English 10 Formative Assessment: Quarter 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
Division of DAVAO DE ORO
Monkayo West District
Monkayo National High School
Monkayo, Davao de Oro
English 10
Formative Assessment
Quarter 1

Name: ______________________________________________ Section: _____________________ Date: _________________

I- Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
(From Quarter 1_Module 1)
1. Why is Davao City placed under “very high-risk” category?
a. because it is declared by the city government
b. because of the significant number of cases of Corona virus disease
c. because some people failed to follow the regulations
d. because the city needs strict implementations
2. In what areas are unnecessary travels not allowed?
a. Very high risk and high risk c. High risk and moderate risk
b. Very high risk and moderate risk d. Very high risk, high risk, and moderate risk
3. What does ECQ stand for?
a. Extreme Community Quarantine c. Elevated Community Quarantine
b. Enhanced Community Quarantine d. Emerging Community Quarantine
4. When was the classification of barangays identified?
a. It was identified after the ECQ was lifted.
b. It was identified after the lifting of the district clustering.
c. It was identified when the president declared that the city is under GCQ.
d. It was identified after series of consultations was made by the city government.
5. What directive is stipulated in Executive Order No. 33?
a. To allow food deliveries to enter private subdivisions
b. To strictly implement the clustering system
c. To place the entire city under General Community Quarantine
d. To place the entire city under Enhanced Community Quarantine
6. What agency recommended the implementation of EO 33?
a. DOH b. DENR c. 911 d. IATF-EID
7. The following factors categorize a barangay as very high-risk EXCEPT:
a. The population density is greater than 800.
b. Comprising the number of the general community quarantine (GCQ) violations is greater than 200 cases.
c. Total confirmed cases is greater than or equal to 10 cases.
d. Attack rate per 1,000 population is greater than two.
8. What is the purpose of the text? (what text)
a. to inspire b. to persuade c. to inform d. to entertain
9. What is a corona virus?
a. Corona virus is a new strain that has not previously been seen in animals.
b. It is a virus that was originated in Asia.
c. It is a virus that was identified in China at the end of 2019 that circulate among animals.
d. Corona virus is a virus found among animals but some of them also affect humans.
10. How is it transmitted?
a. It is transmitted via respiratory droplets. c. It is transmitted through sharing personal things.
b. It is transmitted through the bacteria in the water. d. It is transmitted via insect bite.
11. The following are ways to prevent Covid 19, EXCEPT?
a. Avoid contact with sick people. c. Avoid contact with animals.
b. Wash your hands with soap and water. d. If you develop cough, use a medical face mask.
12. What is the infographics about?
a. The infographics is about the information related to Covid 19.
b. The infographics is about the Dos and Don’ts of being a Covid 19 patient.
c. The infographics is about avoiding getting the virus.
d. The infographics is about the origin of the corona virus disease.
13. Do you think this info comes from a reliable source? Why?
a. No, because it lacks more explanation.
b. No, because it only includes few information about the topic.
c. Yes, because it contains facts about the virus, and supported by valuable data.
d. Yes, because the information is enough for people to understand.
14. What are the two vital things for our region to thrive under the new normal?
a. Cohesive and responsive ASEAN. c. Greater cooperation and connectivity of ASEAN.
b. Faith and Determination of the leaders. d. Good planning and implementation
15. The following were mentioned as the vulnerabilities revealed by Covid -19, EXCEPT?
a. Exposed the limitations of healthcare and social protection systems
b. Laid bare the precarious situation of our workers at home and abroad
c. The viability of our micro, small and medium enterprises
d. The weaknesses of import and export system of the economy
16. What can be contributed by research and capacity-building on health technology development?
a. It can be a source of revenue from newly discovered medicines.
b. It can provide greater opportunity for scientists to develop prevention from different diseases.
c. It can stop the spread of any forms of infectious diseases.
d. It can address infectious diseases and outbreaks in the future.
17. Which of the following activities during pandemic best promotes preservation of nature?
a. The people’s adoption of green alternatives.
b. The people’s way of staying at home and spend more time with family.
c. The decrease of energy consumption resulting to the reduction of pollution.
d. Both a and c are correct.
For number 18.
“The pandemic has not killed terrorism. It remains alive, lurking in the shadows. In some countries, terrorist elements strike
even during government relief operations. At a time of great need, these acts are unconscionable.”
18. What is the purpose of the statement?
a. To persuade other leaders to help stop terrorism in the face of health crisis.
b. To inform all the leaders that terrorism is still evident in spite of these trying times.
c. To express frustration behind the terrorist’s inconsiderate deeds.
d. To call for peace during this health crisis.
19. What is meant by the underlined words in the sentence below?
“The Great Powers will continue to draw us into their respective camps. We should continue to nimbly engage them in
ways that most [benefit us].” No underlined words
a. Dangerous weapons c. Influential countries
b. Supreme being d. Terrorists
20. What was urged by the President for the countries to follow behind the issue on the South China Seas?
a. Code of Conduct
b. ASEAN TVET Council
c. International Law
d. 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea
(From Quarter 1_Module 2)
21. What textual aid serves as a tool to graphically represent the order of steps in a process and/or a timeline of events?
a. Sequence Chart c. Concept Map
b. Cause-and-Effect Diagram d. Compare and Contrast/Venn Diagram
22. Which textual aid highlights the direct relationship between different events or concepts?
a. Sequence Chart c. Concept Map
b. Cause-and-Effect Diagram d. Compare and Contrast/Venn Diagram
23. What textual aid is used to identify the similarities and differences between two or more concepts?
a. Sequence Chart c. Concept Map
b. Cause-and-Effect Diagram d. Compare and Contrast/Venn Diagram
24. Which textual aid is appropriate to use if a learner wants to share the steps of writing an informative speech?
a. Sequence Chart c. Concept Map
b. Cause-and-Effect Diagram d. Compare and Contrast/Venn Diagram
25. Which textual aid is commonly used when a teacher would like to explain the reasons and some impacts of being an out-of-
school youth?
a. Sequence Chart c. Concept Map
b. Cause-and-Effect Diagram d. Compare and Contrast/Venn Diagram
26. Which textual aid is generally used when you would like to present some supporting details on the importance of social
a. Sequence Chart c. Concept Map
b. Cause-and-Effect Diagram d. Compare and Contrast/Venn Diagram
I- B. Encircle the correct conceptual meaning of the following words:
27. Poverty- a. It is the state of being inferior in quality or insufficient in amount.
b. It is the state of being superior in quality or sufficient in amount.
c. It is having a capability of providing the daily basic needs of a family.
d. It is having the sufficient amount of resources to support the family.
28. Resources- a. These are the programs implemented by the government for sustainability.
b. These are the interventions given to the people to fight against poverty.
c. These are the projects designed by the local government for development.
d. These are the materials and/or other assets necessary for effective operation.
29. Government- a. The movement of a community towards gender equality.
b. The governing body of a nation, state, or community.
c. A program of a particular community against terrorism.
d. A basic unit of society which serves as foundation of a nation.
30. Infrastructure-a. The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities
b. The psychological and philosophical perspectives of a nation.
c. The scientific and developmental movement of a government.
d. The cultural and economic programs of any local government.
31. Microfinance-a. It is a government banking system which supports its employees.
b. It is a nationwide advocacy to fight against economic deprivation.
c. It is a type of banking service provided to low-income individuals.
d. It is a type of business which protects the small medium enterprises.
32. Conscientious-a. It is wishing to do what is right, especially to do one's work well.
b. It is about fighting for the welfare of women and children.
c. It is a basic political movement which provides quality education.
d. It is an economic intervention which educates young people.
II. Analyze the text, get the main idea of the text and provide at least three(3) possible supporting details to complete the graphic
organizer. (For item numbers 33-36)


numbers 37-40)

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