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Jude Michael E.


I have learned of how the different inventions or
discoveries progresses in each era. Science &
Technology really help us to be more efficient
and productive and it can help us in so many
ways. It is very important in our lives because it
makes our lives simpler, easier, and faster. It
makes us understand the world we live in and
improve our standard of living.

I realized that we can also discover so many things in our lives. With the world we
are living today, there is so much more to explore and understand. It can help us
to see how important it is to be more observant to the surroundings. I appreciate
all the things we have, because without this, we will never progress to what we are
now. Be thankful for all the incredible things we have and experienced.

The things I have discovered is to be
able to seek new things. I want to
find things that may amuse me and
explore the world because doing so
will make me more appreciate the
incredible things I can find and see.

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