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Parker Lippstock

Lists of Dream Symbols

Type Description
Home is a representation of oneself. Our homes
Place are where we find our families, our possessions,
our memories, and so much more that directly
connects back to ourselves

Schools are a place that represents one’s past

and potential future, as a school in reality is
where one goes to grow and develop themselves.
In a dream, the setting of a school may denote
that you are growing in your knowledge or
maturity, though it could also mean that you feel
you need to grow and mature further from how
you are now

The office is a rather stereotypical location, as

whenever anyone imagines one, they often
immediately connect the location to working.
Offices are also seen as orderly, intricate webs of
people, acting as parts for a larger body. Thus,
finding yourself within an office inside a dream
usually denotes that you are trying to solve a
problem going on in your waking life, and the
reason this concept may manifest as an office is
likely because of your way of thinking, which in
this case would likely need to be analytical or

People go to theme parks to escape reality and

enjoy the attractions, characters, and lore within
them. If you find yourself in a theme park within
your dreams, you might be manifesting such a
joyous location out of a desire to escape
Incidentally, if you dream that you’re within the
restricted areas of a theme park, this could point
to unexpressed rebellious feelings which you
either repress or don’t know you have

We’ve all been to a grocery store, whether it’s to

restock our shelves for a time or to get materials
to prepare something specific. Whatever it may
be, these places serve as locations to find
necessary resources to use in something larger. If
Parker Lippstock

you find yourself in a grocery store within your

dream, your mind may be manifesting it as a
representation of something you’re preparing
for, or possibly something you’re looking to find a
solution or answer to

A hotel serves as a temporary living space, a

place where one stays either as a transition from
one location to another or as a residence for a
short period. In the dream world, any form of
residence is often considered a representation of
oneself, and as such, a temporary dwelling may
be a sign that you feel uncomfortable in a current
living situation or lifestyle. It could also be
something as simple as a form of
acknowledgement that you’re in a transitory
point in your life

In and of themselves, hallways are links and

transitions between other more focused and
purposed spaces. Within the dream world, they
often serve a near equal objective as a
transitionary tool but instead as a reflection of
the dreamer’s state of being. It’s common for
those whose dreams prevalently contain hallways
to be in a transitional period in their lives. While
the magnitude of such events are subjective and
situational, some examples of these changes are
moving house, breaking habits, and choosing
alternate paths in life

All places carry different meanings to different

people, and hospitals are likely among the most
prominent of this archetype. Some may see them
as safe havens, and others may have bad
memories associated with them. These drastically
different viewpoints may very well change the
potential meaning of a hospital in a specific
person’s dream. If you see them as locations
where bad memories were made, you might be
viewing something recent as something you want
to repress, and it could very likely relate closely
to an experience you’ve had at a hospital. On the
other hand, if you view hospitals as safe places to
heal, you could be acknowledging that you are
healing from something, be it physically or
mentally, and that you are making some form of
progress in doing so
Parker Lippstock

From stage plays to giant silver screen films, the

theater is a place of storytelling, expression, and
especially togetherness between those
experiencing the performances and actions
onstage or onscreen. If you spot a theater or find
yourself within one in a dream, it likely has some
level of connection to your community and its
social contract. You could be recognizing your
place within your community, as if you find
yourself as part of the crowd, you could be
viewing yourself as having been integrated into
your community

In reality, a jail or prison is a place where

criminals and people guilty of breaking the law go
to serve their time for whatever they had done.
Additionally, and on a more intrinsic level, jails
serve as a means of barring those within from
their freedom; a shackle holding them back. Most
dreams wherein a jail or similar location is the
setting usually revolve around this idea,
symbolizing the idea that the dreamer might be
being restrained by something in their life and is
therefore unable to be completely free

You are a human person, and you have an

Being identity of your own. If your mind creates people
you know, it could have a connection to your
relationship or recognition of their identity. On
the other hand, manifesting random people in
your dreams is quite common, and usually an
effect of your mind creating a familiar copy of

Cats are an embodiment of the feminine

principle, and specifically stand to represent its
values. A cat in one’s dream can denote a sense
of calmness and creativity, symbolizing patient
feelings and softspoken nature. Their association
with hunting may also symbolize desire for
discovery or freedom.

As man’s best friend, dogs represent loyalty,

affection, and happiness within a dream. They
also embody a strong love of the masculine
principle, and therefore has a strong tie to your
overall sense of love. Thus, the actions the dog is
Parker Lippstock

performing may denote how you feel or express

your love and affection towards others.

When anyone thinks of a bird, they immediately

gravitate towards the concept of flight. In the
dream world, this could directly connect to the
idea of freedom and discovery through such a
concept, however birds can sometimes exist as
messengers. More specifically, in this scenario,
they typically symbolize a piece of information
you haven’t fully processed or may not
completely understand yet

Lions are ferocious animals, seen by most as the

absolute apex of the apex predators.
Encountering such a beast within your dream
usually symbolizes a kind of power or strength,
particularly related to one’s confidence or
empowerment. A lion could also represent an
epiphany or greater understanding of a subject
that is within your reach

A deer is an animal commonly seen as evasive or

reticent, making them somewhat of enigmatic
characters both in the waking and dreaming
worlds. Spotting this being within a dream could
mean that you hold yourself steady as a guardian
towards yourself or others, and as such, it may be
a symbol of your own path of self-understanding

The concept of patience is often related to turtles

and similar testudines, as they are known for
their slow yet steady speed. If you happen to spy
a turtle within your dream, it may be a more
literal symbol of your own patience and the
perseverance that accompanies it

Many people have a fear of insects, whether it be

spiders, flies, bees, or others. They are so
different from us in size, shape, sound,
environment, and overall build and function, and
thus, we often have some kind of aversion
towards them. If you find any within your
dreams, it likely has a close connection to a fear
of some kind, possibly even something irrational
or uncertain to even your waking mind

Mice are a fearful sight for some; however, the

Parker Lippstock

core idea of a mouse doesn’t necessarily reside in

fear, at least for most. A mouse can symbolize
something that’s hidden, something that is
omnipresent but isn’t out in the open. Dreams
tend to hold symbols that are reflections of the
self or interpretations of the world, so this
“something” may be a subliminal idea or
observation that connects to a larger picture

Through the scope of commonly shared beliefs of

the modern day, ghosts are or would be some
kind of manifestation within the real world of a
being that has died. When diving deeper into the
concept itself however, a ghost is inherently an
embodiment of what once was; an homage to
something whose status has changed from what
they once were. Seeing a ghost or ghostly figure
might link to something former, be it an idea,
memory, or even another being

Across many cultures, flowers stand as a symbol

Object of love or respect, and the same is true for
dreams. If a flower is significant or memorable
from a dream, it’s likely that it connects to some
form of love or affection the person has towards
something or someone. Its prevalence may be
speaking as a commentary to someone or
something you love, or it could be a response to
your overall view on love itself

Books are the embodiment of knowledge, and

thus, it lives as a symbol for information and
definition. The prevalence of books within one’s
dream potentially connects to bits of information
that could possibly answer a question your
conscious mind has been pondering

Being messengers of time, clocks are the

indicator for movement, progression, growth,
age, decay, and countless other processes. If you
focus on your time in real life and find yourself
dreaming about clocks, it’s likely your habits of
always watching the time are simply firing off like
muscle memory. If time isn’t a big focus in your
everyday life, it could be the embodiment of an
anxiety or fear that you either don’t fully think
about in your waking hours or something that
you aim a lot of your focus towards that
Parker Lippstock

consumes your time or has a strict deadline

In general, lights and lamps are a symbol of

problem-solving, ideas, innovation, and of course,
clarity. The goal of any light is to make clear and
visible a place or an object that is too dark to see,
and within a dream, this could be a symbol of
mental discovery or even epiphany towards an
idea, just like a light at the end of a tunnel

Chairs are things a lot of us find ourselves sitting

down in when we want to work, relax, or
anything in between. Regarding only the
presence of a chair in a dream, it can represent a
commitment or pledge, and depending on the
environment the chair is in, this implied vow
could mean many things. If you actually sat in the
chair, this could mean that you’ve taken the
pledge it represents, and you’ve planted yourself
there to initiate the commitment

A mysterious box or package is something we all

associate with mystery, especially when we know
its for us. For many, such a situation is exciting, as
it insinuates the possibility of a new or unknown
item being inside that could potentially present
new opportunities for the person receiving it.
This may be what such a thing appearing in a
dream might mean, as if you’re experiencing any
form of development in your life, good or bad,
the experience of receiving and opening a
package could directly relate to one’s positivity
and eagerness—or negativity and fear—for their
current state or path

Musical instruments are something that takes

time and practice to learn and master, and they
are also a powerful method of expression. In a
dream, they may represent a passion or calling,
or possibly something you may have dedication
to. Truthfully, the definition depends on the
instrument, however its presence most often
connects to one’s motivation or even a more
literal affiliation with music in some form. It could
even hint at the possibility of you having
something you want to express, and the
instrument itself or its bare nature have a
connection with your desire to express whatever
Parker Lippstock

the feeling or idea is

Truth be told, the concept of a phone has been

tugged in countless directions within roughly the
past decade, given the rise of the smartphone.
The phone itself can be a symbol of connection
between one, more, or all people, whereas
something like a smartphone may be more often
perceived as somewhat of the direct opposite
given today’s phone and social media culture and
its impact onto social links outside of the
internet. Should one be a memorable piece of a
dream, it could symbolize either of the
aforementioned or even something else. All
potential meanings for anything in any
individual’s dreams should be reflected upon to
better determine their clearest connotations, and
this rule applies to this item far more

Food is a core principle of life; in order to live, we

must eat. As a symbol of sustainment of oneself,
food often shares this meaning within a dream to
a degree. Despite this, if it is a significant symbol
within your dream, it might be a reflection upon
what you eat rather than generally why you eat.
Some tend to see food as something they must
control or mediate, and this could very well play
into it as a dream symbol

Drinking is a core principle of life, as few

creatures can survive for long without them.
Although drinks can represent this form of
sustenance, most often connect drinks to that of
alcoholic beverages rather than the concept
itself. Alcohol is an addictive substance, and while
most understand this, it is often related to the
ideas of fun and celebration. If this form of
drinking appears within one’s dream, it could be
linking to the idea of equilibrium in ones life or
mediation between two or more things

Today, most general travel is done by car. In a

way, the car is the medium by which most all
people traverse their lives from day to day. Given
this association with the journey of life, a car may
well symbolize one’s life path in some way, and it
could possibly stand as the symbol of the person
themselves in a certain point along this journey
Parker Lippstock

A mirror is an item that reflects everything

around it, revealing everything it sees within its
image. They are the epitome of representation
and impression, as they merely project existences
that they view in the real world. A mirror may act
as a call for reflection and contemplation, as
within a dream, looking through a mirror will
show what it sees, and its true and individual
symbolism may only be clear once you’ve
deciphered what it has showed you

Within a dream, joy and happiness are powerful

Emotion feelings that only show their true forms when
one experiences something truly remarkable or
mesmerizing. Feeling happy in a dream, or
awakening to a feeling of happiness most likely
means that your dream experience was
reminiscing something joyful that happened in
the past, or possibly creating a scenario that
derives from it

Sadness is an emotion many relate to negative

events, and while there is a true connection
between sadness and negativity, this emotion
can also erupt from a sense of closure. Feeling
sad within your dreams may mean that your
unconscious mind is simulating or encoding the
occurrence of a worry into your dream
experience, or it could also mean that your mind
has begun to cope with something and has begun
the process of closure

Being a very powerful and dangerous emotion,

anger represents negativity, frustration, and
impatience towards something. Feeling this
emotion in your dreams could mean that your
mind undertones your dreams with something
that’s bothering or frustrating you in real life. This
emotion often carries over from days where you
might have had a bad experience or an emotional

Fear is one of the most deeply rooted emotions

in nearly all creatures, especially humans.
Expressing fear in a dream often stems from an
actual fear or phobia one has, and can often
manifest itself as a creature or person that chases
Parker Lippstock

you within your dream. This emotion usually

conveys the idea that you are putting something
off or avoiding something that you either truly
fear or that needs more immediate attention

Anxiety is the ultimate embodiment of stress and

chaos, standing to represent an imbalance of
one’s emotional or mental state through a
cavalcade of other emotions. Responding to
anything within a dream with feelings of anxiety
can represent a loss of control over something,
either within yourself or something in real life

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