Chapter 3.14 Kelas Xi SEM. 3: Opinion and Thought by Inayah Setiorini, S. PD

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SEM. 3
Inayah Setiorini, S. Pd
Learning Objectives
After learning the topic, students are able to :
1. Identify some expressions in giving opinions and thoughts
2. Analyse the sentence form in giving opinions and thoughts
3. Find the meaning of expressions in giving opinions and thoughts
4. Give opinions and thoughts
You have watched the video before
After watching the video answer the
questions below
1. What are they discussing?
2. Is there any different opinion?
3. What expressions you heard that shows
giving opinion?
4. What expressions you heard in asking
5. What expressions you heard that shows
1. They are discussing about the best place in the word
2. Yes, the first man said that sweeden in the best place to
live in the world but the second man said that Canada is
the best
3. The first man said, “ I think sweaden is the best place
to live in the world”,.
4. The first man asked, “ What makes you think that?”
5. The second man said,” in my opinion Canada seems the
best place to live”.
Pada kehidupan sehari-hari kita pasti pernah memiliki opini
pada sesuatu yang kita lihat, dengar, maupun rasakan. Entah
opini itu mendukung atau bertentangan satu dengan yang
lainnya. Opini merupakan sebuah teks atau dialog yang
mengandung pendapat tentang suatu hal, Biasanya opini satu
sama lain itu berbeda atau bertentangan, tergantung pada
sudut pandang mana kita memihak. Ketika kita memberikan
atau mengekspresikan opini kita, penting sekali untuk
memberikan alasannya untuk mendukung opini itu sendiri.
Kata kerja yang biasanya digunakan dalam opini adalah agree
(setuju), believe (percaya), reckon (memperhitungkan),
doubt (meragukan), assume (berasumsi), don't agree (tidak
setuju), think (rasa/pikir).
Some expressions used in asking opinion
 How is your opinion?
 How about this?
 What do you think about…?
 what do you think of…?
 what is your opinion?
 how do you like?
 Please give me your opinion?
 what is your idea?
 do you have any idea?
 How about…?
 Do you think is it good?
 What is in your mind?
Giving Opinion
 In my opinion  what I have in my mind is
 I personally believe  I think
 I think that  According to my opinion
 As far I know
 I tend to think that
 In my view
 I don’t think I care for it
 To my mind
 From my point of view
 My comment is
Agreeing with an Opinion
 Of course.
 This is absolutely right.
 I agree with this opinion.
 I couldn't agree more.
 I agree with what you are saying.
 I agree, I never thought of that.
 Neither do I.
 That's a good point.
 I think so too.
Disagreeing with an opinion
 I am sorry, I don't agree with you.
 I am not sure I agree with you.
 I don't agree with you.
 I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
 I do not believe that.
 By this I mean.....
 I disagree with you.
 I think you are wrong.
 That's not the same thing at all.
 It is not justified to say so.
 I am not convinced that.....
 I can't say I agree with this, and here's why....

Contoh bagaimana untuk setuju dan tidak setuju dalam
sebuah opini
Statement Agree Disagree
Children below 17 I agree with your I don't agree with you,
should be given right opinion it is forbidden to let children under
to drive a motorcycle 17 to drive a motorcycle
Parents must giving I couldn't agree more I think it would be harmful to let
smartphone to their with you. children use smartphone. Because
children there are so much bad influence on
the internet.
The novel version of Yes, I agree. The novel That's not the same thing at all.
Twilight is better than version had a many
its film details of story hidden
from the film.
Instant noodle is good I agree with what you I am afraid that i have to disagree
for your health. are saying. with you, because instant noodle
have many chemical things inside it.
Smoking should be I totally agree that I am sorry but I tend to disagree
banned in public smoking should be with you on this.
places. banned in public
Reading, Speaking, Wr i t i ng

Milly: do you like your smartphone?

Brian: Yes. I think I got more than I expected.
Milly: why?
Brian: I just want to buy a smartphone which has 1 gigabyte of RAM.
But this smartphone gives me more.
Milly: I think you’re lucky.
Brian: Yeah. I think with the price I’ve paid, got a smartphone with 2
gigabytes of RAM is very awesome.
Milly: but what do you think about the camera? Is it good?
Brian: not too bad. I got 8 megapixels for primary cameras, and its
secondary camera 5 megapixels. But it is not the important point.
Milly: why?
Brian: I do not like selfie. Haha.
Reading, Speaking, Wr i t i ng

Milla: hey.. sis…what do you think about this cultural

Sisca: I very excited to join in this festival. I think this
is the best I ever see.
Milla: I think so. They open this festival with a music
performance, drama, and much more.
Sisca: yap. You know? In the last day, they will invite a
famous band to perform.
Milla: that’s awesome.

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