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(3 hours) Name & Course: _________________________________________________

Chapter 4 Statistics and Data

Statistics is the study of data, from its rarest form to its relevance to daily lives. Data is
everywhere. It is observable or measurable. With the advancement of technology every day,
data can be accessed anywhere and by anyone. When data is correct, valid analysis and
interpretation can be generated to produce valuable information.

At the end of the chapter, the student will be able to:
 identify and distinguish the classifications of data;
 effectively organize data;
 calculate the measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion;
 realize the importance of measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion; and
 describe and interpret data using tables and graphs.

LESSON 1 Classification and Organization of Data

 Recognize the different types and classification of data.
 Classify and characterize data.
 Maintain utmost perseverance in classifying and organizing data.


There are many classifications of data. Different kinds of data are collected, analyzed, and interpreted.
Being able to differentiate them is the first thing that must be considered when organizing data.

ACTIVITY (Collaboration)
The title of the activity is “Hear ye, hear ye!” Everyone was asked to bring an article to the class. Read
and determine the levels of measurements of data from this article. Form groups of three (3) to discuss the
(You may disregard this one). You may check the following links for readings.
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ANALYSIS (Communication)
Qualitative and quantitative data are two types of data. Qualitative data deals with categories or
attributes. Examples are color of eyes, ethnicity, and brand of ice cream. Quantitative data are numerical
data. Quantitative data can be discrete or continuous. Discrete data is obtained through counting. Continuous
data is obtained by measuring. Number of countries in Southeast Asia and number of courses in a school term
are examples of discrete data while weight and age are some of the examples of continuous data.
Classification of data includes levels of measurement of data. The levels of measurement of data are
nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Nominal level measurement classifies qualitative data into two or more
categories. It is the lowest level of measurement. Examples of nominal are the books in the library and courses
in college. Ordinal level of measurement ranks qualitative data. Interval level of measurement involves
quantitative data that are ranked and makes sense of differences. There is no starting point for this level of
measurement. An example is the Celsius temperature. Ratio level of measurement does not include those
characteristics of interval level of measurement but also starts at 0 value. It is the highest level of
measurement. Examples are weight, the time it takes to do a math project and the number of absences of
students in a class.

ABSTRACTION (Critical Thinking)

Group yourselves into 3’s. Follow the steps below:
1. Determine who is tall, average, and small.
2. Label the tallest as 1, average as 2, and small as 3.
3. The tip of your thumb till the tip of your pinky will be counted as 1. This is the span of your hand. Count the
spans each individual has to measure his/her height.
4. Write your answers and discuss them in class.
(You may disregard this one).

APPLICATION (Creativity)
A. Write quantitative or qualitative data for each of the following statements:
1. Kevin Durant is 7 feet tall.
2. The prevalent skin color of Filipinos is brown.
3. The cities in the National Capital Region are Caloocan, Las Pinas, Makati, Malabom, Mandaluyong, Manila,
Marikina, Muntinlupa, Navotas, Paranaques, Pasay, Pasig, Quezon City, San Juan, Taguig, and Valenzuela.
4. The freshmen college students are very anxious for the final examination.
5. Two of the smartest in our class were elected president and vice president, respectively.
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B. Given below is a survey questionnaire. Identify which level of measurement is each item.


Classification of data includes quantitative and qualitative data. Qualitative data can be grouped into
mutually exhaustive categories. Quantitative data are numerical in nature, which can be through counting or
Classification of data also includes levels of measurement. They are nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio
levels of measurement. Nominal data deals with grouping qualitative data into categories while ordinal data
deals with ranking qualitative data. On the other hand, interval and ratio data consist of quantitative data. Their
difference lie on the measurements starting from 0.
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LESSON II Measures of Central Tendency

 Define the measures of central tendency.
 Calculate the mean, median and mode of a distribution.
 Differentiate the measures of central tendency.


One of the most important uses of statistics is finding the central value of a certain set of data. It
summarizes large amounts of data into a single value to help in making meaningful decisions. These are alo
used to compare sets of data.

English sentences use the words and, of, that, the, and to often if not all the time. Consider the
paragraphs below. Using the table, write how many of these words appear. Calculate the mean, median, and
mode for each column.
Paragraph 1:
Jenna wants to go to the park. She wants to invite her friends, Sherman and Phie, but they are busy.
After a few minutes, she shrugged her shoulders and started walking toward the park. When she was halfway
there, she saw Phie and waved her over. Phie explained that her mom didn't need her anymore to help. Jenna
was happy because she has someone to play with.
Paragraph 2:
Xavier just got his grades for the term. He is happy with his efforts. Looking back, he was glad he made
sacrifices just to get the grades he has now. He knows that his parents will be proud of him. He was told that
he can ask for anything if he gets good grades. Thinking about what he needs the most, he stopped in his
tracks. Smiling, he gathered up his things and started his long walk home.
Paragraph 3:
Thea must get to class before her teacher. Her teacher said that there will be a surprise quiz today
within the period but she did not tell them what part of the period. It might be given at the start, in the middle, or
at the end of the period. Thea knows that if she misses this quiz, she will get lower grades. Her scholarship is
on the line. She walked faster. As she was opening the door to her classroom, she saw the teacher just putting
her things on the teacher's table. Thea sighed with relief as she slid to her seat.

and of that the to

Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3

1. Add all the values and divide it by 15. What is the answer?
2. Arrange the data from lowest to highest. What is the middle value?
3. Of all the words in the list, which word appears the most number of times?

ANALYSIS (Communication)
A measure of central tendency is a single value that describes the center of a distribution. The most
common measures of central tendency are the mean, median, and mode.
The mean is defined to be the sum of all values in a set of data divided by the total number of
observations. The median is the middle value when data is in ascending or descending order. If there is an
even number of observations, get the mean of the two middlemost values. The mode is the most frequent
value in a set of data.
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Consider the values 13, 16, 18, 21, 24, 22, 12, 13. The mean is calculated as follows:
13 + 16+ 18 +21+24 +22 + 12+13
mean = = 17.375

To calculate the median, the data is to be arranged from lowest to highest to obtain the middle value.
The arrangement of the data will be 12, 13, 13, 16, 18, 21, 22. 24. Since there are 8 values, the average of 16
and 18 is obtained. Therefore, the median is 17. The data has one mode, 13, since it appears twice in the data
set, more times than the rest of the values.
There are limitations as to how measures of central tendency are used. Mean is only used for interval
or ratio level of measurement. It is the most reliable measure of central tendency because it uses all the values
in the distribution. If the data set has extreme scores, It is better to use the median. The median is also used
for ordinal level of measurement. The mode is used for nominal level of measurement. Moreover, the mode is
the only measure of central tendency that does not appear all the time in a data ne in a data set and it ís the
only measure that may appear more than once.
Using spreadsheets makes the calculation of the measures of central tendency easier. The following
screen shots show Microsoft Excel's statistical formulas:

ABSTRACTION (Critical Thinking)

A student listed 10 of his classmates’ scores:
34, 42, 27, 34, 45, 32, 31, 44, 33, 31

1. Calculate the mean, median, and mode.

2. If 45 was really 34, will the mean change? Will the median change? Will the mode change? Explain.
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APPLICATION (Creativity)
A. Among your classmates, ask 5 of them the question, “How many friend do you currently have on Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter?” Use the table below to organize the data:

Facebook Instagram Twitter

Classmate 1
Classmate 2
Classmate 3
Classmate 4
Classmate 5

B. Make a three-stanza poem about the measures of central tendency with the following conditions:
Stanza one: mean
Stanza two: median
Stanza three: mode

C. Rizal listed the number of times the teacher said “Ok” during class discussions for the school week. The
results were: 11, 6, 7, 6, 5. Calculate the mean, median, and mode.

D. The heights of Susan, Ada, and Rhea were 155 cm, and 161 cm, respectively. What is the height of Tricia if
the mean of all the four girls is 158 cm.?

Measures of central tendency provide a summary of sets of data. It describes the center of the
distribution with a single value.


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