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Introduction to Sociology Project!

This project will allow you to actually do your own research on a sociological topic, analyze the data, and
write up your findings.

Possible Topics:

 Covid/Grades
 Online School/Grades
 Quarantine/Attendance
 1:1 Computer Ratio/Grades
 Vaping/Grades
 Free Food in cafeteria/attendance
 Free food in cafeteria/better grades
 Knows meaning of the pledge/ more patriotic
 Concern about grades/ going to college
 Sexism/ageism/ racism/ politics/ etc

What else?

Part 1: As an individual or a group of 2 or 3 you will create a survey. You must pick a sociologically
relevant topic, develop questions designed to measure these concepts, and turn in your completed
questionnaire for a grade. The questionnaire will have 5-6 questions that measure the concepts as well
as any necessary demographic concepts such as age, sex, etc. We will create these questions using
google forms. Make sure you use the Likert scale (Strongly Agree, Agree, Not sure, Disagree, Strongly

Part 2: This section will involve implementing the questionnaire, gathering your data, and writing up
your findings as a power point presentation.

Step 1: Define the problem/ Choose a Topic Choose a sociologically relevant topic (Define the
Problem) Explain why you chose this topic and why is it important.

Step 2: Review the Literature: You need to find 2 other studies on this topic. Summarize what you
have learned about the topic through these readings. Please quote your sources using quotation marks.
Two sources of reference are required.

Step 3: State your Research Question and your Hypothesis:


RQ: Does having a late start improve student attendance?

H: We believe that having a late start has no effect on student attendance

Step 4: Research Method or Design

In this section, describe in detail how you collected the information you needed to test your hypothesis
and answer your research question. How did you choose your population? How did you select a
sample?, Please link your survey into your power point presentation.

Step 5: Data Analysis

In this section, tell us what you found out through your research. Present the data as clearly and as
neatly as you can. Analysis usually means simplification. Put your numbers into percentages, place
them in charts (google forms does this for you) Construct graphs and tables.

Most importantly, tell us how your data relates to your hypothesis. Does it support or not support your
hypothesis. Does it answer or not answer your research question.

Step 6: Summary and Conclusion/Generalization

In this section of your presentation tell me what you learned through the course of your investigation.
Comment on your intended finding of course, but also tell us what you learned along the way
accidentally. Advise your reader how you might suggest a repeat study be done differently.

Put information together on a power point (most of it will already be on google forms. But you will add
your “2 cents” as to what you learned, what you would do differently and then you will present to the

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