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Journal of Geophysics and Engineering

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2019) 0, 1–14 doi:10.1093/jge/gxy002

Integrating a microtremor survey and time reverse

modeling over a hydrocarbon reservoir: a case study

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of Majalengka field, West Java Basin, Indonesia
Abdul Haris1, *, Agus Riyanto1 , Reza Syahputra1 , Awan Gunawan2 , Muharam J Panguriseng3 ,
Surya Nuratmaja3 and Adriansyah3
Geology and Geophysics Study Program, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia, Kampus UI Depok, Indonesia
MIT-ivel, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
PT Pertamina EP, Jakarta, Indonesia
Corresponding author: Abdul Haris. E-mail:

Received 4 July 2018, revised 4 September 2018

Accepted for publication 1 October 2018

A microtremor survey was carried out over a hydrocarbon reservoir in Majalengka field, West Java
Basin, Indonesia, using a three-channel broadband seismometer. The objectives of this survey
were to delineate the lateral distribution of the hydrocarbon potential and to localize microtremor
sources, which are associated with the hydrocarbon reservoir. The microtremor survey was
conducted by microtremor signal recording, which was divided into two types, namely
independent and simultaneous recording. Simultaneous recording is intended for conducting
two-dimensional time reverse modeling (2D TRM), which is proposed to localize microtremor
sources. In addition, a parameter test was performed to define a reference for the microtremor
responses in terms of amplitude spectrum anomalies of the vertical component, which is
associated with the reservoir content. The parameter test was performed on the 10 wellbores,
where seven productive wells showed amplitude spectrum anomalies with the increasing
amplitude spectrum reaching its peak in the frequency range of 2–3 Hz and then decreasing to a
frequency range of 3–4 Hz. Further, delineation of hydrocarbon potential distribution is based
on the vertical–horizontal spectral ratio (VHSR) map, which is used to distinguish the amplitude
spectrum anomalies stemming from the reservoir signal and horizontal noise. The VHSR map
showed that the eastern part of the study area was identified as a potential zone. In addition, by
referring to the TRM result, the depth location of the microtremor source, which is associated
with the hydrocarbon reservoir, was predicted to be in a depth range of 1062–1091 meters.
Keywords: microtremor survey, parameter test, time reverse modeling, Majalengka West Java,

1. Introduction Indonesia. The geological setting of this study area is re-

garded as an intra-arc basin, which is located in the mid-
Oil and gas exploration of the Majalengka field was carried
dle part of West Java and belongs to the Bogor Trough.
out by a Dutch company in 1871 in the eastern part of the
This trough is interpreted as a sedimentary basin, which
Majalengka sub-basin. The presence of oil was indicated by
was dominated by turbidity facies and generated by a mag-
the discovery of oil seepage on the fracture zone; this discov-
matic and thrust-fault belt. An exploration phase has been
ery is recognized as the starting point of the oil industry in
© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Sinopec Geophysical Research Institute. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, 1
provided the original work is properly cited.
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2019) 0, 1–14 Haris et al.

ongoing to develop the field. One exploration activity in- vertical–horizontal ratio (V/H) to analyze the recorded mi-
volves microtremor surveys. crotremor signal, which is combined with the well informa-
Many developments of the microtremor amplitude spec- tion to support our interpretation. Following previous re-
trum were used for the application of soil properties charac- search (Walker 2008; Frehner et al. 2009; Lambert et al.
terization including soil resonant frequency, which is useful 2009a), the aims of this study were to delineate the lateral dis-
for defining site vulnerability, and microzonation to seismic tribution of the hydrocarbon potential and predict the depth
activities (Lermo & Chavez-Garcia 1993; Gitterman et al. of the reservoir by localizing the microtremor sources based
1996; Pamuk et al. 2017; Tuncel et al. 2017; Pamuk et al. on the microtremor spectrum anomalies.
2018). The other application of the microtremor amplitude

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spectrum has been widely conducted to accomplish objec-
tives in oil and gas exploration, including investigation of 2. Survey area
frontier areas, development of the exploration field, mini- The survey area of this study is located in Majalengka, West
mization of drilling risk and reservoir monitoring (Holzner Java, Indonesia, about 205 km southwest of Jakarta City,
et al. 2005; Schmalholz et al. 2006; Saenger et al. 2007). which covers an area of 136 km2 . A map of the study area is
A further application has suggested that microtremor am- given in figure 1. The topography of the survey area is gener-
plitude anomalies are associated with resonant scattering and ally dominated by lowlands in its north, center and east, while
amplification by porous phase reservoir rock, which is use- in its west and south there are moderate to steep hills and veg-
ful for delineating the oil and gas reservoir distribution (Graf etation cover provided by plantations, such as paddies, com-
et al. 2007; Holzner et al. 2009). Microtremor amplitude munity gardens and teak forests.
spectrum anomalies are represented by a high vertical com- The locations of existing wells, where the parameter test
ponent in the microtremor measurement over a hydrocarbon was applied, are distributed in the different administrative
reservoir. These phenomena are understood to be a conse- regions. These administrative regions include the District
quence of the distorted microtremor of the subsurface caused of Cirebon (four wells), Indramayu (two wells), Majalengka
by the nonlinear interaction of the microtremor with hydro- (two wells) and Brebes (two wells).
carbon fluid, water and the pore rock in the reservoir.
The development and application of the microtremor
technique for oil and gas exploration have been under sci- 2.1. Geological framework
entific debate, particularly with regard to whether the mi- In terms of regional structures and stratigraphy, the geologi-
crotremor source really originates from a hydrocarbon reser- cal framework of West Java consists of four zones: the north
voir. Some publications concluded that microtremor signals one is the Jakarta Coastal Plain; the middle zone is the Bo-
do not originate from hydrocarbon reservoirs (Ali et al. 2013; gor zone; the southern part of West Java is the Bandung zone
Martini et al. 2013; Vesnaver et al. 2014). In contrast, the and the Southern Mountain is the final zone (van Bemmelen
measured microtremor amplitude spectrum has been used 1970; Muljana & Watanabe 2012).
to directly detect the reservoir of oil- and gas-bearing layers The Jakarta Coastal Plain, which extended from east to
in many cases in the Middle East field (Dangel et al. 2003; west, lay in the northwest part of Java Basin, particularly the
Bloch & Akrawi 2006). onshore area (Patmosukismo & Yahya 1974). The sediment
Despite all the debates and controversies, it is well under- layer of this plain was dominated by Quaternary volcanic ma-
stood that signals in the frequency range of 1–10 Hz are a terial that was part of the prolific zone of oil and gas reservoirs
combination of body and surface waves in the surface layer in West Java (Muljana & Watanabe 2012).
(Green & Greenhalg 2010). In addition, some noise appears West Java included the shelf edge that covered the Ban-
in the microtremor data from, for example, human activity, dung zone and the deepest part of the trough that covered the
ocean waves and geological structure. Therefore, many fac- Bogor zone. The sedimentary layer of the Bogor Trough was
tors must be considered before confidently concluding that dominated by tertiary turbidities that had undergone geolog-
the microtremor signal originates from the reservoir. ical processes on the shelf sediment (Muljana & Watanabe
In this work, we propose an integrated study of a mi- 2012). The study area is part of the Majalengka basin, which
crotremor survey over a hydrocarbon reservoir in the Ma- is located in the western part of the Bogor zone. The sedi-
jalengka field, West Java Basin, Indonesia. This study in- mentation process of this basin occurred during the middle
cludes the acquisition, processing, interpretation and TRM to late Miocene and was definitely controlled by the geolog-
of microtremor data. Prior to the acquisition of microtremor ical provenance. The formations were laid out from the top
data, we perform a parameter test over productive and to the bottom; that is, Cantayan, Cinambo and Cisaar forma-
nonproductive wells to determine the characteristics of the tions formed the lower stratigraphic layer of this basin. In ad-
microtremor spectrum, which are used as a reference. In dition, the upper stratigraphic layer was controlled by trans-
the processing phase, we produced the time-frequency and gressive deposits (Muljana & Watanabe 2012). In terms of

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2019) 0, 1–14 Haris et al.

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Figure 1. Map of West Java Province; the area under study is indicated by the red square.

the petroleum system, the first two formations of the lower be used to identify the hydrocarbon indication (Goertz et al.
stratigraphic layer were considered as a source rock and reser- 2009; Lambert et al. 2009a,b; Ali et al. 2010). The VHSR is
voir, and the last formation of the upper stratigraphic layer expressed mathematically by Equation 1:
was interpreted as a trap layer.
Z( f)
The southern part of West Java is known as Southern VHSR ( f ) = (1)
Mountain; it consists of the Jampang formation. This zone is H ( f)
dominated by lithic volcanic breccia extending from west to where Z(f) is specrum of the vertical component and H(f)
east. This mountain is considered to have been generated by is the horizontal component spectrum consisting of a north–
the first magmatic activities that took place during the Oligo- south component and an east–west component. The result
Miocene related to the subduction process. for the horizontal component is expressed by Equation 2,
where NS(f) is the north–south component spectrum and
EW(f) is the east–west component spectrum:
2.2. Microtremor response of vertical to horizontal √
spectral ratio NS2 ( f ) + EW 2 ( f )
H ( f) = (2)
Low-frequency anomalies of microtremor response, which 2
are indicated by a frequency of less than 8 Hz, have recently Motivated by the previous literature, this paper analyzes
been used for oil and gas exploration. Some applications have the microtremor responses in terms of the amplitude spec-
been conducted to delineate the hydrocarbon reservoir in the trum of microtremor responses with respect to the hydro-
subsurface for the frontier and production field. Dangel et al. carbon reservoir in the West Java basin. Further, these mi-
(2003) conducted an experiment on the microtremor re- crotremor response anomalies are specifically intended for
sponse over a hydrocarbon production field and showed the delineating hydrocarbon reservoirs, as they are associated
correlation between low-frequency spectral anomalies and with the presence of hydrocarbons. The anomalies appear in
the hydrocarbon reservoir. Many publications have also re- the frequency range of 2–6 Hz, indicated by an increasing
ported the application of low-frequency anomaly analysis for spectrum amplitude.
direct hydrocarbon analysis. Most of these analyses are based On the other hand, direct analysis of amplitude spectrum
on the spectral ratio. is very risky due to the noise content of the recorded mi-
Lambert et al. (2007) suggest that hydrocarbon reservoirs crotremor signal. This risk is caused by noise such as human
are indicated by the dominant peak of the vertical to horizon- activities and wind with frequencies higher than 1 Hz. These
tal spectral ratio (VHSR), which is greater than one. This is frequencies overlap with the frequency of microtremor re-
because a reservoir containing hydrocarbons emits a specific sponses with respect to the hydrocarbon reservoir, even the
pressure wave that causes an increased vertical polarization natural movement of oceanic crust throughout the hemi-
of ambient noise on the surface (Ali et al. 2010). This finding sphere has a frequency range of 0.05–2 Hz (Saenger et al.
led to the hypothesis that a VHSR value greater than one can 2009). Therefore, to minimize this risk, we propose the use of

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2019) 0, 1–14 Haris et al.

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Figure 2. The array of microtremor data acquisitions illustrates the independent (blue dots) and simultaneous recordings (red triangles) (a) overlaid
with the geological map, modified from Djuri (1973), (b) schematic illustration of the seismometer deployment and (c) real implementation in the field.

the VHSR to analyze the microtremor response that is asso- two schemes, namely independent and simultaneous record-
ciated with the hydrocarbon reservoir (Lambert et al. 2007). ing. Independent recording was applied to 148 recording
stations that recorded the data for 3 hours. To perform
the TRM, we acquired the simultaneous recordings of mi-
3. Data acquisition
crotremor response, which used six seismometer stations ar-
A microtremor survey, also known as passive seismic data ac- ranged in a line, with intervals of 1250 m between stations.
quisition, was successfully carried out in the Majalengka oil The six seismometers (STA-S1 to STA-S6) were operated si-
field. The acquisition was performed using six seismometers multaneously to record microtremor responses at the same
Guralp CMG-3ESP, which recorded ground velocity in the time.
period from June to July 2012. All seismometers recorded the Figure 2a shows the station array that was deployed in the
data with a sampling rate of 100 samples per second. Prior study area. The blue dots illustrate independent recording
to the data recording, a parameter test was carried out on and the red triangles indicate simultaneous recording. The
the surface of 10 wells to identify productive and dry wells. data recording was performed by placing the seismometer in
This parameter test was intended to define a reference for a hole with a depth of 50 cm and width of 40 cm. To reduce
the microtremor response correlated to the reservoir con- noise and create a proper coupling between the ground and
tent. seismometer, we placed ceramic padding in the base of the
The data acquisition was carried out over 148 stations, hole. An illustration of the seismometer deployment scheme
which were regularly distributed throughout the study area. is shown in figure 2b, and the real implementation in the field
In general, the data recording was carried out according to is shown in figure 2c.

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2019) 0, 1–14 Haris et al.

the vertical component (top), easting-horizontal component

(middle) and northing-horizontal component (bottom). In
general, the amplitude spectrum of the three components
indicated amplitude spectrum anomalies represented by in-
creasing amplitude spectrum in the frequency range of 1–
4 Hz. The same anomaly was also shown in the VHSR, in-
dicated by a VHSR value greater than one. This anomaly
was correlated with the productivity of this well. In contrast,

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no microtremor response anomaly appears for the dry wells.
The RCI-1 well, which is known as a dry well, exhibited no
microtremor response anomaly for either the spectrum of
vertical components or the VHSR (less than 1).
Figure 5 shows the recorded microtremor response of the
RCI-1 well. The right panel of figure 5 illustrates the well
Figure 3. Location map of the wellbores for the parameter test. location (top), the spectrum of vertical components (mid-
dle) and the VHSR, which showed a flat amplitude (bottom).
The left panel of figure 5 presents the microtremor signal of
3.1. Parameter test
the vertical component (top), easting-horizontal component
A parameter test was carried out to evaluate and define a refer- (middle) and northing-horizontal component (bottom).
ence for the microtremor responses associated with the reser- The detailed microtremor responses at all well locations,
voir content. This parameter test was also important for eval- which indicate the productive and dry wells, are listed in
uating the characteristics of the microtremor signal, which the right column of Table 1. The plus sign represents hydro-
are significant in making decisions about the continuation of carbon indication, which is associated with the microtremor
the microtremor survey. The parameter test was applied to response anomalies. Hydrocarbon indication was character-
over 10 wells. The location map for the 10 wells is shown in ized by the appearance of microtremor response anoma-
figure 3. For this parameter test, two microtremor responses lies for specrum of the vertical component, which was indi-
illustrating productive and dry wells are shown in figures 4 cated by the increasing amplitude spectrum in the frequency
and 5, respectively. The detailed recording times for all wells range of 1–4 Hz. Seven of 10 wells showed a hydrocarbon
are listed in Table 1. indication; these were RDG-38, AJW-1, KPT-1, SIN-2,
Figure 4 shows the microtremor responses of the three RBG-1, RDM-1 and JBG-1. The minus sign means that no
components recorded over the RDG-38 well. The right panel microtremor response anomalies were observed. The ap-
of figure 4 illustrates the well location (top), the spectrum pearance of the amplitude spectrum of the vertical compo-
of vertical components (middle) and the VHSR (bottom). nent was constant and the VHSR was less than 1. The peak of
The left panel of figure 4 presents the microtremor signal of the amplitude spectrum of vertical components, which had a

Figure 4. The microtremor response of the three components recorded over the RDG-38 well. The right panel illustrates (top) the well location, (mid-
dle) the spectrum of the three components and(bottom) the VHSR. The left panel presents the microtremor signal of (top) the vertical component,
(middle) easting-horizontal component and (bottom) northing-horizontal component.

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2019) 0, 1–14 Haris et al.

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Figure 5. Similar to figure 4 but for a RCI-1 well.

Table 1. List of wells for parameter tests.

No Well Name Recording Time Result

1 AGW-1 19 July 2012 −

2 RDG-38 20 July 2012 +
3 AJW-1 21 July 2012 +
4 RBG-1 22 July 2012 +
5 KPT-1 23 July 2012 +
6 SIN-2 24 July 2012 +
7 ABG-1 25 July 2012 −
8 RDM-1 10 Sep 2012 +
9 JBG-1 11 Sep 2012 +
10 RCI-1 1212 Sep 2012 − Figure 6. The spectrum of the microtremor of the vertical component
recorded for 30 minutes with a frequency range of 1–14 Hz, with raw data
− sign indicates a dry well. showing the presence of transient noise at the times of 300, 1100 and 1200
+ sign indicates a productive well.

frequency of less than 0.5 Hz, was suspected to be back- erated by applying short-time Fourier transform to the mi-
ground noise. Three wells showed no microtremor response crotremor record for 30 minutes. The amplitude spectrum
anomalies; these were AGW-1, ABG-1 and RCI-1. calculation was carried out with a window length of 20 sec-
onds and time shift of 1 second. Four high-amplitudes were
observed at the times of 280, 300, 1050 and 1200 seconds, in-
4. Data processing dicating the presence of local transient noise. In addition, an-
The interpretation of microtremor response was applied to thropogenic noise was also observed at the times of 180 and
the noise-free data and was performed in the frequency do- 1440 seconds, emerging outside the frequency range of in-
main. Thus, data processing must be applied to the raw data terest of 0.2–6 Hz. This anthropogenic noise was suppressed
to make the microtremor response interpretable. The data by a bandpass filter. The frequency range of interest of 0.2–
processing included the following steps: (i) transforming mi- 6 Hz was hypothetically dominated by microseismic oceanic
crotremor data into a spectrogram to separate signal and wave (Cessaro 1994), whereas frequencies over 6 Hz were
noise, (ii) temporal normalization to reduce local transient dominated by anthropogenic noise (Bonnefoy-Claudet et al.
noise, (iii) filtering by applying a bandpass filter (1–6 Hz), 2006).
(iv) calculating the VHSR and, finally, (v) mapping the lateral
distribution of the VHSR. Recorded microtremor data from
4.1. Temporal normalization
148 stations were applied with the same processing schemes.
During the analysis of the microtremor response, a type of To eliminate local transient noise that is characterized by a
local transient noise was observed on the vertical component very strong amplitude compared to the surrounding ampli-
spectrogram, as shown in figure 6. The spectrogram was gen- tude, we applied the temporal normalization method adapted

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2019) 0, 1–14 Haris et al.

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Figure 7. The sequence steps of data processing, with (a) raw data containing noise, (b) the microtremor signal filtered by the bandpass filter with a
frequency range of 0.5–6.5 Hz, still containing transient noise, (c) the weighted moving average to remove transient noise, (d) the microtremor signal
free from noise and (e) the microtremor spectrum free from local transient noise.

from Lambert et al. (2011). The algorithm of temporal nor- 4.2. Bandpass filter
malization was applied by first applying the bandpass filter to In this study, we focused on the low-frequency range; thus,
the raw data, which is shown in figure 7a. Figure 7b shows we applied a lower cut-off (LF) of 1 Hz and a high cut-off
the microtremor signal that was filtered by the bandpass (HF) of 6 Hz. This frequency range (1–6 Hz) was applied to
filter. Further, the absolute amplitude of filtered amplitude eliminate low and high signals of less than 1 Hz and greater
(figure 7b) was then averaged for each window length of 20 than 6 Hz. A very low signal is commonly caused by ocean
seconds with a time shift of 1 second. Figure 7c shows the waves and the tidal action of the earth (Cessaro 1994). A high
averaged absolute amplitude that presented local transient signal that is greater than 6 Hz is normally produced by daily
noise by a strong amplitude at a given time. activities, wind and traffic (Bonnefoy-Claudet et al. 2006).
This averaged absolute amplitude significantly controlled This signal may interfere with or cause ambiguity in the mi-
the determination of the amplitude threshold, which was crotremor signal from the hydrocarbon reservoir.
then used to normalize the local transient noise. In the Figure 8 shows the processed microtremor response of
next step, we eliminated the strong amplitude of local tran- the three components recorded at STA-88. The right panel
sient noise by applying a normalization operator. Figure 7d of figure 8 illustrates the well location (top), the spectrum
presents a microtremor amplitude that was free from lo- of the three components (middle) and the VHSR (bot-
cal transient noise after temporal normalization. The mi- tom). The left panel of figure 8 presents the microtremor
crotremor spectrum free from local transient noise is shown signal of the vertical component (top), easting-horizontal
in figure 7e.

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2019) 0, 1–14 Haris et al.

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Figure 8. Similiar to figure 4 but for the processed microtremor at STA 88.

component (middle) and northing-horizontal component

(bottom). Referring to the amplitude spectrum and VHSR,
the microtremor response of this station shows the anomaly
associated with a hydrocarbon indication.

5. Result and discussion

The microtremor data successfully proceeded to reduce
noise and generate the VHSR map, which was used to dis-
tinguish the amplitude spectrum anomalies stemming from
the reservoir signal. Thus we interpreted the amplitude spec-
trum of the vertical component and VHSR of all recording
Figure 9. The distribution map of the amplitude spectrum of the vertical
stations to delineate the lateral distribution of the spectrum component for all recording stations overlaid with the amplitude spectrum
anomalies. The interpretated data was then validated by per- of recorded microtremor responses over eight wells. The contour presents
forming TRM. the time structure at the top of the Baturaja formation.

5.1. Data interpretation

The microtremor data interpretation was performed by map-
ping the amplitude spectrum of the vertical component and
VHSR of all recording stations to delineate the lateral distri-
bution of the spectrum anomalies, which are associated with
hydrocarbon indication. Figure 9 shows the distribution map
of the amplitude spectrum of the vertical component for all
recording stations overlaid with the time structure of top Bat-
uraja formation and the amplitude spectrum of recorded mi-
crotremor responses over eight well locations. The area that
Figure 10. The VHSR map for all recording stations overlaid with the am-
has great potential to contain hydrocarbons is indicated by
plitude spectrum ratio of recorded microtremor responses over eight wells.
the high amplitude spectrum of vertical components (yellow
to red area). In contrast, the area that has less potential to
contain hydrocarbons is indicated by the low amplitude spec- study area. The western part of the study area has less hydro-
trum of vertical components (blue area). Referring to the dis- carbon potential.
tribution map of the amplitude spectrum of the vertical com- To reduce the effect of noisy data and to optimize our
ponent for all recording stations, the hydrocarbon reservoir interpretation, we analyzed the VHSR map. Figure 10 illus-
zone is predominantly distributed in the eastern part of the trates the distribution of the VHSR map from all recording

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2019) 0, 1–14 Haris et al.

stations, which is overlaid with the amplitude spectrum ra-

tio of recorded microtremor responses over eight wells. We
observed that the hydrocarbon indication is represented by
a VHSR value that is greater than one (green to red colors).
This means that the amplitude spectrum of the vertical com-
ponent is more dominant than the horizontal component.
The area indicated by green to red colors has great potential
for containing hydrocarbons. The area indicated by VHSR
less than one has less potential for containing hydrocarbons.

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Referring to the VHSR map for all recording stations, hydro-
carbon indication is predominantly distributed in the east-
ern part of the study area. In contrast, the western part of the Figure 11. Velocity section of the geological model with a relatively flat
study area has less hydrocarbon potential. layer but vertically strong velocity variation.
These two maps show conclusive results regarding poten-
tial hydrocarbons located in the eastern part of the study area. model. Figure 11 shows the velocity section of the geologi-
Furthermore, this result was also confirmed by the time struc- cal model with a relatively flat layer, but the model has ver-
ture of the Baturaja formation, which shows the eastern re- tically strong velocity variation. The dimensions of the geo-
gion as a height and has potential as a hydrocarbon trap. Re- logical model are a width of 5000 m and depth of 3000 m,
ferring to the geological surface, the potential area, which is which is approached with the field acquisition for simultane-
located in the eastern part, is also identified close to the fault ous recording. In this forward modeling, we recorded the ar-
plane. This geological condition might be possible for a hy- tificial wave propagation of the microtremor source located in
drocarbon migration path. In addition, the eastern part of the the center of the subsurface (depth of 1500 m and distance of
study area lies in a volcanic layer that is difficult to image using 2500 m). The microtremor source was generated by a signa-
a conventional seismic reflection method. This situation en- ture of a minimum phase wavelet with a dominant frequency
courages the use of geophysical methods other than seismic of 3 Hz, as shown in figure 12. Microtremor recording was
reflection as a breakthrough for hydrocarbon exploration in simulated for a period of 5 seconds. The selection of the min-
the Majalengka region. imum phase is intended to have the characteristics of a real
microtremor signature.
Figure 13 illustrates a snapshot of microtremor wave prop-
5.2. TRM
agation from the microtremor source, which was located in
The analysis of amplitude spectrum of the vertical compo- the center of the geological model. The early stage of wave
nent and VHSR provides only the hydrocarbon reservoir dis- propagation is presented in the upper left of figure 13 for a
tribution on the surface but gives no information about the time lapse of 0.05 seconds and continues for time lapses of
depth location in the subsurface. To predict the depth lo- 0.25 seconds (lower left part of figure 13), 0.5 of a second
cation of the microtremor sources in the subsurface, which (upper right part of figure 13) and 1 seccond (lower right
is associated with the hydrocarbon reservoir, we performed part of figure 13). In the time lapse of 1 second, the artificial
TRM. The TRM was applied based on a two-dimensional ve- microtremor was already reached and reflected back by the
locity structural model that was based on simultaneous mi- boundary of the geological model. The artificial microtremor
crotremor recording. The simultaneous recording was con- was recorded by the three-component seismometer and its
ducted by deploying six seismometers (STA-S1, STA-S2, synthetic seismograms are illustrated in figure 14.
STA-S3, STA-S4, STA-S5 and STA-S6) over the potential hy- Prior to employing the TRM algorithm, we reversed the
drocarbon indication. recorded synthetic seismogram, which was prepared as an
The TRM algorithm is based on finite difference mod- TRM input. Figure 15 presents the reversed synthetic seis-
eling of acoustic wave propagation using a specific velocity mogram in time. This means that we were propagating the
model. In principle, this algorithm estimates the location of recorded wave back from the seismometers to the subsurface.
microtremor sources by localizing the maximum value of Figure 16 illustrates a snapshot of the TRM of the recorded
particle velocity. Prior to performing the TRM on the real microtremor from the seismometers in the subsurface. Sim-
dataset, we applied the algorithm to the synthetic data to ver- ilar to forward modeling in the time lapse of 1 second, the
ify that the algorithm worked properly. source on the surface began to emit a microtremor (upper
left part of figure 16). In the time lapse of 2 seconds, the
5.2.1. Synthetic data. The synthetic dataset was generated by microtremor had already been distributed around the model
applying forward modeling of the finite difference algorithm (lower left part of figure 16) and continued in the time lapse
to the geological model that was represented by the velocity of 3 seconds, when the microtremors began to interfere with

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2019) 0, 1–14 Haris et al.

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Figure 12. Signature of the minimum phase wavelet with a dominant frequency of (top) 3 Hz and (bottom) its amplitude spectrum.

Figure 13. Snapshot of wave propagation as a function of time for a time lapse of (upper left) 0.05 of a second, (upper right) 0.25 second, (lower left)
0.5 second and (lower right) 1 second.

each other (upper right part of figure 16). Finally, in the time iment on the synthetic dataset showed that the TRM algo-
lapse of 3.02 seconds, we found the superposition of the max- rithm can predict the origin of the microtremor source and
imum particle velocity (lower right part of figure 16), which was confirmed to be accurate for the artificial microtremor
was associated with the microtremor source. source location.
The experimental sequence was carried out successfully,
including the generation of synthetic data from the geological 5.2.2. Real data. Having validated the TRM algorithm, we
model, time reversal of the synthetic seismogram and TRM applied the algorithm to the real dataset. The real dataset was
to estimate the origin of the microtremor source. The exper- acquired by simultaneous recording, which was carried out

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2019) 0, 1–14 Haris et al.

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Figure 14. Recorded synthetic seismograms from the artificial forward modeling for the three components.

Figure 15. Time-reversed synthetic seismograms prepared for TRM.

in the survey line over the potential hydrocarbon reservoir. TRM for the last three seismometers (STA-S4 to STA-S6) is
In this case, the simultaneous recording was divided into two shown in figure 20. In general, these two velocities were simi-
sessions by applying three seismometers sequentially; thus, lar in terms of the velocity contrast, but there was a slight dif-
TRM was performed by considering the first three recorded ference in the layer strata. The TRM algorithm depends on
seismograms (STA-S1 to STA-S3) and continued with the these two velocity models. In the next step, the velocity mod-
last three recorded seismograms (STA-S4 to STA-S6). els were used to propagate the recorded seismogram from the
The upper part of figure 17 illustrates the seismograms surface into the subsurface covering the velocity model.
recorded by the first three seismometers, indicated by red Our experiment on the real dataset was performed suc-
(STA-S1), green (STA-S2) and blue (STA-S3). In addition, cessfully, including the prediction of the microtremor source
the reversed-time seismogram is shown in the lower part of as indicated by the superposition of the maximum particle
figure 15. The displayed seismogram is the selected record for velocity. Figure 21 shows a snapshot of TRM for a time lapse
a time window of 100 seconds. The last three seismometers, of 3.35 seconds from the simultaneous propagation from the
indicated by red (STA-S4), green (STA-S5) and blue (STA- first three seismometers (STA-S1 to STA-S3). The maximum
S6), are shown in the upper part of figure 18. The reversed- particle velocity, which is associated with the microtremor
time seismogram is shown in the lower part of figure 18. The source, was identified at a distance of 5500 m and depth
seismogram was also selected for time windows of 100 sec- of 1.048 seconds two-way time (TWT) (or 1062 m) under
onds. STA-S3. The snapshot of TRM from the simultaneous prop-
The crucial component in applying TRM is the accuracy agation from the last three seismometers (STA-S4 to STA-
of the velocity model. In this case, we used the velocity that S6) for a time lapse of 9.07 seconds is shown in figure 22. The
was extracted from seismic data. The velocity model used for predicted microtremor source is indicated by the maximum
TRM for the first three seismometers (STA-S1 to STA-S3) is particle velocity, found at a distance of 6500 m and depth of
shown in figure 19. In addition, the velocity model used for 1.076 seconds TWT (or 1091 m) under STA-S4.

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2019) 0, 1–14 Haris et al.

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Figure 16. Simulation of TRM. The source on the surface begins to emit at a time lapse of (upper left) 1 second, (lower left) 2 seconds and (upper
right) 3 seconds. The localized source is indicated by the maximum particle velocity, which was obtained after 3.02 seconds, marked by a black rectangle
(lower right).

Figure 17. Recorded seismograms from (top) the first three seismometers, indicated by red (STA-S1), green (STA-S2) and blue (STA-S3), and (bot-
tom) the pair of reversed-time seismograms.

6. Conclusions cal component and VHSR. The anomalies were indicated by

the increasing amplitude spectrum in the frequency range of
The integrated microtremor survey, including acquisition,
2–4 Hz and a VHSR greater than one (VHSR > 1). Car-
processing, interpretation and TRM, was successfully carried
rying out a parameter test is the best strategy prior to con-
out over a hydrocarbon reservoir in Majalengka field, West
ducting microtremor analysis. Our parameter test on 10 wells
Java Basin, Indonesia, using three-channel broadband seis-
confirmed the real conditions of the wells and seven wells
mometers. The main purpose was to delineate the poten-
(RDG-38, AJW-1, KPT-1, SIN-2, RBG-1, RDM-1 and JBG-
tial hydrocarbon indication covering the study area and the
1) were found to be productive. Based on the amplitude
objective was achieved. Our experiment showed that hydro-
spectrum of the vertical component and the VHSR maps
carbon indication is characterized by microtremor response
for all recording stations, we concluded that the potential
anomalies in terms of the amplitude spectrum of the verti-
hydrocarbon indication is predominantly distributed in the

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2019) 0, 1–14 Haris et al.

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Figure 18. Similar to figure 17 but for the last three seismometers; STA-S4, STA-S5 and STA-S6.

Figure 19. Velocity model used to perform TRM for the first three seis-
Figure 21. Snapshot of TRM from the simultaneous propagation for the
mometers (STA-S1 to STA-S3).
first three seismometers (STA-S1 to STA-S3).

Figure 20. Velocity model used to perform TRM for the last three seis-
mometers (STA-S4 to STA-S6).

Figure 22. Snapshot of TRM from the simultaneous propagation for the
last three seismometers (STA-S4 to STA-S6).
eastern part of the study area. In contrast, the western part of
the study area has less of a potential hydrocarbon indication.
In addition, by referring to the TRM analysis, we identified
that the depth of the microtremor source, which is associated
with the depth of hydrocarbon indication, is in the range of
1062–1091 m under the simultaneous recording stations of We thank PT Pertamina EP for supporting this research and giving
STA-S3 and STA-S4. permission for publication.

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2019) 0, 1–14 Haris et al.

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