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; GLUL2023 SULIT/CONFIDENTIAL ”_PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR SEMESTER PERTAMA SES 2014/2015 FINAL EXAMINATION FIRST SEMESTER SESSION 2014/2015 + 6 JANUARI/ JANUARY 2018 (SELASA! TUESDAY). + 9.00 PAGI / AM — 12.00 TENGAHARI / NOON (3 JAM/ HOURS) 1. cots sola it engachg EMEA) soelen ol is LINN (®) Nelamen etc te te aa ee This book script contains FOUR (4) questions in FIVE (5) printed pages excluding the cover page. SANGANBURAIKER TAS Far RK SBSNINISELINGGAEIS DIBERI ARAHAN DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAMINATION PAPER UNTIL SULIT/CONFIDENTIAL (GLUL2023 Undang,-Undang Perniagaan SOALAN SATUIQUESTION ONE i, _Bjensi boleh terbentuk secara ratifikasi, Ratifikasi adalah mengesahkan sesuatu perbuatan yang tidak dibenarkan atau tidak wajar pada asalnya. Jelaskan TUSUH (7) syarat ratifikasi berdasarkan peruntukan undang-undang yang relevan di dalam Akta Kontrak 1950 dan kes-kes yang telah diputuskan, Agency can be created by ratification. Ratification is the approval of unauthorized or ‘improper conduct performed in the first instance, Elaborate SEVEN (7) conditions of ratification based on the relevant provisions in the Contracts Act 1950 and decided cases, (18 markah/marks) Kuasa zahir boleh wujud dalam DUA (2) situasi. Terangkan situasi-situasi tersebut berdasarkan peruntukan undang-undang yang relevan di dalam Akta Kontrak 1950 dan kes-kes yang berkaitan. Apparent authority can exist in TWO (2) situations. Explain the situations according 10 the relevant provisions in the Contracts Act 1950 and related cases. (7 markah/marks) SOALAN DUA/QUESTION TWO Lee Minho, seorang pemilik sebuah syarikat peralatan kaca yang berjaya iaitu Tuptupware telah lama berurusan dengan Aishwarya, pemilik pusat membeli-belah Herots Sendirian Berhad (HSB) bagi membekalkan peralatan kaca kepada HSB. Sema urusniaga mereka kebiasaannya dibuat melalui pembayaran cek oleh Aishwarya kepada Lee Minho. Baru-baru ini, Lee Minho telah membekalkan peralatan kaca yang berjumlah RM100,000.00 kepada pusat membeli-belah HSB. Walau bagaimanapun, pada kali ini Aishwarya telah membuat pembayaran melalui sekeping bil pertukaran. Bil pertukaran itu telah ditulis dengan perkataan “Bayar Lee Minho RM100,000.00, ditolak dengan apa-apa oleh Lee Minho kepada saya”. Lee Minho enggan menerima bil pertukaran itu kerana dia jumiah yang mungkin terhutang ragu-ragu sama ada ia sah atau tidak. (GLUL2023 Undang-Undang Perniogaan Sementara itu, Lee Minho juga telah melancarkan beberapa Koleksi kotak kaca bagi hadiah pengantin. Seorang pelanggannya, Ella Maendong telah menempah koleksi kotak kaca Lovely Momento sebanyak 5000 unit dan mengeluarkan sekeping bil pertukaran bagi tujuan pembeyaran. Arahan dalam bil pertukaran itu menyatakan “Bayar Lee Minho pada atau sebelum 1 November 2014”. Lee Minho enggan menerima bil pertukaran tersebut atas alasan ia tidak sah. Pada masa yang sama, Jep, seorang pemilik syarikat komputer telah menuntut pembayaran sebanyak RM12,000.00 bagi peralatan komputer yang telah dijual kepada syarikat Lee Minho. Lee Minho mengeluarkan sekeping bil pertukazan bagi tujuan pembayaran tetapi tidak meletakkan tarikh atas bil itu. Jep enggan menerima dan mendakwa bil pertukaran itu tidak sah kerana bil itu tidak bertarikh, Walau bagaimanapun, Lee Minho mendesak bahawa bil pertukaran itu sah, Nasihatkan Lee Minho dan sokong jawapan-jawapan anda dengan peruntukan undang- undang dan kes-kes yang berkaitan, Lee Minho, the owner of a successful glassware appliances’ company, Tuptupware has long been dealing with Aishwarya, the owner of Herots Sendirian Berhad (HSB) shopping mall, Jor supplying glassware appliances to HSB. Ail their transactions had usually been done by cheque by Aishwarya to Lee Minko. Recently, Lee Minho supplied glassware appliances ‘amounting to RM100,000.00 to HSB. However, this time Aishwarya had made payment through a bill of exchange. The bill of exchange had been writen with the words “Pay Lee Minho RM100,000.00, off-setting any amount possibly owed by Lee Minho to me". Lee Minho refused to accept the bill of exchange as he doubts whether itis valid or not. Inthe meantime, Lee Minho also launched a few collections of glass box for bridal gift. One of his customers, Ella Maendong had booked 5000 units of Lovely Momento glass box collection and issued a bill of exchange for the purpose of payment. The instruction on the bill of exchange stated “Pay Lee Minho on or before 1 November 2014”. Lee Minho refused to accept the bill of exchange on the reason that it is invalid. GLUL2023 Undang-Undang Perriagaan At the same time, Jep, an owner of a computer's company claimed for the payment amounting to RM12,000.00 for computer appliances which had been sold to Lee Minho’s company. Lee Minho issued a bill of exchange for the purpose of payment but did not put the date for the bill. Jep refused ta accept and claimed that the bill of exchange was invalid since it was undated. However, Lee Minho insisted that the bil of exchange was valid. Advise Lee Minho and support your answers with the relevant statutory provisions and cases (25 markah/marks) SOALAN TIGA/ QUESTION THREE i, Huraikan maksud barangan kualiti dagangan. Sokong jawapan anda dengan DUA (2) kes yang beskaitan. Elaborate on the meaning of good merchantable quality. Support your answer with TWO (2) relevant cases. (5 markab/marks) ii, Dengan merujuk kepada Akta Jualan Barang 1957 dan kes-kes yang berkaitan, bincangkan perkara-perkara berikut :- With reference to the Sale of Goods Act 1957 and relevant cases, discuss the followings: a) TIGA (8) pengecualian kepada kaedah ‘nemo dat quod non habet’; THREE (3) exceptions to the rule of ‘nemo dat quod non habet’; (12 markab/marks) b) — Waranti tersirat berhubung dengan pemilikan aman barang; dan Implied warranty relating to quiet possession of the goods; and (4 markah/marks) GLUL2023 Undang-Undang Perniagaan ©) waranti tersirat berhubung dengan barang bebas daripada sebarang bebanan. implied warranty that the goods are unencumbered. (4 markah/marks) SOALAN EMPAT/ QUESTION FOUR Ah Pong menggunakan lori untuk mengangkut baja ke kebunnya setiap hari. Lori tersebut adalah di bawah perjanjian sewa beli dengan Syarikat Thian Sdn Bhd (STSB) selama lima tahun dan akan menjadi hak milik Ah Pong selepas tamat perjanjian sewa beli pada Oktober 2018. Pada Mei 2015, kebun Ah Pong musnah ‘membayar sewa lori tersebut selama dua bulan, Pada Ogos 2015 dengan tanpa sebarang notis, isebabkan banjir besar dan dia gagal tiga orang agen STSB cuba merampas lori tersebut dengan menggunakan parang dan Ah Pong terpaksa mengusir mereka dengan menggunakan kekerasan. Syarikat STSB tidak berpuas hati dengan keadaan tersebut dan ingin mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap Ah Pong kerana menghalangnya dari mengambil kembali lori tersebut. Sementara itu, Ah Pong juga memiliki sebuah van yang disewa dari syarikat STSB bagi tujuan penghantaran tepung kek ke setiap kedai kek di Alor Setar. Mengikut perjanjian sewa beli, perjanjian akan tamat pada November 2017. Pada Januari 2017, Ah Pong mengidap serangan jantung dan meninggal dunia seminggu selepas itu. Selepas dua bulan tidak ada pembayaran, STSB telah menghantar notis ingin mengambil semula van tersebut. Alice, anak Ah Pong tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan STSB dan menyatakan bahawa notis tersebut tidsk sab, Alice juga mendakwa bahawa dia berhak untuk meneruskan perjanjian sewa beli tersebut sekiranya hutang dapat dibayar. Nasihatkan Alice mengenai permasalahan-permasalahan di atas. Ah Pong uses a lorry to transport the fertilizer to his farm every day. The lorry was under a hire purchase agreement with Syarikat Thian Sdn Bhd (STSB) for five years and will be wholly owned by Ah Pong afer the hire purchase agreement ended in October 2018. On May 2015, Ah Pong’s farm was destroyed by big flood and he failed to pay the instalments for two GLUL2023 Undang- Undang Perniagaan months, In August 2015 and without any notice, three agents from STSB tried to repossess the lorry using machete and Ah Pang, used force to evict them. STSB Company is not satisfied with that situation and wanted to take legal action towards Ah Pong for preventing them from repossessing that lorry. Meanwhile, Ah Pong also has a van that he hired from STSB for the purpose of delivering flour cake to all cake shops in Alor Setar. According to the hire purchase agreement, the agreement will ends in November 2017. On January 2017, Ah Pong had heart attack and a week afier that he passed away. After did not receive payment for two months, STSB sent a notice to repossess that van. Alice, Ah Pong daughter did not agreed with STSB's action and claims that the notice is invalid Alice also claims that she has right 10 continue that agreement. Advice Alice regarding the above problems (25 markah/marks)

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