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The Involvement of Parents to the Level of Performance of Grade 11 ABM


A Research Proposal Presented

To the Senior High School Department

SPM Academy Inc. ,Tipolo Mandaue City

In partial fulfillment

Of the requirements in

Introduction to Research

Submitted to:

Ms. Jessel Ople Gabunada

Submitted by:

Prandas, Queen Alexza B. Cabuenas, Mariel

Etic, Karylle B. Basarte, John Kenneth

Banate, Mariel Ceniza, Mandy Lyn

Calonsag, Tristan Dominic Sarabosing, Rj




This research would not have been possible without the unfailing support

and encouragement of these people who spared their knowledge and insights for

this study to be successful done.

First, the researchers are forever grateful to their family especially their

parents whose love, support, and care encouraged them to bring their task into


To the adviser and mentor, Ms. Jessel Ople Gabunada, who is more than

generous with her expertise and precious time in teaching the researchers about

the research study. Her willingness to provide feedback made the completion of

this research an enjoyable experience.

The researchers are also thankful to the members of this study. To

Prandas Queen, Etic Karylle, Banate Mariel, Calonsag Tristan, Cabuenas Mariel,

Basarte John Kenneth, Rj Sarabosing and Ceniza Mandy for sharing their time

and knowledge for this success of the study.

Finally, all honor and glory to the Almighty Father, for His divine strength,

wisdom and guidance.

The Researchers

Table of Contents

Title Page............................................................................................... 1


Table of Contents................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER 1. THE PROBLEM.................................................................... 4

Introduction.................................................................................................. 4

Statement of the Problem............................................................................ 6-

Scope and Delimitations ............................................................................... 7

Significance of the Study............................................................................... 7

Definition of Terms .................................................................................... 7-8


Related Literature......................................................................................9-14

Related Studies.......................................................................................14-16

Theoretical Theorem…................................................................................16

Definition of terms………………..…..…………………………………..………………………..17

CHAPTER 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..........................................17-


Research Design........................................................................................ 18

Research Respondents............................................................................... 18

Research Environment............................................................................... 18

Research Instruments..............................................................................18-19

Chapter I


Parent involvement in a child’s education is consistently found to be positively

associated with a child’s performance. The responsibility to socialize and educate

children is a shared obligation between parents and schools. The more parental

involvement, the more students are likely to become productive. This study aims

to examine the impact of parental involvement in student’s performance and the

extent of the parental participation in their child’s education.

It will be conducted at SPM Academy Inc. It provides quality education

and it let the students learn to be a visionary and industry leader. Lastly, it gives

hope to the students to achieve their dreams and it transforms lives. An

institution of higher learning, the School is committed to an authentic education

that is founded on the principles of humanity, nationalism and academic

excellence. SPM also upholds and realizes the vision through the formation and

academic excellence contributes to the development of society.


Parent involvement in their children’s education means the participation

of parents in regular, two way and meaningful communication involving students

performance ensuring that (a) Parents play an integral role in assisting their

child’s learning; (b) Parents encourage to be actively involved in their child’s

education at school. Esptein (2014). Parent involvement is known to be linked

with improved behavior, regular attendance and positive attitudes. In addition,

being involved shows your child you care about his or her education and

schooling. That in itself can make children appreciate the importance of

education and help them to understand that what they are doing has a purpose.

Sivertsen (2015). Because of parents involvement it has benefits.

Many students faced challenges especially low academic performance.

They experience lack of attention to school activities because they thought it is

not that important . Parent involvement is essential towards the students

academic performance that could help encourage them to do their best.

The general objectives of research study are: (a) to study the level of

parental participation in Child’s education; (b) to study about the informal ways

to communicate; (c) to study the effect of parental involvement on child’s


The information obtained by completing this study will be beneficial to

parents, students, and educators. The findings of this research may also be

beneficial to educational institutions. The result can be utilized to develop school

programs associated with parental involvement in school activities, decisions and


Programs such as these can be implemented to bridge the gap between

home and school while improving student’s academic achievement. The result of

this study might be useful addition in the existing knowledge of sociology of

education. The findings of the study might be useful for the policy planners in

the education planning divisions. This would be the practical utility of this

present empirical inquiry.

Statement of the Problem

The researcher aims to know how parent involvement affects the Level

of Performance of Grade 11 ABM Students. The study aims to assess the

involvement of parents and to relate them to the Level of Performance of the

Students. The study will be conducted only in the school premises, specifically at

SPM Academy Inc. The study will be conducted during the 2 nd Semester of 2021-


1. What is the profile of a student in terms of:

1.1 Name;

1.2 Age;

2. What is the significant relationship between parent involvement and

students’ performance?

3. How different is the level of performance of a student with parent

involvement to that of a student without parent involvement?

4. What are the possible effective strategies to improve student

achievement and overcome the persistent barriers that hinder

parental involvement

Scope and Delimitation

This study focused on the level of Performance of Grade 11 ABM students

in SPM Academy Inc. for the second semester in academic year 2022-2022

In this study the level of performance of students was limited only to

school activities, classroom performance and GPA. The school activities were

delimited to school programs or events, extracurricular activities and inter-

school activities. The classroom performance was delimited to performance

task, written works and students participation. Lastly, the Grade Point

Average (GPA) of the students was analyzed and computed to measure the

performance of students. This was only limited to the midterm grades of first

semester academic year 2021 – 2022.

The study was limited to SPM Academy Inc. specifically Senior High School

Department. The Grade 11 Students of the mentioned department served as the

respondents of the study.

Significance of the Study


This study will focus on the conduct of classroom observation and the

common responses of the Grade 11 ABM Students. The result of this study will

be greatly important to the following:

Students. As the center of educational system, students will benefit from this

study if their teachers are aware of the students limitations and endeavors

towards learning. The awareness of teachers to student’s ability to learn will help

students to be much more comfortable in their learning environment.

Understanding to each other will lessen both teachers and students work and will

help both grow together as humans, citizens and their personality’s identity.

Teachers. This will provide the springboard for teachers to reflect on their

knowledge, attitudes and behaviors regarding to students capacity to learn and

emotional background. It would help the teachers style of teaching improves that

students would totally understand. How they know the students situations will

help them understand and guide students to their academic succession and

future careers.

Parents. This helps the parents to realize how great contribution they are to

their children’s academic performance. The presence of parents to their

children’s student life will improve them as a family and as a father to the

child/mother to child relationship

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies


This chapter represents the related literature and related studies after the

thorough research of the researchers. This will also present the theoretical

framework to fully understand the research to be done.

Related Literature

According to the National Education Association (NEA) in the US published in

2014, one factor—family engagement—remains critical to student achievement.

Ongoing research shows that family engagement in schools improves student

achievement, reduces absenteeism, and restores parents’ confidence in their

children’s education. Students with involved parents or other caregivers earn

higher grades and test scores, have better social skills, and show improved

behavior. Family engagement can improve the attitude of the students towards

their school activities. It can help the students maintain their grades because

they are monitored by their parents. They are monitored in an effective way that

can help in improving their grades and sustain it. Parents can also benefit from

this involvement because they gain confidence that their children are performing

well in school and even establish a lasting connection with their children. In a

way, the students will not be scared to approach their parents whenever they

experience struggles in their projects and school works. They will be given

advices by their parents which is really an important foundation to every troubled

student of today. The interpersonal skills of students can also be enhanced and

tested through the guidance of the parents. Parents can be the student’s voice of

wisdom which the researchers believe to be essential in different schools and


According to Reading Rockets 2019, parent involvement continues to

challenge practitioners engaged in school reform despite being a required

component of many school improvement initiatives - from Title I Schoolwide

Programs to federally mandated school improvement plans. The benefits of

parent involvement are clear: A growing body of research shows that successful

parent involvement improves not only student behavior and attendance but also

positively affects student achievement. Yet many schools continue to struggle

with defining and measuring meaningful parental involvement, and many don't

feel that their efforts are successful. The involvement of parents has a really big

impact to student behavior as they are allowed and have the right to correct the

actions done by their children. Being a student, the guidance that needed to be

strengthen is the parent’s guidance. It can build long-lasting relationship towards

the students to their parents. They will be open to each other and that is the

effective way of communicating to your child about their school activities. This is

the sufficient way to be updated to your children. Yet, some schools are still

struggling in implementing parental unsuccessful. This review is concerned with

parental involvement for school-aged children. We comprehensively survey the

economic literature on the topic, and selectively review theoretical and empirical

studies outside economics. Studies on the spontaneous involvement of parents

can answer questions on why parents become involved. On the other hand,

recent local and national reforms can improve our understanding of the extent to

which children’s success is influenced by what parents do. We use this distinction

to organize the literature and underline the open questions in each field. Several

studies have been conducted to find out students’ academic performance

(Applegate and Daly, 2006; Hedjazi and Omidi, 2008; Ramadan and Quraan,

1994; Al-Rofo, 2010; Torki, 1988; Hijaz and Naqvi, 2006; Naser and Peel, 1998;

Abdullah, 2005). All these studies engaged the Grade Point Average (GPA) as a

common indicator of the performance of the students. Kochhar (2000) says

proper guidance is necessary to help the students with problems like lack of

correlation between talent and achievement, faulty study practice, imperfect

methods of learning. Researches have demonstrated that the performance of the

students depended upon several factors like, learning facilities, age and gender

differences. The most significant factor with the positive outcome on the

performance of the students is competence of students in English. Students

having good communication skills it expands the students’ performance

(Abdullah, 2011). William & Burden (1997) found that language classrooms

inculcate confidence among students to use the new language to communicate,

to discuss, to try new ways of conveying meanings and to be trained from

failures and successes. Robert and Sampson (2011) investigated that the

students who effectively participate in the learning procedure are seen to have a

higher CGPA (cumulative grade point average). Noble (2006), found that

academic activities of students, perceptions of their adapting strategies and


back-ground qualities (for example family pay, direction from parents, number of

negative circumstances in the house and parents’ level of education) were

indirectly connected to their compound scores, during academic achievement in

secondary school. Direction is a component through which a student knows how

to progress his study approach and study schedule and is directly corresponding

to academic accomplishment. The students who are appropriately guided by

their guardians have done well in the exams. The direction from the educator

also influences performance of the students. The guidance from the guardians

and the educators indirectly influence the students’ per-formance (Hussain,

2006). Raychauduri et al. (2010) examined that various studies have been

concluded to recognize those variables which are influencing academic

performance of the students. The academic performance of the students also

relies on a various socioeconomic variable like students’ participation in the class,

family pay, and teacher-student ratio, presence of qualified teachers in school

and gender of the student. Several studies have also been done on the impact of

peer influence on student performance (Gonzales et. al., 1996; Goethals, 2001;

Hanushek et. al, 2002) investigated that peer influence has more influential

effects than family. Peer help was positively associated with the students’

average grade point. Giuliodori, Lujan and DiCarlo (2006) found that through

peer interaction, students might increase their According to Kathleen V. Hoover-

Dempsey and Howard M. Sandler, in articles published in 1995 and 1997, defined

parental involvement broadly to include home-based activities (e.g., helping with


homework, discussing school events or courses) and school-based activities

(e.g., volunteering at school, coming to school events). They argued that

parental involvement is a function of a parent's beliefs about parental roles and

responsibilities, a parent's sense that she can help her children succeed in

school, and the opportunities for involvement provided by the school or teacher.

In this theory, when parents get involved, children's schooling is affected

through their acquisition of knowledge, skills, and an increased sense of

confidence that they can succeed in school.

The influence of parental involvement on a student’s academic success

should not be underestimated. Parents give a big impact to a child because it

shows how they care about their child’s education. It makes the children

appreciate the importance of education and help them to understand that what

they are doing has a purpose. Children whose parents stay involved are more

likely to have higher self-esteem, be disciplined, have more self-motivation and

tend to achieve better grades, regardless of their ethnic, social or racial


Joyce L. Epstein, in a 1995 article and a 2001 book titled School, Family,

and Community Partnerships, argued that school, family, and community are

important "spheres of influence" on children's development and that a child's

educational development is enhanced when these three environments work

collaboratively toward shared goals. Epstein encouraged schools to create

greater "overlap" between the school, home, and community through the

implementation of activities across six types of involvement: parenting,

communication, volunteering, learning at home, decision-making, and

collaboration with the community. By implementing activities across all six types

of involvement, educators can help improve student achievement and

experiences in school.

Schools should encourage a healthy parental involvement through events and

volunteer opportunities, but sometimes it's up to th


e parents to involve themselves with their children's education. You can

ensure that your child receives the benefits from parental involvements by

staying up to date on what is happening in the classroom, helping your child with

school opportunities and knowing correct safety procedure for the school.

Parents and educators should teach the proper discipline to a child for them to

take the responsibilities because nowadays, parents sometimes tolerate the child

behavior easily. Parental involvement helps a child to reflect to his or her


Related Studies

Avvisati, Francesco & Besbas, Bruno & Guyon, Nina. (2011). Parental

Involvement in School: Parents are actively involved in their children’s education

at all ages, and school-based parental involvement programmers are in fashion

in developed countries. Yet so far, economists have devoted little attention to

determinants, levels and effects of parental involvement.skills on solving

qualitative problems. Peer teaching will also encourage student’s participation

(Rao and Di Carlo 2000). Rangvid, B. S. (2003) found that mixing skills influence

weak students positively on the other hand the results for brilliant students were

found negative. Goethals (2001) found that homogeneous group students do

better than heterogeneous group students. Al-Otaibi (1996) examined the

influence of gender on the student’s performance and found that male students

are not better than female students. Beaumont-Walters, Y., & Soyibo, K. (2001)

explored that student performance is dependent on a socio economic

background like grade level, school type and school location. Tahir, S., & Naqvi,

S. R., (2006) examined that a negative correlation between the family pay and

students’ performance, Socio economic variables like participation in the class,

family salary, and teacher-student ratio, existence of qualified teachers in school,

mother’s and father’ s education, distance of school and gender of students also

influence the students’ performance (Raychau-duri et al., 2010).

According to Patacchini and Zenou (2007), outside the economics of

education, economic scholars have started to become interested in the

determinants of parental involvement in education. In a recent working paper,

study the decisions of parents to become involved as an intergenerational

cultural transmission mechanism. Given the importance of parental involvement

both in everyday life and within the policy debate on education, the relative

silence of economists on this topic.

Schools should encourage a healthy parental involvement through events

and opportunities. Parents and educators should teach the child well, so that the

child will have to encourage on to have an inspiration to their duties or task in

school, and also to maintain their grade or consistency. Also the student will

influence to their performance, students having good communication skills

expands their performance.

According to Bangertz-Drowns, in article published in 1986, defined as

having strong moderating effect on the correlation coefficients between parental


involvement and students’ academic achievement, average correlation

coefficients were then obtained for each level of the study feature (eg., average

correlation between parental involvement operationally defined as parental

supervision). This average is used as the best estimate for the relationship

between parental involvement and students’ academic achievement for the

specific condition.

In the study-effects meta-analysis, each study contributed only one

correlation coefficient between parental involvement and students’ academic

achievement. In cases which a study reported multiple correlation coefficients

between parental involvement and students’ academic achievement, all

correlations within each study were average before conducting other analyses.

Theoretical Framework
This study is anchored on the theory of Piaget (1981). The cognitive

Development Theory by Piaget is based on the children active learning and it

emphasizes the constructive role of experience with peers and family members.

According to this theory, young children are active learners with a constant

drive to their internal constructions (their own view of the real world) and

external constructions (the external realities they face within their surroundings)

(Piaget,1981). These abets the children to their perspective of the internal

constructions and it may influence their environment towards their academic

performance. The more the children is involved to their parents, they can easily

correct themselves if they committed wrongdoings. It enhances the relationship


between the parents and children through their support in the school activities of

their children.

Definition of Terms

Parent Involvement. Parents relationship to their children in terms of

school activity. As used in this research, it pertains to the involvement of the

parents to the students of Strategic Project Management Academy Inc. year

2021-2022 to their academic performance.

Academic Achievement. The student’s achievement in school, the

successes of the activities. As used in the study, student’s behavior and

performance in school activities.

School Performance. The students’ performance in school activities and

performances. As used in this study, this refers to the achievement the students

have reached when parent involvement is applies.

Student Challenges. A student calls to take part in a contest or

competition, especially a duel. The trials in school that the student faced.

School Programs. Ministry of education which determines the learning

progress of each subject in all stages of formal educations. Utilized to develop

school programs associated parental involvement in school activities decisions

and homework.

Chapter III

Research Methodology

This chapter examines in detail the methodology used in carrying out the

study. It covers the following aspects: Research Design, Research Environment,

Research Respondents, Research Instrument and Data Collection Procedure. The

researcher has discussed these aspects by highlighting the reasons why some

techniques were selected for the research design.

Research Design

The researchers made a descriptive survey method used to assess the

parental involvement towards the level of performance of the students. As well

as to help the researchers get the best-served answers needed for the problem

of the study.

Research Respondents

The participants of this research are the students in the Senior High School

Department coming from Grade 11 students major in the Accountancy, Business

and Management.

Research Environment

The researchers will conduct the study in SPM Academy Inc. The campus is

located at Sacris Road, Corner Basubas St. Tipolo Mandaue City, Cebu. The Spm

Academy Inc. offers Elementary, Junior High School, and Senior High School.

The researchers conducted this study within the school premises only.

Research Instrument

The researchers designed a questionnaire as a method to collect data from

this study. The questions aim to elicit relevant information concerning the

parent’s involvement towards the level performance of the grade 11 ABM

students. The instrument was structured as a question and answer test that lets

the respondents answer honestly as possible, they can be.

Due to the pandemic, the researchers will be able to conduct the interview

either personally or by using modern technology such as recorded through

Google forms. Each interview will be recorded to ensure that the gathered data

is complete and not manipulated by the interviewer. The key variables in this

study were measured by a self-report questionnaire. The first parts of the

instrument includes demographic characteristics of name, gender, age, grade

and section and ask if the respondent is an aspiring for honors or if they are only

a regular student.

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