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Cabambangan, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga, Philippines



In this subject, I realize that, to have a successful organization, we need to have

a good manager. A manager that leads and unite the members despite of their
individual differences. A true leader develops the team’s skills and knowledge to reach
their full potential. A leader must encourage the members to be effective and efficient
in doing their tasks. A manager should show compassion and appreciation to the
efforts of his/her members. As a future leader, I need to be open and fair in making
judgements or decisions for the institution. I need to be a model and practice strong,
trusting relationship to maintain the harmonious environment in the workplace.

To improve the institution, I need to know myself first. I need to look on my

strengths and weaknesses so that I will know on how to handle future conflicts that
may exist. I am really amazed on the activity that Dr. Imelda Macaspac gave to us. It
was about the personality test. It was my first time to take that kind of test and I was
shocked to the results. I thought I already know myself, but through taking the
personality test, I found out some of my characteristics, my hidden strengths, and
weaknesses. For me, this kind of test must take by the leaders occasionally, because it
can help us in improving and appreciating our skills. In this personality test we can
know if we belong to the introvert or extrovert, sensing or intuitive, thinking or feeling,
and judging or perceiving.

Next to this, my second favorite activity is the SWOT (Strength, Weakness,

Opportunity, and Threats) analysis. In my second year of teaching in the public
school, my school head asked me to do the SWOT analysis of our school. That time I
don’t have many ideas on how to do it. I just did it based on my understanding. But
through the help of Ma’am Imelda Macaspac I found out that we need to give emphasis
to internal and external stakeholders’ Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats.
Now I am confident that I can make a better SWOT analysis of our school.
Cabambangan, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga, Philippines

Another, in this course I discovered on how to make an innovation project

proposal. I am really interested in this activity because I know this can benefit me in
improving my project proposals in our school. At present I am managing two projects
in our school, the Project LOCAL that stands for Least learned competencies Overcome
through Contextualization and Localization of instructional materials and Project 5Rs:
Receive, Record, Release, Retrieve and Reposit this is for the distribution and retrieval
of modules. I learned a lot from the explanation of our teacher and to the experiences
of my classmates. When we had this activity, I presented my proposed project which
was the Project LEAN ON that stands for “LEAve No ONe behind” the objective of this
project is to provide sufficient reading materials for the learners in the distance
learning modality. In connection with the innovation project proposal activity, I
enjoyed also in studying on how to do the implementation plan. In every project
proposal, we need to have a well-planned implementation that can serve as our
guideline for the monitoring and evaluation of our project.

Then, as managers it is normal to encounter conflicts and challenges in our

work. In this case we can come up of our own problem and opportunity tree. Through
this we can analyze the problem and come up of possible solutions.

Next, I really like the activity on the communication style. In the activity I got 7
in idea, 9 for the process, 11 in action and 13 for people. I learned that the people-
oriented person is focused on the impact of things on people. He/she shares ideas for
the benefit of the people. Communicating with a people-oriented person needs to pay
attention to personal compliments and use friendly language. When we are talking to
people we need to assess or observe their learning style so that we can response
smoothly to their ideas or problems.

We also talked about the change, and we discuss the diagram below.
Cabambangan, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga, Philippines

We can’t stop our life from changing. There is always something new in our
daily living. We need to adapt to these changes to make our life comfortable and

We also attached the idea of School Based Management in our discussion, for
me this is a relevant sample for change, because most of us can relate to this activity.
We related the Kotter’s model in improving our SBM and shared our School’s Best
Practices. This activity is beneficial to us teachers because we can see the projects of
other schools that we can apply in our schools. There are four principles which serve
as basis in validation the schools SBM Level of Practice and they are: Leadership and
Governance, Curriculum and Learning, Accountability and Continuous Improvement
and Management of Resources. As our professor said, SBM is a way of life, we need to
be responsible and be true to our projects, not just for the sake of validation. To avoid
the cramming of finishing the files, somebody needs to monitor and update the files of
SBM quarterly.

Lastly the final lesson that we talked about was about the 21 Balanced
Leadership Responsibility. This study talks about the responsibilities of a good leader.
Most of the given concepts are relatable especially when you are in the public school.
Teachers have too much paper works and other designations.

I am really amazed with this course because in every session, I learn a lot. Dr.
Imelda Macaspac is dedicated in teaching. She is also using new techniques in
Cabambangan, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga, Philippines

teaching like jamboard, zoom meeting, mentimeter, murals and others. She is also
always on time. I am grateful to have a teacher like her. I hope someday I can be like
her. She is always open to the ideas and opinions of her students. She is a good
leader and manager. She managed our classes well. She has always back up plans
just in case that there will be a technical problem. This course is fruitful and
interesting subject because of our professor. Thank you, Ma’am. 😊

Submitted by:


MAED-EM 1H student

Submitted to:

Dr. Imelda Macaspac


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