Direct & Reported Speech: Grade 7 English

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education




Good day! This module is wholeheartedly designed and crafted for you, our dear Grade
7 learners.
This module presents a systematic approach to learning English with the goal of
achieving and mastering the competencies specified under the Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELCs).
You are expected to accomplish all the activities by yourself. However, if you need
assistance, feel free to ask your English teacher or your guardian at home.
Specifically, this will help you understand how to properly use direct and reported
Read the module carefully and answer the activities. Have fun learning English!


After going through this module you are expected to:

 Use direct and reported speech in varied contexts (EN7G-III-e-3)

Specifically, you should be able to:

a) identify the features of direct and reported speech;

b) differentiate direct and reported speech;
c) change direct speech to reported speech; and
d) use direct and reported speech in sentences.


Before you start this module, answer this pre-test about direct and reported speech.

Directions: Read the questions then choose the letter of the best answer.

_____1.When _____ information, you can use direct or reported speech.

A. asking B. exchanging C. reporting D. changing

_____2. In _____, you report using the exact words or statement of someone by using
quotation marks.

A. direct speech C. direct line

B. reported speech D. welcome speech

_____3. It reports someone’s statement but the statement is reworded or modified.

A. direct speech C. direct line

B. reported speech D. welcome speech

_____4. Which is not true about reported speech?

A. Reported speech uses reworded statement.

B. It may or may use “that.”

C. Its reporting verb is always in the past tense.

D. Pronouns used in someone’s statement may change.

_____5.“I really like to see the painting,” said Rosemarie. The given is an example of

A. direct speech C. direct line

B. reported speech D. reported line

_____6.The school says they will release modules next week. The given is an example of

A. direct speech C. direct line

B. reported speech D. reported line

_____7. Which is a correctly written direct speech?

A. Jelly says She is on her way.” C. “She is on her way,” Jelly says.

B. Jelly, says, “She is on her way. D. “She is on her way.” Jelly says.

_____8. Ricardo: I left my wallet at home.

Sunshine: I’ll pay for dinner.

How should Ricardo’s statement be reported in direct speech?

A. Ricardo said, “I left my wallet at home.”

B. Ricardo said, “He had left his wallet at home.”

C. Ricardo said, that “I left my wallet at home.

D. “I left my wallet at home.” said Ricardo.

_____9.Jessicca said, “I lived in Baguio for two years.” How should the given be
transformed into reported speech?

A. Jessica said I lived in Baguio for three years.

B. Jessica says she lives in Baguio for three years.

C. Jessica said that she lived in Baguio for three years.

D. Jessica said that she had lived in Baguio for three years.

_____10.Your daughter says, “I am on my way.” What is this in reported speech?

A. Your daughter says she is on her way.

B. Your daughter says she is on my way.

C. Your daughter says she was on her way.

D. Your daughter says she was on my way.

How did you fare? If you got 8 points or above, you did an amazing job! If you got 7 and
below, do not worry because this module will help you understand what direct and reported
speech are and how they are formed and used.


Do you still remember the previous lesson on past and past perfect tense? Yes? Perfect! Try to
recall what you learned as you answer this review activity.

Activity 1
Directions: Identify if the tense of the underlined verb in the following sentences is in the past tense or
past perfect tense.
____________________1. Leonora had given the beggar food before he even asked for it.

___________________2. After Albert had cooked dinner, Andrea washed the dishes.

____________________3. When the barangay officials arrived, the robbers had already left.

___________________4. I had not eaten breakfast before I went to school.

___________________5. I cleaned the room after I had done my assignment.

Activity 2
Directions: Underline the correct form of the verbs. Remember always use past perfect tense for the first
past event and past tense for the second past event.
1. Jose (took, had taken) a two-year course before he (studied, had studied) Engineering.

2. After Tekla and Jose (attended, had attended) a 4Ps meeting, they (went, had gone) to the

3. Tomas (took, had taken) a shower before he (ate, had eaten) breakfast.

4. She (watched, had watched) TV after she (did, had done) her assignments.

5. The carpenter (cut, had cut) all the needed parts before he (started, had started) building.

How did the activity go? Did you get it all correctly? If you did, great job! If you did not, there is
still hope. All you have to do is to study the following table to refresh your mind.

Past Tense Past Perfect Tense

When is it The past tense is used to express an The past perfect tense is used to express
used? action that happened in the past. a past action that happened before
another past action.
How is it For regular verbs, change the verb by Change the verb into its past perfect form
formed? adding –d or –ed. which follows this formula.

Had + past participle of the verb

Ex. pick-picked, study-studied Ex. pick-had picked, go-had gone,

For irregular verbs, change or retain put-had put
the spelling.

Ex. go-went, put-put

Do not forget what you have learned in past tense and past perfect tense because you are going to
need them in understanding our next topic which is direct and reported speech.


Read carefully the comics below.

Focus your attention on the two underlined sentences.

First Sentence: The actor said, “I love everything about you.”

Second Sentence: The actor said that he loved everything about her.

Do these sentences have different meaning, or do they mean the same thing just written
differently? You are right! The two sentences have the same meaning. They are just written in a
different manner. How else are the two different? Let’s look at the table.

The actor said, “I love everything about The actor said that he loved everything
you.” about her.
Has comma after the word said Has no comma but has the word that after
the word said
Uses quotation marks Has no quotation marks
Includes the actual statement of the actor Includes a reworded statement of the
actor due to the following changes:
No change in the pronouns used in pronouns:
 From I to he
 From you to her
No change in tense in tense:
 From love(present) to loved(past

You might be wondering why the pronouns changed in the second sentence. It is because
there was a change in perspective. You have to take a look at the statement when the actor said
“I love everything about you.” He was referring to himself that is why he used the pronoun I.
He was also referring to the woman he was talking to that is why he used the pronoun you.

On the other hand, when the mother was reporting to her daughter what the actor said
without using the exact statement, she made use of the pronoun he and her because from her
point of view she was talking, not about herself, but about the actor and the actress. Also, when
she changed the pronouns in the second sentence, it actually helped the confused daughter
understand better what the mother truly meant.

Now read the second comics.

Focus your attention again on the two underlined sentences.

First sentence: Your son said, “I helped Pilo transplant the okra seedlings.”
Second Sentence: Your son said that he had helped Pilo transplant the okra

Once again, the first sentence caused confusion. The father thought that it was the mother
who helped Pilo when, in fact, the mother meant that it was their son who helped Pilo. The
mother was able to clarify this confusion with the second sentence.

Just like the first set of sentences in the first comics, the two sentences mean the same
thing just written differently. I bet you can find now the differences between the two. Grab a pen
and answer the next activity. You can get clues from the previous table.

Activity 1
Directions: Answer the following questions to find out the difference/s between the two
sentences. Put a check or cross mark on the appropriate column.
Questions Your son said, “I helped Your son said that he had
Pilo transplant the okra helped Pilo transplant the
seedlings.” okra seedlings.
1. Is comma used after the
word said?
2. Does it use that after
the word said?
3. Does it use quotation
4. Does it include the
exact/actual statement of
the son?
5. Does it include a
statement of the son?
6. Is there a change in
some of the pronouns
7. Is there a change in

They are quite different, aren’t they? They have many differences just like in the
pronouns used. In the first sentence, the pronoun I was changed to he in the second sentence.
The tense of the verb used was also different. In the first set of sentences in the first
comics, the tense changed from present to past. However, in the second set, the tense changed
from past tense to past perfect. The first sentence used the verb helped (past tense), while in the
second sentence it changed to had helped (past perfect tense).

“I helped Pilo ...”  He had helped Pilo…

(Past tense) (Past perfect tense)

Can you identify the differences between the two sentences now? The first sentences are
called direct speech, and the second sentences are reported speech. Go to the next part of this
module to find out more.


In the two comics you have read, there was always someone asking about what another
person said. When giving information or reporting about what was said, we can use direct speech
or reported speech.

Study the following table comparing direct and reported speech.

Direct Speech Both Direct & Reported Speech
Reported Speech
 Reports using the exact Both direct and  Reports using a reworded
statement of someone by reported speech use statement of someone
using quotation marks reporting verbs like without using quotation
said, told, cried, marks
 Uses a comma after the whispered, shouted,  May or may not use the
reporting verb etc. word “that” after the
reporting verb.
 No pronoun change  Pronoun often (but not
always) changes
 No change in the tense of  Tense of the verb used in the
the verb used in reported reported statement changes
Example: Example:
1. The actor said, “I love 1. The actor said that he loved
everything about you.” everything about her.
2. Your son said, “I helped Pilo 2. Your son said that he had
transplant the okra seedlings.” helped Pilo transplant the okra
3. The teacher said, “He arrives 3. The teacher said he arrived
in school very early every in school very early every
morning.” morning.
4. Mom said, “I cooked adobo 4. Mom said she had cooked
for dinner.” adobo for dinner.

Take note that if the verb in the exact statement is in the present tense, it must be changed
to past tense; and when the verb in the exact statement is in the past tense, it must be changed to
past perfect tense.

Direct Speech Reported Speech

Present (love)  past (loved)
Past (helped)  past perfect (had helped)

Most often, we change the tense of the verb in reported speech, but there are instances
when you do not need to. There is no need to change the tense if the reporting verb is in the
present tense, or if the original statement is still considered true.

Direct Speech Reported Speech Remarks

He says, “I will comeback.” He says he will come back. There was no change in tense
because the reporting verb is
in the present tense
The health secretary said, “It The health secretary said that There was no change in tense
is very risky to travel right it is very risky to travel right because the statement is still
now.” now. considered true.

For Your Information:

Using direct speech in conversations can cause confusion just like in the comics so the next time
you have your chitchat, stick to using reported speech.


Now, it’s time to put what you learned into practice. Challenge your brain cells and
answer the following activities.

Activity 1
Directions: Complete the statements that follow.
1. Direct speech reports using the ______________ statement of someone by using
quotation marks.
2. Reported speech reports using a/an______________statement of someone without
using quotation marks
3. Direct speech uses a ______________after the reporting verb.
4. When the tense of verb used in the original statement is in the present tense, the tense
in reported speech changes into ______________ tense.
5. When the tense of the verb used in the original statement is in the past tense, the tense
in reported speech changes into ______________ tense.

Activity 2
Directions: Identify if the following sentences are direct or reported speech. Copy properly and
write them in the appropriate column.
• “Enzo must rest,” the doctor • He said, “I have got a
said headache”.

• Benjie and Francis say that • Maricel said proudly her

they are the next superstars. father was a tricycle driver.

• Benjie said, “I was in • Paulo said that Carlo used to

Boracay.” be his best friend.

• Cesar said, “You can not • She said she would buy the
borrow rice from me anymore.” house and lot.

• Crispin replied it was hard for • Shelby says, “Jim is a close

men like them. friend of mine.”

Direct Speech Reported Speech
Activity 3
Directions: Watch any TV-based or internet-based shows/videos or tune in to radio shows.
Write under the first column four exact/original statements you have gathered from the
shows/videos. In the second column, transform these statements into direct speech, and in the
third column into reported speech.
Original Statement Direct Speech Reported Speech
EunTak: He is the water, EunTak said, “He is the EunTak said that he was the
fire and wind. water, fire and wind.” water, fire and wind.

Activity 4:
Directions: Change the following into reported speech.
1. Andres said, “I finished the table.”
2. Beverly said, “I am calling our barangay hotline.”
3. Jimuel stated, “I talked to him last month.”
4. The seller says, “The package is on transit.”

5. Father said, “Pilo borrowed money from me.”


 When reporting what someone said, you can use direct or

reported speech.
 Direct speech uses the exact or original statement introduced by
quotation marks.
 Reported speech uses reworded statement which may or may not
be introduced by that.
 Reporting verbs are usually in the past tense, but they could also
be in the present, present perfect or future tense.
 Pronoun changes more often in reported speech.
 Usually, tense of the verb changes if the reporting verb is in the
past tense. The verb used in the exact statement changes from
present to past or from past to past perfect. There are also
instances when the exact statement does not change its tense
especially if it is still considered true.


Activity 1
Directions: Use direct or reported speech in any one of the following outputs. Be guided
by the rubric when doing your output.
 Comics
 Script
 Short Story

4 3 2 1
Grammar & Free from errors in Very few errors in Some errors in Frequent errors in
Mechanics spelling, spelling, spelling, spelling,
punctuation, and punctuation, and punctuation, and punctuation, and
grammar which grammar which grammar which grammar which
makes reading very makes reading very create distraction but create
smooth smooth is still readable distraction, making
Content & All ideas are Most ideas are Some ideas are Most ideas are
Development logically developed logically developed underdeveloped and underdeveloped and
and original and original unoriginal unoriginal
Effort Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates some Lacks understanding
complete understanding of the understanding of the of the assignment
understanding of the assignment assignment
assignment and goes
beyond the


Directions: Fill out this Reflective Activity Sheet. Be truthful in answering this activity sheet.
Have fun! 

This week, I learned


I still need further

assistance or help in

In reporting statement
using direct or reported
speech, I should always


Answer this post-test about direct and reported speech to see how well you have
improved since the pre-test.

Directions: Read the questions then choose the letter of the best answer.

_____1. When reporting someone’s _____, you can use direct or reported speech.

A. crimes B. files C. life D. statement

_____2. Which uses a reworded statement of someone?

A. direct speech C. direct line

B. reported speech D. welcome speech

_____3. In reporting someone’s exact statement, use _____.

A. period C. quotation marks

B. comma D. question marks

_____4. Which is not true about reported speech?

A. It may or may use “that.”

B. Its reporting verb could be in the past tense or present tense.

C. Reported speech uses reworded statement.

D. Pronouns used in someone’s statement do not change.

_____5. My grandfather always said that I should enjoy life. The given is an example

of _____.

A. direct speech C. direct line

B. reported speech D. reported line

_____6.“I came by to see the performance,” said Marie. The given is an example

of _____.

A. direct speech C. direct line

B. reported speech D. reported line

_____7. Which is a correctly written direct speech?

A. Ramon says She is on her way.” C. “He is on his way,” Ramon says.

B. Ramon, says, “She is on his way. D. “He is on way.” Jelly says.

_____8. Cardo: I studied Law in the 1990s.

Sunshine: So that’s why you know a lot about the law.

How should Cardo’s statement be reported in direct speech?

A. Cardo said, “I studied Law in the 1990s.”

B. “I studied Law in the 1990s.” said Cardo.

C. Cardo said, “He had studied Law in the 1990s.”

D. Cardo said, that “I studied Law in the 1990s.

_____9. Jessica said, “My father lived in Baguio for two years.” How should the given
be transformed into reported speech?

A. Jessica said she lived in Baguio for three years.

B. Jessica says she lives in Baguio for three years.

C. Jessica said that her father had lived in Baguio for three years.

D. Jessica said that her father lived in Baguio for three years.

_____10. Your son says, “I am getting married.” What is this in reported speech?

A. Your son says he is getting married.

B. Your son said he is getting married.

C. Your son says he was getting married.

D. Your son said he was getting married.



 Rubric for Outputs. 2020. Ebook, Accessed September 26.
 Comics generated through Cartoon Storymaker
 Pictures from Clipart Library. 2020. Free Downloading Website. Accessed
September 26.

Self-Learning Module in English 7

Quarter 1 – Week 5: Direct and Reported Speech

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.)
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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Pangasinan I

Development Team of the Module

Author/Layout Artist: ROWELLA A. CATUGAS
Teacher III
Master Teacher II
Head Teacher VI
Principal I
Management Team
OIC- Schools Division Superintendent
Co-chairperson: ELY S. UBALDO, EdD
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
CID Chief
EPS – English

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