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Paper/ Subject Code) 87201 / English = 1 {Tine: Taree Hours} [Markys 1001 BB Alt questions are compa yory 2) Figures 10 the right indicate full marks, ‘ 5 D(A) Amernpt tmy five oF the friving in two sentences only 10 @Rwse all done in'a moment. | thought of it afterwards, Who is the speaker? What is done in a moment? GMS great nonsense. Nobody could be such foo! to think tht. Whois the speaker? Wnat was the great nonsense referred by the speaker? {it) “An extraneous element is being introduced in the case said the Magistrate, _ What was extrancous clement being refered by the Magisrate? Naame th elapter. wr {s respectfully submitted that the Supreme Court has relied on the Totter of lawtban its spirt and legislative ingen, ‘Who is the speaker? Mention the case law. (0) "Byen 2 woman of easy virwe is emilled fo privaoy and no one enn invade her privacy as and when he likes..." ‘Who is the speaker? Niention the case law. (wi) Domestic Women Worker's Union reveals the strengths and weaknesses of PIL. ‘Mention the case law. What are the strengths of PIL? (B) Write the following Jegal phrases with their meanings: (@ Cause sine quanon Gi) exeunt omnes * Gi) nouveau riche (iv) persona grata 05 © Gee tie ese jibes inthe words piven below: ieee ‘Gender and Justice in Susan Glaspell's Story’ 3 problems ‘which the Greek interpreter had to face on both occasions, rr essay on Mycroft Holmes. n ho Y the natve are beyond the purview 8) Which case is being referred here? Mention the facts oft ©) Whats the context? oR @ Finally, in a judgement which as countrywide implementation the Supreme Cour h problem and sexual harassment at the workplace ye case 2) Which judgement i being talked ab0UC? Write in detail the facts OFS b). Write down the detailed guidelines addressed by the co! 3 wb enon 308 ceived widespread 2! issued guideline’ ft in above mauler. 06 (B) Fill in the blanks with most appropriate words: re 1) Amendments inthe consttion may be made by «thie ffs voto oFeSM RES °° oe ance by a majority of the represenialives Q\a (approved, ratified, sanctioned) baractes 2) Sanderson steals every Siagle scene With Kis poruayal'as one ofthe mtost_— in the motion picture Bistory. (censurable, culpable, reprcheasible) 3) A highway:nuisarice may be abated by any person, and may be made the subjest of S common law. : ~ “dangers to be apprehended from the disruption of the English Church were the fraud. . “in-sefvice industry to be able to create something so. andi cannibal, compatible) ‘Biput this type of identity thef is that it can be hard for the vi jtfigit @ good and lawyer. Meg heer oes, © Gis py pion any va qurtion and iustate our ans 7 QWs is pean by “copyright? Write about Justice You © iy Uriae is detail about the tril of $1, Joan, (iy Wee In desai} bout Supreme Cours decision in Brown Vis Boant of Ba with reference to the rs judgement, ‘ Page 2069 Javemaniowanay pseoAaDasricrnee (B) Answer aay Rvs. i. (Discuss the judgement een ue aPlndin’ case, 1 with referer (4 Explain the effors of th (id)Define det : he Supreme Court for the codification of UCC ‘ency in Medical services. Give sultable example. (©) Draft the notice agenda and minuics ofthe meeting ofthe Women Development Cel of th sollege to discuss the following points 1) To discuss the routine matters 2) To conduct Ni: ‘ational Seminar on Women Safety 3) tornise fund for seminar 4) To intensify the membership drive (D) You are the secretary of the Moot Court Association, You have been askedto welcome Chief Justice of India at the inaugural ceremony of National’ Moot Court Association. Write a speech in that context. 08, (E) Make a Precis of the following in about 100 words and give suitable title. 4 Certain people consciolsly or unconsciously cherish the desire that some part of their work and of theiraccomplishment will out accom i ttieit.own. individual life, The influence ‘exercised on the world ist which they lived, the concern which they have scientific edifice, whose’ completion they themselves will not live to see. All such things inspire the people that some aspect of themselves will outlast their own personal existence, his pictures, the scholar his contribution of knowledge while poets and | part will preserve their names for future generations, People are not “untoncerned for their posthumous reputation. Many an old person is distinctly preoccupied with this question and Keeps zealous watch o ensure that his achievement te properly quoted and recorded. SG FF canane Yay any, (Times 3 Howe) j Poase chesh Whether you have got the ight questi pd NA Alig 2 rgure w the sight La) Answers any five of the following in two sentences only.) O) "Paar’s what I say; Hay there's not Tacha hing why Ae Bi ie tis Who is the speakers? What is being referred as “eee? ) There's a complication that’s come up and youve Rous be péopated 10 agers 4 lot of for me to say that toa wk ane acniglly Seri ey 0 tection will be extended by a calle gf euity Who is the speaker? Which boo \) When the court dined pajiaat ultimate sufferer ie ce ‘aan oe Men tion the pecoi, uniform ¢ imeiviing oot Codes Braat / al following sie ane law pil lal reference 10 sagaiinnd Waste al pollution with spe 10 law 0 fickewsy tn ain with case law regarding tre de fighenty 79 sxplain with & of the sa pass oa An eo oe sarin st ei i ie snd i pened Chie ie Gees ara aah had pursued the prescribed course in aJOpMUt o eel nany recognized medical caleg, coil peste alloath ated ity are non-negotiable Yeeetss rering bodies and the @lusiclpal ‘stanutory mockery’ < 3) Write in detail the issues inyoheear 4) What was the stand taken by the taupi Fill in the blanks with mos vere og Saina Nehwel’s ten poinit ead puts heein: (Unassisted unmasked’ ‘ Susan Anthony threafegtdtke oft. (damage damagessp SUR setae a pee mDo you think he has the makings of a herdened = e an ment in Glyn v. Weston film feature company (1916) in passage to India, | law of tort? t othe ene in preventing environmental pollution, Paper / Subject Code: $7201 / Eaylisn — 1 masfer of shares sand approve accounts for pay ments To Discuss about monthly trading returns To discuss about publication of annual report Inave been clocted as the secretary of moot ~costt tasyolation WER shortspeth you 0% deliver as a secretary, at the first meeting of the epline! Make « precise ofthe following in about 100. World aid givet suimablesttle for tWesame 04 How then can you acquire this command SE lqngiid® Sermch 10.e desired”, Forgive me there if I give of my own experience . whee ax young dldsit thidk:much 18 world ‘at Oxford | studied needs wor. THe igols Wied thers Were murhiers eters and symbols they were lifeless thing? wighont meaning er saul Aha necessary tools of the Scientist but not of the lawyers buf whi F wasseallel so. the bast had to become. proficient Sih words, I did it by drawing cai my Teder'es of Eaglsh tivetature "Theses had acquired at the Elizabethan grammar school t wehich I vwehedally’. hiidetead gh, of Shakespeare and mnany of our poets and novelists WAUSCSDY at Seto! all my. priaes {rom she'age of 11 were English 1 have them sfiflsbOwd-in hand some leiilicr With the gehOol crest and date AD 1569, The titles inseuscession are-the great authacs, 3 i Carlyle and Milton Reading threes and other proweed she” ebsendials ot oily understanding of thesmeantng attached to them by’ wemast of it, that is howsthe makers of the great seferOxtord: ‘Dictionary set about their task to Giseaver meaningsTheary-complled leon over tive milo guations derived from English ‘word of literatiire-alid: records of all Kinds Where glanee ‘as the dictionary itself to see the sult: Tt shoe that the meaning ofthe wort.may change. froin decade to decade, from place vlace, sven drip one betkonia:apother Sts) cpelid on the subject “mater wader discussigai oF the tonteld in which its used $0. youhave® ‘challenging task, ahead if you are vmmend-of fanguabe ead toSay whal.mieaning any particulars word has in any Paper (Subject Cader S720 / Keigiah «tH QP.Code: 31092 (Time: Three Hours} Please ¢ ‘heck whether you have got the right question papier, 1, All questions are compulsory 2. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1 any five of the following in two sentences ohly:- woman from whom you will feurn the events that fed up 16 tbis tt.” ed in the sbovesentence? Prom which chapter above Tins'are taken? vil rights, ay: political rights, my judicial righ(s,-are all alike ignored." are the rights of the person ignored? ove Tine tered? What isimeant by anallbi?’ wid open x door which to mani could shut.‘Be plea would be an excuse for all sorts referred here? Who observed thetase? i vended to prétect Connimers as opposed to Waders, ate comparatively of recent peaker? Which cose is refered here? ison Corroborasion except in rarest of rate Cases is to equate a woman who is a victim of ‘scthex with zn seotsiplice ta aerimoe and thereby insult womanhood.” 0 tthe speacer fic case is tefetréd here?” Of ec wa sessat bf tbe sorts given belo i sr201 / Engle ap. Code any two ofthe following ation of Sait Joan in her tri Supreme Courts judgement in Minerva Mills case Write on the character of Mr. Melas in your own woeds 8) Write sho notes on any two ofthe flowing 2, Sine a en MOS A eee 4) Bhoposhima Tragedy MID Deficiency in Medical Services. 05 A) Write an answer to any one ofthe situate based question 1 “Conversion is an act of wilfulinterforthes, without lawful justification, with-any chattel in a manner inconsistent with the right of another whereby thal other is deprived of the use and Possession of i.” : i) Mention the case referred above and write: details of the case: ii) Who has given the above defitition of conversi withthe case? TL. “(Dyecency-and dignity are on- negotiable facets of human Fights and are a first charge on local self-governing Bodies. % ') Whose opinion i sited above? Aid: iD) Give the details of the Shove case: cf from serving in the army. Prohibited. perinined) justice coramnitied the crime of forge (vacuity, va icaney, Variety)» @) ‘The police arrested the thief and managed tome. Some oF the stolen money > (Retrieve, Retrieved,Retrial) . 27 During emergency many journalist were. without trial, -< (casiated, incarnated, incarcerated) Wy Johin Beets Had an meron foe the day of robbery, @ moment of ——___ f Mage doy J MONRO SOPROL TUT AADNORMENED per / Subject Code: $7201 / Kngllad Ub QP.Code; 31092 feo of the following questions and illustrate your answer with Feference 0 the tent. 44 a essay on Orwell's presentation of O'Brien, H i meant by copyright? Explain it with referee ta Glyn V. Western Fay Featre Co. uss the trial of Aziz as excerpted in Passage ts Ind AY fo Of the following questions and illusials your answer With feference to the text Deficiency in Educational Services, River Pollution with special reference vo Gasiga pailitns KANN Talver and Polar River Discuss about uniformity desired in,’ of wiecession ithe minutes of the monthly meeting at National Seryide Scheine eh yout cblleyeat Which the 08 Following matter were discussed in additieg tothe routine dgend 1) Organization of Blood Damatigg: Chip’ Ml) Planning of Residenciat Ca MI) Distribution and’ planting of IV) Hosting a Tea Party anid Retr New Niemboiss D) You are the General Secretary af the College, Prepate'a spedch to wele luminary who will be invited #9 idauguratea! intiod. 2 E) Make a precise of the (llowing passage in about 100 words wid:give a suitable titteto it. {in modern tite’ thete have been’ many. cheriges in’ soaial Conditions which have affected the institution oF the: family.) The family” iS na Yongeethecunlt of production. Production is now istrial_anid-conamercial-insitution: At one time children used to be regarded as an cconomit asset since they. worked With the adults and started to earn very early. Today, even children undertaken by from post familiés Spend ore Schools provided by the slate and are regarded as a lability rather thanagagsety SS Ss . {in most couniries women day plana different role; they are no longer confined to the home ‘Men and women together share the responsibility of child-care, education and eaming a livelihood. The close cifele of the kin félated (.thefamily by blood or by marriage is not as close as it used to be This is:largely-because®all:the members of a family no longer follow a trade or profession together nor do they,alWays five in close.physical proximity, QP, Code 07413 rs) | Marks:100) Please check whether you have got the right question paper. NB: 1, All questions are compulsory 2. Figures to the right indicate full marks SEA Answer any five ofthe following two sentences only ye 2 Eractly and remember it after words' you men, You're Satext in which the speaker said above words? % “Ny K lease your honor | shallnever pay 2 dollar of Your nist ferred as ‘unjust penalty’? 3 She asked for a cross. soldier 4 “The authority of the agent isa Parties. “Who is the speaker wt 5 Wherever The exclusion of the daughter from particulars Jn weak weak, weak who I the speakers? What was the way, Who is me speaker? What is being ‘ave her two stick tied together? Who ls the speaker? Who ls referred as ‘she’? parent where it results froma thanilestation made by the principal to third hat was the context inWhilch the speaker sald above words? ar cenary-ownership merely by reason of her Going? Who is the speaker? Mention the case -laW2 B Write the following legal phaées with theic meaning 1 Inter vires 2 Nowveau riche 3 Pendent lite 4 Ratio decidewdi 5 Sine quonon € Circle the stressed'syllables in the words given below: 4 Corr-es-pon-dence 2 Repe-titions 3 Un-dis-tin guished 4 Sub-ur-ban> 5 Under ~priv=ilegee A White short noteson a IB Write shon notes DA Vita are the essential D178 a0 ecsay on "Re evn got wakage, —” B48 50 snsmerig the situation based questions BER: » mover ch some urpbe toot the constitutional validity of the mitakshara copar canary apparent on ws (705 7 conpsdeved besos the apex court over hall century, s ap. code! 1448 co 4 whieh deenende soyeliyiiie 1e facts ot ie. Case, h judgment is being talked about? Weite in detal ti dgment is being talked about? Wri apoE Write down the detail guidelines addressed by the cob 3.8 Fatin the blanks with the most appropriate words (erahs day of rmbery. 2 Clerk devis who was suspected of forgery of chege wal NININBS <> 2) aii 3 3) Alibis cra 2. By imposing emergency | n1976 the government = the'beliet of per # about democracy 1). Subverted = 2) Subvention 3). Subversion Ss 3 Through excavation the Greek peat 1) Hoard : 2). Hoarding 3) Hoar 4 The police arrested the tht 1) Reterive $ 2) Retrieval ‘ 3) Retrial SS SS 5. Because of heavy rain the fartsers of Maharabbtra 3 1) tive : Is really oe) vis fieicourt forthe codifiation of UCC? inde faw of tort? Tum over a \ snssponcarsmnbungnni Ios | QP. Code) Tay of a monthly meeting ave Been asied to flicltate adv. Ujwal nikam the are to deliver in his hone. Ac 2 precie ofthe following in about 100 words wR RL words of Henry James “youth is the Joys We fie Hk WAC has {© spread out Its wings in the open sky WApbdgd aM of discovery and dreams. India has ope of theTamest pasulation se ing nda as a source of talent at lowdets forthelr su They are looking at our youth as a sougteOhta mung ang work in unity they can hall paid wkehong rt 3 Os SSSR ONS The youth hopes for @ world. trea Yeon poverty Use me ine 2 world free from discriminagiag on We Baek oF oe Tolees aga a challenges and opportunities eeaauer then Howsvel Wi afd Se {Gea hopes in to reality, the role of Youth is of most importaBeelate a3 iavea ‘of politics, The youth generation (Bower. Youth recognize problems and et nasa seb the Oak should become aspici@ tat eprsiieueyemher tan kere weirs THEY F40 play @ vital role in eliminations of terrorism. Young partidbatigh B aneh Lau ni . V Gat. bducate children about their rights. They can solve them. Youth ag can help other jog ‘and to become qualified adults. India can become 2 develo} of his or her capacity and ability. WON4/L0138: ENGLISH. 1 QP. Code :0 412 © OraK the notice agenda and minutes of the meeting of the executi Toate In which the feliowing. points weve discussed 2 To discuss routine matters F Te organize a muse programmer to raise funds 3 Tointensity the member ship drive 4 Tomake arrangements for league matches ive committee of the national sports 1 Koulare the secretary of the of cultural committee, You have been asked to welcome governor of Maharashtra at the inauguration of youth festvel in van college, E Make a precise of the following in about 100 words. and give a suitable title Frame mean about poverty 2s a great evil andi seems tobe an sccootee bale th seople had plenty Money, they would be happy and useful and get ‘More out of life. As a rule there ism. _ genuine satisfaction Pores tates fom ite in the hurrinte cottage ofthe poor men then in the coe we ee ean iy thesons and daughters of rich men who ae attended by servants and have seeurnensee stay seal gaat Know how sweet and happy and pure the home of hones poverty ish fee from perplexing Ben {0m social envies and jeatousies how Joving and united its members are In > commn fteresten Preporting the family that | sympathies withthe ich man’s bey and congratulate the or mars son ie hp rane, 2tsons that from the ranks of the poor so many strong eminent self relant men. ave always sprang ond always must spring. If you read lst of “immortals that most of them have been born po. + UNA VOSTANGTISN Gee. MV ~ 207 (A tours) juestions are compulsory {0 the right indicate maximum marks. Ivo of the following in (wo sentences only 10 nice, pleasant, spoken young man Ud no fault to find with the contrary, is the speaker ? Who is being referred as a pleasant spoken Man ‘Fesist the (emptation to make pert replies to us. ho is the speaker ? What was the context in which he was talk ‘can't et me on a criminal charge, The statute of limitations has run. Who is the speaker ? What was the charge against the speaker ? @ GC0-ciders unsuccessfully defended their activities on the ground of Lack of physical facilities, economic bankruptcy and municipal jaction, = Which case is being referred here ?’ What is the role played by the supreme court ? In India it may be borne in mind that conjugal rights i.e. right of the husband or wife to the society of the other spouse is not merely a creature of the statute. = Who is the speaker ? Which judgment is being mentioned here ? Necessity would open a door whieh no man could shut. The plea would be an excuse for all sorts of wrong doing = Who is the speaker ? What is the context ? B) Write the following Legal phrases with their meanings 5 ; (i) Sub judice (ii) Viva yoce (iii) Pro tempore (iv) Nouveau riche (v) Jus civile (C) Circle the stressed syllables in the words given below $ (i) Re - per - cus - sion (ii) Re - nun- ci - action (iii) Under - pri - vileged (iv) Un cere - mo - ni - ously (¥) Mas - eu lin - ity TURN OVER EDSSFFEDBF4301E749ECB587DE706DEC i} QP Code : 22474 (Total Marks : 100 ite short Noles On AY £99 OF the following NETASECBBS7DET0GDEC OF Code 5 22474 y w (:) Discuss the significance of the title ‘A jury of hee peerst (1) Write a short essay on Mycroft Holmes (1) Discuss the problems which the Greck, Interpreter had to face on both occasions. ) Write the short notes on any two of the following 0 () Discuss the Jorden Deingdeh v/s S.8. € hopra and ite impact (ai) Discuss the deficiency in Insurance Services with suitableexplanations (iii) Essential elements of ‘Tort Liability, (A) Write an answer to any one of the situation based question 6 () To insist on corroboration except in rarest of rare cases is to equate woman. Who is a victim of lust of another with an accomplice to a crime and thereby insult womanhood. (a) What case is being referred here? Mention the facts of the case ? (b) What was the role played by the supreme court in above mentioned case ? (ii) In absence of any indication, express or implied, there is no reason ‘o hold that authorities created by the statute are beyond the purview of the Act. (@) Which case is being referred here ? Mention the facts of the case. (b) What is the context? ) Fill in the blanks with most appropriate words : 6 (1) Football isa and healthy game, Every boy should play it (Vigorous, Energetic, Strong) (2) The place of Buddha's has recently been discovered. (Cremated, Cremation, epitaph) (3) According to the all men found with arms will be shot, eclaration, Proclaimation, Order) (4) Robinson crusoe was when he discovered the print of a foot on the sand. (Confused, Puzzled, Shocked) . TURN OVER TT ENGLISH ij QP Code : 22474 3 (5) Considering that the world is so that science has progressed slowly ae CExtirpate, Intricate, Interpret) (6) Though the mills of God grind st lowly, the: id i (Exceedingly, Explanation, Except) pres — ) Answer any two of the followin, e to the text, (i) Write a short essay on the Golaknath y Si (ii) What is your opinion of justice Younger's Judgment ? man is ready to give evidence that the alibi in the case of Breinstein was "Framed up". Discuss the implications of such a charge. 2 questions and illustrate your answer with 14 tate of Punjab ? (B) Answer any two of the following questions and illustrate your answer with 14 reference to the text : (i) Write an essay on Gender Justice with reference to Right to privacy. Illustrate with caselaw. (ii) What are the essential elements of Tort Liability. (iii) What do you mean by defects in goods explain with case study. ft the minutes of Anti Ragging Committee of your college at which the following matters were discussed in addition to the routine agenda. (i) To discuss about seminar to be conducted on ‘Prevention of Ragging’ (ii) To discuss about organizing ‘Anti Ragging poster competition’. (iii) To discuss about budget. (iv) To discuss about performing street play to create awareness against ragging, F bp X (v) To establish new Anti Ragging Committee. ) are a - Association. Preparea You the General secretary of the Moot - Court pi } Se h to weleome and felicitate a Legal Luminary Adv. Ujjwal Nikam. Who be invited to inaugurate the function. = TURN OVER ET49BCBBSTDETOSDEC QP Code : 22474 ecise of the following in about ‘ i ‘ As civilization proseeds i the Mesionan vealed pect , point of supplying all the basic essentials of life i, food, shelter, clothes nd warmth. Then we are faced with a choice between using technology to provide and fulfil need which have hither to been regarded as unnecessary or on the other hand, using technology to reduce the number of hours of work. Which standard must do in order to earn a given standard of living. In other words, we either raise our standard of living above that necessary for comfort and happiness or we leave it at this level and work, shorter hours. I shall take it as an axiomatic that mankind has, by that time, chosen the latter alternative men will be working shorter and shorter hours in their paid employment. It follows that the housewife will also accept to be able to have more leisure in her life, without lowering her standard of living. It also follows that human domestic servants will haye completely ceased to exist. Yet the great majority of the housewives will wish to be relived completely from the routing operation of the home such as scrubbing the floors or the bathe or the cooker, or washing the clothes or washing up, or dusting or sweeping or making beds.

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