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A. Conversation: Who Works in a Hospital

Joe starts to work in a public hospital as a nurse. Today, he is having training with the
manager of the hospital.
Manager : Welcome to Queen Hospital. I do hope you can work best here.
Joe : Thanks a lot, Mrs. Janette. I also hope that I can work well here.
Manager : Today, I am going to explain you the hospital team.
Joe : Sure.
Manager : A hospital is like a city. It needs thousands of people to run it. Furthermore,
they must work together in order to run everything ell. Do you know what
the highest position in a hospital is?
Joe : A hospital manager.
Manager : You’re right. This hospital has two teams. The first team is clinical
department, and the second is non-clinical.
Joe : I see.
Manager : The clinical department consists of doctors, nurses and pharmacists.
Joe : So I am in the clinical department, aren’t I?
Manager : Yes, you are. All the members of this team must perform good team work.
Therefore, all the duties can be performed well.
Joe : Sure.
Manager : The clinical department into seven units. So you will be in the pediatric unit.
Joe : I see.
Manager : I hope you can work well here with team. Now let me introduce the
members of your unit.
Joe : Sure.

B. Workers in a Hospital
A hospital is usually divided into two parts, clinical unit and non-clinical unit. Now,
mention people who work in clinical and non-clinical unit.

Clinical Unit Non-Clinical Unit

1. ……………………………………… 1. ………………………………………
….. …..
2. ……………………………………… 2. ………………………………………
…. ….
3. ……………………………………… 3. ………………………………………
…. ….
4. ……………………………………… 4. ………………………………………
…. ….
5. ……………………………………… 5. ………………………………………
…. ….
6. ……………………………………… 6. ………………………………………
…. ….
7. ……………………………………… 7. ………………………………………
…. ….

C. Grammar
Fill in the following sentences with the appropriate tense!
1. Surgeons (performs/are performing/perform) operations right now.
2. A midwife (delivers/delivering/deliver) babies.
3. A paramedic (responds/is responding/respond) to an emergency.
4. (Do you work/does you work/have you worked in a hospital?
5. I (want/wanted/wants) to qualify as a pediatrician.
6. I like (to working/work/working) in a hospital.
7. Andine (has undergone/is undergoing/undergoes) the therapy.
8. Jane (become/becomes/became) the happiest person after she recovers from
9. Nurses (makes/make/are making) contributions to society.
10. The relationship between the nurse and patient (has occurred/occurs/is occurring)
within the context of the values and belief of the patient and nurse.

D. Vocabulary
Complete the following sentences with the words in the list.
a. nursing officers e. challenging
b. auxiliary nurses f. medical
c. part-time g. rewarding
d. qualified h. apply for a job

1. this hospital only hires well . . . staff.

2. . . . often work in administration.
3. Not many students can do a . . . job while studying.
4. This new work is . . . for me.
5. Contact with patients must meet . . . procedure.
6. . . . are on the bottom grade of an institution.
7. I am a psychiatric nurse. My job deals with . . . in mental health.
8. All applicants must send a CV when they . . . .

E. Reading Text
Read the following passage and answer the questions.

A multidisciplinary team involves a range of health professionals, from one or

more organizations, working together to deliver comprehensive patient care. The ideal
multidisciplinary team for the delivery of the Health One NSW model of care includes:
general practitioners, practice nurses, community health nurses, allied health
professionals, and health educators.
Multidisciplinary teams convey many benefits to both the patients and the health
professionals working on the team. These include improved health outcomes and
enhanced satisfaction for clients, and the more efficient use of resources and enhanced
job satisfaction for team members.
To ensure optimum functioning of the team and effective patient outcomes, the
roles of the multidisciplinary team members in care planning and delivery must be
clearly negotiated and defined. The requires: respect and trust between team members;
the best use of the skill mix within the team; agreed clinical governance structures;
agreed systems and protocols for communication and interaction between team
members. These issues are complex and achievement of them can involve significant
change to work practices and organizational arrangements, as well as multifaceted
implementation strategies.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the best title for the text?
2. What is the text about?
3. What does multidisciplinary team deal with?
4. What are the benefits of multidisciplinary team?
5. What are needed to conduct strong multidisciplinary team?

F. Writing
Write your profile in the following space provided. Your writing must explain:

1. Why you learn nursing

because my dream is to be a nurse
2. What you are doing now
3. Why you want to
become a nurse because nursing knowledge is usefull for everyday too

4. What your career plans

want to be permanent job

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