole modified by
1,12-dodecanediamine and then immobilized on a matrix support. The modified beads were then
used as bait for fishing the potential partners of HAA in a U937 cell lysate. We identified heat shock
protein 27 (Hsp27), an ATP-independent antiapoptotic chaperone characterized for its tumorigenic
and metastatic properties and now referenced as a major therapeutic target in many types of cancer,
as a major HAA partner. Here, we also report the study of HAA–Hsp27 interaction by means of a
panel of chemical and biological approaches, including surface plasmon resonance measurements
limited proteolysis, and biochemical assays. Our data suggest that HAA could provide a potential
tool to develop strategies for the discovery of Hsp27 chemical inhibitors.

Introduction target(s) of hardwickiic acid (HAA) chosen as representative of

the clerodane diterpenes isolated from Salvia ssp. One of the
Compounds isolated from members of the Lamiaceae family are most versatile methods to profile cellular targets of selected drug
traditionally used as a medicine against many diseases. Within candidates is compound-immobilized affinity chromatography.
the Lamiaceae, the genus Salvia is worthwhile to be studied, as it The procedure involves immobilization of the compound on a
comprehends more than 900 species distributed throughout the solid support through a spacer arm and the use of this matrix as
world.1 The genus comprises herbaceous, suffructicous or shrub- a bait to fish for interacting proteins in a cellular lysate or tissue
by perennials, rarely biennial or annual species, many of them extract.7,8 The power of affinity chromatography combined with
are of ornamental interest also because of their tolerance to advances in protein identification by sensitive and high-throughput
dehydration;2 the genus is endowed with bioactive diterpenes, mass spectrometric analysis offers huge potential to find out
commonly found in the complex secretion product of these previously unrecognized activities and potential therapeutic
plants, whose secretory structures are widely distributed on their applications. Using this approach we identified heat shock
aerial parts.3 Several clerodane-type diterpenes have been iso- protein 27 (Hsp27), an antiapoptotic protein characterized for
lated from these surface exudates, and many of them have its tumorigenic and metastatic properties and now referenced as
demonstrated antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer and a major therapeutic target in many types of cancer,9 as an HAA
cytotoxic activity.1,4–6 Despite all these well described actions, target. Here, we report the validation of HAA–Hsp27 inter-
the molecular mechanisms by which this class of compound action by means of a panel of chemical and biological
exerts its effects are still unclear. In this context, we started an approaches, including surface plasmon resonance measure-
unbiased screening aimed at the identification of intracellular ments, limited proteolysis, and biochemical assays. Our data
Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche, Università di Pisa,
suggest that HAA could provide a potential tool to develop
via Bonanno 33, 56126 Pisa, Italy strategies for the discovery of Hsp27 chemical inhibitors.
Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche e Biomediche, Università
degli Studi di Salerno, via Ponte don Melillo 1, 84084 Fisciano,
Italy. E-mail: tosco@unisa.it, fdalpiaz@unisa.it; Results and discussion
Fax: +39 089969602; Tel: +39 089969797
Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche e Alimentari, Chemical proteomics
Università di Genova, via Brigata Salerno 13, 16147 Genova, Italy
w Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: To identify clerodane diterpenes molecular target(s) responsible
10.1039/c2mb25171j for their numerous biological activities, chemical proteomics

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Published on 04 July 2012. Downloaded on 23/01/2018 20:12:17. View Article Online

Fig. 1 Chemical structure of compounds 1–16.

experiments were performed. The diterpene HAA10 An equal amount of cell lysate was loaded onto the covalently
(compound 1 in Fig. 1) was selected as a testing compound coupled beads and onto unmodified beads in parallel to
because of its 4-carboxyl group, allowing us to covalently discriminate between proteins specific interaction with hard-
bind the compound to an agarose matrix activated with wickiic acid and the unspecific background.11 After extensive
1,1 0 -carbonyldiimidazole and modified by 1,12-dodecanediamine washing, the anchored proteins were released from the resin by
as a spacer. The reaction between the spacer-modified resin elution with Laemmli buffer and then resolved by SDS-PAGE;
and HAA was performed by activating the carboxyl group each gel line was cut in 10 pieces, in order to highlight even not
with N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-N 0 -ethylcarbodiimide (EDC) clearly visible differences, digested with trypsin, and analyzed
and N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS). The experimental condi- by mass spectrometry through nanoflow LC/MS/MS. A com-
tions (buffer, pH, incubation time, and temperature) were parison between peptides eluted from HAA modified and
optimized to prepare beads with a final HAA concentration unmodified beads led to the identification of the proteins
of 15 mmol mL1 resin; the coupling process was monitored specifically captured by the clerodane. As reported in the Venn
by RP-HPLC analysis and was completed by acetylating the diagram (Fig. 2), 87 proteins were identified from the control
residual free amino groups of the spacer. In characterizing gel and 88 in the samples from HAA modified beads. Only 2
binding partners for a small molecule by MS, the major proteins were exclusively identified in the binding experiment,
challenge is to identify bona fide interacting partners because and were considered as potential hardwickiic acid targets
very high sensitivity of MS analysis can permit identification (Table 1). One of the identified proteins is chloride intra-
of almost all proteins, even contaminants present at very low cellular channel protein1 (CLIC1) that belongs to a particular
levels in the sample, thus the use of a negative control is crucial. class of ion channel proteins that can exist both as soluble and
Total protein extracts were derived from U937 cell cultures. as integral membrane protein.12 The other protein identified is

2638 Mol. BioSyst., 2012, 8, 2637–2644 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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with the chaperone. These data confirmed Hsp27 as a possible

target of clerodane, demonstrating a remarkable affinity
towards the protein for at least 4 out of the 16 investigated
compounds. Moreover, the critical role played by the furane
ring in the Hsp27/diterpene interaction was inferred by the
results obtained for compounds 10 and 15.

Limited proteolysis
Surface plasmon results encouraged us to deepen the study of
Fig. 2 Venn diagram of the chemical proteomics results.
interaction between clerodane diterpenes and Hsp27. Even if
compounds 3 and 4 showed an affinity towards immobilized
the small heat shock protein Hsp27; the involvement of this
Hsp27 slightly higher than that measured for HAA, their low
chaperone in many cellular processes related to apoptosis and
solubility and the small amount available led us to keep on
cell proliferation13–15 led us to further investigate the interaction
using HAA as the testing compound.
of clerodane diterpenes with this target. Chemical proteomic
As a first step to evaluate the effect of the interaction
Published on 04 July 2012. Downloaded on 23/01/2018 20:12:17.

experiments were performed in triplicate to ensure data repro-

between HAA and Hsp27 on protein structure and activity,
ducibility leading to the identification of about 85% of identical
we used a limited proteolysis-mass spectrometry based strategy.
proteins in the three experiments; moreover, a gel free approach
This approach is based on the evidence that exposed, weakly
was also used, leading to similar results. However, CLIC1 and
structured, and flexible regions of a protein can be recognized
Hsp27 were always detected in the samples from modified beads
by a proteolytic enzyme. The differences in the proteolytic
and never revealed in those from control gels.
patterns observed in the presence or in the absence of putative
protein ligands can be analyzed to identify the protein regions
Surface plasmon resonance experiments
involved in the molecular interactions.18 Again, compound 16
To confirm the binding between Hsp27 and HAA and to was used as a negative control. As a first step of this study, we
measure the parameters of the interaction, a surface plasmon performed Hsp27 enzymatic digestion under strictly controlled
resonance (SPR) based binding assay was used. The same conditions (buffer, temperature, incubation time and enzyme/
analysis was also performed using 15 terpenoids showing substrate ratio), optimized to preserve the dimeric form of
structural analogies with HAA (compounds 2–16 in Fig. 1) Hsp27 (protein concentration 1 mM) and the correct protein
in order to perform some structure–activity relationship folding. Trypsin, chymotrypsin and GluC were used as
evaluations. Before immobilizing Hsp27 on a sensor chip, we proteolytic agents. Digestion products were analyzed by mass
evaluated the aggregation level of the protein; indeed, this spectrometry and the observed fragments were identified on
chaperone can exist in different oligomerization states, the basis of their molecular weight, the selectivity of the used
depending on its concentration and on the experimental enzymes and their complementarities. Only the fragments
conditions;16 however, to obtain reproducible and consistent released by a single hydrolytic event have been taken into
SPR results it is crucial the immobilization of homogeneous account, in order to evaluate the proteolytic accessibility of the
protein population. Therefore, we performed a gel electro- intact protein. Under the experimental conditions used, the
phoresis analysis under non-denaturing conditions by loading protein remained largely undigested. Only a limited number of
the protein at different concentrations. Achieved results fragments were released from the protein molecule, showing
demonstrated that when loaded at concentrations up to 2 mM, that its native conformation is susceptible to proteolysis at a
Hsp27 migrates as a dimer, in agreement with previously few very specific, and probably flexible, sites (Fig. 4A): most of
reported results indicating that the dimers are the minimal them are located in the N-terminal domain of the protein, in
structural units of large Hsp27 oligomers.17 On the basis of agreement with previous observations depicting this region as
these results, we performed protein immobilization on the poorly structured.19,20 Interestingly, a good agreement
sensor chip using a 0.5 mM protein solution. Some of the between the results achieved with the three enzymes was
sensorgrams obtained in these experiments are shown in observed. When the same experiments were performed by
Fig. 3. Compounds 1–8 efficiently interacted with Hsp27, pre-incubating Hsp27 with HAA, a different proteolytic pattern
and the good quality of the acquired sensorgrams allowed was observed (Fig. 4B). First of all, a higher amount of
fitting the curves to a single-site bimolecular interaction model undigested protein was observed, regardless of the proteolytic
(A + B = AB) leading to the KD measurements reported in enzyme used; besides, some of the sites prone to enzymatic
Table 2. Compounds 1–4 showed the higher affinity towards hydrolysis in the N-terminal domain of the protein were
the chaperon suggesting that the interaction with Hsp27 was protected following the Hsp27 interaction with HAA. In
not affected by the dimension of the small molecules; as particular all the cleavage sites detected in the portion 26–36
expected, very similar KD were measured for compounds 1 escaped from hydrolysis in the complex, thus suggesting this
and 2 only differing for the presence of an hydroxyl group at region to be involved in the Hsp27 interaction with the
C-6. Some affinity towards Hsp27 was also demonstrated for diterpene. Experiments carried out on pre-incubating Hsp27
compounds 5–8, even if a 2- to 30-fold increase in the respec- with compound 16 produced a proteolytic pattern super-
tive KD compared to that measured for HAA was observed. imposable to that observed for the protein. All the limited
Remaining compounds (9–16) showed poor or no interaction proteolysis detailed data are provided in ESI.w

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Table 1 Proteins identified as possible HAA targets by chemical proteomics

Swiss Prot code Protein Mascot score Sequence coverage (%) Peptides
HSPB1_HUMAN Heat shock protein 27 kDa 376 63 16
CLIC1_HUMAN Chloride intracellular channel protein 1 255 48 10

Table 2 Thermodynamic constants measured by SPR for the inter-

action between tested compounds and immobilized Hsp27

Compound KD (nM)
1 269  35
2 202  18
3 158  21
4 130  26
5 513  42
6 802  38
7 1310  107
Published on 04 July 2012. Downloaded on 23/01/2018 20:12:17.

8 8987  527
9 No binding
10 No binding
11 No binding
12 No binding
13 No binding
14 No binding
15 No binding
16 No binding

Fig. 4 Preferential cleavage sites observed submitting to limited

proteolysis Hsp27 (A) or Hsp27/1 complex (B). Schematic representa-
tion of structural organization of Hsp27. (C): a-crystalline domain is
underlined in gray and WFPD motif is in black. Reported and
putative phosphorylation sites are indicated by large or small black
circles, respectively.

different factors such as post-translational modifications

(phosphorylation and thiolation) and physical parameters
(pH and temperature).21,22 In particular, phosphorylation leads
to formation of small oligomers, while increase in the tempera-
ture or decrease in the pH leads to the formation of large
oligomers. Ser26 is a putative phosphorylation site that stands
Fig. 3 Sensorgrams obtained by injecting different concentrations
just at the beginning of the region of interaction between the
(50 nM, 100 nM, 250 nM, 500 nM, 1 mM) of compound 1 (A), 3 (B)
protein and the HAA, suggesting that the small molecule could
or 10 (C) on immobilized Hsp27.
influence the posttranslational modification of this residue. But,
more probably, the binding with the diterpene clerodane could
Hsp27 is composed of 205 aminoacids, its structure consists provoke a conformational change of Hsp27 influencing the
of an N-terminal domain that includes the so-called WDPF- interaction with its protein targets.
motif, the a-crystalline domain and a short C-terminal sequence
(Fig. 4C).13 Both the WDPF-motif and the a-crystalline domain
Insuline and citrate synthase aggregation assays
seem to be important for Hsp27 oligomerization, this small heat
shock protein can form variable size oligomers of up to The ability of HAA to modulate the in vitro chaperone activity
800 kDa16 and the state of oligomerization depends on many of Hsp27 was evaluated by monitoring the insulin DTT

2640 Mol. BioSyst., 2012, 8, 2637–2644 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
Published on 04 July 2012. Downloaded on 23/01/2018 20:12:17. View Article Online

Fig. 5 Aggregation kinetics of reduced insulin (A) or CS at 43 1C (B)

determined by light scattering. The spontaneous aggregation of the
proteins (E) and the aggregation of the proteins in the presence of
0.150 mM Hsp27 (m), of 0.150 mM Hsp27 and 0.3 mM compound 1
(’), or of 0.150 mM Hsp27 and 0.3 mM compound 16 (K).

induced21 and the citrate synthase (CS) thermal induced22

aggregation in the presence of Hsp27, with or without HAA
or compound 16, used as a negative control. The molecular
chaperone activity of small heat shock proteins is often Fig. 6 Apoptosis evaluation by analysis of hypodiploid nuclei per-
evaluated by DTT reduction of insulin. Reduction breaks centage (A) and of caspase-3 activity measurements by fluorimetric
the disulfide bonds holding together insulin chains A and B assays (B) in U937 cells incubated with different concentrations of
whereupon chain B aggregates but this aggregation can be HAA and compound 16.
prevented by adding stoichiometric amounts of Hsp27
(Fig. 5A). When a 4-fold molar excess of HAA was added the binding of caspase-3 prodomain, which provides a protec-
to this mixture, the slope of the curve became comparable to tion against the proteolytic cleavage necessary for caspase-3
that observed without the chaperone, suggesting the inhibition activation. U937 cells were incubated with different concen-
of Hsp27 chaperone activity by this compound. Conversely, trations of hardwickiic acid (50, 100 and 200 mM) and 200 mM
the presence of compound 16 did not perturb the Hsp27 anti- of compound 16, after 24 hours cells were harvested and
aggregation effect. Similar results were achieved by evaluating analyzed for apoptosis and caspase-3 activation. Fig. 6A
the effects of Hsp27 on CS thermal induced aggregation. shows an increasing ability of HAA to induce apoptosis,
Upon incubation at elevated temperatures, CS underwent measured as the percentage of hypodiploid nuclei, while
quantitative protein aggregation but the presence of stoichio- Fig. 6B shows the results of the caspase-3 activity measure-
metric amounts of Hsp27 changed the aggregation kinetics ments in cell lysates, demonstrating a concurring increase in
significantly (Fig. 5B). Again, adding a 4-fold molar excess of the executioner caspase activation. Compound 16 did not
HAA the anti-aggregation effect of Hsp27 was substantially show any apoptotic effect.
reverted, whereas the same amount of compound 16 did not
produce any sensible effect. These results demonstrate that
when HAA binds to the small heat shock protein it influences Experimental
the ability of Hsp27 to interact with denatured proteins
in vitro. Plant materials and compounds isolation
Fresh aerial parts of Salvia jamensis J. Compton, S. wagneriana,
Caspase 3 activation
S. miniata Fernald, and S. blepharophylla Brandegee ex Epling
In the effort to give a cellular significance to Hsp27–HAA were obtained from Centro Regionale di Sperimentazione ed
interaction, we decided to explore the pro-apoptotic activity of Assistenza Agricola (Albenga, Italy). The species have been
the small molecule in human monocytes. Hsp27 has recently identified by Dr. Gemma Bramley and a voucher specimen is
been shown to be highly and constitutively expressed in human deposited in Kew Herbarium (K). The isolation and structural
monocytic leukemia cells.15 High levels of Hsp27 seem to characterization of compounds 1–16 were performed as
block apoptosis induced by chemotherapeutic drugs through reported in our previous papers.10,23–28 The purity of

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compounds 1–16 was assessed by MS and NMR experiments In gel trypsin digestions were performed as described.29
and resulted to be higher than 95% for all the tested compounds. Briefly, Coomassie-stained protein bands were excised from
the polyacrylamide gel, reduced, alkylated using iodoacetamide,
and digested by trypsin. The resulting fragments were extracted
Chemical proteomics
and analyzed by LC/MS/MS using a Q-TOF premier instrument
The solid support was a 1-carboimidazole activated agarose (Waters, Milford, USA) equipped with a nano-ESI source
beaded resin with a capacity of 50 mmol mL1 and a particle coupled with a nano-Acquity capillary UPLC (Waters):
size range of 45–165 mm (Reacti gel 6x – Support Thermo peptide separation was performed on a capillary BEH C18
Scientific). The resin was derivatized by a bifunctional spacer, column (0.075 mm  100 mm, 1.7 mm, Waters) using aqueous
1,2-diaminododecyldecane (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, USA). 0.1% formic acid (A) and CH3CN containing 0.1% formic
The derivatization reaction was carried out for 12 hours acid (B) as mobile phases. Peptides were eluted by means of
at room temperature under stirring, incubating 2 mL of linear gradient from 5% to 50% of B in 45 min and a
1,2-diaminododecyldecane solution (10 mg mL1) in sodium 300 nL min1 flow rate. Capillary ion source voltage was set
bicarbonate (50 mM, pH 8.5) and acetonitrile (80%) with at 2.5 kV, cone voltage at 35 V, and extractor voltage at 3 V.
1 mL of support, previously equilibrated with sodium bicarbonate Peptide fragmentation was achieved using argon as collision
(50 mM, pH 8.5) and acetonitrile (80%). The kinetic reaction gas and a collision cell energy of 25 eV. Mass spectra were
Published on 04 July 2012. Downloaded on 23/01/2018 20:12:17.

was monitored by Kaiser’s test kit (Sigma Aldrich). To bind acquired in an m/z range from 400 to 1800, and MS/MS
hardwickiic acid (HAA) to the derivatized resin, the carboxylic spectra in a 25–2000 range. Mass and MS/MS spectra calibra-
group of the diterpene was activated by 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethyl- tion was performed using a mixture of angiotensin and insulin
aminopropyl)carbodiimide (EDC) and N-hydroxysuccinimide as an external standard and [Glu]-Fibrinopeptide B human as
(NHS): 15 mL of EDC (0.48 M in H2O) and 70 mL of NHS a lock mass standard. A gel-free approach was also used:
(0.1 M in H2O) were added to 0.6 mg of hardwickiic acid proteins were eluted from the resin using guanidine hydro-
(6 mg mL1 in CH3OH). The volume was adjusted to 300 mL with chloride 6 M, dithiothreitol 20 mM, Tris–HCl 50 mM solution,
a mixture of CH3OH and NaHCO3, 50 mM, pH 8.5 (1 : 1 v/v). pH 7.8. After a 30 min incubation with iodoacetamide, the
The reaction mixture was incubated over night at 4 1C under protein mixtures underwent trypsin digestion. Resulting
stirring with 30 mL of derivatized resin, while 30 mL of resin peptides were analyzed by the previously described LC/MS/
with 85 mL of H2O, 57.5 mL of NaHCO3 (50 mM, pH 8.5) and MS apparatus, using for the chromatographic separation
157.5 mL of CH3OH was the unloaded resin. To verify the a linear gradient from 3% to 55% of B in 90 min. MS and
percentage of the bound hardwickiic acid, LC-MS analysis of MS/MS conditions were identical to those described above.
the reaction mixture was performed by comparing the HAA MS and MS/MS data were used by Mascot (Matrix Science)
peak areas before and after the incubation with the resin. An to interrogate the Swiss Prot non-redundant protein database.
LCQ instrument with an electrospray source and an ion trap Settings were as follows: mass accuracy window for parent ion,
detector, coupled with an HPLC chromatographic system 50 ppm; mass accuracy window for fragment ions, 200 milli-
(Thermo-Fisher Scientific, Waltham, USA), was used: 10 mL mass units; fixed modification, carbamidomethylation of
of the reaction mixture were added to 1 mL of a solution of cysteines; variable modifications, oxidation of methionine.
CH3OH : H2O (1 : 1), the eluents were H2O, 95%, CH3CN, Proteins with more than 2 peptides and program scores >75
5%, and HCOOH, 0.1%, using a Luna (2  50 mm) C4 were considered as reliable proteins. Protein Prospector soft-
column (Phenomenex, Tarrance, USA). ware was eventually used to confirm protein identification;
U937 (human leukemic monocyte lymphoma cell line) setting parameters included selection of trypsin with up to 2
were cultured in RPMI medium (Euroclone, Milano, Italy) missed cleavage sites, fixed modification, carbamidomethylation
supplemented with 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum (Euroclone), of cysteines; variable modifications, oxidation of methionine.
100 U mL1 penicillin, and 100 mg mL1 streptomycin (Sigma,
St. Louis, MO) at 37 1C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere. For protein
Surface plasmon resonance
extracts, cells were harvested and washed three times with PBS
(Sigma Aldrich), cell pellets were suspended in lysis buffer To perform SPR studies optical biosensor BIACORE 3000
(PBS 1X, 0.1% Igepal, 10% glycerol) supplemented with (GE Healthcare) was used. Recombinant Hsp27 (Stressgen,
protease inhibitor cocktail (Sigma), incubated for 30 min on Brussels, Belgium; 5 mM) in sodium acetate (50 mM, pH 4)
ice and clarified by centrifugation for 15 min at 12 000 g at 4 1C. was immobilized on a CM5 sensor chip. The carboxylic groups
Unloaded and hardwickiic acid-loaded beads (100 mL) were of the chip were previously activated by EDC 0.2 M and NHS
washed extensively with lysis buffer and then incubated with 1 mg 0.05 M. The exceeding active groups were inactivated with
of U937 protein extract for 16 h at 4 1C with continuous shaking ethanolamine 1 M. Compounds 1–16 were dissolved in 100%
on a rotator tube holder. The modified and unmodified beads were DMSO to obtain 4 mM solutions, and then diluted 1 : 1000
washed three times with lysis buffer and then three times with PBS (v/v) in PBS (10 mM NaH2PO4, 150 mM NaCl, pH 7.4) to a
1X, 0.1% Igepal. The elution of interacting proteins was performed final DMSO concentration of 0.1%. A concentration series of
with 50 mL of Laemmli buffer (60 mM Tris–HCl pH 6.8, 2% compounds was prepared as twofold dilutions into running
sodium dodecylsulfate, 10% glycerol, 0.01% blue bromophenol, buffer: for each sample, the complete binding study was
5% b-mercaptoethanol). Eluted samples were loaded on a mono- performed using a six-point concentration series, typically
dimensional 12% SDS-PAGE, and separated proteins were spanning 0.025–1 mM, and triplicate aliquots of each com-
stained with Brilliant Blue G-Colloidal (Sigma Aldrich). pound’s concentration were dispensed into single-use vials.

2642 Mol. BioSyst., 2012, 8, 2637–2644 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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Multiple blank samples of running buffer alone were included Apoptosis evaluation
in each analysis. Binding experiments were performed at
U937 cells were seeded in 48-well plastic plates, 250 mL per
25 1C, using a flow rate of 50 mL min1, with 60 s monitoring
well at 2  105 cells mL1 and HAA or compound 16 was
of association and 200 s monitoring of dissociation. Simple
added at different concentrations (50, 100 and 200 mM) for
interactions were adequately fit to a single-site bimolecular
24 h. At the end of the treatments 250 mL of a hypotonic buffer
interaction model (A + B = AB), yielding a single KD.
(0.1% sodium citrate, 0.1% Triton X-100 and 50 mg mL1
Sensorgram elaborations were performed using the BIAevaluation
propidium iodide) was added to cell suspensions. Apoptosis
software provided by GE Healthcare.
was evaluated by analysing the percentage of hypodiploid
nuclei by propidium iodide incorporation. Samples were ana-
Limited proteolysis
lysed by a FACS-Calibur flow cytometer using the Cell Quest
Limited proteolysis experiments were performed at 37 1C in software (Becton Dickinson, North Ryde, NSW, Australia).
PBS, 0.1% DMSO, and 20 mM DTT, using trypsin, endo- All the experiments were performed at least in triplicate.
proteinase GluC (V8) or chymotrypsin as proteolytic agents;
30 mL of a 2 mM Hsp27 solution were used for each experi- Analysis of caspase-3 activity
ment. Binary complex Hsp27/hardwickiic acid was formed by Caspase-3 activity was measured by a fluorimetric assay based
Published on 04 July 2012. Downloaded on 23/01/2018 20:12:17.

incubating the protein with a 5 : 1 molar excess of the on the proteolytic cleavage of the 7-amido-4-methylcoumarin
compound at 37 1C for 15 min prior to proteolytic enzyme (AMC)-derived substrate (Ac-DEVD-AMC, Sigma-Aldrich),
addition. Both protein and the complex were digested using a which yields a fluorescent product. U937 cells were treated
1 : 100 (w/w) enzyme to substrate ratio. The extent of the with different concentrations of HAA for 24 h, then harvested
reactions was monitored on a time-course basis by sampling and washed three times with PBS 1X. Pellets were lysed with
the incubation mixture after 5, 15, and 30 min of digestion. caspase-3 reaction buffer (50 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 0.1 mM
Samples were desalted by ziptip C4 (Merk Millipore) and the EDTA, 0.1% Nonidet P-40, 0.1% CHAPS, 1 mM DTT)
proteolytic fragments were analyzed by MALDITOF/MS incubated for 30 min on ice and clarified by centrifugation
using a MALDI micro MX (Waters). In order to optimize for 15 min at 15 000 g at 4 1C. Assays were performed in 96-
the sensitivity and accuracy of the mass measurements, two well plates by incubating 10 mg of protein extracts with 20 mM
different m/z ranges were explored for each sample: a first Ac-DEVD-AMC in 200 mL of assay buffer at 37 1C for 3 h.
range, from m/z 500 to 3500 was analyzed in reflector mode; Samples were analysed using a microplate reader (L55 Fluorescence
the other range, from m/z 3500 to 25 000 was analyzed in linear Spectrometer Perkin Elmer Instruments; excitation: 360 nm,
mode. Each m/z range was calibrated using a suitable peptide emission: 460 nm).
or protein mixture. Mass data were elaborated using the
Masslynx software (Waters). Preferential hydrolysis sites on
Hsp27 under different conditions were identified on the basis Conclusions
of the fragments released during the enzymatic digestions.
Our investigation aimed at the identification of the molecular
When comparative experiments were carried out on Hsp27
target(s) of clerodane diterpenes suggested that these com-
in the presence or absence of HAA, differences in the suscepti-
pounds can interact with Hsp27, modulating its biological
bility of specific cleavage sites were detected, from which
activity. Chemical proteomics approaches, used in this study
protein regions involved in the conformational changes could
resulted efficient and reliable, allowing us to identify the
be inferred.
possible molecular target responsible for the observed effect
of clerodane diterpenes on certain cancer cells proliferation
Insulin and citrate synthase (CS) aggregation assays
and survey. The multidisciplinary approach used to validate
The ability of HAA to modulate the chaperone activity of the chemical proteomics results confirmed the affinity of these
Hsp27 was evaluated by monitoring the insulin DTT induced molecules towards the chaperone, also suggesting the protein
and the citrate synthase (CS) thermal induced aggregation in region involved in the interaction, and permitted to demon-
the presence of stoichiometric amounts of Hsp27, and with or strate the inhibitory effects of such interaction on Hsp27
without a 4-fold molar excess of HAA. The aggregation chaperon activity. At the cellular level, this inhibition resulted
process was monitored by right angle light scattering measure- in a concentration dependent activation of caspase-3 deter-
ments, using a Perkin Elmer LS 50B fluorimeter with a Perkin mining the observed proapoptotic effect.
Elmer PTP-1 controlled water bath in stirred and thermo- Hsp27 has many diverse functions including chaperone
stated quartz cells. Both the emission and excitation wave- activity, mRNA stabilization, inhibition of apoptosis, cell
lengths were set at 500 nm, and the band pass was 5 nm. proliferation, and modulation of actin polymerization.
Kinetics traces reported here are the averages of two measure- Hsp27 can interfere with a number of cell death pathways
ments. Insulin aggregation was initiated incubating 0.57 nmol induced by heat shock, oxidative stress or death receptor
of the polypeptide with 0.1 M DTT in PBS, pH 7.4 at 37 1C. agonist.30 Expression of Hsp27 is up-regulated in numerous
CS aggregation was initiated by submitting the protein types of tumors and promotes unfavorable outcome.9 Over-
(0.075 mM) to an incubation in 40 mM HEPES–KOH, pH expression of this protein is frequently associated with
7.5 at 43 1C. To eliminate the exceeding citrate before the increased resistance to radiotherapy and to anti-cancer drugs,
analyses, CS was dialyzed against Tris–HCl, 50 mM, and such as cisplatin, doxorubicin and etoposide.31 Targeting
EDTA, 2 mM, at pH 8 using a 500 mL cut-off 10 000 Da filter. Hsp27 by an antisense strategy increases cancer cell death

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