DLP 1-2 3Q PR1

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Arellano University

S.Y. 2021-2022

Name : Aina Margaret C. Celino Teacher: Ms. Judy Ann D. Inot, LPT
Grade/Strand/Section: 11 – HUMSS 1 Date: March 3, 2022

Dynamic Learning Program 1 & 2

Activity A1. Think of a problem that you want to solve and explain why and how you will solve it. Use
the box provided (10 pts).


As a student who is currently studying in the middle on pandemic, the problem that is just simple but a
vital one I wanted to solve is to have a complete sleep. As a student, this might be a simple problem but is
very necessary as it is a good thing to consider for our overall health and well-being. Being a student,
means lots of school works and even looking for a part-time job to cope up with living that we tend to
forget how important for us to sleep and rest, or if we are sleeping, we tend to lack the proper number of
hours needed to sleep. This maybe understandable as a student, but should be properly addressed as our
health is the one being tackled. For me to solve such problem, I will organize things and list them down. I
will be more careful on using my time and lessen all unnecessary things or for leisure; and I will make sure
that I will finish things on time or immediately so I will not cram when it is the due date. This may be hard
for me as a student, but slowly, I'm overcoming it and this is something I want other students to think
over. Sleep is very, very important.

Activity A2. Write an Acrostic Poems using the word RESEARCH based on its definition (10 pts).

R- Respect resources far and wide, no matter old or new,

E- Express your thanks to all who tried, perhaps upvote a few.

S- Seek out the best that you can find, for that pays dividends,

E- Extending knowledge to Mankind, that’s bound to make more friends.

A- And think of things that you can share on the Internet,

C- Choose what to write, then edit well, as all researchers should,

H- Hate every lie that casts a spell, and seek the common good.
Activity A3. Directions: In 4-5 sentences, answer the question below (10 pts).

Why ethics is very important in the process of research?

There are several reasons why it is important to adhere to ethical norms in research. First, norms promote
the aims of research, such as knowledge, truth, and avoidance of error. For example, prohibitions against
fabricating, falsifying, or misrepresenting research data promote the truth and minimize error.

Criteria Points Score

Relevance 3

Organizatio 5

Clarity 2

Total 10

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