I. Objectives: A. Content Standards

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A. Content Standards

The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature in the Period of

Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of informative
and short narrative texts; word relationships and associations; informative speech forms; and use
of direct/reported speech, passive/ active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses, and sentence

B. Performance Standards:

The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity;
comprehending informative and short narrative texts using schema and appropriate listening and
viewing strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through various formats; and
enriching written and spoken communication using direct/ reported speech, active/ passive voice,
simple past and past perfect tenses and connectors correctly and appropriately.

C. Learning Competency and Code:

The learners should be able to discover literature as a tool to assert one’s unique
identity and to better understand other people. (EN7LT-III-b-5)

D. Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Determine the important details of the short story, “My Father Goes to
Court” by Carlos P. Bulosan;
b. Utilize illustrations to unlock difficulty and events in the story;
c. Discover literature as a tool to be socially responsible and to better
understand people. (EN7LT-III-b-5).

II. Subject Matter: “My Father Goes to Court” by Carlos S. Bulosan

a. Textbooks: Department of Education. (2015). Grade 7 English Learner’s

Material pp. 374-377
b. References: https://www.slideshare.net/mobile /janinejcarandang/my-father-
https://prezi.com /73li6it0rhdw/my-father-goes-to-court/
c. Materials: Powerpoint presentation
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Awareness

Let us start our day through a prayer. May I request Good morning Lord, Thank you for
everybody to stand and also the assigned student to another gift of life that you have given to
come in front to lead the prayer. us, thank you for the unending blessings
and we’re sorry for our mistakes. We pray
that you will forgive our sins and give us
wisdom and guidance as we continue our
discussion for today. Amen.
Alright, so before you take your seat, kindly pick
up the pieces of paper around you and align your
chairs properly.

Now, please be seated.

Alright! What a blissful morning that the Lord gave Good morning Ma’am!
us. Good morning Class!

How are you this morning? We’re fine Ma’am, thank you.

That’s good to hear class. Now as we start our

discussion for today, I want you to be mindful of
our virtual class rules. These are the three golden
words that I want you to remember: Listen
attentively, Do participate and Respect one another
for us to have a harmonious and meaningful Yes Ma’am.
learning for this morning. Did you get me?
No Ma’am.
Who are the absentees today?
No Ma’am
Great! Now last meeting, did I give you an
assignment? .

Okay None.

1. Review The previous topic that we discussed was

Since we’re all set to start our new discussion, let’s the story “Hunger in Barok” by N.V.M
check your prior knowledge. Now, what was the Gonzalez.
previous topic that we discussed?
The Hunger in Barok shows difficult
Precisely! Now to check your understanding about situation of a poor person and a land tenant
the previous lesson, what is the story all about? named Pare Crispin struggling to provide
food for his family because of the famine
that is happening in their town.

Alright, are there any questions or clarifications None, Ma’am.

with regards to our previous discussion?

2. Motivation
I am very happy to know that you have understand
the previous lesson well and it looks like you’re all
set for today’s discussion. To give a gist of what we
will discuss, I have here a video clip and I want
Clear, Ma’am.
everybody to listen attentively on what does the
video all about. Is that crystal?

Title: Would You Rather Be Rich Or Happy?

Duration 2 minutes and 15 seconds

Now that you’re done watching the video clip, I

will be asking some questions and we will sing the
line “It’s so nice to be happy Shalala” two times
while passing the ball and when the music stops , Yes Ma’am.
the person who is holding the ball will answer the
question . Are my instructions clear class? (Students sing)

Now let’s sing , (” It’s so nice to be happy

shalalala!” repeat two times) The video presents about choosing
between to be rich or to be happy Ma’am.
Alright, so the first question is “Based on your
observation ,what does the video all about?

(” It’s so nice to be happy shalalala!” repeat two

Based on the video that we have watched,
most of the children choose to be happy
Very Good! Now based on the video that you have rather than to be rich.
watched, what do most of the children choose is it
to be happy or to be rich?

(” It’s so nice to be happy shalalala!” repeat two

times) Yes Ma’am, I really enjoy watching the
video because I have also realize that
money can’t buy happiness that’s why I
Fantastic! Did you enjoy watching the video? What
should rather be happy and contented
are your insights and reflection? Will you choose
rather than rich but living alone and sad.
to be rich or happy?

Wow! That was a brilliant observation and

reflection at the same time! I guess you’re really
ready for our lesson for today, just like the literary
piece that we will discuss today.

3. Statement of the Subject Matter and

Now, I want you to listen carefully because the end
of the lesson, you are expected to:
a. determine the important details of the short story,
“My Father Goes to Court” by Carlos P. Bulosan; (Students read the topic.)
b. utilize illustrations to unlock difficulty and
events in the story;
c. discover literature as a tool to be socially
responsible and to better understand people. Yes, Ma’am.

Are the objectives clear?

B. Activity
I. Pre-reading
To begin our lesson, let’s have another activity.
There are some unfamiliar words that might hinder
us from understanding the story better that is why
we have to unlock them through an activity which
is entitled as “Let’s Define the Mystery!”.

“Let’s Define the Mystery!”

Directions: Pick in the box the correct word that

was being defined through the given meaning and




a mallet
used for
attention or
and action

Capable of
being easily
spread to
other people
to feel or act
a similar
A person
who is in
charge of a
court of law.


A pleasant
or savoury

To say in a
strong and
definite way
someone or
something is I want to volunteer myself Ma’am. The
bad or first meaning defines a gavel.
The second definition and illustration
Ma’am is contagious.
Who wants to answer the first one? Yes please.
(The student gives an example sentence
Great! What a nice try Kathy. Now, may I have using the word unlocked mystery word.)
Angelo to volunteer to determine the next
The third illustration that is being define is
Excellent! The mystery word is contagious now
a Judge.
can you give me an example sentence using the
The fourth one is aroma.
Very Good! Now. Please determine the next (The student gives an example sentence
illustration Khyssa. using the word unlocked mystery word.)

Brilliant! You’re almost on the half way of The fifth one is a Stenographer Ma’am.
unlocking the mystery words. Now , who wants to
volunteer? Yes, Mikayla?

Great! Can you create a sentence using the word The last mystery word Ma’am is condemn

Now, there are too last mystery words to unlock

and I want a volunteer again. Yes Niezerlyn?

Very Good! Now were on the peak , the last but not
least number 6. Yes Alya?
No, Maa’m.
Wow! That was a great performance class and I
want you to remember the definition of those
unlocked words so that you can truly understand
and comprehend the story.

II. Background of the Author

Today, we will discuss about a story entitled “My
Father Goes to Court” by Carlos Bolusan. Now
class, is Carlos Bulosan sounds familiar to your

Okay, now let’s discuss first about the author of

this story.
Carlos Sampayan Bulosan
- He was a Filipino American author, poet,
and activist.
- he’s a central figure in Filipino American
- Bulosan’s works describe the experience of
growing up poor in a rural area of the
Philippines, chronicling social and
economic conditions created by the
American occupation and centuries of
Spanish colonialism.

III. Reading Proper Yes Ma’am.

Now that you have a gist about the author of the
story, let us read and comprehend the story entitled
My Father Goes to Court. Before that, we will also
have a reading activity entitled, “Pop Corn Clear Ma’am.
Reading”. So, since our author for today is a
Filipino, we have three colors that represent our
National Flag which is the red, blue, and white.
Each group has assigned color flags. Once the
color of the flag was raised the group who is
assigned to that color will read the part in the story.
Are my instructions clear class?

And also, there will be set questions given for you

to be guided with our lesson proper. Is this crystal?
Guide Questions:
Comprehension Questions:
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. What was the conflict in the story?
3. How does the family of the farmer differ from
the family of the rich man? (The students come in front and pick a
4. What are the symbolisms found in the story? flower.)
5. What is the moral lesson of the story?
IV. Analysis Who are the characters in the story?
Since were done reading the story, I have here a
vase of questions. This vase contains six colourful The characters in the story are the son of
flowers that have a corresponding guide questions the poor father, the father, the narrator’s
regarding with the story we have read. So, I need siblings, the rich man, the rich man’s
volunteers to pick a flower and to answer the children and the judge
questions given. Are you ready class?
(Student raises a hand.)
So let’s start, who would like to pick the first
flower. I guess Zia wants to try. (The student picks a flower and read the
Alright! Everybody read the question in the flower.

Now, based from the selection, who are the persons The conflict in the story Ma’am was
or characters being mentioned in the story? presented when the rich man filed a
complaint against the poor family. The
Very Good! Your answer is correct, let’s give her a rich man accused the poor family of
round of applause. Now, any volunteer to pick a stealing their spirit of wealth and food.
flower and answer another question?

Okay. Khent, please join me here in front of your

classmates and pick a flower and kindly read the No Ma’am.
Their secret Ma’am is they eat nutritious
Now, his question is, what was the conflict in the food, they play outside and they are happy
story? What’s your answer Khent? and contented on what they have.
(Students raise a hand.)
Great! Let’s give him a barangay clap this means
that you really understand the story class. Now, can
we steal the spirit of money and foods?
The student come in front and picks a
Yes of course, No. so what do you think is the flower.
secret of the poor family why their children are
living healthy ,happy and strong even they are How does the family of the farmer differ
poor? from the family of the rich man?

Precisely! That was a great answer Bea. I really Both families differ from each other
love your participation in our discussion for today Ma’am because the farmer’s family are
class. Now, who would like to pick another flower healthy and strong and they are always
in our vase? happy and contented even though they
don’t have the wealth. On the other hand,
Okay, most of you are now raising your hand. And the rich man is very wealthy but his
I want to choose from the left side. Okay, please children are weak and ill because they
come in front Liza. neither eat nutritious food nor play outside
and they are not happy inside their big
Everbody read the question. mansion.

Alright, so based from what you have read earlier,

how does the family of the rich man differ from the
family of the farmer Liza?

Student come in front and picks a flower.

From the story, the symbolism s that are

being presented are the aroma of food?
The heavenly spirit drifted down on the
Very well said Liza! Your answers are definitely family was represented as the spirit of the
correct. Even though the farmer’s family is poor food. And second is the sweet tinkle of the
but they are rich and blessed with love and coins that represents as the spirit of the
happiness. money.

Alright so there are two remaining flowers, let’s

move on and please come in front Julia. I saw you
earlier raising your hand.

So here’s your question , What are the symbolisms

found in the story?

 The moral lesson of the story is

that money can’t buy happiness. If
you have all the wealth on earth
but you are not living happily,
Very good! That was a good job Julia, it looks like that’s not still a life that is worth to
you really read and comprehend that story that you live.
were able to identify the symbolisms that were  The moral lesson of the story is we
being used. Let’s give her a barangay clap. should not judge one another and
we should be careful in accusing
And lastly, I will pick this remaining flower and I others without enough evidence
will read to you the last question. and better try to understand the
situation first.
What is the moral lesson of the story?

The theme of the story Ma’am is all about

the status in life and how it can affect the
personality of oneself. It doesn’t mean the
when you are poor you can be easily
accused on the things that are not good, we
should not use wealth to rule and accuse
Precisely! All your answers are correct class! You someone.
have fully understand and reflect the lessons that Me, Ma’am. The lesson that I have learn
we can get from the story. from the story is that money can’t buy
happiness and we should be contented on
Values Integration what we have in life. If we will only
Now class, who can tell me what is the theme of appreciate the simple things around us it
the story “My Father Goes to Court”? will give us a smile on our hearts.

What a brilliant idea! We should our social status in

ruling or judging someone. Aside from that, anyone
who would like to answer? Yes, Ma’am.

Wow! What a heart-warming lesson learned from None Ma’am.

you Jasper. Uou have reached the depth of the

In all, happiness is priceless if we could only

appreciate everything we have no matter how big or
small. And aside from that wealth can never win
with righteousness. We should respect and never
judge one another easily. Am I clear class?

Very Good! Now are there any clarifications

regarding with our discussion for today?
Since everything is clear to us class, let us have a
group activity entitled “Groufie Time!” Since you
have already your group, make a circle and do the
following tasks.
Groufie Time!
Group 1 Slogan - Draw an image or symbol that
shows the economic differences of the families
with a short description and present it to the class.
Group 2: Jazz Chant – Think or make a chant or
songs related to happiness and present it to the
Group 3 : Skit: Make a short skit by the best
scenario in the story and present it to the class.
Group 4: Song

Criteria for Judging:

Category Outstanding (10) Excellent (9) Average (8) Good (7)

Content The content clearly The content The content relates The content has
relates to the relates to the to the main topic a point but
assigned task and the assigned task and assigned task doesn’t meet the
ideas of the output but the ideas but the ideas can’t standard and
are presented are not well be clearly doesn’t provide
accordingly. organized. understood. clear ideas.
Collaboration The whole team Some Most of the Only few are
cooperate and members are members are not exerting an
actively engage not active on participating on the effort in doing
while doing the task. engaging the task. the task.
Creativity Produced an Produced an Produced an Produced a
outstanding and excellent output/performance good
unique output/perform in a simplest way. output/performa
output/performance ance on their nce.
on their given task. given task.
Delivery The The The The
output/presentationw output/presenta output/presentation output/presentat
as outstanding and tion was was good and the ion was fair and
the explanation of excellent and explanation of the the explanation
the task was the explanation task was not of the task
delivered well. of the task was delivered properly. wasn’t delivered
delivered. accordingly.

A. Directions: On a one whole sheet of paper, answer the following questions:

1. Is it true that money can buy happiness? Explain your answer.

2. If you were the father, would you do the same?
3. If you were the judge, what would be your judgement?
4. In your own opinion, is it okay to accuse someone without enough evidence? Why or
Why not?
5. If you were given a chance to change the title of the story, what is it and why?
B. Draw a Venn diagram and identify the similarities and differences of the two families.

Farmer’s Family Rich man’s Family


In a short bond paper, print or cut out a picture that represents as one of your source of
happiness. Below the picture, write a caption that explains how they make you happy. Be

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